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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Festival preparation + 3 more

Festival preparation


Sadguru Baba’s holy advent is such an auspicious occasion that there is no aspect of life that has not been purified and made pristine by His holy arrival. Each and every aspect of creation is ensconced in bliss by His august presence.

In that wholesome spirit, our Ananda Purnima celebrations should be of an equal breadth, size, and stature. Every sphere of life should be touched by our Ananda Purnima ceremonies and festivities. This year, Ananda Purnima is on Thursday, 23 May 2024. As usual, every unit may prepare accordingly for the best possible celebration.

Here below are guidelines based on Baba's divine teachings for how we can best maximize the festivities of the auspicious occasion of Ananda Purnima.

Celebrations in every local unit: invite non-margiis

Unlike centralised events like DMS etc, the occasion of Ananda Purnima is meant to be joyfully celebrated in each and every unit. It is a local function for one and all. Every unit is highly encouraged to host their own Ananda Purnima celebration. And, many ideal units do everything – more than a full-day program. Margiis and sympathizers often arrive the evening before to participate in an all-night kiirtan program (more about this below), followed by opening ceremonies and presentations. This continues into the day of Ananda Purnima itself with a special paincajanya and day-long celebrations including a varied array of activities and programs, culminating and concluding late that evening. So at the Ananda Purnima gatherings, the first iishvara pranidhana practice is done before breakfast, and the second iishvara pranidhana is done before the midday feast, and then there may be more as festivities extend into the evening etc.

Here the main point is that, blissful Ananda Purnima programs should take place locally in each and every unit. This is Baba’s prescribed system. As Ananda Margiis, we should encourage our entire family to attend the Ananda Purnima celebrations. Just as we are aiming to bring all of humanity under the banner of Ananda Marga, the same we should do with our own laokik family. About this all should be vigilant, otherwise that undermines the whole affair. All family members should be eager to attend.

The magnificent characteristic of all our Ananda Marga social gatherings is that all are welcomed - irrespective of age, colour, race, profession, educational standard, etc. All types from all places are invited. Indeed everyone comes together for sadhana, games, feasting, and other celebratory activities. By this way one social flow is formed thereby making way for a healthy, unified human society.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Ánanda Púrńimá: Collective bath with snána mantra, twice collective Iishvara Prańidhána and Varńárghyadána, collective noon and night meals, merry celebrations, spiritual conferences, annual meetings of workers, children’s sports, and procession with táńd́ava dance. " (1)

Of course, this is the best time to invite non-margii relatives, neighbours, colleagues, and others so they will come to know about the teachings of Ananda Marga. By this way they may become sincere margiis in the future.

Pada kiirtan, pala kiirtana, avarta kiirtan

For the occasion of Ananda Purnima, various types of kiirtan programs can be organised: pada kiirtan, pala kiirtana, avarta kiirtan, akhanda kiirtan, nagar kiirtan etc.

As you may know, nagar kiirtan, the singing and dancing of Baba Nam Kevalam through the streets and parks etc, should be done just before sunrise as it creates a very sentient vibration at that hour. If done two hours after sunrise, then everybody is busy in the streets doing all kinds of mundane activities and people will not pay attention. Whereas in the pre-dawn and dawn hours, most everyone is still in their home and many are still sleeping. And if they awaken to kiirtan then their whole day will be blissful. They may not understand why they are feeling blissful but they will be benefited. In nagar kiirtan, the chanting should be soothing, not ear-piercing. As far as possible, this should be done with loudspeakers, bearing in mind the local customs and legal code. What is acceptable in India, however, may not be allowed elsewhere. The overall spirit is for a maximum number of people to hear the holy siddha mantra: Baba Nam Kevalam.

The sound should be natural with the overall spirit being to please Baba by singing and sharing this spiritual chant with others. Baba guides us that by this way there will be tremendous benefit.

After each and every kiirtan program, there should be special prasad. Remember, Ananda Purnima is a grand festival for one and all - everyone: Some are involved deeply in spiritual sadhana, while some, such as the children, are interested in special treats like prasad. By this way, there will be something for everyone. All will think of it as a delightful and joyous celebration.

The celebrations for the auspicious gathering of Ananda Purnina should begin the evening before. So this year the actual day of Ananda Purnima is Thursday, 23 May 2024. That means maximum attendees should arrive on Thursday around sunset, and from Thursday evening to Friday morning an all-night kiirtana program should be arranged. Attendees should have designated time slots through the night to sing kiirtan - people will go turn by turn and keep the kiirtana going the entire night. That will create a strong vibration in the subconscious mind and generate a deep flow of bhakti. That will be the ideal lead-in to the Ananda Purnima celebrations.

