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Thursday, December 15, 2022

A-grade marriage + 3 more

A-grade marriage


In the below yellow highlighted quote, Baba is teaching us that when people from two different clans or castes or races have conjugal relations, their progeny will have mixed blood. In that case, the offspring will be very healthy physically and mentally, and intellectually developed as well. The same thing happens in the animal kingdom too. That is the way hybrid animals are bred. This sort of plus point comes through revolutionary marriage also. Whereas same clan and caste marriages do not yield that benefit.

This is why Baba encourages intercaste and interracial marriages. These are called revolutionary marriage. Now let’s come and try to understand Baba’s below teaching. It is only one sentence, but the meaning is very deep. This can make the future of new families very bright and bring all round happiness.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those groups which have mixed blood are generally very intelligent.” (1)

Weak, dull-minded, and diseased

Over the course of human history, there are innumerable instances where communities became very insular. They did not invite or welcome outsiders into their fold. All marriages were between people of close relations, i.e. cousins, in-laws etc. The gene pool became very narrow; there was no mixing of the blood. This proved to be their undoing. Because having a limited gene pool leads to a frail community: weak, dull-minded, and diseased. Yet there are so many instances from one land to the next where communities existed in this way. They are homogeneous groups devoid of blending between the races. And that led to the degeneration and downfall of those peoples.

Still in many parts of the world we see this going on whether it be same caste marriages in India or similar other insular marriages around the globe like the gypsies of Romania, clan relations in the deep south of the USA, Arabic / Islamic peoples, the Amish community, tribes in Africa, Hasidic Jews etc. All these human groups marry amongst themselves, even with their own blood relations, thereby narrowing their gene pool and making their community prone to disease etc.

This is a liability for creating healthy generations of offspring. Gone were the brutal ways of sheer physical force, and now guided by the narrow sentiments of their geographical and factional group, they kept away from others and tried to generate from within the limited boundaries of their own select community. And as noted, this approach is still in vogue today in many regions of the world.

Modern day concern

Wherever communities became extremely insular, anthropologists attempted to create a new, more open boundaries so that a particular human group would not become extinct. In some cases they are successful, and some not. Where the population was less than 1000, it was very difficult to save them as their gene pool was so limited.

In other parts of the world, communities have set certain rules to avoid becoming too insular. Some have declared that people can marry only if there is no mixing of the blood between their families for a certain number of generations. Then, certainly many communities have made incest illegal. So steps have been taken; plus with the overall geographical movement of people around the globe, we find certain places where the blending of races is occurring.

Even then that is not enough. There remain both ethnic and religious communities that do not mix, and in many regions where mixing is going on, it is occurring under the aegis of materialism where attraction alone brings about offspring. And this invites a whole host of other social problems.

Why revolutionary marriage is so unique

So Baba's special system of revolutionary marriage (RM) is such an important element for creating a thriving humanity. Baba's RM system is uniquely designed for the advancement of the human race. As we know, the Ananda Marga revolutionary marriage is essentially an inter-racial, inter-caste marriage where people from diverse backgrounds join in the bond of marriage and start families. Baba has mandated that two people may only marry if for three generations up and three generations down there is no mixing of blood. These are some of the scientific reasons behind our RM system.

Baba's special RM system: great genetic diversity

Parama Purusa Baba's advent arrives with all the answers and solutions for a grand humanity—including the right system of marriage. As the Divine Father, He wants to see His progeny thrive and society prosper. A dynamic, diverse gene pool is needed between married persons. He had to address the current ills related with modern-day marriages and style of procreation etc.

To combat this and set humanity on the proper course, Baba has given His system of revolutionary marriage. As we know, the Ananda Marga revolutionary marriage is essentially an inter-racial, inter-caste marriage where people from diverse backgrounds join in the bond of marriage and start families. Baba has given the rule that two people may only marry if for three generations up and three generations down to ensure there is no mixing of blood.

This special style of marriage ensures that offspring are produced from a diverse gene pool. This leads to the birth of healthy, strong, intelligent, and dynamic people. That is one special characteristic of the revolutionary marriage system which Baba has given.

Other key aspects of our RM system include caring for the physical, emotional, psychic, and spiritual well-being of all family members, viewing marriage as a service to Parama Purusa, and taking the vow to watch over both one's unit family as well as the global, universal family. These are all significant elements of the Ananda Marga marriage system. The biological science of the revolutionary marriage system lies in the dynamic and diverse mixing of the gene pool. The greater the mixing on this level, the healthier the children are.


All species thrive when the best genes are used in procreation. Nature ensures this by the survival of the fittest in the plant and animal kingdoms; in this way, those beings continue their existence from generation to generation. Nowadays, scientists are mixing strands of seeds and plants to make them stronger, healthier, and more sustainable, as well as trying to support waning animal populations to ensure their survival by mixing animals from around the globe.

As humans we are to follow and propagate Baba's system of creating offspring from a diverse gene pool where those who are most fit and most intelligent are given greater scope. This will lead to a healthy, universal humanity.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Animal kingdom: only alpha males procreate

Parama Purusa has designed the system whereby Prakrti aims to have creation unfold ceaselessly into the future. By this way, all beings—plants, animals, flora, fauna—continue onwards. For this reason nature is governed by the motto: Survival of the fittest.

Essentially, the strongest, most dominant male stands last and wins the battle to procreate with the females. This is the way it works throughout much of the animal kingdom. The strong elephants, the most courageous lions, the fastest cheetahs win the right to procreate. This dictates that the best genes get transferred to the offspring and ensures the survival of that species.

If weaker animals procreate and weaker genes are transferred to the offspring, then that species will become diseased, injury-prone, susceptible, and ultimately extinct. This would not bode well. Nature has set a different course. The maxim—survival of the fittest—is nature's way of ensuring that the biggest, fastest, strongest animals procreate, ensuring that their species lives on. In animal life, those physical qualities are the most integral for survival. This is nature's special way to make sure the various species adapt to life on this earth.

Those very early humans followed this same natural law. It was survival of the fittest. ‘Might is right’ was the rule of the day. That was how those early humans survived and thrived. Only alpha males had the right to procreate. And the offspring were strong, capable and able to survive. In that way, humans maintained their existence from one generation to the next, despite the hardships, obstacles, and difficulties of tough living conditions.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "After the patriarchal system was established, the members of one gotra would forcibly kidnap women from other gotras to their own gotra, their own hill. Thus immediately after the marriage, the woman’s gotra would change, because she was then a member of a different gotra, a separate hill." (2)

With civilisation came insular communities

Over time, humans became less physically oriented and gained in the psychic realm. Instead of 'survival of the fittest' where genes were passed on from generation to generation by sheer brute force, humans organised themselves in other ways. Rather than physical dominance, they looked upon other avenues based on shared commonalities such as religion, language, region, and other factors. People intentionally kept themselves separate and distinct from others.

Sowing the seeds of cultural & racial injustice

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Although according to perfect logic the culture of all humanity is one and indivisible, the exponents of isms do not understand this. They prefer to assert that the different sets of script and language, behaviour and habits, and local variations in expression, are actually the constituents of human culture.” (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Members of a particular race who consider themselves superior to others also very frequently inflict injustices on other sections of society. The expulsion (see note *) of the Jews from Germany by Hitler’s so-called superior Aryan race is a glaring example of racial injustice in society. In this country, also, injustices on Harijans by the so-called superior races have caused a tremendous amount of disruption in society. To obviate this type of social injustice, the first attempt should be to do away with racial distinctions in society. In Ananda Marga the first step that one takes is to forget one’s race or sect – to no longer identify oneself with one’s race, caste or sect – regardless of whether it was superior or inferior.” (A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology) (4)

(*) “Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population.” (Wikipedia) 

In Ananda Marga the first step that one takes is to forget one’s race or sect – to no longer identify oneself with one’s race, caste or sect – regardless of whether it was superior or inferior.

Marriage blessing + requisites for healthy marriage

Baba placed great emphasis on revolutionary marriages—i.e. those marriages where the bride and groom were of different ethnicity / race, of different linguistic background, of different castes etc. Such marriages would receive Baba's great blessing during DMC etc. Baba would take both of their hands in His hands and graciously bestow His divine blessing.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If people of sublime intelligence and brilliance reproduce more offspring, it will be very beneficial for society. The responsibility for nurturing and bringing up these children will have to be taken by the society or the government. Similarly, it will be harmful for society if mentally deficient, naturally delinquent or insane persons produce many children." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "At the time of marriage the bride and bridegroom should not have any direct relationship three generations above and three generations below. If this condition is not met, the marriage should not be solemnized." (6)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The guardians should not allow matrimony between persons connected with each other either on the paternal or the maternal side for three generations, ascending or descending." (7)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Bhaerava and Bhaeravii
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – Both Severe and Tender (Discourse 2)
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress
4. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology
5. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Population Growth and Control
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Bhaerava and Bhaeravii
7. Caryacarya - 1, The Marriage Ceremony

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Secret to defeating avidya

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Sometimes it may happen that a man was a degenerated man. When he was a bad man, he was eating, drinking, and making merry, but as soon as he starts sádhaná, he is to face so many obstacles, so many hardships. He has become good, but be has to undergo so many troubles, so many problems. What is this? Why? Do you follow what I said? Why? The reason is that the pendulum moves. When it starts coming in the opposite side when its upward movement ends and the downward movement starts. The moment he becomes a good boy, becomes a sádhaka, the reaction of his bad actions starts.” (1)

Note: Avidya maya does not harass you for no reason at all. Avidya maya applies the arsenal from the collection of your previously accumulated negative samskaras, which have yet to be requited. Suppose you did some sin or wrongdoing in the past and never faced the reaction of that bad action. In that case, that samskara is still part of the arsenal of avidya maya. And you will have to face that reaction. But, in spite of such retaliation, if you continue doing your sadhana then avidya maya will walk away and will not bother you anymore due to your sincerity in sadhana.  

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 14, Action and Reaction

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Uses of herbal & animals medicines

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Moonlight is not a medicine like sunlight is. Rather moonlight often overwhelms the mind with a different kind of emotion. However, the qualities of medicinal herbs and plants are affected according to the difference in moonlight, that is, in accordance with the lunar day and lunar fortnight. So there are rules for removing medicinal plants from the soil, preparation of medicines and their uses in accordance with the lunar day. The medicinal qualities undergo changes during the different periods of the day, so one should use medicines with that factor in mind; at least it is better if it is done so. Those medicinal herbs and plants or those medicines whose qualities are affected according to the difference in lunar day or planetary position are called kulyá. So you see, this also is a meaning of the word kulyá."
   "Not only have human beings used plant substances for medicines since ancient times, they have also prepared medicines extensively from animals. In the Ayurvedic, Vaidyaka and Unani systems of medicine, animal substances, such as the livers of different animals and partridge fat, were used extensively. Who is not familiar with the medicine prepared from the body of a goat and oil from the hornbill? Medicines used to be prepared from the livers, pancreases, etc., of different animals in the allopathic system of treatment. In recent times they have been used for insulin. Cod liver oil and shark oil are frequently used. They are used not only as oral medicines but also in injections. Medicines such as naja, cina, and apis in homeopathy are completely of animal origin. Killing an animal in order to save the life of a human being may not be a very good practice, but it can be done when there is no alternative. This is a universally accepted principle. But when medicines are prepared by killing animals, it should be done as far as possible from those animals which are the born enemies of human beings. Those who are not the born enemies of human beings but are their natural friends should not be killed." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika, Disc: 34

== Section: Ananda Vanii  ==

Make rigorous efforts to become worthy mediums

“From place to place, from age to age, the elixir of immortality has been flowing forever. Through the medium of human structures this message of immortality is transmitted onwards. So no human beings should ever belittle or slight themselves, rather they should make rigorous efforts to become worthy mediums (media). The wise and intelligent ideate less on their defects and demerits and more on the Supreme desideratum.” (Ananda Vanii #66)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Links ==

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