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Saturday, April 22, 2023

Divine meeting with Baba + 4 more


Divine meeting with Baba


I was initiated into Ananda Marga on 30th September 1978. After that whenever I used to meet my acarya, he used to inspire me to have personal contact with Baba. But since my semester exam was due in December, I used to express my inability to go to meet Baba.

My acarya impressed upon me that those who wished to dedicate their life for His mission and work as a wholetimer would get first preference to have PC with Baba. While those who were engineering, medical, and post-graduate or professional graduate students would get second preference to have PC with Baba. Acaryaji furthermore revealed to me that Baba was the all-knowing Entity.

I immediately reasoned with him that since Baba is all-knowing then I need not meet Him because He already knows me. Plus, when He knows everything about me then what will I say to Him. Then I asked, “If I do not have anything to say to Him, will He still talk to me?” Then my acarya told me, “Yes, He will talk to you.”

Then he advised me that I would get some special experience and His blessing.

Since my childhood, with the inspiration of my father, I used to meet Chidanandasaraswati and followers of Sivanandasaraswati, the founder of The Divine Life society & gurus of Goudiya Vaisnava, to get their blessings. So I was determined to meet Baba in the future when my exam was over.

Soon my exam concluded, and I went home and returned back to my college in January 1979. A few days after that - towards the end of January - the students of our engineering college went on strike. They were protesting the proposal to abolish the junior engineer post in which graduate engineers were brought into the Odisha government.

So I got the golden chance to get involved in Ananda Marga activities. There was a 3-day, 1st diocese level seminar at the Ananda Marga school, Budharaja, Sambalpur from 23rd Feb to 25th Feb 1979. Acarya Sucida’nanda Avadhu’ta was the trainer. He had come from Kolkata. At that time my acarya was transferred from Sambalpur to Raigarh and a new WT was posted as DS there. My acarya also informed me about Baba’s tour programme for conducting DMC’s in India as well as outside India.

Attended DMC at Siliguri 1979

As per the schedule, I found Siliguri DMC was to be held on 1st, 2nd and 3rd March 1979. This place was the nearest for me because after Siliguri DMC Baba would go towards North India up to Jammu. Coincidentally, Ac Sucidananda told me he would attend this DMC at Siliguri. Immediately I purchased a train ticket worth 56 rupees (round trip) from Sambalpur to New Jalpaiguri via Howrah. Ac Sucidananda further assured me that he would arrange food expenses in Siliguri on the condition that I would volunteer as a bookseller. I agreed.

At that time I was determined to observe fasting on amavasya and purnima instead of ekadashi. On 26th Feb, amavasya day, we travelled by train from Sambalpur to Howrah, and the next morning we reached Jodhpur park office. It was my first fasting. Along with Sucidananda Dada I broke my fasting with curd, banana, and chuda (beaten rice) after taking bath and doing sadhana. Then dada assigned me the task of sorting out the mail by sector. I was curious to know the inner activities of this controversial organisation. I found letters and telegrams had come from all over India, as well as outside India. In these letters, I observed information about the opening of schools, feeding the poor, and other social service activities etc. In this manner, I got confirmation that Ananda Marga was a social service organisation, not a group involved with terrorist activities.

In the evening, we started for Sealdah station to catch the train from Siliguri by taxi at about 5pm. After travelling 2 kilometers, I realised I had lost my train ticket. When I told Dada, he became annoyed and returned back to Jodhpur park office. I went upstairs to the room where I had sorted out the mail. By His grace, I found my ticket lying just below the entrance door. Quickly, I went back down. By that time Dada was worried about traffic jams in downtown Kolkata. But, by Baba’s grace, we reached Sealdah station in time and caught the train with our luggage that was filled with books.

The general compartment in which we boarded was full of passengers. Somehow we could keep our luggage under the seats. And passengers invited us to share their seats. We reached New Jalpaiguri at 7am. I carried a bundle of books on my head just like a porter along with my small suitcase. It was 28th Feb 1979. We went to the Ananda Marga school, Bharatnagar, Siliguri by rickshaw. I was able to speak, read, and write Bengali because I had learnt Bengali in my school days in order to communicate with my grandparents, maternal uncles & aunties who belonged to the Chakraborty family who lived in Kolkata. So I was able to communicate with all of the Wt dadas (all of them were Bengali speaking) who were present there.

At 1pm Baba arrived 

I met Dadas Akshayanandji, Haratmanandji, and Tapeshvaranandji there. Dada Tapeshvarananda was speaking in Odia (Oriya) with me. All dadas were insisting that I become a WT so that I would get PC with Baba without any delay. I spent 28th Feb & 1st March in the school building. On the evening of 28th Feb, a big rally was held by Amra Bangali, and they moved around the small town. On 28th Feb & on 1st March I took food along with WT dadas in different margiis’ houses.

