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Monday, March 21, 2016

Baba story and discourse theft


This email contains two sections:
1. Posting: Baba story and discourse theft
2. Links

Baba Story and discourse theft

This Baba story is not just a story but also the reply to the propaganda by B group.

In 1958, AMPS first gained access to audio recording devices and began using audio reels to record Baba’s discourses. Baba ordered that the original audio recorded version would stand as the mother copy and all translations were to be made from that original language.

But B group was and is spreading the propaganda that all any and all discourses given by Baba should be translated via Bengali and all books should indicate Bengali as being the original language - not the Hindi nor the English audio file.

In the very early years of Ananda Marga when recording devices were not available, i.e. from from 1955 - 58, Baba’s system was that sadhakas noted down His discourses with pen and paper. Then Baba reviewed them in Bengali. So Bengali became the original language of those few select discourses.

That system stopped in 1958 when audio recording devices began being used in AMPS. Then the rule became that all discourses that were recorded on audio machines should be printed "As-Is." Since Baba's order, books like AV-34 (E) have been printed and published in the "As-Is" form.

But B group’s false propaganda message is that all discourses should be marked as "from the original Bengali" - regardless of which language Baba originally delivered the discourse.

This letter deals with this highly significant issue.

History of Baba’s discourses mid 1955-1958

1. Baba delivered nearly all of the DMC discourses for Subhasita Samgraha parts 1 – 6 in Hindi.
2. That was before audio recording devices were available in Ananda Marga.
3. Various margiis noted down Baba’s discourses at DMC and presented them to Baba for publication.
4. Those who noted down the discourses for SS-2 to SS-6 were native Bangla speakers so they wrote their notes in Bengali.
5. Those note-takers missed much of what Baba actually spoke in Hindi.
6. So Baba worked with them in the ensuing days and weeks to make the discourses proper.
7. Because they were native Bangla speakers Baba worked with them in Bengali to finalise those discourses.
8. Baba’s review in Bengali was exhaustive and numerous sections were added.
9. So Baba included an Author’s Note in SS-2 indicating that although the discourses were originally given at DMC in Hindi, one should treat the printed Bengali version as the original. Because an audio recording was not made of the original Hindi DMC discourse and Baba made many updates to their notes in Bengali.

Note: Most are aware that this issue has been fought over for 26 years. Those with deeper interest should please write us – and we will provide you with all the relevant documents. This is not a language issue; rather, maintaining the authenticity of Baba’s discourses is what is at stake.

Back in the early days, before there was the recording technology in Ananda Marga to audio record discourses, Baba delivered DMC pravacans that became part of the Subhasita Samgraha series of publications – specifically part 1 to part 6.

How SS 2-6 were written before 1958

In particular, those discourses of Subhasita Samgraha parts 2 – 6 were originally given by Baba in Hindi at the DMC venue. Those discourses were not recorded on audio because reels and cassettes were still not available those days in Ananda Marga. So some people were assigned to note down the discourses with pen and paper. Since those note-takers could not properly write down all that Baba spoke, it was needed to check over the accuracy and completeness of their notes. Ultimately, Baba had to expound greatly on the topic as the Bengali notes of Har Govind Mandal ji and Sushil Dhar ji were just bits and pieces of what Baba had actually spoken.

Now here comes more about the discourses in SS parts 2 – 6.

Baba updated SS-2 during lunchtime in the 1956 era

Here is the story how both Har Govind Mandal ji and Sushil Dhar ji could only note down bits and pieces of what Baba had actually spoken at the time of DMC. They were native Bangla speakers who would regularly take dictation from Baba in the Jamalpur railway office during lunchtime. He would sit under the tree when the weather was good - and when the weather was not accommodating then He would give dictation at His desk in the railway office.

And sometimes Baba would sit under the tree at night with an oil lamp and give them dictation after Field Walk.

