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Friday, June 19, 2015

Majority is intelligent or fool


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1. End Quote: Majority is intelligent or fool
2. Links

Majority is intelligent or fool


Prout philosophy states, “There are several forms of governmental structure, and among them the democratic structure is highly appreciated [by some persons]. Democracy is defined as “government of the people, by the people and for the people.” But in fact it is the rule of the majority. Hence democracy means “mobocracy” because the government in a democratic structure is guided by mob psychology. The majority of the society are fools; wise people are always in a minority. Thus, finally democracy is nothing but “foolocracy”.” (1)

What is the current criteria for voting

Given the present political climate around the world, democracy is the best option. But democracy does have its shortcomings. Currently, the chief criteria for voting is age. If one has reached a certain age then that makes them eligible to vote. Yet we all know that age alone does not certify that one is truly qualified one to vote in a mature and meaningful manner. To cast a meaningful vote, socio-political awareness is needed.

Why it is such a sensitive point

However, nowadays this is a very delicate issue. People feel that all should be allowed to vote - not just a select few. Because, since long, in the name a selecto-electoral system, voting rights were only given to the dominant group. For instance, in the US, only white males were allowed to vote for nearly two centuries. Relatively recently, after an extended battle, voting rights were granted to women, African-Americans, and others etc.

That is why today, if you mention the benefits of the selecto-electoral system, people become terrified. They think that only the ruling group will have voting rights and all others will be subjected to unfair treatment. They feel they just eradicated that misery and now you want to bring it back.

What will a socially & politically conscious electorate do

Yet as society advances, people will realise the need to have a socially & politically conscious electorate. One should have sufficient knowledge of the various parties and what their platforms are. If such a system is properly implemented, and really only socially & politically conscious people can vote, then the world will be a different place. There will be so many positive changes. In due course it is going to happen.

Unfortunately, because of the shortcomings in present-day system, the majority of voters are fools. Hence, democracy is nothing but "foolocracy."

In Him,

1. Discourses on Prout

== Section 2 ==