Collective bath essential 

An essential component of Ananda Purnima is collective bathing that is done in a discreet, gender-separated manner. And It is possible to do collective bath everywhere. For instance, in Tiljala (Kolkata), in 1982 a large bathroom was made for collective bath. In one bathroom there were around 50 faucets connected so at least 200 people at a time could take bath there. So for collective bath, lakes are not compulsory. In every jagriti there should be such arrangements. Collective bath is very important; we cannot avoid this practice because it brings unity.

There may be rental places and tent houses that may supply water on a short-term basis for a fee. Just like how for the DMC pandal they would hire contractors, similarly there are contractors that provide water for large collective gatherings. There are so many creative ways to arrange and finalize this work in cities. It is not compulsory to have lakes, ponds, and rivers for collective bath. Collective bath (i.e. gender-separated) is integral and cannot be avoided as it is an essential point for creating unity.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Milita snána [collective bathing] and dharmacakra [collective meditation] provide grounds for common social functions in the physical, psychic and spiritual fields. Common participation in such functions is a very great unifying force. The participants in such functions will have no intolerance for each other, and will instead get more united. Such functions are, therefore, a great unifying force.” (2)

Firecrackers: Ignorance pollutes

Many units have stopped using firecrackers during our Ananda Marga festival celebrations. Baba’s expressed guideline is that firecrackers are a waste of money, create huge pollution, and invite serious injuries. Firecrackers are carcinogenic, dangerous, and wasteful on many levels. They should not be used at our programs. Instead the funds used for purchasing firecrackers should be directed toward enhancing our narayan seva and relief work that very day.

Think in this way: Suppose someone was depressed and they purchased poison to commit suicide. Yet then they came to the understanding that committing suicide is bad. Then they should not think that, "Since I spent money, how can I throw this poison away. I should use it anyway." Rather they should be happy and rid of this poison thinking that, "I saved my life." In the same way, firecrackers should be disposed of and put in the garbage bin according to the local codes.

Certainly, we all know that the holy occasion of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ signifies the day of advent of Taraka Brahma as Mahasambhuti Baba. And that on this wonderful and blissful occasion there is a morning and evening dharmacakra, collective bath, all-round merrymaking, and a sentient feast etc.

Yet there are also other special components to the celebration of Ananda Pu’rn’ima which Baba has outlined. Some of these are listed and described below.

Events & new clothes to all family members

Here below are a few more of Baba’s many recommendations and guidelines for how to make the occasion of Ananda Purnima an even more memorable, joyful, and charming gathering for one and all.

(A) On the grand festival time of Ananda Purnima, all types of age groups should have their own programs that are appealing to them. Certainly there will be one central place for the entire gathering, yet at the same time specialised plans and programs for the various age divisions should be organised.

For the younger children there should be games and sports and / or a drama production etc.

For adolescents and teenagers there should be competitions in the various realms from kaoshikii and tandava to music, art, and literature. And their day should also include sporting events etc.

And likewise for adults, there should be a range of activities and programs from the spiritual singing of kiirtan to service projects, plus spiritual talks, dance competitions, and general socialising.

(B) In addition, on Ananda Purnima the heads of households can utilise this as the time to arrange new clothes for all family members. Plus there should be toys for the children and the sharing of sweet treats. By this way one and all will know that something great is happening and that Ananda Purnima is a grand event.

(C) Ananda Purnima can also be made special by offering moderate gifts and presents or cards etc to those around you as a showing of love and affection.

Conclusion: spirit of utsava

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Humans are social beings. So every human being likes utsava. It is the desire of all that they will rejoice unitedly. In Europe Puritanism failed in the end, only because the Puritans failed to care for the desires of the general public. They preached their theory only to a handful of bhaktas of knowledge.”
   “Ananda Marga is for the general public. So, considering the necessity of the general mass, proper importance has to be given to the Utsava in social life. Enthusiasm in a utsava is the greatest in the children, in the tender aged boys, in the youths and last of all in grown ups. In the programmes of a Utsava, therefore, you shall think for the children first. Their sweet stammering noises ensure the success of the Utsava. But whatever arrangements you may make for the children, the youngsters, youths, or for the grown-ups, make that there is no dearth of discipline even to the minutest extent anywhere. Let there be complete harmony...” (3)

at His lotus feet,

1. Caryacarya – 1, Social Functions and Festivals
A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology
3. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva)

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Life wholly transformed
“Tumi ese chile ese chile káche t́ene nile…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2114)


Parama Purusa, You came into my life. Prior to Your arrival, I had no idea about You. Yet You brought me very close and coloured my mind in Your spiritual hue. You are unparalleled. You gave me everything - all the good things I desired, as well as whatever I did not deserve. On my own, I had no merit to have such gifts, but You blessed me with them.

