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Saturday, August 19, 2023

Sadhaka & occupation + 5 more

Sadhaka & occupation

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


It has to be recognized that not all jobs are the same. There is one type of job that is worse than all others. Some might think it is based on pay rate, occupational hazards, travel time, or job security. But that is not the case. The worst types of jobs are those which go against our essential dharma of spirituality.

Sadhaka and "I am that"

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Concentration of mind is only savikalpa sama'dhi, where the only feeling that remains is “I am That.”" (1)

Due to the ignorance and influence of avidya maya we think we are Tom, Dick, or Harry etc, but in reality we are not just Tom, Dick, or Harry etc. Those are just the mundane names given to us by our parents. They started calling us those names and we believed them. Actually, we do not know who we are. Some identify themselves with something mundane like race, colour, intellect, or profession etc. However, with sadhana, one can realise and understand that the unit “I” is cosmic “I”. But sadly due to the bondage and influence of maya people feel that they are just their unit “I”. As long as unit being are bound they believe that they are human. But when that bondage is broken they think they are Parama Purusa. Thinking of oneself as a human is due to the influence of maya; when that fog is lifted one thinks they are Parama Purusa. In true sense they realise, “I am Brahma.”

Indeed in one form or another, every ista mantra in Ananda Marga sadhana aims at the ideal of unifying one's unit existence with Parama Purusa, i.e. becoming That. So a sadhaka spends hours in meditation to train the mind that, “I am not this tiny unit existence”, but rather "I am Brahma." With practice, one will cultivate bhakti for the Supreme, until finally, by Baba's grace, the sadhaka becomes one with Divine Cosmic Entity. This, we all know, is our sadhana practice and spiritual ideal, in a nutshell.

So whether in seated meditation or not, we always aim to do our mantra japa and think, "I am That, I am Parama Purusa, I am Parama Purusa..." This is how we are to pass our days on this earth. And a job should not drastically interfere with this ethic.

Identifying the worst job ever

According to our Ananda Marga philosophy, the worst job ever is that which interferes and contradicts one's ista mantra. Any job where one has to state again and again, "Hello, I am John Smith..." or "Greetings, this is Luis Rodriguez", or "Hi, my name is Paula Barcolli...", is the worst job ever. Such jobs run directly contrary to the meaning of one's true identity. Because one has to repeat again and again, all day long: "Hello, I am John Smith...", "Hello, I am John Smith...", "Hello, I am John Smith..."

This adversely affects a sadhaka’s mind. So any job where one has to answer the phone or always introduce oneself to new people or anything like that is the worst job - whether one is on the radio, meeting clients or who knows what. In other jobs, one may knowing or unknowingly believe that "I am so-and-so", but at least the person need not repeat it all day long. By repeating "I am John Smith..." orally again and again it further substantiates the false idea in mind that I really am this tiny unit being. The mind really believes it. When in fact we should be thinking, repeating, and realising that I am that vast Great Entity.

Another level of job that is almost as bad is the auctioneer, stock broker etc, i.e. those who are incessantly involved in haggling over money, and they have to repeat those figures all day long. In that case the mind gets transformed into those dollar / rupee figures.

There was a time in my life where I had a desk job and whenever anyone called, I am to pick up and say, "Hello, this is Charlie..." At first I did not mind it, but over time the whole notion of having to  pick up the phone and repeat that phrase - "Hello, this is Charlie...", "Hello, this is Charlie...", "Hello, this is Charlie..." - became suffocating and repulsive to me. I did not like it at all. Once that feeling came in mind, then within 2 weeks I was gone from that job, due to circumstances beyond my control. So I thank Baba for saving the day and relieving me of that awful job experience. Since then, by His grace, I have not had to work under such conditions. I have been very careful not to accept a job where I would have to repeat my unit name all day long.


These types of jobs should change the protocol whereby they say, "Company xyz, desk #5, how can I help you." They should not have to say, "I am xyz etc"

Indeed in one form or another, every ista mantra in Ananda Marga sadhana aims at the ideal of unifying one's unit existence with Parama Purusa, i.e. becoming That.
So a sadhaka spends hours in meditation to train the mind that,  “I am not this tiny unit existence”, but rather "I am Brahma." With practice, bhakti and love for the Supreme is generated until finally, by Baba's grace, the sadhaka becomes linked with that Divine Cosmic Entity. This is our sadhana practice and spiritual ideal, in a nutshell.

