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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fish justice + 2 more


This email contains three sections:

1. End Quote: Fish justice
2. PS #1971: Why are you not joining us in the blissful occasion of this grand festival
3. Links

Fish justice


Baba says, "The reign of fish is known as matsya-nya'ya (fish justice). Fish justice means a disorderly, unjust condition where the strong eat the weak. When this situation arises in our social life then we say that in society fish justice is going on." (1)

Note 1: These days fish justice is a common phenomenon in society. Sadly, those who are exploited the most don't even know that they are being exploited. For example, capitalists are exploiting in all spheres of life, but the common people think that those capitalists are helping them. In the US and many places, the people think that those big corporations are providing jobs, food, and stability, and are thus doing a great service to society. Yet those capitalists are doing this for their own selfish profit motive; they have no regard for the common people.

In our Proutistic outlook, we know that the entire property of the cosmos belongs to Parama Purusa, but the common people in the west think that those wealthy people are fortunate and blessed - regardless of how they acquired their riches and fortune.

In India, the people think that the super rich did some great virtue in their past life and that accounts for their tremendous wealth in this life. And those same commoners believe that, “I am poor because of my past misdeeds.”

The west is exporting pseudo-culture everywhere by various media. Yet naive people think that the west is helping them and they feel proud and glorified by adopting western pseudo-culture. But by that way those simple communities are being swallowed whole by those big capitalist entities.

So wherever you look exploitation is going on yet the people are not aware. That is the sad state of affairs these days. Mass awakening is needed to turn this situation around. When people become cognizant of the presence of exploitation, then the tides will begin to turn in the right direction.

These are all examples of fish justice.

Note 2: In Sanskrit literature different words and analogies have been formed based on the characteristics of various creatures. The above teaching on fish justice is one such example. The main purpose is to educate the public about the inherent qualities of those animals and demonstrate how this concerns our human society. To this end, in Sanskrit literature, there is an abundance of words and phrases related with the natural world, i.e. animals, birds, and various other creatures. 

In Him,

1. SC-20 Bangla, disc 156

== Section 2 ==

Why are you not joining us in the blissful occasion of this grand festival 

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: Here in this song Parama Purusa is addressing the bhakta in a disguised manner using indirect language. Specifically, Parama Purusa is talking to the devotee while referring to Himself in the third person. So the bhakta is unaware that the Entity addressing him is actually Parama Purusa. That is the unique aspect of this song. No one should get confused and think that in this song two devotees are speaking to one another. Rather, it should be clear to all that this song depicts the special dialogue between the Lord and His bhakta whereby the Lord Parama Purusa is keeping His identity hidden.

"A’nanderi ei nimantrańe, tumi eká kándo keno, base..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1971)


O' human being, with the invitation of bliss on this auspicious occasion, everyone is dancing and the whole atmosphere is filled with the fragrance of flowers. Everything in this entire universe has become charged with such a divine and spiritual vibration. Mahasambhuti Baba has taken advent and brought forth a new ideology. In this joyous moment of the advent of the Divine Entity, why are you crying alone in an isolated corner? Why are you not joining everyone in the blissful celebration of this grand festival. O’ human being, you should come and join everyone on this exquisite occasion.

Today, everyone is dancing in laughter and joy. The waves are also dancing on the ocean. Even the molecules and atoms are dancing. For whose longing are you remaining aloof. Why are you keeping yourself by the wayside? The day is full of new vigour and a divine vibration.

O' human being, there is no need for hopelessness and despair. Parama Purusa Baba, the Creator of the universe, is also yours. That very Entity Who is very sweet and Who is helping everyone and Who loves all, that very Divine Entity Baba also loves You. And you are also His.

O' human being, why are you feeling helpless and passing the days in a dark corner. Come join together with all on this unique celebration...

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.