I had no idea it would be very cold in Siliguri compared to Sambalpur so I had taken only one shawl and a light sweater. I spent 28th Feb & 1st March along with WT dadas, and they gave me blankets. But on 2nd March I was not allowed to stay in the school building because it was exclusively meant for WT dadas. So I shifted to the pandal where I met young boys of my age who had come from Coochbihar. I made friendships with them, and they were kind enough to share their blankets at night.

The pandal was arranged in an open ground adjacent to the school building. We were instructed to stand in the open ground outside the pandal in the morning at about 10am on 1st March. Mostly people were in vahini dress. We were taught PT parade before Baba’s arrival. At about 1pm Baba arrived there in front of this line of vahini. After He received “Salute to the Divine Father”, He asked in Bengali, “Can we establish a society free from exploitation? (Amra ekta sosanmukta samaj gadte parbo?). All of us replied, “Yes, Baba”. He became very happy.
I was standing a little far off from Baba. I could see He was very very lean & thin. In the evening on 1st March, margiis started pouring in from various areas of North Bengal. Up to 1st March I could take bath in the borewell since people were less in number. On 2nd March in the morning I went to the river Mahananda & found the water was very cold. So I returned. On the way I went to one house & I asked them to take bath in their house after giving my introduction that I had come from Odisha to attend Ananda Marga function. Though they were non-margiis they allowed me to take a bath in their house. They offered me a cup of tea as well. I was overwhelmed to see their hospitality to a stranger like me. When I expressed this to my mother & maternal uncles later on, they told me that family must have been originally from Bangladesh as they were famous for hospitality. Still today, decades later, I can’t forget them, though I don’t remember their exact names.

I went to the house where Baba was staying

Then I immediately proceeded towards the government circuit house where accommodation had been arranged for Baba. This is where those wishing to get PC with Baba had to go. When I was climbing the stairs, one WT dada shouted, ”Baba is coming.” Then he instructed me to go to the pandal as Baba will come for general darshan.

I came back & saw that Baba was showing His rings & joking with WT dadas. I got His darshan & came back to the pandal. Baba came to the pandal after two hours. He delivered the discourse – Significance of Yuga. In the afternoon again I went to the circuit house where Baba was staying. It was about 4pm. When I entered one WT dada asked my name & whereabouts in Bengali. I replied. When he heard I had come alone from Odisha, he was surprised. His name was Ac Divyarupananda. He took me upstairs & when he introduced me to Ac Akshayananda Avt, PA to Baba, Akshayanandji told he knew me since I had met him in Bharatnagar at the Ananda Marga School.

Divyarupananda requested PA Dada to arrange my PC with Baba. Akshayananda asked me, “Will you go now for PC with Baba? Do you know sastaunga pranam and the Supreme Command. I replied, “Yes, dada.” He told me to wait in queue. One young boy came out weeping from Baba’s room, then Akshayanandji instructed me to go inside.

My PC with Baba: Introduction

When I entered the room, I saw Baba was sitting on a cot. I did sastaunga pranam & sat in the posture of Guru Puja. Baba told me to sit comfortably in bhojan asana.
Baba: What is your name?

Me: My name is Narayan Panda.

Baba: What is the meaning of Panda?

Me: In Odia...

Baba: No, no! That is not the meaning; it is a Samskrta word.

(Actually in colloquial Odia language in my village area, panda means buffalo. This is what I was going to tell.)

Baba: Who is your acarya?

Me: Acarya Ranajit Brahmacari

Baba: What are you doing?

Me: I am reading in Birla Engineering college.

Baba: Oh! You are still studying in University College of Engineering, Birla.

(In fact the name of my college was University College of Engineering, Birla, but usually we reply Birla Engineering college to avoid telling such a long name. Hearing this, I realised that Baba was all-knowing as my acarya had told me. I could understand that He corrected me by saying studying in lieu of reading)

Baba: Do you know there was a great fight between University college of engineering & Veer Surendra Sai Medical college students on such a date in 1975. Two engineering students were killed.

Me: Yes Baba.

My PC with Baba: Punishment

Then, holding my ears, He told me about my defects & asked, “Should you not get punished?”

Me: Yes, Baba.

Baba: Look at My cane. Tell Me how many times I should cane you.

(I had not thought Baba would have a cane. I got frightened)

Me: Baba, as many times as You can.

Baba: Tell Me the number.

