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Thursday, March 7, 2024

Inappropriate for sadhakas + 3 more

Inappropriate for sadhakas


This following letter delineates a major aspect of the mindset needed to be a true sadhaka.

In this current social era, there are two competing approaches that confront every Ananda Margii. One is from the environmental factor, i.e. the trends and ways of worldly, materialistic society; and, the second is Baba's ideological guidelines & teachings.

By thinking about oneself, mind gets smaller

These days the common people do not know how to think or use their minds. The masses are just self-engrossed, thinking only about themselves. They have no greater outlook than their own indulgence and pleasures. In that condition, the periphery of their mind decreases—making people more narrow-minded and selfish.

The operative rule is—'As you think so shall you become'. So by thinking about the unit self, then the dimension of one's mind gets smaller and smaller.

One static outcome of this phenomenon is that people are hungry to be praised—always. They always harbour the deep desire that someone should appreciate them. Not only every day but every minute, otherwise they feel depressed. This is the unfortunate situation of the general public these days. And the consequence is the uptick in psychic diseases. Now more than ever people suffer in frustration and melancholia etc.

Now is the time we should analyse how far Baba appreciates this self-praise—or the habit of enjoying self-praise. How far does this selfishness have any value in the life of true human beings. We should see carefully whether this self-aggrandizement is something meaningful or detrimental.

Baba says: Self-praise is like cat's cry

Here is the English summary of Baba’s Hindi teaching of DMC 4 March 1984 Jammu:

You did a little work and proclaim, 'I did it, I did it.'  "I have done this, I have done that". People praise themselves too much saying 'I', 'I'. Oh, why would you say that much I, I.

Oh, Why would you say "Meow, meow"? If anyone says "Meow, meow, meow" it is a cat.(*)


What you say? Who does "Meow, meow"? The cat. Yes.

Man does a little, (showing with the two fingers and thumb of His hand) this much, and expresses (showing by expanding both the hands to max) this much.

Don't do like this. Continue to do work with His thought in mind. No need to tell anybody about it. Parama Purusa is doing every work of the entire universe, does He talk about it? No He does not. Niirav karmii bano, Be a silent worker.

(*) The cat makes the sound “meow, meow”, and that sound is very similar to the Hindi word for “I”—’maeṋ’. So according to Hindi, it sounds like the cat just moves around all day glorifying itself—meow meow. So Baba is making a joke that human beings should not glorify themselves all day long (“I did this”, “I did that”) like the cat—meow, meow.

Watch out—you may come across some karmiis whose behaviour is similar—they praise themselves and say, “I did this and I did that.” As they are our family members, we should politely tell them not to praise themselves but sing the glory of Parama Purusa—not self-glorification.

Mental ailment: desire to be praised

Here below Baba is describing the poor mental condition of those people who hanker after praise.

Baba says, "Why on earth should anyone indulge in self-publicity? To whom will he publicize himself? Such acts are the antics of common, avaricious people with beggar-like mentality." (1)

So the whole point is that those who do not know the science of mind are involved in their own self-glorification. But human beings should think about God. This is our approach. Hence engaging in self-praise is not proper for a sadhaka—rather it is unfit to do so.

In contrast the standard of true margiis is quite high. Because the mind is focused on Parama Purusa. So the mind does not have the opportunity to think about the self—in which case, the periphery of the mind is getting bigger and bigger and in due course it becomes infinite. And finally in one golden dawn it becomes so vast that it merges into Parama Purusa, and reaches its Goal.

Here we see how selfishness leads to so many psychic maladies.

When people are solely focused on their own ego-satisfaction, then frustration is always side-by side. Because the moment they do not get what they want, then frustration arises. And this condition is accompanied by other psychic afflictions as well.

On the occasions they are praised by others they either feel arrogant or become dependent on that praise. For instance, they may not do anything other than for the desire to be praised. And when they are not praised, they are crushed and prone to despair—and may give up that work entirely.

The worst outcome is that people foolishly forget that whatever little strength they have is just the gift of Parama Purusa. Devoid of this thinking they become egotistical and full of vanity. And in result they invite their ruination.

One should never praise oneself or any other person—Baba

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Aham'ka'rah patanasya mu'lam" (2)

Meaning: Pride goeth before a fall. (i.e. Ego is the cause of downfall)

So this malady has come from the offshoot of materialism. Mostly materialistic minded people, those whose be-all and end-all of life is matter, suffer from such types of diseases. And they need day-long appreciation by others. Otherwise frustration and depression engulfs them. Such an unfortunate episode has become the norm.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “One should not praise oneself or any other person. There are many people who are very fond of praising themselves by telling everyone what wonderful things they have done, but, as mentioned in this sloka, kiirtana is not for one’s own self but for Hari. Even though people are taught to do kiirtana for Hari, they still make the mistake of praising themselves too much. Sometimes their self-praise is so intense that others are obliged to say, “Please stop praising yourself so much.” They forget that their self-applause is rather boring for others. Human beings should realize that no one likes to hear the self-praise of others." (3)

in His service,

History: hired agents to glorify Dadas

Here is one typical example how some Dadas hungry for praise hired agents to glorify and laud them (i.e. those very Dadas). See here below how these dadas are praising themselves about their work at one DMS but had it written in the third person in their own magazine, Prajina Bharatii. But what was written in Prajina Bharatii was completely bogus. The following is an English translation of what they printed in Hindi.

  • Ac Satyashrayananda is an intellectual giant and in this world there is none who can work like he does with others, hand in hand.
  • Ac Nabhatiitananda is always living in the divine world. This great monk beautifully walks on this rugged earth. He arranges all catering facilities—with his kiirtan raised margii standard and took them to the divine kingdom. People became intoxicated.
  • In this entire arrangement this Dada Pranaveshananda is the most adored and is like one decorated flower on the top of this entire program. From beginning to end he was always present everywhere. Dada’s labor and inspiration was unique. Without caring about his own health and comfort he was ready to make this program successful—and took up most of this burden and completed it also.
  • What can I say about Ac Rakeshananda —I never saw him tired—he toured the entire Angladesh and awakened all.