In the case of those DMC discourses that eventually became Subhasita Samgraha parts 2 – 6, Har Govind Mandal ji and Sushil Dhar ji noted down those discourses when they were originally given by Baba in Hindi at DMC. But Har Govind Mandal ji and Sushil Dhar ji were unable to capture all of what Baba spoke - they only noted down bits and pieces. And those notes were in Bengali, even though Baba primarily delivered those discourses in Hindi.

So to prepare the discourse for publication, Baba would orally update their notes in Bengali and they would write down Baba's updates in Bengali. This was done for the ease and efficiency of those native Bangla speakers who were taking down Baba’s dictation. Specifically, Baba was involved in updating and correcting their notes that would eventually comprise the published discourses of Subhasita Samgraha parts 2 - 6. And, as stated, most of this was done during lunchtime at the Jamalpur Railway Office or in the evenings.

The key point here is that both Har Govind Mandal ji and Sushil Dhar ji were native Bangla speakers. And Baba had to expound greatly on the topic as the Bengali notes of Har Govind Mandal ji and Sushil Dhar ji were just bits and pieces of what Baba had actually spoken in Hindi at the time of DMC.

So for their ease and accuracy, Baba worked with them in updating their notes in Bangla.

This entire process occurred because at that time Ananda Marga did not have the capability of audio recording Baba DMC discourses. That technology was brought into our Ananda Marga later on.

Why SS-2 discourses became very lengthy

Thus for parts 2 – 6 of the Subhasita Samgraha series, Baba graciously offered more illustration and explanation. Over the course of many sessions, Baba worked with Har Govind Mandal ji and Sushil Dhar ji to ensure the topic was clearly presented. In that way, those discourses grew in size.

Indeed in parts Subhasita Samgraha parts 2 – 6, the chapters (i.e. discourses) became very lengthy. Some were even 35 pages or or more in length. That is why in those books there are only 4 – 5 discourses per book. Because Baba elaborated greatly while editing the notes of Har Govind Mandal ji and Sushil Dhar ji, and all that work was done in Bengali because those two brothers were native Bangla speakers. Although Baba delivered those discourses in Hindi at DMC, those brothers could not fully write down everything during the time of DMC itself. Thus Baba worked with them later on in Bengali to prepare those discourses for publication.

Because of the sheer length of the discourses, SS parts 2 – 6 contain only 4 or 5 chapters, i.e. discourses. To be exact, SS-2 has five discourses, SS 3-5 have four discourses, and SS-6 has five discourses.

The reason why there are less discourses in SS parts 2 – 6 is because Baba clarified and elaborated upon their notes. What Har Govind Mandal ji and Sushil Dhar ji noted down at DMC was just bits and pieces of what Baba spoke. And those notes were enlarged upon when Baba was finalising the discourse. And all that work was done in Bengali.

Hence, at the end of that process, they were no longer Hindi discourses since Baba had expounded on the topic in Bengali. That is why for parts 2 – 6 of the Subhasita Samgraha series, Bengali is treated as the original language.

And remember, this whole scene occurred because Ananda Marga did not have access to audio recording equipment in those early days.

SS-7 recorded on reel-to-reel machines 1958

By the time Baba was delivering the discourses for SS parts 7 1958 then recording devices had come into vogue. So those discourses were recorded on reel-to-reel machines. In that case, whatever language in which Baba spoke remained the original language of the discourse. Because there was an actual audio recording. So those discourses were to be printed “as is”.

Why SS-2 Hindi discourse treated as original Bengali

With the introduction of recording devices, Baba was able to direct His precious time to other pursuits like organisational reporting etc, since He no longer had to endure hours and days of editing work with those who had partially noted down His discourses.