So whether in seated meditation or not, we always aim to do our mantra japa and think, "I am That, I am That, I am That..." This is how we are to pass our days on this earth. And no job should drastically interfere with this ethic.

in Him,

Our meditation practice teaches us that one of the chief aims of spirituality is to realise that, "I am that Parama Brahma." That is the goal.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Before crossing the bridge of devotion one feels like “You are that”. But while crossing the bridge one feels “I am that”." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The unit consciousness that wants to return to Cosmic Consciousness quickly has to become devoted to Cosmic Consciousness, and this is bhakti. “I am That” is the idea to which the unit consciousness has to be completely devoted in order to become That one day. Bhakti, devotion, or calling Cosmic Consciousness, thus leads one to become like That." (3)

~ In-depth study ~

Must repeat ista mantra all day long

In this vaeshyan era, we have to make certain adjustments to survive. But those adjustments must not contravene our subjective approach. We should always have the mental freedom to ideate that Parama Purusa Baba is the everything and that I am moving towards Him.

Any job which transgresses this idea should be thought of as the worst job. So if again and again - each and every minute - one has to repeat and ideate on the false notion that "I am John Smith" - i.e. I am this unit being - then that is not at all good.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "In order to do japa, sufficient mental strength and mental equilibrium or equipoise is required. In the midst of wordily squabbles and intrigues, the repetition of one’s Is't'a mantra is not all possible." (4)

Whatever job we have, we should at least be able to internally recite our mantra and not be hindered by again and again obtrusive repetition that falsely claims, "I am John Smith". This goes directly against our spiritual approach.

Jobs which contravene this tenet are the worst

These days in this vaeshyan era, everyone has to work - a lot. When Prout is firmly established then a person might work as little as 5 minutes a week and devote the rest of their time to more subtle pursuits.

Prout philosophy states, "In a collective economic system the benevolent use of science will bring about human welfare. It is possible that as a result of mechanization no one will be required to work for more than five minutes a week. Not always being preoccupied with the problems of acquiring food, clothing, etc., people’s psychic and spiritual potentialities will no longer be wasted. They will be able to devote ample time to such activities as sports, literary pursuits and spiritual practices." (5)

The main thing is that, no matter what job or occupation we have, it must not so graphically interfere with our knowledge and realisation of who we are. We must always inculcate the idea that "I am That, "I am Parama Purusa", and then by His grace we will realise that within our little I-feeling is the greater I-feeling of the Cosmic Entity. Those jobs which so grossly contravene this tenet are the worst jobs of all time.

Ananda Marga ideology says, 'One who has acquired inner vision – the capacity to look within, to experience or realize something by introverting the optical nerve – by dint of sa'dhana' is a blessed person indeed. What is that “I”-feeling in each and every entity? What is the “I” of “I shall eat”, “I shall speak”, or “I shall do”? It is that Supreme “I” which lies hidden in the small “I”. So let people repeat the is't'a mantra, meditate and sing kiirtan for their Supreme “I” which remains hidden in their small “I”...The actual truth is that the Supreme Entity lies covert in the small “I” feeling of all living creatures. So He is not far from anything; rather, He is the very “I” of each  and every microcosm. With this idea or feeling in mind, spiritual aspirants should start their spiritual practice. To be ensconced in this supreme idea is the culminating point of all sadhana." (6)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 1, Intuitional Practice and Its Necessity
2. Subhasita Samgraha -18, Bhakti-Rúpa Setu (Devotion Acts Like a Bridge)
3. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, How an Ideal Person Should Live
5. Problems of the Day, Point #9
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, He Is Even Nearer Than You Think

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How sin & pápa differ

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Another thing to bear in mind is that “sin” in the English language is not the pápa of Sanskrit. As already said, “sin” means to go against that prescribed in the Bible. But pápa is explained in the phrase Paropakárah puńyáya pápáya parapiid́anam – that is, “Any action by one individual which leads to the development of others is puńya [virtuous deeds], and any action which does the opposite is pápa.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Niiti and Dharma

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Bad idea but fad in AMPS


It is well known and documented how Rudrananda and Madhuvratananda have allegedly turned organisational property in and around Delhi into their own personal land holdings by registering it in their own personal name. Sadly this trend is continuing. H group has sold numerous properties across NY sector and used those funds for their own personal gain. And more recently they allegedly sold property in Hong Kong sector for their own profits, and allegedly purchased property in Jamalpur in their own name. Best is if they show the land paper for that property. Verily they sell properties and collect money in the name of imaginary social service projects and that all goes into their personal bank accounts, allegedly. This is the unfortunate pattern that is at play - everyone should be alert and keep sharp eyes.

