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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Caring animal + 4 more

Caring animal


"After drinking coconut water why did you throw the coconut shell on somebody who was also eating?"  Baba asked out one wholetime worker. The Wt was shocked to hear this and wondered, “How could this be?”.

Baba reminded him of the situation: "A few days ago you were drinking coconut water. When you were done, you carelessly threw that heavy green coconut towards the side of the road without looking to see who was there. That heavy coconut fell on one animal that was eating beside the road. But you did not care that the animal was hurt. The animal ran away crying."

Hearing Baba's narration, the entire scene flashed in the mind of that wt and he felt ashamed for what he had done. Baba rebuked him and the dada's punishment was to beg apology by touching the feet of all the wts present. Then he promised never to commit such a sin ever again and to be kind to all creatures.

#1: Must show kindness to all

As sadhakas, we must have love and affection for the entire creation. We should be careful and respectful towards all beings. We must not hurt others, whether they be a human being, animal, or plant.

#2: When one makes a mistake...

When one makes a mistake and feels repentance for their wrongdoing then Baba forgives their mistake because the person understands the problem and will not commit that same wrong in the future.

But when a person commits a mistake and (a) is unaware about their wrongdoing, or (b) thinks the mistake is justified because "I have a special status", or (c) knows it is wrong but does it anyway as he thinks no one sees or knows about it, then in all those cases Baba will certainly point out, rebuke, or punish that person in order to rectify them. Or, according to cosmic law, they will have to undergo the reaction as per the system of prakrti etc. All of which is for their welfare.

The central idea is that if one has committed a mistake and has repentance then Baba forgives them.


In the above story, the dada was negligent in his dealing with one street animal. In India, street animals are not treated well; many get kicked and pushed around. Thus the dada's action did not contravene the social norm of the day, but he did fail to live up to our Ananda Marga code of neo-humanism. For that reason he had to undergo the reaction. Baba pointed out his misdeed and graciously removed that samskara.

No Ananda Margii can say or think that, "Well, this is done in the general society so I can also do that." This is the wrong outlook. We always have to live up to our AM standard, not any other. This applies to each and every conduct rule and guideline. Otherwise, we will have to undergo the reaction in this very life itself - whereas non-margiis committing those same acts will be reborn again and again - so they will face the reactions slowly over time.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Due course all will have to face the reaction

Generally speaking, if a common person harms others within certain limits then they may not be punished by society; however, they are creating samskaras and in due course will have to face the reaction. So while the society will not hold them accountable, prakrti certainly will. For instance, if a person engages in intense communal hatred when the whole society has racist basic tendencies, then that person will not be punished by society, but that individual will undergo the sufferings of their misdeed of harming others. It is just like when the white slave owners were abusing and torturing blacks in the US, then they were not punished by society because in that era slavery was legal, but certainly those slave masters created negative samskaras and had to undergo the suffering.

Here the point is that even though society deems an action as acceptable, that does not mean one will not have to undergo the reaction to that action. That person will have to face their samskaras for harming others - sooner or later. There is no escape.

We can also say that Ananda Margiis will experience (or burn) their samskaras far more quickly than non-margiis. Because in this very life every Ananda Margii is going to be granted mukti or moksa, by His grace. So in this life itself every Ananda Margii will have to undergo all their samskaras. Doing sadhana means the fast requital of samskaras.

Sadhaka burn all samskaras in this life

In this single lifetime, every Ananda Margii will exhaust all their samskaras - good and bad. For a sadhaka to plunge into lustful or illicit sexual dealings there is no benefit for humanity. It is purely selfish indulgence. Thus the sadhaka undergoes the negative reaction in the form of disease, or humiliation etc. There is no way to prolong or escape the reaction. Whereas non-margiis will experience the reaction - over time - in due course, over several lifetimes or more.

The point being that Ananda Margiis are the vanguards of a neo-humanistic social order. We have been blessed with all His teachings on dharma. So we cannot just abandon His guidelines and follow common social trends. The consequences for that will have to be experienced. Because in this very life, every Ananda Margii will have to exhaust all their samskaras and get mukti.

Sadhakas undergo reactions quickly

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Reactions in requital to past actions normally occur more in a spiritual aspirant’s life than in an ordinary person’s life. The reason is that when all original actions are surrendered to Brahma, there remain only the reactive actions. The reactions may be good or bad [according to whether they are resultants of good or bad original actions]. But think about how many of the deeds you performed before coming to the path of sádhaná were good and how many were bad. To tell the unpleasant truth, ninety-nine percent of your deeds were bad. Hence it is often the case that sádhakas have to suffer much more from bad reactive momenta than get to enjoy good ones. It can even be said that the more one suffers from reactions, the more one is progressing along the path of sádhaná.”