For all these reasons, at the beginning of the Bengali and Hindi editions of Subhasita Samgraha part 2, Baba has inserted an Author’s Note stating that the discourses were originally delivered in Hindi but had been updated in Bengali. For this reason, for parts 2 – 6, parts of the Subhasita Samgraha series, Baba had expounded on the topic in Bengali. Thus Bengali is treated as the original language. But that is only because in Ananda Marga we did not yet have audio recording devices 

Very important Author’s Note in SS-2

Here is why the Author's Note in Subhasita Samgraha part 2 states that the Bengali is now the original version of this book.

1. There was no audio recording of the original Hindi delivered at the DMC that time because such machines were not yet available in Ananda Marga.

2. Those taking notes when Baba delivered the discourse in Hindi – i.e. Har Govind Mandal ji and Sushil Dhar ji – could not properly write everything down.

3. Baba worked with a dictation team whose mother tongue was Bengali to finalise the discourses.

4. Baba had to expound greatly on the topic as their Bengali notes were just bits and pieces of what Baba had actually spoken. There were many points that were lost and not noted by those note-takers during the original Hindi discourse.

5. This was done only because those days they did not have the means in Ananda Marga to make an audio recording of Baba’s original discourse. Thus, the SS-2 Author's Note states that Bengali is the original version.

So again, it was only in this unique instance, regarding Subhasita Samgraha parts 2 – 6, that Baba told that the original should be Bengali. Naturally, as soon as discourses began being audio recorded at DMC, then the original language was always maintained.

Thus Subhasita Samgraha series parts 2 – 6 do not stand as a precedent. Rather this was an exception to the norm and the proof is that Baba Himself inserted an Author’s Note to clarify the matter.

Why it is linguistic chauvinism

Once the discourses began being recorded via audio reels or cassettes, Baba ordered that the original audio recorded version stand as the mother copy and all translations were made from that original language.

But now opportunists are taking over and painting everything in the colour of Bangalisation – by making the ridiculous claim that the Bengali version should be looked upon as the original for every discourse, even if it was recorded and given by Baba in another language. This is their ludicrous proposition. Obviously it is wrong and against Baba’s order.

So there is no value to the claim that Bengali should always be treated as the original language for all of Baba’s discourses. This is 100% false.

We must have this weapon in mind to fight against discourse theft. That is the only way to save Sadguru Baba’s discourses from linguistic chauvinism.

in Him,
Sudiipta Ghosal

Naginaji and Prof Indradeva Gupta - also noted down discourses

For all the discourses in Subhasita Samgraha parts 1, Baba originally delivered those pravacans in Hindi.

Because native Hindi speakers – i.e. Naginaji and Prof Indradeva Gupta - noted down the DMC discourses for Subhasita Samgraha-1, there is no Author’s note like SS-2. Because for SS-1, Baba delivered the discourse in Hindi, reviewed their notes in Hindi, and did final review in Hindi.

Very important scan of Author's Note SS-2

This is a well-known fact. Here is the scan of Baba’s Author’s Note from Subhasita Samgraha Part 2 Hindi 1968 3rd edition:


Note 1: What is the Bangalisation / Bangalization of an English discourse?

It is when Baba spoke in English and that English discourse is not directly transcribed and printed in English. Rather that original English discourse is translated into Bengali. And then from that translated Bengali version it is double-translated back into English and then finally printed in English. This entire process of ruining Baba’s original discourse is known as the Bangalisation / Bangalization of Baba’s English discourse.

What is the Bangalisation / Bangalization of a Hindi discourse?

It is when Baba spoke in Hindi and that Hindi discourse is not directly transcribed and printed in Hindi. Rather that original Hindi discourse is translated into Bengali. And then from that translated Bengali version it is double-translated back into Hindi and then finally printed in Hindi. This entire process of ruining Baba’s original discourse is known as the Bangalisation / Bangalization of Baba’s Hindi discourse.

