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Saturday, March 9, 2024

How to address religious issues + 4 more


How to address religious issues

Strictly following the bhagavad dharma of Ananda Marga is ideal because it is based on rationality and universal well-being. But If someone is an adherent of harmful dogmatic teachings from the religions, then surely they are deadly. Here Baba points out the defective mind-set of such persons.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is very difficult to persuade religious bigots to follow the path of logic because according to them even to listen to others is a sinful act. This is nothing but mere sentiment. According to some religions beef eating is forbidden but the killing of deer and goats is permissible. This is totally irrational." (1)

In this age of reasoning, most are not convinced or drawn in by religions. Because religions do not follow the path of logic, so the good people just think such dogmatic teachings etc are outdated. For this reason the various religions are shrinking.

In comparison to a 100 years ago, religion on the whole is a much weaker force than it used to be. In the Middle Ages, millions were killed in the name of religion during the crusades. Today, however, religion is no longer the dominating influence in peoples' lives. Mostly it is just a namesake - i.e. something that people passively follow.

Most do not ardently adhere to the various religious rituals and mandates. People no longer base their lives on what the scriptures say. With the rise of science, people depend more on their logic and reasoning. They are no longer moved or swayed by irrational religious doctrines. Verily, religion is fading away in most parts of the globe.

Lambasting religions creates horrible backlash

If an overtly offensive attack is launched against those religions on the sentimental plane then there will be tremendous backlash. There will be a major uprising as waves of those followers will staunchly line up behind their religion.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Through such religions it is next to impossible to establish unity in the society. Religious differences should be minimized as much as possible, but it should be remembered that blind faith in a religion cannot be forcibly eliminated. To strike at any type of sentiment will only cause that sentiment to grow stronger." (2)

Why do we see - from time to time - profane language used by political leaders? Because of some political gain. This has happened time and again. It has happened in the past and will recur in the future. Intelligent people should always be alert and remain aware of such tactics. Those not in power incite tense situations to get the power and thereby create chaos in the society. This unfortunate maneuver occurs all around the globe. When we see such incidents it means some political gain is at stake. Those not in power want to come in power by escalating the situation and creating differences.

The key point here is that if we allow people to create religious conflicts by such ploys then fissiparous tendencies and divisive forces will rise and society will be torn apart. All remnants of peace will be gone. To lambaste any religion on sentimental grounds will only make matters worse. That is Baba's pointed warning. Religious leaders cannot say "use your brain" because the religions do not adhere to rational teachings.

So if we attack their religious sentiment by insulting them that will only invite a dogmatic resurgence of that religion. Everyone should be careful about this.

Psychological approach needed with religious followers

Here Baba outlines what our approach should be in order to create peace and harmony in the society.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Psychological methods will have to be employed to make people realize the irrational nature of blind religious faith. This requires a rational interpretation of philosophy through enlightened intellect. When the human mind is gripped by the fear psychology it gives indulgence to blind faith rather than logic and reason. If human fear is removed through logic and reason, the very basis for blind faith will be weakened. That is why human beings will have to be taught philosophical doctrines in a rational way." (3)

We are to generate interest in logic and reasoning within the common people. Gradually those believers will begin to use their brain and that is the most opportune time to teach them. So logic and reasoning are our faithful tools to combat religious dogmas. Resorting to insulting behaviours and / or belittling their faith will not do.

In His teachings on neo-humanism, Baba guides us to fight against isms and dogmas with our logic and reasoning. And that logic and reasoning can only be successful if one has inherent love for all of humanity. Such persons are sadvipras. They only can wipe away dogmas and isms. Whereas, if politicians try to crush, suppress or push aside the religions they will fail. The communists tried that scheme but they could not smother those religions. Rather such religions flourished underground.

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "It should be remembered that there are certain differences in the society which should be taken into proper consideration. These differences are usually removed through natural fusion. It is not possible to eradicate them by force. When human beings come close to each other with a genuine feeling of unity, when they share the common joys and sorrows of life, those external differences gradually vanish as a matter of course. In the human society there are four main types of external differences: food, dress, language and religion." (4)

That is why Baba encourages inter-caste, inter-race, and international marriages. And indeed we see that in any metropolitan city around the globe where there is a wide representation of diverse ethnic groups living and working together, such as in New York, Sao Paulo, or Berlin, etc such types of heated social problems are much less.