In Him,

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Bad idea but fad in AMPS

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why Kalachand became extremely hostile towards Hinduism

Prout philosophy states, “The second inviolable principle is that people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. People will not leave a religion if it is able to guide them properly on the path of Dharma….”

Prout philosophy states, “There is a well-known story about a Zamindar from Bengal called Kalachand Roy, later Kalapahar, who was a follower of Kálii. He worshipped a stone image of Kálii with great devotion. At that time some invaders, belonging to another religion, started a campaign to destroy all Hindu temples and deities. When Kalachand’s temple was about to be destroyed, he prayed to Kálii saying, “Mother, I do not have the power to protect you, so please protect yourself.” But how can a stone idol protect itself? In due course his temple and idol were destroyed, and Kalachand lost faith in Kálii. He was converted to the religion of the invaders, and became known as Sheik Kaluddin Khan. He launched his own campaign of terror throughout Bengal and Orissa and forcibly converted people to his new religion. He disfigured deities, destroyed temples and threatened people with physical violence to convert them. Once he travelled to Kashi and set about converting a widow who also happened to be his elder sister. She refused to succumb to his threats, and scolded him mercilessly for his bad behaviour.”

Prout philosophy states, “This made him realize the error of his ways, and he abandoned his campaign. If Hinduism had not practiced idol worship, Kalachand would not have been converted. Because of his forcible conversion, Kalachand became extremely hostile towards Hinduism and launched his own campaign of terror against it. A religion [in real sense dharma] should be so strong that no one can be converted from it.” (1)

Note: In the last paragraph the term religion was used but the real sense is dharma. Baba is talking about dharma, because as we know all the religious have defects. 

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cruel mother

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The mother who feels so much love and affection for her child that she sacrifices everything in life for its comfort and welfare, mercilessly slices young kai fish [walking fish] into pieces without the slightest emotional feeling. The young kai fish cry out in the agony of death, but the cruel heart of the human mother does not melt.” (1)

1. The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

आज तो तुम मेरे मन की गहराई में तैर रहे हो।
तुम तारक ब्रह्म के रूप में आये हो।

प्रभात संगीत 2700 कौन अजानाय छिले बहु काल आज जानार जगते एसेछो ...


 हे प्रभु! तुम इतने लंबे समय तक किस अज्ञात दिव्य लोक में थे ? मैं नहीं जानता कि तुम कहाॅं थे। आज तुम कृपा करके इस संसार में प्रकट हुए हो। तुम तो दूरस्थ आकाश  के चंद्रमा थे। तुम तो अपनी निर्गुणब्रह्म अवस्था में थे । पर आज तो तुम मेरे मन की गहराई में तैर रहे हो। तुम तारक ब्रह्म के रूप में आये हो।

हे परमपुरुष! हे दिव्य सत्ता! मैंने तुम्हें पाने, तुम्हारे दर्शन  करने के लिये कितने तथाकथित तीर्थ  स्थानों गावों और शहरों के चक्कर लगाये। एक तथाकथित तीर्थ से दूसरे तथाकथित तीर्थ स्थानों पर दौड़ लगाते रहा । तुम्हारी खोज में मैं तिलजला, जमालपुर और आनन्द नगर भी गया। पर मेरी प्यास नहीं बुझी, तुम उनमें से किसी भी स्थान पर नहीं मिले। मैं तुम्हारे बताये रास्ते पर नहीं चला, तुम्हें मन में नहीं खोजा । तुम मेरी इस मूर्खता पर दूर से मुस्काते रहे।

हे परमपुरुष ! हे बाबा! आज मैं समझ पाया कि तुम्हें पाने के लिये केवल तुम्हारी करुणा ही सार है। इसके अलावा कोई रास्ता नहीं है । यही कारण है कि आध्यात्म के इस रास्ते में ज्ञान और बुद्धि अपनी पराजय स्वीकार कर लेते हैं। तुम कर्म और ज्ञान से नहीं पाये जा सकते, तुम केवल करुणा से ही प्राप्य हो। इस महत्वपूर्ण सत्य को तुमने मुझे समझा दिया है। ।

हे बाबा! अपनी करुणा की बौछार से मुझे स्नान करा  दो।