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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Subtler aspect of bhakti + 2 More


Subtler aspect of bhakti


There are various types of relations between the bhakta and Parama Purusa that lead to mukti or moksa. In some of those relations - like highest bhakti - one feels His sweet and loving proximity in their day to day life. And there are other paths - like jinana and karma etc - where one does not feel that sweet bond of love and intimacy with Parama Purusa. Top bhaktas have Him in their extremely close proximity while jinaniis and karmiis do not have that intimate closeness with Him. Yet, when followed sincerely, all these paths lead to mukti or moksa.

Top bhakti means getting Him

Those top bhaktas have that intimate feeling that they are with Parama Purusa every step along the way as they attain Him; they have His extremely close proximity and feel His loving touch in their each and every action on this earth. That is the very nature of the path of bhakti: To have a very personal and intimate connection with Parama Purusa while living in the world. In this way, they get Him.

Whereas those involved in the mode of jinana and karma do not feel the sweet love of Parama Purusa while on their journey. So in that sense they will not get Him. But due to their obedience, faithfulness, and sadhana, in the end they will be rewarded with mukti or moksa. But along the way they will not remain always in a sweet flow.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "If you want mukti [liberation] or moks'a [non-qualified liberation] from Him, if you are a suitable candidate then you may get it from Him, but you will not get Him." (1)

How jinaniis & karmiis progress without getting Him

In a comparatively dry manner, those sadhakas involved in other paths (karmiis & jinaniis etc) progress ahead on the path to liberation without having that intimate closeness with Parama Purusa. They feel that they have to follow His command so they work hard and strive to execute the plan and order of Parama Purusa. But they do not feel close enough with Parama Purusa to desire and get His extremely close proximity. In which case they do not get Him, in the real sense.

So on the path of  jinana andkarma, one's life may or may not be filled with deep bhakti etc. Yet in the end due to their sacrifice, sadhana, and His grace, one may get mukti or moksa. That is the drastic difference between those top bhaktas and the path of karma and jinana.

A sadhaka can travel different paths towards Parama Purusa. On the path of top bhakti, one feels the inner sweetness and personal love with Parama Purusa in a very close manner. And in that way they get liberation or salvation. In contrast, on the paths of jinana and karma, one does not become ensconced in the personal and intimate love for Parama Purusa, but rather the sadhaka has to overcome all sorts of trials and tribulations. And by that way karmiis and jinaniis may reach up to mukti or moksa, without getting Him. So on one path the aspirant gets the close, sweet proximity of Parama Purusa and the other not. One path is full of His blissful love and the other not.

In the end becoming one means getting Him 

Ultimately though, it has to be recognised that getting mukti or moksa, means losing one's own I-feeling and merging in Parama Purusa. That culminating point is the same for all the accepted pathways as given by Baba. In all the ways - bhakti vs jinana and karma etc - one can ultimately experience this in the end.

The best way to express this difference is in this following analogy: One can reach to a kingdom by riding easily in an air-conditioned motor car along smooth, paved roads. Or one can reach that same kingdom by walking for days and months across the dry, hot desert - sweating the entire way on that very tiring journey. Both sets of travelers reach the destination, but the first (bhaktas) takes a comfortable path while the other (karmiis and jinaniis) move along a rough one.

Similarly, one can get liberation and have His extremely close proximity every step of the journey; or one can get mukti without feeling His sweet love along the way. That  is the central difference between the path of bhakti and the paths of jinana and karma. Getting Him along the way means having a sweet and blissful life where one feels that Parama Purusa is my most intimate and closest companion. The relation is based on love - not fear. The path of bhakti is the way one can get mukti or moksa, and also get Him.


In our Ananda Marga, by Baba's grace, surely everyone is on the pathway of getting Him, of realising His sweet bliss in their life. Baba has made our Marga that way by giving us the path of highest bhakti where one engages in madhuvidya, kiirtan, Prabhat Samgiita, sadhana, and so many other blissful practices that enable us to have His extremely close proximity and feel the sweet and loving touch of Parama Purusa. All in all, this is a highly spiritual topic and for more about this one has to do intense sadhana.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~ 

Your presence gives me scope to serve You

Here below is the teaching how to get Parama Purusa and have His closest proximity.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Perhaps you wanted that He should destroy your enemies. If you are on the path of dharma, that is, if your demands are justified, He will kill your enemies, but you will not get Him, because you did not want Him. If you want mukti [liberation] or mokśa [non-qualified liberation] from Him, if you are a suitable candidate then you may get it from Him, but you will not get Him, because you did not want Him. So an intelligent spiritual aspirant will say: “I want you, I do not want anybody else. And why do I want you? Not because your presence will give me pleasure, but because your presence will give me the scope to serve you, because your presence will give the chance to give you pleasure – not to give pleasure to myself.” That is why an intelligent spiritual aspirant will say: “I do not want anything from You, I want You.”" (2)