We should rally around similarities not differences. We can also encourage rational philosophical discussions as that will clear up the minds of students.

Religions demands not using the brain

If we allow impulsive and fiery preachers to burn the Koran, Bible, Torah, Giita etc, then that will only ignite the flames of religious outcry and rebellion. That will be counter-productive.

The most detrimental aspect of religion is that people stop using their brain. In any era, country, or place where religion is very dominant, people are forced to blindly follow dogmatic edicts and keep away from rational analysis. In result, they degrade themselves to near animals.

This is not just limited to religious affairs, but in all spheres of life those believers become accustomed to blindly following certain politicians and radio show hosts. A leader declares: "Vote for this candidate", "support this proposition", "buy this product", and the people respond - blindly. So their habit to passively follow and obey - without using their brain or critical intellect - applies to social, political, and economic life as well. Verily that habit of not using their brain in other spheres of life is the byproduct of religion.

Everyone knows that the rational intellect is the unique quality of being human yet the religions mostly force people not to use their intellect - they stifle the entire method of free inquiry and open discussion. If we gradually encourage logic and reasoning - especially with youths - then gradually the hateful religions will be a relic of the past.

The rate at which religion is fading now is staggering; it is on a big downturn. We should raise the slogan of intellectual freedom and rational thinking. Then we can get success because religion does not allow such logic and reasoning. That is why Ananda Marga is working hard to establish educational and neo-humanistic institutions around the globe.

Respectful, philosophical debate, not attack religious sentiment

As margiis we should understand Baba's guideline for discussing the religions. In Ananda Marga, we appreciate healthy debates on philosophical grounds based on religious teaching and preachings. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Read any so-called religious book: one will seldom find anything resembling tolerance of the religious beliefs of others...If necessary, different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (5)

Hence we can respectfully speak about the loopholes of any of the religions in a very psychological manner. For instance in Christianity we can debate their positions on heaven, hell, and Satan etc, and with Hindus we can raise the point of idol worship etc. We can discuss why these things are right or wrong with regard to all the religions.

But these philosophical discussions should be carried out in a very respectful and dignified manner. There should not be an iota of hatred or disrespect towards any religion.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Never attack the religious beliefs of anyone. Make the person understand gradually with logic. If you attack a person’s religious beliefs, it means you have attacked Ananda Marga." (6)

We do not support any type of attack on one's religious sentiments. That means no bible burning, no Koran burning, no destroying of idols, no wall writing about the religions using offensive language etc. It is fine to politely discuss the defects of idol worship, but we should not stand from afar and hurl rocks at those Hindu temples.

Debating the principles is very important, but we should not hurt their emotional or sentimental feelings towards their religion. That will only lead to social chaos and rouse the followers behind those religions. Because at that time their rational brain is not functioning, rather their ego and emotions are dominating. That is why the problems will escalate.

Use brain as to how far it is logically meaningful

The question comes: Why should we encourage philosophical debates? Because we believe in the liberation of intellect and free use of logic and reasoning. Before choosing any religion, one should use their brain to determine how far that religion is logically meaningful.

It is commonly seen in society that when people are buying things in the market they carefully consider how they should spend their money. But when committing their entire heart and emotional feeling to a certain religion then they do not use their brain. They do not question its veracity.

For instance, Hindus believe that if you hold the tail of a cow on the bank of the Ganges in Varanasi and pay a priest 50 rupees to recite the rituals for "godan puja", then you will go to eternal heaven and receive all kinds of luxuries and niceties. Likewise in Catholicism, if a follower confesses their sin and gives money to the priest then their sin is removed and a seat is reserved for them in heaven. And similar tactics are done in Islam and Judaism as well. Followers are led by tales and tall talks.

Such an approach is not good. Everyone should use their brain and logic and see how far it is rational to surrender to those religious beliefs and theories.

In any geographical region where education is prevalent, the grip of religious dogma is melting fast. But where people are not well educated, they are more prone to illogical beliefs, rituals and dogma. So education is very important. It should not be forgotten that even in a so-called first world nation like the US, 14% of the population is illiterate - they cannot read and comprehend the newspaper. We should work hard to raise the intellectual standard of all peoples in all countries - that will help promote an environment of all-round respect and cordiality.


