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Friday, November 3, 2023

Prout’s view on historical issue + 3 More


Prout’s view on historical issue


This Prout teaching reveals a previously unknown aspect of human history with regards to the historical undercurrents of the situation in Sri Lanka. Such as who was there first, whose land is it, as well as how did the present situation develop. Following is Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's unprecedented historical account about the development and growth of Sri Lanka.

Prout philosophy states, "Around 534 BC, the prince of Rahr-- Vijay Singh-- reached Sri Lanka via waterway with 700 of his soldiers. Singhpur was the capital of Rarh those days. Nearby Singhpur there was a port also. Later on the name changed to Singhalpa'tan. This place is very close to Singhpur. Nowadays it is in Hooghly district. To continue with the history, the prince Vijay Singh was victorious in his offensive and captured Sri Lanka. And ultimately, Vijay Singh and his soldiers settled permanently in Sri Lanka. These are the ancestors of the modern Singhalii community. That is why Singhaliis are very close to Bengalis in their customs, manners, habits, and dealings. Their facial features are also like Bengalis. In fact, it is very difficult to differentiate between Singhaliis and Bengalis when one is speaking with them. Furthermore, the Singhalii language is part of the Indo-Aryan language group; hence it is quite similar to Bengali. The script is also the same. These days Singhaliis are primarily Buddhists. In spite of this, they have preserved their customs and manners so they are very similar to Bengal. The family name of Singhalis is Sena Na'yak, Jayvardhan, Gunatilak, Bhanda'r Na'yak, Desh Na'yak etc." (1)

Marginalised Tamils are native to Sri Lanka

1. Firstly, as per the above Prout teachings, it should be established that the Singhaliis are not the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka. Although they represent a 75% majority at this time and control the government etc, the Singhaliis came originally from the Rahr region. In His above description, Shrii Sarkar gives very specific details how the Singhaliis are closely linked with the people of Rahr - i.e. the Bengali people. And the reason behind this is that their roots are the same.

2. As explained, around 2,500 years ago, the Indo-Aryan prince of Rahr, Vijay Singh, led his army of 700 onto the island of Sri Lanka via boat. The prince then launched an offensive to attack, kill, and rule the local inhabitants, i.e. the Tamils who are part of the indigenous Dravidian population.

3. Since that time the Tamils have been pushed aside, marginalised, and treated as outsiders. When in fact they are the original inhabitants of that land. And side by side, over the centuries their aggressors, the Singhaliis, have become the clear-cut dominant people of Sri Lanka.

4. It only makes sense however that the Tamils are the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka since the state of Tamil Nadu is directly across the water from Sri Lanka. Plus the Tamil community has been intact for more than 5000 years. So the Tamils have a long history and possess a language that is distinctly different from the Sanskrit based languages of the north. This all leads to the fact that the Tamils are part of the indigenous Dravidian population that inhabited South India including Sri Lanka.

Singhaliis came from Bengal / Rarh

5. Even then, the Singhaliis wrongly think of themselves as being the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka, and they claim that the Tamils came only afterwards. But that is not true. Per the above Prout guideline, the Singhaliis came from Rarh. So either the Singhaliis are concealing the fact that they are from Rarh; or the Singhaliis really do not know where they have come from. Whatever the case may be, this fact should be disseminated that the Tamils are the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka.
6. But even though the Tamils are the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka and even though that land is rightfully theirs, the Tamils have long been subjected to ridicule and torture by the ruling Singhaliis. Over time, the Singhaliis have built up a huge population in Sri Lanka and they control the ruling government and all the major sectors of Sri Lankan society. In that process, the Tamils have lost many of their basic and fundamental rights, and they have suffered untold injustices.

Just like other native peoples exploited by outside aggressors

7. All in all, the situation in Sri Lanka can be likened to the tragedy that befell the Native American tribes when the European settlers arrived. Or it can be likened to the disaster that happened to the aboriginal people of Australia. Or it can be compared with the situation in South Africa. Or it can be compared with the Eskimo population of Alaska, or with the demolition that happened in the Fiji islands. In all these cases the local native peoples were tossed aside, ousted, and subjected to a near genocide at the hands of the opportunist white explorers etc. Tragically, the Tamils of Sri Lanka have suffered a near similar plight at the hands of the invading Bengalis.