Bangalisation / Bangalization analogy

By simple analogy, one can understand what Bangalisation / Bangalization is. Suppose you have a white t-shirt that you wish to wear. Then suppose there is a dogmatic belief (Bangalisation / Bangalization) that this shirt should first be placed in a bucket of black charcoal. And by so doing the shirt became filthy black. The original white color became permanently lost. So "via Bangla" is like that. When Baba's original Hindi is filtered through a Bangla translation to make the printed Hindi, then in that process Baba's original Hindi words get completely lost. And that is what happened with this discourse.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Four things


This email contains four sections:
1. Hindi Quote: काम-काज नहीं
2. PS #2027: Besides you and I there is nothing else in this tribhuvan
3. Important Teaching: Misunderstanding about Radha
4. Links

काम-काज नहीं

“यह जो "मैंपन" का बोध है, यह जो "मैंपन" है, यही है, मन का प्राथमिक स्तर है, प्राथमिक पहलू है | और इसी के अन्दर छिपे हुए हैं, वे परमपुरुष जो जीवों के साथ लुका-चोरी का खेल खेलना पसन्द करते हैं | क्यों पसन्द करते हैं ? उसमें जगत्‌ में, जीवन में एक आकर्षण आ जाता है | लोग दुनिया में रहना चाहता है, दुनिया में आनन्द पाता है | और इसलिए इसके अन्दर छिपे हुए हैं | इस मननशीलता के अन्दर, इस मनन के प्राथमिक भाव के अन्दर छिपे हुए रहते हैं |  वे अगर नहीं रहते, तो मन अपना काम-काज नहीं कर सकता | इसलिए हर-हालत में इनसान को यह बात याद रखनी है कि हमारा मन, यह जो मन काम कर रहा है, वैयष्टिक तथा सामूहिक मन, इस मन के पीछे प्रेरणादायी सत्ता हैं, वही परमसत्ता | इसलिए हम सब सोच सकते हैं उन्हीं की बदौलत, उनकी कृपा नहीं रहने से, हम सब सोच तक नहीं सकते हैं, तो, उनको हम भूलें कैसे ? और पग-पग में श्वास-प्रश्वास की क्रिया में हमें चाहिए कि उनको याद करें, उनका जप करें, उनका ध्यान करें |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] 

1. हिंदी, अप्रकाशित 29 May 1983 Ananda Nagar

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Besides you and I there is nothing else in this tribhuvan

"Tumi ácho ámio áchi, ár keu nei e tribhuvane,..."  (Prabhat Samgiita #2027)


O' Parama Purusa, I love You so much. In this entire universe - throughout this tribhuvan [1] - only You and I exist. There is nothing else in this whole universe except You and I. You have brought me here in this life. Baba with Your love and compassion You are helping me, always keeping me under Your shelter. By Your divine grace I always receive Your tender love and care - both in times of great joy, as well as in times of intense suffering. Always, in each and every circumstance, I feel Your sweet and loving presence. In our closeness only You and I exist- in this whole universe there is none besides You.

O' Parama Purusa, please grace me, so I may receive Your blissful touch in the effulgence of the new dawn. Your charming smile gets expressed in the blossom of the lily and in the flowering of the lotus. In the dry, burning desert You are the soothing balm. In that unbearable heat, You provide a cool oasis and lush verdant leaves. O' Divine Entity, You are ever gracious. You saturate my dreams with Your supreme love.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, in the form and fragrance of the sweet flowers, You dance and emanate in the vast blue sky. You always manifest Your divine Self in each and every cell of my being - as well as in the most distant corner of my mind. Baba, Your magnanimous effulgent smile shines like a blissful lightening bolt throughout my entire existence - inside and out, as well as in each and every pore of this vast, infinite cosmos.

Baba, You are that most effulgent and loving Personality - I surrender at Your altar...

Note for PS #2027:

Tribhuvan / triloka: The prefix "Tri" means 'three' and the term "bhuvan" means 'world'. And here Ananda Marga ideology further clarifies what He exactly means by tribhuvan, or the three worlds:

"Tribhuvana means the expressed world, the psychic world and the astral world or, you may say, Causal World." (1)

This following section about triloka is from general darshan of 16 July 1980 in Patna. The two excerpts cited below define what the three lokas are and where they exist.

What are the three lokas

“The Supreme cognitive faculty is the subjectivity. And the second compartment of His Cosmic Mind takes the form of this moving world, of this animated or inanimated world. Everything resides, everything is created, everything is maintained, everything is nourished, and everything undergoes final metamorphosis within the vast objectivated mind, that is within the second mental counterpart of the Supreme Entity...”

“Now, what's the meaning of triloka, tribhuvana ? You have got a physical body made of so many elements, so many compounds. And we say it is [the] quinquelemental universe, composed of five fundamental factors...”

“And you exist in this realm of physicalities. This is one bhuvana. And, the subtler portion of the physical structure of living beings, when that subtler portion gets powdered down, is metamorphosed into ectoplasm, it becomes the mind. You have got a mind. And as all of you know, you are not the mind. You are the owner of the mind. So, your second existence is the mental world. Second world...”

“Your "I" is concentrated round your ego. And that pinnacled ego touches the astral stratum. So, that astral stratum is the third world. One physical world, another mental world, and another that subtle astral world. So, there are three worlds.” (2)

Where three lokas exist

“Both for microcosm and Macrocosm. In case of Macrocosm, all these three worlds lie within the second compartment of the [Cosmic] mind. First compartment is the cognitive mind. And second compartment is the "done mind", objectivated mind, mind that can be seen, that can be realized, that can be enjoyed singularly. So, these are the three bhuvanas, three worlds.” (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam
2. 16 July 1980 in Patna
3. 16 July 1980 in Patna

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© 2016 Ananda Marga Universal Forum. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga Universal Forum content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga Universal Forum or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga Universal Forum shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga Universal Forum content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga Universal Forum.  

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Misunderstanding about Radha

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Parama Puruśa is the only real entity, the only absolute entity. The further the jiivas move towards Parama Puruśa, the more elevated their minds become. When they reach a very subtle stage of elevation, their concentrated mind-stuff speeds towards Him with the one-pointedness of an arrow. Such a mentality is called Rádhá....What is Rádhá bháva? When devotees feel in their heart of hearts that their existence is meaningless without attaining Lord, that they cannot survive a single moment without feeling His blissful presence, they have attained the stage called Rádhá. Such devotees know nothing other than árádhaná [total mental absorption” (1)

Note: Some ignorant people think that Radha is a female of Vrindaban. But that is not true. 'A-grade' devotees are Radha, whether they are male or female or anyone.

1. NKS, '97 Edn, p. 53-4

== Section 4: Links ==

Friday, March 11, 2016

Very harmful Baba story + 3 more


This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Very harmful Baba story
2. Knowing oneself is the real knowledge - Ananda Vanii
3. Important Teaching: Marriage between males and females not same sex
4. Links

Very harmful Baba story​

A so-called Baba story was recently circulated on WhatsApp about a demonstration Baba gave in 1969 on spirituality. Here is a key excerpt from the so-called Baba story:

"The guru then became very angry and commanded, "You​ [13-year-old boy who had strong pain in his stomach]​ did not obey my order and consumed a coconut presented by the queen. As you disobeyed my instructions, I want you to leave my ashram immediately!" Thus, the poor boy [strong pain in his stomach] was compelled to leave the ashram. For the [13-year-old] boy, the ashram and his guruji were everything! Where would he go? By this time, the pain in his [the small boy’s] stomach had become severe. He then left the ashram premises and walked tearfully to a nearby pond. There he sat down and cried incessantly. The next day, the [13-year-old] boy died. And in his next life, [as punishment for eating the coconut] the [13-year-old boy] was reborn as a coconut tree.”

The excerpt from the so-called Baba story ends here.