Again He insisted that I tell the exact number.

Me: Baba, five times.

At that time, I was charged as if with an electric shock. I was weeping. I was overwhelmed that I was so lucky to get the divine touch of my Great Guru who knows me for so many lives & who is all knowing. I had in my mind that I am a very good boy outside, but if anybody knows about my mistakes, they will hate me as a very bad boy.

Baba: Do you think five times is sufficient for getting rid of your sins? Parama Purusa doesn’t know how to hate. Baba doesn’t know how to hate. I don’t know how to hate? Do you think the Supreme Father can see his son weeping?

My PC with Baba: Special grace

Then Baba touched His cane at a point on my body (below right armpit & in line with the vishuddha cakra).

Baba’s voice was so soothing, so affectionate, I can’t describe. I felt He is my all in all in my life. I felt He is my dearest & nearest person, more than my father & mother.

Then He instructed me to keep my hands touching my heart & repeat the following:

“I should do dharma pracar & manav samaj seva so that my sins will be atoned.”
I uttered as He told me to follow. But immediately He asked: “Couldn’t you understand atoned.”

I replied: "Yes, Baba."

He told me, “Prayascitta, could you follow?”

Then I told, “Yes, Baba.”

Again I did sastaunga pranam & came out of the room.

Afterwards, my body felt very very light and my mind was elevated, by His grace. I was weeping - with a steady stream of tears coming down.


That very day I realised that the scriptures rightly state - Brahmaeva Gururekah Náparah. Only the Supreme Consciousness Parama Purusa is Sadguru - and He is always with everyone. At a certain point of my life I joined Ananda Marga, by His grace. Yet before that also, whatever I did Baba knew, and whatever I thought Baba witnessed. I came to understand that He knows absolutely everything about me. And verily, irrespective of whether one is a non-margii or margii, Baba witnesses everything - nothing is hidden from Him. Still today I feel that He is with me and watching me all the time, always. That is why I always feel that  I am under His shelter. It is His grace.

at His lotus feet,
Narayan Panda

Note 1: Historical perspective

Ananda Marga ideology states, ““Panda” means self-knowledge “I am Brahma” – one who has attained this realization, one who has realized the self, is a pandit. Nobody becomes a pandit with the word “Pandit” affixed at the end of one’s name. One who is eager to attain this Panda, one who has indomitable urge for this attaining self-realization is known as “Pandeya”....Hence one who has yearning for self-realization, one who is a sádhaka (Spiritual practitioner) can alone be called Pandey. By adding the suffix “Sńeya” to the word “Panda” the word “Pandey” is derived”." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Karma Yoga, Service to Humanity Is the Supreme Ideology of Life


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You do not know how much I love You

"Toma'y kato bha'loba'si, tumi jano na' tumi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0221)


Baba, You are the Knower of everything; You are omniscient. Even then You do not know how much I love You. Always, all the time, I am thinking of You. Indeed, I have so many thoughts to share with You-- so many feelings which are accumulated in my heart.

Baba, why are You keeping Yourself so busy and involved constantly in Your work, every second-- why like this. O' my Dearmost, when I have so much love for You, why are You not giving me energy and involving me in Your work.  

Baba, You are the source of all energy; please provide me with shakti day and night-- all the 24 hrs-- so that I can go on working non-stop for You. With every iota of Your grace and mercy, I will move ahead in the work. I will do according to Your liking. I will be 100% involved to please You. Baba, please grace me by utilising me.

O' Baba, I love You so much. You are so beautiful - You are my everything...

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Remain vigilant about the evil forces - Ananda Vanii #47

Ananda Vanii states, “The struggle between the good and the evil forces terminates in the latter’s rout – this you have seen, are seeing and will see in future. Only remain vigilant that the evil forces under no circumstances receive any indulgence from your side.” (1)

Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #47

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Banana so many uses

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Banana trees are known more for their fruits than for their fibre. Both the fruit and the flower can be eaten, and when the tree is young the inner trunk can be taken as a vegetable as well. The leaves are used for plates or for wrapping food. Sodium carbonate may be obtained from the banana tree by burning the trunk into ash, and sodium bicarbonate may be obtained by boiling the ash until the water evaporates. There are numerous products which can be made from the banana tree. The fibre is obtained from the trunk of the tree. The greater the size of a tree, the greater the quantity of fibre, but the same rule does not necessarily apply for the quantity of fruit produced by the banana tree. Not more than two offshoot saplings should be allowed to grow from one banana tree. The extra shoots should be cut. There are many varieties of banana." (1)

1. Ideal Farming - 2, Some Important Crops

== Section 3: Links ==

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