With the rise of science, logic, and reasoning, the influence of religion is far less than it used to be. However, if anyone insults, taunts, and attacks any religion, then those blind religious followers will create an uproar.

As in the case of all key issues, as Ananda Margiis we should be crystal-clear about Baba's teaching. We should know our stand - i.e. the stand of Ananda Marga. If someone threatens to publicly burn the Bible or the Koran, or mocks Hindu idol worship etc, that is bad.

Baba has given us all the teachings to form a harmonious human society. We should pay heed to His guideline of not hurting anyone's religious sentiment nor should we try and forcefully root out any dogma by methods of suppression, repression, or terror. We are all one people - brothers and sisters - united under the loving shelter of one Supreme Entity. Whatever differences we have should be sorted out in a respectful, safe, and diplomatic manner.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The more human beings live in unity, shoulder to shoulder, the greater the welfare of the human race will be. Let no one try to suppress others on the basis of nationality, language, religion or anything else in any sphere of life. Let the path of full expression of human intelligence be kept open forever." (7)
In Him,
A few people believe their Proutistic samaj to be the holiest - and that their samaj should rule over the others. They claim all this in the name of Prout’s teachings on samaj. However, those who sincerely review the Prout samaj system will clearly recognise when anyone tries to make such claims, then that is groupism - and not part of the samaj system.
1. Prout Nutshell - 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
2. Prout Nutshell - 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
3. Prout Nutshell - 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
4. Prout Nutshell - 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
5. Human Society - 1, Moralism
6. Caryacarya - 2, "Society", Point #9
7. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

This supreme truth

“Áji, nútaneri álo eseche, kálo kuyáshá shuńye mishe geche…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1166)

Today, the Spiritual Refulgence of evernew has come. Due to Its arrival, the black fog, which was enveloping everything, just disappeared and vanished into thin air. By Your grace, a brand-new era of neo-humanism has come. Now there is boundless happiness in life, overflowing across the entire universe. This exquisite brilliance has ushered in a phase of tremendous speed. 
From this very moment on my spiritual journey, I will no longer cow down or be afraid of any kinds of obstacles. I will never stop this movement, be scared of anyone’s threats or ominous gestures, or surrender to those dark forces. By Your propulsion, I will courageously move forward. Today, new tidal waves of spirituality and cosmic unity have inundated this whole creation. Everything has been transformed. By Your grace, those suffocating days of old are bygone.

By Your krpa, today I understand that marching forward is the sign of vitality and life, whereas looking back into the past means inviting my death and demise. By Your mercy, I realise this supreme truth. There will be no more wallowing in my memories of defeats or miseries. Now, my eyes have been blessed with a spiritual awakening. By Your sweet will, I view the world in a whole new light. Someone has come, broken my slumber, and given me Your grand assurance that this life will be successful...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Should our Wts act / dance on stage?

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "An a'ca'raya or purodha' cannot actively participate in any acting." (1)

Note: Keeping Baba's above guideline in view, see the standard of certain Wts (acaryas and purodhas) who have acted on stage at various retreats and seminars. Every margii should be aware of the rules so that when something like this occurs they can come forward and help rectify the situation - thereby upholding Baba's teaching and the code of Caryacarya. Some purodhas were violating this rule in the past by singing and dancing rap music etc on stage at the annual overseas retreats etc - hopefully they have since mended their ways.