Will be reborn as a bug

Comment: According to Ananda Marga samskara theory, if this exact circumstance happened as narrated above, the so-called guru would be punished ​and would be reborn as a bug that lives in sewage. Because at the time of the above incident, the boy was a mere 13-years-old. It was the dereliction of the guru not to give treatment when the boy became sick​. So the guru should have been punished, but instead the child was punished in the so-called Baba story. That is why the story is fake. A 13-year-old boy is just a small child. Such minute mistakes should have been ignored.

Here the so-called guru is guilty for not treating the child who was seriously ill and instead the guru just kicked the boy out from the ashram to die. This is a heinous crime. In the current times, if someone does this then they will be criminally held responsible. If this happened in any civilised country, then the guru ​/ parents, caretakers​ would go to jail for life for the charge of homicide / manslaughter ​of a minor​.


Any story that goes against the fundamentals of Ananda Marga philosophy should be treated as a bad and deceitful story. People should avoid such stories. It is the duty of margiis to reject such stories and not circulate them. Otherwise it will cause a huge philosophical catastrophe ​in Ananda Marga.

Some may have heard this so-called Baba story since long back, so they may have started believing it. Because if one does not know ​Ananda Marga philosophy then whatever story they hear they think is fine. That is what happened here. Those propagating this story were thinking it is proper. This demonstrates that they do not know Ananda Marga philosophy. Above all, back in the day when this demonstration was done, there was no tape recorder etc. There may be some small pieces of the story that are correct but the way it is presented here it contains many loopholes. That is why this so-called Baba story is harmful.

So watch out.

in Him,

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© 2016 Ananda Marga Universal Forum. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga Universal Forum content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga Universal Forum or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga Universal Forum shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga Universal Forum content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga Universal Forum. 

== Section 2: Ananda Vanii ==

Knowing oneself is the real knowledge

“Knowing oneself is the real knowledge; serving all with the ideation of Náráyańa, the real action, and the vow to please Parama Puruśa the real devotion.” (Ananda Vanii #25)

Note: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Marriage between males and females not same sex

Note: In His below teaching, Baba is discussing the history of marriage and guides us that marital relations are between a male and a female. Baba does not mention any other type of arrangement, such as relations between the same sex, either female and female or male and male. Thus, no Ananda Margii should get swept up in the wave of same sex marriage that is happening in the west. Every Ananda Marga should hold firm to Guru’s teachings and adhere to the dharmic tenet that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “To slay the disarmed, to slaughter women, children or old people, to murder those who had surrendered or to kill those running away for their lives from a fight went against the grain of kśatriya conscience. In essence, the valour of the kśatriyas was instrumental in their surpassing the animal stratum as they learnt to understand human values. It was this sense of values that raised conjugal and domestic life to human standard to a great extent. Instead of conjugal relations being limited to the status of enjoyer and the enjoyed, they began to contain a sense of duty. With the establishment of conjugal relationships a sense of duty awakened in the father towards his children. Consequently, as soon as the responsibilities of mothers lessened to some extent, women became dependent on men for their food and clothes, particularly during the period of pregnancy and during the post-delivery period. As a result, married couples, though belonging to the same group, began to emerge in previously male-centred households. As families were male-centred, male-dominated groups became evident and clan mothers lost their previous authority.” (1)

1. Human Society - 2, Kśatriya Age

Wednesday, March 9, 2016



If you arrived here to see the photo of the Bengali deity, kindly scroll down. - Eds
This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Bangalization
2. Important Teaching: Narrow Mindedness of the the rich
3. Links


The point of discussion here is whether photos of outdated, dogmatic rituals which Baba has condemned should be printed along with Baba’s discourse.

1. Baba has equal love for all of creation - i.e. no favourites.
2. In order to present Ananda Marga ideology Baba had to weed out certain pre-existing dogmas, like the worship of deities.
3. Ananda Marga publishers highlight those dogmatic rituals by putting full glossy photos of those deities in Ananda Vacanamrtam 11 - 12.
4. By this way, many readers will only remember those photos and not recall Baba's guidelines when reading His book.
5. Although this book is full of Baba's dharmic injunctions, photos of ritualistic deity worship smear the pages of Ananda Vacanamrtam 11 - 12.