“Of course, the requital of the reactive momenta may possibly be pleasurable instead of painful; it all depends upon the nature of one’s actions. In either case, the more one surrenders one’s actions to Brahma, the shorter will be the period of requital caused by the reactions. In this case the intensity of the requital will be greater than normal; but this is a good sign, because intense requital means the exhaustion of the requital within a short period.” (1)

Story of untimely death

For instance, if any Ananda Margii (dada, didi or family person) eats meat then they are culpable by our Ananda Marga standards and in addition they will invite all kinds of problems and suffering. Those following a sentient diet will get blood dysentery if they eat tamasik food like meat - and some may even die.

I can never forget the story of Karuna Karan - the brother of Satyam. They lived together next to the Ranchi jagrti. One day, when he was 25 years of age, Karuna Karan attended a marriage reception and feast and he ate meat. In reaction, he suffered from terrible dysentery and ultimately met his tragic and untimely death. Our margii brother experienced the reaction very quickly; in contrast, many non-margiis ate meat at that reception and were just fine. They had to wait to experience the reaction as their progress is very slow and they will be reborn again and again.

Wild dog analogy

The whole situation can be likened to this following analogy. Suppose one dog enters your bedroom and urinates in one bowl or on the bed itself, then you will notice it immediately. But if that same dog urinates outside under the tree, then it will not be evident. Here the point is that if a sentient sadhaka of the Marga indulges in illicit or crude activities, then that will pollute their entire personality. And very quickly they will suffer the reaction. In contrast, if someone living a degrading existence does something bad - or if a drunkard or thug has another drink - then they will certainly have to undergo the reaction, but it may occur over a long period of time - even lifetimes, as they are not on the spiritual path.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology in a Nutshell - 8, Sádhaná

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Not all can be parents

Prout philosophy states, “Good varieties of seed, fertile land, adequate nourishment, light, air and water are all essential for good reproduction in both the plant and animal kingdoms. In this respect human beings are no different from other creatures. In human society the selection of suitable males and females is desirable for reproduction of a high order. Until human beings are produced in scientific laboratories it will be detrimental to society if this matter is neglected. If people of sublime intelligence and brilliance reproduce more offspring, it will be very beneficial for society. The responsibility for nurturing and bringing up these children will have to be taken by society or the government. Similarly, it will be harmful for society if mentally deficient, naturally delinquent or insane persons produce many children. In fact, society will be benefited by the permanent destruction of their reproductive capacity, providing this does not cause any harmful reaction.” (1)

Note: All of Baba’s teachings on Prout will be implemented in due course. The society requires a certain degree of development in order to be able to implement these ideas properly, with the right spirit. 

Take the example of the selecto-electoral system. As you know, Baba does not support the system of democracy. He explains that it is the best of the various systems of societal organization thus far experienced by humanity. But ultimately democracy is foolocracy. The general public does not have the viveka to understand what they need. Look, they have elected people who are demons in human form who only want to implement programs to make the rich richer and exploit the common people. And yet, today is not the time during this communal phase of society's development to implement Baba's selecto electoral system. Now the principle would be abused. Until neohumanism is firmly established, then the selecto-electoral system cannot be implemented.

The same thing is the case with Baba's teachings about reproduction. The teaching is obvious. Tell a farmer he should not care about which seeds he uses for his crop, and he will think it is crazy. Whatever is to be developed in any sphere, can only develop properly if the seed is proper. In India there is a community Bishnoi in Rajasthan. It was long governed by this principle and may still be today. Their guru instructed them in this way, and due to this their society was very healthy. There were competitions for deciding who will be qualified to procreate. Also take the example of the In vitro system. Sperm solicitation functions in a highly selected manner. Not just anyone is requested to donate to the sperm bank.

Ultimately when the society grows and develops, it will embrace Baba's teachings on this point. Just as people have to be qualified to vote -- this is critically important to keep demons from getting leadership posts -- in the same way for the proper development of society, in the future people will have to qualify to be able to procreate. One should not think of Baba's teaching in terms of the narrowminded parameters used to propagate such ideas in the past. It requires a completely different outlook, a neo-humanistic outlook, to be able to understand what Baba is guiding on this point of reproduction. And it is quite natural as well, just like a farmer who selects seeds for planting the crop.