How bhakti works 

Here Baba nicely explains how the bhakta keeps an intimate and personal link with Parama Purusa each and every moment on the path.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Madhura bháva [top bhakti] is a very exalted bháva, for this bháva fills the mind with sweetness and bliss and leads the aspirant to the closest proximity of the Lord. To a person who is predominantly a devotee of the Lord, everything tastes sweet, there is nothing bitter in the creation of Parama Puruśa. He is attracting you through the ectoplasmic world, binding you through the bonds of love." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The spirit of madhura bháva [highest bhakti] is as follows: “He is so vast, endowed with innumerable attributes, yet even then He loves me. He is so great, yet He is still my most intimate friend, so very close to me. What joy! What joy!” This is madhura bháva." (4)

So the path of bhakti is always blissful - never fearful. The bhakta wants only His sweet proximity and one gets His intimate companionship. In a phrase, one gets Him.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, Krśńa, the Nucleus of the Universe
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, Krśńa, the Nucleus of the Universe
3. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 27
4. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 9

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==
How to create cosmic brotherhood

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Human beings also know that Parama Puruśa is their source of impetus, is their Father, and that they are all His children. As His children, they have a brotherly relationship with all other jiivas, or unit beings. Due to this knowledge of brotherhood, the human is superior to all other beings. Parents are greatly pleased when they find that their children have been loved and helped by someone. Similarly, Parama Puruśa will be pleased when you serve His creation – not only human beings, but also plants, animals, and the rest of creation. That is, bhúta yajiṋa, pitr yajiṋa and nr yajiṋa are to be performed. Those who have this feeling are in the real sense of the term  human beings. Just having the body of a human does not make a person a real human being, a rational being. Those in whom this feeling has arisen will be called followers of Bhágavata Dharma. They are doing the sádhaná of Bhágavata Dharma.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “All beings are made of the same consciousness. So although we may find ourselves at different stages of psychic elevation, a Bráhmańa and a Kśatriya, an Indian and an Englishman, a sweeper and a scavenger, a Zulu and a Maori, and even a tiny ant, are all linked by the bonds of fraternity. If we remember this fact, if we work for the well-being of all, then undeveloped human beings will be able to develop their spiritual potentiality when they come in contact with us. Even cows, dogs, tigers and bears who come in close contact with us will develop psychic wealth and gradually acquire spiritual treasures.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “He is the Supreme Progenitor, and everything in this Universe is His progeny. He is the Supreme Father, and others are His children. Then, when all are the children of the  Supreme Father, the relationship between man and man is that of fraternal bond. You have got a universal tie of brotherhood because everything created has got the same father. The source is the same. When the spiritual aspirant knows this fact, he cannot get any kind of inferiority complex or superiority complex in his mind. He is not inferior to anyone, as he is one with his brothers and sister.” (3)

The editors wrote: “Our first step is to realize that the true goal of humanity, the ultimate goal of evolution, is not the amassing of more and more material wealth but the expansion of consciousness. Through proper education and practical techniques of mental expansion, humanity will come to realize that the hoarding of wealth and all the ills of corruption and scarcity it creates, are nothing but the misdirected longing of the human soul for infinite happiness – a longing which cannot be satisfied by money but only by internal bliss. Thus as human attention and activity is directed more and more toward subtler pursuits such as artistic endeavour and spiritual practice, the selfishness and greed which dominate people’s minds today will be replaced by a new feeling of love and brotherhood. As we expand our minds toward the Infinite and learn to share our mundane treasures, we will realize more and more that we are all indeed one humanity, that we are all the sons and daughters of one Infinite Intelligence Who is guiding us all to perfection. Instead of being based on competition and mutual hostility, society will be operated through mutual cooperation and love.” (4)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Requirements for Sádhaná
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Sádhaná
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets
4. The Great Universe, Introduction

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Animals Also Use Some Types Of Medicine

Baba says, "Since the advent of living beings on this earth, medicines have been used. Dogs, cats, snakes, mongooses-- all animals, in fact all beings-- need some kind of medicine in various conditions. When wild animals become sick, they rub their bodies against certain trees and plants to cure their ailments. This shows that all living beings are more or less acquainted with some types of medicine." (NSS, 95 edn, p. 28)

== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Subtler aspect of bhakti
2. IT: How to create cosmic brotherhood
3. Links