We all know that our Supreme Father Baba is the Personification of dharma and that He loves all equally. He favors no community, language, or culture more than another. All are His divine children. And it is our duty to project this idea to one and all.

Nowhere else are His teachings put on display for all to see than in His scripture: Ananda Marga books.

So when a slew of full–page colour photos of dogmatic deities of Bengal are inserted into the 2008 edition of Ananda Vacanamrtam part 11-12, and no other Ananda Marga book carries such an array of photos, then that should peak our interest and we should investigate the matter seriously.

Misportrayal by placing dogmatic deities in Ananda Marga books

It is well-known that pictures, not words, capture the mind of people: Everybody looks at pictures, often skipping over the words entirely, and ‘readers’ often formulate their ideas based on those pictures. This is the common way.

So if anyone were to open Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 11-12, then they would see huge pictures of deities of Bengal – 16 pages worth. Naturally, general readers will then think that this book is about Bengali deities or that Baba is concerned most about Bengali heritage, not that of any other land or place.

But in Anadna Vacanamrtam parts 11-12, Baba is pointing out the defects and history of so many dogmatic deities, from so many lands and places. That is the main emphasis of Ananda Vacanamrtam part 11: To wipe out all the dogmas about such deities.

But certain publishers have only inserted those deities of Bengal, as if that was Baba’s entire focus.

So the point is a serious one: It is a misportrayal of Baba’s teaching. Plus any idea once placed in a scripture becomes progressively more difficult to root out as time goes by. Changing Baba’s books in generations from now forward will not be easy. That is we must act today to withdraw the dogmatic insertion gods and goddesses from our Ananda Marga books.

Only dogmatic deities from Bengal glorified in AM book

To put forth Ananda Marga ideals, Baba has to unearth and logically refute so many dogmas and specifically in Ananda Vacanamrtam - 11 / 12, He addresses so many dogmatic forms of worship from so many places.

Baba addresses Chat’ Puja (AV-11, p.50), Yajinaoaviit (AV-11, p.53), Karmaka’n’d’ (AV-11, p.50, 58), Puri temple (AV-11, p.16), and Jaganna'th (AV-11, p.17) - all from Ananda Vacanamrtam 11 / 12. These are all widely celebrated and dogmatic deities, and Baba has taken great care to detail their dogmatic history and point out their defects to root them out. Although millions and millions of people around the world worship such deities, there is not a single picture of any of these aforementions deities in this same book,  Ananda Vacanamrtam  - 11 / 12.

Certain publishers only highlighted the deities of Bengal. Only those deities were graced to have a picture placed in our Ananda Marga book.

Bengali deities like: Shiitala, Bhadraka’lii, Carak Festival, Satya Piir, Banbibi, Mansasa’, Daksinaray and Tusu. Many of which are just local or backyard type of deities from Bengal. Many of these like Tusu and Banbibi are not even known outside of certain villages within Bengal.

Yet all these dogmatic Bengali deities have been honored with full-color, high-gloss, picture in Ananda Vacanamrtam - 11 / 12. These glossy pages are so thick in comparison to the other pages of the book that one cannot open the book without noticing these pictures.

All of which points towards the Bangalisation of Ananda Marga teachings.

Best is not to put any negative photos in Baba's books

Here the point is not that all the dogmatic deities should be displayed in our book – probably best would be if there were no pictures of any dogmatic deities. More about this will be discussed in future letters.

The striking point is that somehow certain publishers only inserted the dogmatic deities of Bengal into Baba's book. It seems they will do anything and everything in order to put Bengal at the top; they     want to make it look like Baba cared more about Bengal than any other place.

In Him,
Krisna’ Tagore

Note: By placing the photo in our Ananda Marga scripture (AV-11), readers will be misled. Instead of understanding Guru’s written teachings, they will see the glossy photo and think that is the chief message of the book. They will just remember those pictures, not Guru’s teachings.

Here is an example of one of the deities of Bengal that was printed on a thick, glossy page in AV 11/12.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Narrow Mindedness of the the rich

This is a classic example. Here below Baba points out how the rich cannot understand the problems of the poor. Those wealthy persons have a very small mind - sunk in greed and always hungry for more.

Right now, heated talks are going on regarding increasing minimum wage. The amount low-end workers currently earn is paltry. Some politicial leaders have proposed a minimum wage increase. Even then no one can live on such wages. You cannot have a small house, get medical care, and raise children on such a wage. It is impossible.

Still other politicians - who support wealthy capitalists - remain unmoved and have no empathy. Rather they are shocked about a potential increase in wages. Meanwhile, CEO's and top executives earn thousands of times more than that each hour.

Here is the point of view of Prout philosophy followed by excerpts from news articles about the heated exchange in Washington and this critical issue.

Prout philosophy says, "What a dangerous outlook! What a rosy philosophy of capitalism! God save humanity from such perverted philosophy. Man’s desire for worldly pleasure does not cease until he finds a really great ideal. His hunger is insatiable. The wolf in him seems to say over and over again, “I am hungry, I am hungry.” His mouth is agape all the time and the fools of the earth, resigned to their belief in predestination, are swallowed by it. These wolves eat up their flesh and blood and cast away their insipid bones. Are we to support this wolfish philosophy? The dirty-clothed laborers, their faces lined with hard labor and fatigue, are not human beings in the eyes of those who have Mammon by their side. The characteristic of a vested interest is that it has no other thought but itself. The selfish man is the eater, the others are his food. His needs are never-ending. Out of his salary the poor man has to pay his house rent, support his family, educate his children, provide milk for his baby, marry his daughters. Are those necessities only for the people of the upper classes? Are these not the minimum necessities of life? Yes, but these thoughts of the poor are no concern of the rich! Such thinking involves some sacrifice, does it not? From where would objects of luxury for the rich come, if hunger were not the hard task-master of the poor? Let the daughters of the poor collect cow-dung forever and their sons be slaves in the households of the rich. What a fine arrangement! The high hopes of the poor?–pooh! pooh!! Aren’t they all moonshine?" (Human Society, Social Justice, 1987 Edn) Just now you read from the 1987 edition of Human Society.

Now please read from the same passage from the latest Electronic Edition of Baba'a books 7.5. Some say the previous version is good and some say this one is better. Let us know which version you prefer.

Prout philosophy says, "It is a characteristic of vested interests that they never bother to think of anyone except themselves. They must eat and the rest of humanity only exists to be eaten. They want increasingly more objects for their gratification. Those who earn three thousand rupees a month think that this is an extremely meagre amount, but they never stop to consider the needs of those who earn a negligible thirty rupees a month.(4) A poor man has to pay his rent, maintain his family, educate his children, buy milk for his babies, and save something to put towards the cost of his daughter’s marriage, all out of thirty rupees. Are these needs only applicable to the upper stratum of society? Are they not the minimum necessities of life? Rich people do not want to consider the needs of the poor, because if they do they will have to make some sacrifices. Where will their luxuries and comforts come from if hunger does not burn the bellies of the poor? Is it not a fine idea if the daughters of the poor go on collecting cow dung forever, and their sons work like slaves in the houses of the rich for generations together? Is this not a fine arrangement? As for the high hopes of the poor, aren't they ridiculous? Aren't they out of touch with reality?" (Human Society - Social Justice, Electronic Edition of Baba's books 7.5)

== Section 3: Links ==

Photo of deities in Ananda Vacanamrtam 11 / 12mkmkmkmkmkm