8. Up through 2009 the people of Tamil were trying desperately to get back their land. Toward this end they formed such fighting groups as the Tamil Tigers etc, in hopes of getting equal rights in the land in which they live. But they could not get real success. Still they are treated as third class citizens.

9. Ultimately the Singhaliis have strongly held onto the majority and they have not given proper status to the Tamils. Even though the chief demand of the Tamils was equality and not a takeover of Sri Lanka, the Singhaliis spread propaganda about how the active Tamil groups are just terrorist goons who want complete control. Whereas the simple fact remains that the vast majority of the Tamil people are not terrorists or secessionists etc, just they wanted their due rights, i.e. their God-given rights.

Solutions to the tragedy in Sri Lanka

Even though the Civil War ended in 2009, going forward here are some ways to bring justice to the war-torn land of Sri Lanka.

A. Both parties, the Singhaliis and the Tamils, should get scope to live in Sri Lanka. Both have been there for thousands of years and both have a right to equal membership of that land.

B. Unfortunately problems always arise when one group does not recognise another. So the only way out is to cultivate love for other human beings and recognise their existential rights. This demand of equal rights should be put forth and at the very least tolerance should be promoted.

C. During His meetings with the Proutist Tamil samaj leaders, Shrii Sarkar again and again guided that the duty of the Tamil samaj is to propagate the idea that Sri Lanka is home of the Tamil people and that therefore the Tamil samaj of India must fight for rights of the local ethnic people of Sri Lanka. In the case of Sri Lanka, the answer is that the native Tamil population should get their due land and rights, and not be tortured or victimised.


Prout's overall policy is to help suffering humanity and watch out for the welfare of all native peoples.

Prout philosophy says, "In accordance with this trend, PROUT advocates [that]...the interests of all local people will be guaranteed and gain proper recognition." (2)

The Proutistic view is to help the common Tamil population of Sri Lanka since they are the original inhabitants and it is they who have been victimised and tortured all these years. So the rights and essential freedoms of the Tamil people must be granted and secured; and, all the while the Singhaliis should also be encouraged and allowed to live there peacefully.

in Him,
Govardhan Reddy

~ In-depth study ~

Long history of exploitation of native people

All in all there is a long history of exploitation of the native people in India.

Ananda Marga Philosophy states, "The mutual relations between the original inhabitants of India and the outsiders, the Aryans, were by no means cordial. The Aryans, out of deep-rooted contempt for the indigenous people of India, used to call them sometimes asuras, sometimes da'navas, sometimes da'sas, sometimes shu'dras. The Aryans did not accept these people in their society; rather, they declared them to be outcastes." (3)

Treated as legend or myth

Baba's teaching that the Sinhaliis (Sinhalese) have come from the Rahr area is documented in Buddhist scripture but due to political reasons this history was branded as being mere legend only.

The Buddhist Review states, "According to local legend, the Sinhalese are descended from the exiled Prince Vijaya and his party of several hundred who arrived on the island between 543 to 483 BCE after having been made to leave their native regions of Orissa, Bengal and elsewhere in India. The recorded history of the Buddhist Sinhalese can be found in two large chronicles, the Mahavamsa, written in Pali roughly around the 4th century BCE, and the much later Chulavamsa." (Courtesy of Buddhist Review)

Link between Bengal, Sri Lanka, & Kerala

And back to the above Varna Vicitra discourse which is cited up above in the main letter, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says that the descendants of the Singhaliis went to the state of Kerala from Sri Lanka and established a kingdom there. That is why the language of Kerala - Malaya'lam - is 75% Sanskrit and that is why the manners and customs of the people of Kerala are similar to those of the people of Bengal. For all these reasons the Bengalis, Singhaliis, and Nayar people of Kerala are all similar.

Buddhism came to Sri Lanka and Bengal at just about the same time. So on this point there is also a shared history between the Singhaliis who went to Sri Lanka and the people of Bengal. Ultimately, Bengal reverted back to Hinduism whereas in Sri Lanka, Buddhism remained.