Parama Purusa, in the past I was drowned in materialism and never even thought about You. I had completely forgotten You. You woke me up, made me aware, and showed me the proper path. Step by step, You guided me how, in this human body, one can realise Parama Purusa, attain mukti, and ultimately moksa. It is Your krpa’.

Baba, in the past I had nothing which I could call my own. I had neither a spiritual goal nor any sadhana. My life was as dry as a desert. You drew me near and gave me everything. Now I realise that with Your grace everything is possible. Even crude, spiritually blind people who do not have any cosmic vision can develop a subtle inner eye and attain liberation and salvation by Your mercy. Their life could be wholly transformed. It was my mistake that for a long time I was oblivious of You.

Baba, I have nothing to say. You have given me everything - words fail to express all You have done for me. Your causeless grace is unforgettable...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Dwellings of Lord Shiva

In His following guidelines, Baba tells us where Lord Shiva was living. 

(a) Here below Baba clearly states that Lord Shiva was going to Varanasi and residing there, most notably during the winter season.  

In Ananda Vacanamrtam - 43, Baba says, "‘वाराणसी’ नाम हुआ था...शिवोत्तर तन्त्र period में लोग इसको पुण्य क्षेत्र मानते थे क्योंकि शिव यहाँ आते थे, रहते थे ।" (1)

(b) Next, Baba describes how during the hot season Lord Shiva was in the mountainous regions, including Mount Kailash. 

Baba says, "There have been five acknowledged Tantras since ancient times – Shaeva, Shákta, Gáńapatya, Saora, and Vaeśńava. Shaeva Tantra was equally present in this mountain region and its nearby areas. It was a little stronger in the mountains because this area is called “Shiva's Field”. The name of the mountains is also the Shivalic Range. Shiva used to remain mostly in this area, also in the Mount Kailash region." (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam-43 (Pure), chapter 15
2. Shabda Cayanika - III, Kabala to Kaḿsári (Discourse 20)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Best place for sadhana

You might have heard some people say that, “This place is very good for sadhana.” Especially, you will hear this in Ananda Nagar, Jamalpur, Tiljala, Ranchi etc. They like to create the feeling that in order to get a special blessing you have to come to Ananda Nagar, Jamalpur, Tiljala, Ranchi etc and sit under that particular rock or tree etc. And then only sadhana will be best. Because that place emanates a spiritual vibration. Baba’s below teaching debunks this idea. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “To differentiate between different places for sádhaná, to consider one place more suitable than another, or to regard a particular spot as good and another bad, is to divide Brahma. Every place in this creation is the manifestation of the Supreme Cosmic Entity (Brahma), and to call one place good and another bad is to attribute these qualities to Brahma. If sádhaná is based on the consideration of good and bad, it will never be possible for one to develop the feeling of oneness with the rest of creation. One will never be able to love others as oneself. To Brahma every place is the same, and sádhaná can be practised anywhere.” (1)

If some place is isolated or a natural setting and there is no pollution of any kind, then that is suitable for sadhana in comparison to a noisy bus stop that smells like an open sewer. That is based entirely on the environmental qualities. The above teaching debunks the myth that some place is spiritually important, whereas other places are not.  

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, Why Are People Afraid of Intuitional Practice?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Prout based on intuition

   Prout philosophy states, “The approach of PROUT is subjective approach through objective adjustment. This presupposes a connecting link between intuition and intellect. This connecting link or touching point is called “Bodhi Jiṋána”. With the help of Bodhi Jiṋána, intuitional knowledge can be utilized for solving mundane problems. Thus PROUT is a Bodhi Jiṋána.”
   “Logic is a psychic survey. Such a survey may or may not be correct, therefore it is futile to follow logic blindly. The result of your psychic survey is called your rationality. This psychic survey, embedded in relativity, may or may not be correct. Intuitional vision is the best logic. Intuitional vision should be your guiding ideology. For example, it is an axiomatic truth that everything has come from the Cosmic Father and everything will merge in Him, but this truth is beyond the scope of intellectual logic.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout