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Saturday, December 3, 2022

Mantra saved life + 2 more

Mantra saved life


In Ananda Marga, we all do sadhana. And everyone acquires power or spiritual force from their sadhana. Though we never think or we never should think about such results.

We are blessed to have a Guru who is Mahasambhuti and He has all the power and He controls any power we may acquire from our sadhana - so that we do not misuse it. On some occasions, when confronted by obstacles or avidya tantrics, we can get a glimpse of the force of our Ananda Marga sadhana. Such an account is written below.

As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, we know that the true measuring rod of one’s progress along the path of spirituality is one’s internal closeness with Parama Purusa. Sadguru Baba graciously controls all the occult powers. Although margiis gain power in their sadhana, they do not feel they have any power because Sadguru Baba is the keeper of the power gained by His disciples. In contrast, the followers of lower gurus do sadhana, feel some power, and promptly misuse that power and degrade themselves.

Here then is a personal experience recounted below which reveals the importance of our sa'dhana' and how His grace is everything.

My personal account

I was initiated into our A'nanda Ma'rga sa'dhana' on 30th Sep' 1978. Then in the month of Feb '79, the students of our college went on strike, so I thought this would be the ideal opportunity to go to Siliguri for DMC. There, by His grace, I had personal contact with Ba'ba'. Since I was charged & inspired by Him to do dharma pracara, after returning from DMC I went to Sundergarh to do praca'ra.

I was at the house of Shrii Narahari Choudhury, a senior margii brother in the village of Shankara', nearby Sundergarh district headquarter. There I met other margii brothers Shrii Biranchi Narayan Ray (the then bhukti pradhan of Sundergarh district), Shrii Shvetabasanta Pandey from Sambalpur, Shrii Pradhan (originally from Cuttack but working in Sundergarh) etc. And one sannyasi brother, A'carya Vibha'vasu, who was DS of Sambalpur (at that time he was Brahmaca'rii).

All of us started by bicycle along with mrdanga (Indian drum), kubuji etc at 6 am from the house of Choudhury Dada. We crossed a jungle full of Sal trees & reached a village (I forgot the name) where we found a kiirtana mandapam (outdoor kiirtan site that has a roof) that had been recently constructed for the occasion of holi festival.

We immediately started chanting Ba'ba' Na'ma Kevalam with the help of mrdanga (Indian drum) & karata'la (hand symbols) & moved around the mandapam as we did akhanda kiirtana.

After some time, we found that the villagers had assembled there. We sat for meditation & performed Guru Puja'-- and they watched us the whole time. Afterwards, one or two of us started talking to the villagers about Ananda Marga sa'dhana'.

Encounter with avidya sadhaka

In the meantime, I saw a man dressed in semi-saffron colour blowing his special instrument (a pipe that is tubular at both the ends & in the middle there is a big bulge that is especially used by snake charmers). This man was begging alms. He was moving around about 100 to 200 meters from our gathering.

At some point, while this man was crossing our gathering, a margii brother Narahari Choudhuri Dada called him & asked in front of the whole gathering, "What's your profession?".

The man replied, "I'm a snake charmer. I catch snakes in the forest with the help of this instrument."

Narahari Choudhuri Dada then asked, "What more do you know ?"

The man replied, "I know maran'a (dying), ma'ran'a (killing), vashiikaran'a(hypnotizing), ucca't'ana…"

Then Chowdhuri Dada asked him, "If you know ma’ran'a (killing), can you kill this person", pointing towards the then A'carya Vibha'vasu Brahmaca'rii-- posted as Diocese secretary of Sambalpur district.

I was surprised to hear from the snake charmer that definitely he can kill him (i.e. A'ca’rya Vibha'vasu). I went on observing to see what was going to happen next.

The snake charmer then picked up some dust & one straw that was on the ground & started murmuring some mantra. Then he started blowing his instrument in order to strike down A'carya Vibha'vasu. But alas, the instrument didn't make any sound. So the snake charmer applied his full strength & he blew, blew, & blew..., but alas, no sound came!

How powerful our mantra is

Everybody was amazed to see what was happening-- strangely, somehow, the snake charmer could no longer play his instrument. In trying, the snake charmer's face totally became red. Until finally he gave up and stopped trying to play the instrument & instead requested us to rectify it.

Our sannyasi brother asked the snake charmer whether he knows how to withdraw the avidya tantric mantra which he had recited earlier. The snake charmer replied that he knew. Then the snake charmer again picked up some dust & straw and murmured a mantra in order to withdraw the earlier mantra. After this, the snake charmer picked up his instrument and again started blowing into it & surprisingly it made the sound as before.

Later on I asked Ac Vibha'vasu Brc what he did when the avidya tantrika applied the mantra. Then he replied that, "I did nothing special - I just recited my mantra as every margii does during sadhana and surrendered to Baba."

Then I understood just how powerful our mantra is.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "What is the medicine? The medicine is, do kiirtana or devotional chanting. Do kiirtana for one minute or repeat your guru mantra, and that “ghost” will instantly vanish into thin air. So under no circumstances should you be afraid." (1)

Our Choudhuri Dada then asked the snake charmer to beg apology & Choudhuri Dada forced the snake charmer to take an oath he shouldn't apply these avidya tantric mantras to hurt anybody. After agreeing to this, the snake charmer left the place.

Seeing this event, almost all the villagers present there that day took initiation. It went up to 7pm. Then we came back to Sundergarh.

This event shows that no avidya force can affect a sadhaka initiated to Ananda Marga sadhana system introduced by Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii, who protects His disciples.

in Baba,

And ultimately, in Ananda Marga, our sadhana is for surrendering to His will - and not gaining any petty powers etc.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Are Ghosts Hallucinations?

It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:
1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).
2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 
“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”
This will be treated as the standard protocol.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

From Lord Shiva to Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji

Baba says, "Lord Krsna came about 3500 years ago, when the war of the Mahabharata took place. People's individual qualities then had not taken a collective shape. People did not know the art of living collectively...they fought among themselves because they had no collective sense. Lord Krsna thought that if He combined all there would be collective spirit in the true sense of the term. Then alone all human faculties would get expanded. He tried to make people understand, but they did not understand, because there was no collective spirit in synthesize them all Lord Krsna was born. Lord Krsna wanted to bring about a social synthesis, the seed of which was sown by Lord Shiva." (1)

Note: In the same way Baba took advent to form one synthetic human society. But unfortunately, groupist leaders in our Ananda Marga are doing just the opposite. They are engaged in balkanizing and disintegrating it. But what Baba has planned, i.e. to form one human society, that is going to happen. Because it is His wish.

1. Discourses on the Mahabharat, p. 6 - 7