In Him, 

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Population Growth and Control


It is the accepted international standard and our way not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against this type of plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).
2) The individual who steals gets degenerated and it sets a bad example in the social sphere.
3) It impedes social progress as others will not be inclined to pursue new and original work as they think that others will just steal it.

4) It breeds a society of lethargic people who will always wait for others to create something new. It is just like those who are lazy in the kitchen do not cook - just they wait for others to prepare food and then they eat.
5) Countless stories of devotees need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever.
6) The sole motivation is to publish the maximum amount of Baba stories. Everyone should work hard and try to contribute original material in this respect. All unpublished stories should be written.

7) In addition, by following this code then fake stories will not be circulated as everyone will be responsible for demonstrating the authenticity of each story.
8) Thank you for abiding by this ethic and code that is both today's international standard as well as Baba's given system. Again, it is our formal request not to plagiarise this story or any published writing on this network.
9) If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story:
“Courtesy Ananda Marga Universal (”
Then everyone will clearly understand from where you got the letter. This is the accepted standard.

Baba says, "It is not possible to guide others with mere cheap, superficial knowledge, like a half-baked pandit who reads a half-a-dozen books and then spouts a few mouthfuls of grandiloquence, and who has obtained a doctorate by plagiarizing others’ works. " (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section ==

कपटाचारी, जो दिल का सही भाव है, उसे छिपाने की कोशिश करते हैं | 

“सामान्या भक्ति, हर जीव में है | और, कोई जीव जो सत्यवादी हैं, जिसे हम साधु कहते हैं, वे क्या करते हैं ? न, यह जो उनकी स्वाभाविकी मुहब्बत है परमपुरुष के लिए, वे खुलेआम कहते हैं, कि---"मेरे मन में परमात्मा के प्रति परमपुरुष के प्रति, प्रेम है, गहरी मुहब्बत है | मैं यह मानता हूँ, और मैं यह मानता रहूँगा |" और कुछ लोग हैं, जिसको psychology की भाषा में hypocrite कहते हैं, वे कपटाचारी | वे लोग क्या कहते हैं, वे भी तो इनसान है जी, उनके मन में भी तो परमात्मा परमपुरुष के प्रति मुहब्बत है | किन्तु वह है कपटाचरण | वह दिल का यह जो भाव है, यह जो दिल का सही भाव है, उसे छिपाने की कोशिश करते हैं | कहते हैं---"मैं परमात्मा को नहीं मानता हूँ | परमात्मा के लिए मेरे मन में प्रेम नहीं है |" तो, मुँह में तो ऐसा ही कहते हैं | वह क्या हुई---न, मुँह की भाषा |
और, मन में कहते हैं---"परमात्मा तुम तो जानते हो, मैं तो तुम्हारा हूँ | और, अगर ऐसा बाहर में कहता हूँ, तुम तो क्षमा ज़रूर करोगे |"
 [यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं] 

1. 1 January 1981 DMC Ananda Nagar

== Section ==

Dedicate their all to the thought of the Great - Ananda Vanii #22

“Those who can dedicate their all to the thought of the Great and the inspiration of the Supreme are verily the most heroic. Indeed, they are the virtuous, and they alone are capable of taking human history from darkness to light.”

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Quiz: every Ananda Margii should know the answer

Intro: Kindly read the below quote from Baba's teachings. At the end of the quote a question has been posed. If your answer to the question is correct then it means you read Baba's books carefully; and, if your answer is wrong or you do not know the answer, then it signifies that you need to pay more attention when reading Guru's teachings. After all, if sadhakas are not diligent in studying Baba's books then who is going to read them - non-margiis?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Fraudulent philosophies have diverted many people from the path of morality and left them devoid of dharma, addicted to carnal pleasures – infernal creatures. By providing such a distorted interpretation of dharma, they have deliberately prevented people from gaining a correct understanding of dharma, and thus they have betrayed humanity in the most inimical manner." (1)

Quiz: Who is Baba referring to in the above teaching?

Most probably, as an Ananda Margii, you know what the answer is. But if not, or if you want confirmation, then read below for the answer….

Lesbian, gay, & bi-sexuals etc plunged in degrading carnal pleasures

Answer: Here Baba is referring to the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and (LGBT) advocates who preach that sexual engagement is be-all, end-all of life. This teaching also refers to any matter-based approach to life where material indulgence and sensual pleasure are embraced as the defining aspect of happiness and joy in life. All such communities distract people from the true aim of life. Plunged in degrading carnal pleasures, they wholly forget and lose sight of their true calling: To goad the mind towards Parama Purusa.

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14

== Section 3: Links ==
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