Here above is one typical example how some Dadas hungry for praise hired agents to glorify and laud them (i.e. those Dadas). See here above how these dadas are praising themselves about their work at one DMS but had it written in the third person in their own magazine, Prajina Bharatii. But what was written is completely bogus.

~ In-depth study ~

Self-applause is boring for others

Ananda Marga ideology states,"“Kiirttaniiyah sadáharih”. Kiirtana should be done on Hari and on no other entity. One should not praise oneself or any other person. There are many people who are very fond of praising themselves by telling everyone what wonderful things they have done, but, as mentioned in this sloka, kiirtana is not for one’s own self but for Hari. Even though people are taught to do kiirtana for Hari, they still make the mistake of praising themselves too much. Sometimes their self-praise is so intense that others are obliged to say, “Please stop praising yourself so much.” They forget that their self-applause is rather boring for others. Human beings should realize that no one likes to hear the self-praise of others." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology states,"People of action are also not free from vanity: “I did this, I did that – I built this road when I was a minister I constructed this bridge when I was in the Public Works Department” – this is how people become mad for their little “I”. Thus we see that although action is free from lethargy, it is not altogether free from vanity." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Those who think that they will get Him through the actional faculty are finally engaged in actional infighting. “I did this, I did that”." (6)

Irony about those who are truly great

But one thing is for certain. Our scriptures say that those who are great persons, in their life, they never get recognised. And in the society they always get abused.

As Ananda Margiis we should be fully aware of and always remember this golden teaching of Baba: That the vanguards of society are never praised in their age.'

Baba says, "You should remember that those who are the actual pioneers, the real vanguard of the society, are always a microscopic minority, but it is they who are destined to be victorious. Those who once opposed, or are now opposing or will oppose in the future, will in the future admit: “Yes, we are now driving our vehicle safely and comfortably along the very path which that vanguard once opened by clearing the jungle.” This means that those who cleared the obstacles in the beginning will later be recognized as pioneers. The funny thing is this, that people do not give recognition at the time it is due. This is the natural law. " (7)

About such great people's mentality Baba says:

"Nindantu niitinipun'a'h yadi va' stuvantu laks' dhiira'h."

“Let those well-versed in ethics criticize me or praise me, as they so desire; let Lakśmii, the goddess of wealth, either be gracious enough (because of my activities) to reside in my house, or, if she prefers, go elsewhere; let death visit me today or decades later. It makes little difference to me. Wise people will never withdraw from the path of ideology, the path which they accept as their ideal.” (8)

1. Subhasita Samgraha, part 2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 3
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shivokti no. 6
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Lord Should Always Be Praised
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Lord Should Always Be Praised
5. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Human Life and Its Goal
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Physical, Psychic and Spiritual Strata
8. Namami Krsnasundaram, Vraja Krśńa and Párthasárathi Krśńa – 2 (Discourse 2)

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

यह सेवा नहीं है

“मनुष्य में एक अतिरिक्त चीज़ है जिसका नाम है—सेवा | सेवा क्या है ? देंगे; लेंगे नहीं कुछ | Unilateral transaction, one-sided transaction | मनुष्य जो दान करते हैं---मान लो किसी भिखमङ्गे को तुम दान करती हो, तो, exchange में कुछ लेती हो, या लेने की भावना रहती है ? नहीं | जिसको तुम दिए थे, वह भी तुम भूल जाते हो कुछ दिन के बाद | उसी रोज़ भूल जाते हो | सुबह दिए हो, तो सन्ध्या में भूल जाते हो | यह पशु में नहीं है । यह है सेवा, यह मनुष्य की विशेषता में है | किन्तु मान लो कोई आदमी आज दान दिए, एक लाख रुपया | और, रातभर नींद नहीं आई | आज इन्तज़ार में हैं कि कल सुबह अख़बार में देखेंगे कब निकल रहा है कि—सेठ चोट्टामल डाकूराम बटपरिया ने इतना रुपया दान दिया |


तब तुम्हारा यह, क्या हुआ ? यह सेवा नहीं है, mutual transaction | दान दिए हो, और देखने के इन्तज़ार में बैठे हुए हो | हाँ | तो, ऐसा नहीं करोगे | दान दोगे, भूल जाओगे | दान should be what, unilateral | Unilateral माने one-sided, एकतरफ़ा |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. उद्भिदधर्म, पशुधर्म, मानवधर्म, October 1979 EGD Nagpur


Civilised & Uncivilised Behaviour


“We may call those human acts and behaviours “civilized” that give evidence of this discriminative judgement, in a great measure.” (1)

Smoking is not healthy. Medical research has proven that cigarettes are carcinogenic and toxic. They are poisonous and cause disease and premature death.So the habit of smoking cigarettes is not supported by logic and reasoning.

According Ananda Marga philosophy, when one acts in a way that is not based on rationality, then that action is uncivilised. Thus smoking itself is uncivilised - whether one is aware about the dangers of smoking or not. Those who do not smoke are civilised - in this particular aspect of life.

It does not matter Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of England; his habit of smoking is uncivilised. In other avenues of life, he may be civilised, but on this particular act of smoking he is not civilised. This is just one example.

The overarching rule is that if any behaviour is not supported by rationality then that action is uncivilised. If the majority of one’s actions are uncivilised, then they themselves are uncivilised human beings.

In Him,
(Lindsay Wilfred)

1. AFPS-6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress

== Section 3: Links ==