1. Caryacarya - 1, Social Relationship between Men and Women

== Section ==

मगरमच्छ व्यवसाय करते हैं, सेवा नहीं

पशु जीवन में सेवा नहीं है | पशु जीवन में अगर है भी, वह क्या है ? न, mutual transaction—जिसको कथ्य भाषा में व्यापार, अंग्रेज़ी में business कहते हैं | दो रुपया दिए, दो रुपया का नमक लिए—Mutual exchange | इसका नाम “सेवा” नहीं है | शास्त्र में इसका नाम है—“व्यवसाय” | हिन्दी में कहते हैं—“व्यापार” | “Commercial transaction” अंग्रेज़ी में कहते हैं | तो, यह पशु जगत्‌ में भी है | जैसे, घड़ियाल जानते हो ? मगरमच्छ—पानी में रहता है, बड़ा-बड़ा crocodile ?
क्या कहते हो यहाँ ?
[मार्गी लोग—“मगरमच्छ” |]
हाँ, मगरमच्छ | मगर | संस्कृत में मकर | तो, वह क्या करता है ? वह तो मांसाशी जीव है, carnivorous | वह खाने के बाद क्या करता है ? पानी में अब नहीं रहता है | वह पानी में जाता है केवल शिकार पकड़ने के लिए | वह पानी का जानवर नहीं है | जानवर ज़मीन का है | तो, वह उठता है, उठकर क्या करता है ? मुँह ऐसे रख देता है | हाँऽऽ [मुँह खोलकर] करके रहता है | उसके दाँत के भीतर में गोश्त घुस जाता है न ? तब, होता है क्या, कि छोटी-छोटी चिड़िया आती हैं | उसके मुँह के भीतर घुस जाती है | और जो दाँत में थोड़ा-थोड़ा जो गोश्त रह गया, वही वह चिड़िया खाती है | उस चिड़िया को खाना मिल गया | और, मकर का क्या हुआ ? दाँत साफ़ हो गया |
तो, mutual exchange है | तो, उस वक्त मकर, मगरमच्छ कभी मुँह बन्द नहीं करेगा | तब तो वह चिड़िया मर जाएगी—सो नहीं करेगा | वह, mutual exchange है, व्यापार | चिड़िया कहेगी कि—“तुम्हारे दाँतों से, मैं क्या पा रही हूँ ? न, गोश्त पा रही हूँ |” और, वह देखता है कि—“तुम्हारी कृपा से मेरे दाँत साफ़ हो रहे हैं |” तो, mutual exchange | “रुपया दो नमक लो” |
हाँ | तो, यह है business | 

 [यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं]  (1)

1. 15 October 1979, Nagpur

== Section ==

परमपुरुष! तुम बादलों के गर्जन और वर्षा के

प्रभात संगीत 298

हे परमपुरुष! बाबा ! अनेक युगों से यह सूखी और अनुपजाऊ धरती तुम्हारे आने की प्रतीक्षा करती रही है ,और अब बादलों के गर्जन और वर्षा होने के रूपमें तुम आ गये हो। गर्मी से प्रभावित होकर थकी हुई धरती ने नयी आशा  के साथ तुम्हारा स्वागत किया है।

बाबा, मेरे मन-मयूर के पंख सैकड़ों लयों और तानों में नाचने लगते हैं। गूॅंगे लोगों को भी भाषा मिली है, और अब वे अलौकिक पुरुष  की ओर दौड़ रहे हैं। हे परमपुरुष! तुम बादलों के गर्जन और वर्षा के रूपमें यहाँ आ गये हो ।

हे परमपुरुष! आज तुम को पाकर मेरा हृदय छलकने लगा है और सभी दसों दिशाओं में तुम्हारी  दिव्य प्रभा बहती जा रही हैं । हे परमपुरुष! तुम बादलों के गर्जन और वर्षा के रूपमें यहाँ आ गये हो ।

बाबा, आज मेरे लिये करने को कुछ नहीं है, तुम्हीं में तन्मय होकर तुम्हारे विचारों में डूब कर, मैं तुम्हारे ही रूप को देखता जाता हॅूं । तीनों लोकों की भूख और तीनों लोकों का अमृत मिलकर एक हो गये हैं। बाबा ! यह तुम्हारी ही कृपा है आज तुमने आकर भक्ति की अपार वर्षा की है। हे परमपुरुष! तुम बादलों के गर्जन और वर्षा के रूपमें यहाँ आ गये हो ।

== Section ==

Tear off the fog of dogma and march on smashing under your feet - Ananda Vanii #70

“In the crimson rays of the early dawn floats the trumpet sound from the distant blue void. The call resounds: Arise, awake and waste no time in sleep. Tear off the fog of dogma and march on smashing under your feet the sky-kissing challenges of the rocky mountains. Remember that victory does not come by itself. Victory has to be invited and welcomed with sweat, the warmth of the blood and the fiery flames of hard labour. The task you have undertaken has to be brought to its consummation. When the mission is noble victory is sure to come. So do not sit inert wasting your valuable time. Be ready to give a fitting response to the clarion call of the cosmos. Be ready from this very moment.”

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section 4: Links ==