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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Example how sadhakas are not ordinary + 2 more


This email contains three sections:

1. End Quote: Example how sadhakas are not ordinary
2. PS #4504: By understanding that You love me, I found my true self
3. Links

Example how sadhakas are not ordinary - not xyz

"Even after getting human life, only a few get the opportunity to listen to dharmika discourses. Among those, only a few develop the desire to practise dharma sádhaná. And even among these, only a few actually grasp the spirit of Sádhaná. Those rare ones who understand, perform sádhaná, and reach the goal are truly blessed." (1)

In His above teaching, Baba is revealing how each and every margii is extraordinary as they have already crossed so many hoops to become an Ananda Margii. And there are a few more hoops to go. So one should always be alert not to get stuck in the present stage. Please read the above guideline carefully to understand which stage you have crossed and where you are going.

in Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Requirements for Sádhaná

== Section 2 ==

~ By understanding that You love me, I found my true self ~

"Tomár bhálobásá bujhe, nijeke khunje peyechi, tumi ele dhruva tárá seje,tava páne ceye calechi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4504)


O' Parama Purusa, You are so gracious. By understanding that You love me, I found my true self. By Your grace I realised that I am not just this physical body; I have an eternal relation with You. Since thousands & thousands of years and beyond, You have been with me, and You have cared for me. Earlier I was confused about who I was. I thought I was just physical body and that my life started with the birth of this body. I was always feeling sad and pessimistic about my future. But now, by Your grace, in my heart I feel Your love - I feel that I am under Your shelter at Your lotus feet - always. I now know that You love me so much & that You are always with me - all the 24hrs. Now, by Your grace, I understand where I am; my life has become meaningful. You have emerged as the polestar of my life. I am moving towards You. It is Your grace.

O' Divine Entity, when I get fatigued & tired by involving in mundane works, and when negative thoughts ruin my peace and tranquility, and when the dark clouds of hopelessness float in the sky, then in that bad hour I take shelter in Your divine love to save me from all sorts of problems.

O' my Lord, my mental sky, my air, my breath, my entire existence, my everything is dancing according to the rhythm of Your sweet melody - Your ankle bell. My hopes get consolation, fulfilled by Your samvit [1].

From the land of divine effulgence - with an unknown magical spell, one angel is beckoning me; O' my dearmost Parama Purusa Baba, You are that very apsera' (angel). I have understood this truth in my ańudhyana, by Your grace.

Baba, by Your grace, I am completely ensconced in Your love and now I understand that I am completely sheltered in Your lap...

End Note for Prabhat Samgiita #4504:

Samvit: "Samvit means spiritual consciousness, spiritual awakening. A man engaged in bad things all of a sudden feels that “No, I shouldn’t do all these things. No, I should be a good man henceforward.” Such an idea all of a sudden comes in his mind. And this thing, this change of mental tendency, is brought about by samvit shakti of Vidyámáyá. Do you follow? This is what is called samvit shakti. “No, henceforward I must be a good man. No, henceforward I must be a spiritualist. I must not encourage any depraving idea.” Samvit shakti." (1)

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Brahma Cakra