Prout gives better understanding

Over the years, and especially since 2009 when the civil war ended, there has been a lot of talk and heated debate about the situation in Sri Lanka. All are aware of this history of extreme tension and heavy fighting in Sri Lanka between the majority Singhalii (Sinhale) population and the minority Tamils. To this very day, international attempts to resolve suspected human rights abuses, including possible war crimes, have been rebuffed by the nation. So it is extremely important to understand Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's historical account and apply His Proutistic solutions to come up with a better understanding of what transpired in Sri Lanka.

1. Varna Vicitra, Part 1, 20th Nov 1983, Kolkata
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Some Specialities of Prout's Economic System
3. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc 4

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Corner of my heart

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This following composition is the expression of a great bhakta in a very exalted state of mind.

“Prabhu tomár parash mor cetanáy joár ániyá diyeche...” (Prabhat Samgiita #0296)


Parama Purusa, Your divine touch brings tidal waves of bliss into the core of my consciousness. Your presence in my meditation gives me boundless bliss. Your charming smile has brought the refulgence of the spiritual world to this universe. You have graciously come here to bless all. Now, by Your krpa, I can feel that this entire universe is nothing but You expressing Yourself in innumerable forms. It is all due to Your ever-new, unending love and affection.

Baba, in the soft breeze of my mental madhumása - whenever and whichever direction I look in this great blue sky, I find nothing other than You. I see You everywhere. Everything I longed for and even those things I never thought about  - all have merged into You. Today, by Your mercy, my mind is fully surrendering in You.

Baba, whatever I kept hidden in the depth of the secret, corner of my heart I have spread throughout the entire world due to Your affection and bhakti. Baba, after offering my everything to You, including my I-feeling, I have gotten You. You are the only essence, the totality. It is Your karun’a’...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0296:

[1] Madhumása: When spring season arrives then people want to be accompanied by the one they love most. And madhumása refers to that exact month.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Short life & waiting room analogy

Ananda Marga ideology states, "People come to this world for a short time for some fun and games, and then they go. So for human beings the earth is like a traveller's inn, where they will not stay for long. Or it might be compared to a railway waiting room, where passengers from different places come and sit together for a while. The moment the train whistle blows, they forget each other, pick up their bags, and set off for the train. They do not look to right or left. Parama Puruśa is that train, and this world is the waiting room." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Puńya All Twenty-Four Hours

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Quality of true sadhaka

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The mind of the man whose consciousness or discriminating judgement is awakened-- whose power of judgment is intense, always remains wedded to the 'Buddhi'. That is to say, his rein (mind) remains constantly under the control of the charioteer (Buddhi or discriminating intellect), and so, quite naturally, his organs remain loyal to the Buddhi. Random rambles of the organ-like horses (organs) will cut no ice with him. But in a case like this if the horses (organs) be bad and untrained, i.e. the organs are faulty, it becomes impossible for the charioteer (discriminating intellect) to get the desired result. Hence for the right functioning of the chariot (body), well-trained horses (organs) are indispensable. A sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) also should train himself likewise. His mind, body, intellect, and organs should be directed towards the Blissful Spirit (Shreya)." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 5 , The Chariot and the Charioteer

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How and why of sleep

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Sleep: Due to excessive physical and mental labour, the nerve-cells and nerve-fibres become fatigued and demand relaxation, forcing the conscious mind to cease functioning and producing the state of sleep. Often the subconscious ceases also, leaving only the unconscious to continue the work of the brain.” (1)

About dreams

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, ‘However, sometimes the nerve-cells begin functioning during the latter part of the night, due to sudden heat in the back portion of the cranium or to an upward movement of gastric wind. The subconscious mind accordingly starts thinking or remembering, producing dreams. In the absence of the functioning of the conscious mind, these products of the subconscious are accepted as true and practical. Sometimes the dreamer actually believes that he is flying, for the non-functioning of the conscious mind prevents him from perceiving this idea to be pure imagination. Some people become extremely frightened by their dreams and produce inarticulate mutterings of fear; at times dreamers even die of heart failure. To assist a person out of a disturbing dream it helps to bring the person's hands or feet into contact with the ground, for this aids the conscious mind in beginning to function again." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Samádhi, Senselessness and Sleep

== Section 4: Links ==

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