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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

AMPS female militias oppose RB + 4 more

AMPS female militias oppose RB


Sadguru Baba has granted women equal status, and He wants women to stand up for themselves and not seek shelter behind their male counterparts. In our AMPS, the women’s branch of VSS - i.e. GV (Girls Volunteers) - is proof of this. The duty of GV is to provide security to all females so those women need not depend upon males for protection. To ensure women stand independently, Baba has created numerous complementary departments solely for females including the wing, WWD.

Indoctrination into subservience

In the below image, the girl is getting indoctrinated into this dogmatic annual ritual of raksha bandhan where it is taught that girls cannot stand on their own feet for their security and safety. They have to depend upon males. It is taught that women are like creeper plants that cannot stand on their own and have to depend upon others. Since their infancy this dogma is imposed whereby females accept their lowly status in society by participating in this below ritual of tying thread around the protector's wrist. The girl is making a bond with the male to protect her over the course of her entire life. That is the symbolism of females tying the thread. Ananda Marga opposes this gross dogma. To destroy such types of dogma Baba has created a girls paramilitary organisation in every branch of AMPS.

So in the below photo the girl is surrendering to the boy and taking shelter in him as her protectorate. That is the significance and symbolism of tying a rakhi on the boy's wrist. For the rest of her life, that boy will be her guardian, signifying that that girl is incapable of defending herself. This is a negative and dogmatic tradition that wholly undermines the status and dignity of women and relegates them as being subservient to men. That is why as Ananda Margiis we wholly oppose the raksha banda ritual that occurs in India around this time of year. It is absolutely shocking that some of our very own Didis participate in this degrading tradition.

Women’s militia is against RB dogma

In AMPS, all the militia branches related with males have a corresponding women’s militia as well - Prout, samaj, VSS etc. They all have their own women’s militia. For example, not only VSS but Prout also has a women’s militia, known as ‘Va’hinii’. So the female counterparts of each of these departments are not depending on males to protect them. Whereas those following the raksha bandhan dogma are going against the basic tenets of Ananda Marga. Due to their emotional nature, females are willingly getting exploited. In their naivete, they even feel proud to remain subservient. This is the pathetic condition across the Indian continent and anywhere else where this dogma is followed.

Those naive margiis who proudly declare that, “We follow raksha bandhan”, have no clue that what they are doing is against Baba’s fundamental teachings. If they use their rational brain they will be shocked and horrified by the blunder they’ve been committing all these years. This ritual of raksha bandhan enforces the dogma of female inferiority and subjugation which devilish vipras started in the ages of old. Due to their emotional nature, women willingly surrendered to those exploitative vipras. And the nastiness does not end here. Those males encouraging this are making their daughters and granddaughters cowards by injecting the inferiority complex that women are always dependent upon males. Such males are not worthy to raise and nurture girls. Under their care girls will be cowards. Those girls will grow up thinking of themselves as being lowly and weak. This is the subtle message that is delivered year after year that you are inferior and you need the protection of males. The whole thing is most unfortunate and pathetic.

Life of humiliation & insult = inert mind

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “This psychology has prevailed in India for a long time. A so-called low caste man will refuse to give you a tumbler of water out of fear because the feeling of inferiority built up over hundreds of years has been injected into his mind. For centuries so-called low caste people have lived a life of humiliation and insult, and consequently their minds have become inert. Tragically, they accept this condition as the result of their fate. Oppression occurs when you are opposed and punished for what you have done or for what you want to do, and as a result your desire to do something worthwhile dies forever. In Saḿskrta this is called “damana”.” (1)

The mentality Baba describes in His above teaching is also indicative of those so-called lower caste people who feel happy sitting on the ground. They will not sit in a chair next to you. Rather they prefer to sit on the ground and see you sitting in a chair. And if you bring them a chair to sit on they will feel horrified. To remove this deep complex all kinds of teachings and therapy are needed. Because their mind is completely repressed / oppressed. Their psyche has been molded in that manner and the same can be said of Indian females suffering from the raksha bandhan dogma. If you ask them why they are doing this they will reply, “It is fine I like doing like this - I enjoy surrendering to males.” This mentality is also indicative of a terrible state of repression / oppression. They became completely habituated to that oppressed state. That is what Baba is describing in His above teaching.


Now is the time to bring this dogma into our collective consciousness and ensure no one in AMPS gives an ounce of support to raksha bandhan. Doing so means contributing to the exploitation of women and going against the teachings of Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

By participating in rakhi, year after year, innocent females are cementing the idea in their mind that they are unable to stand up for themselves. Females are surrendering to male superiority and this begins at a very young age. This raksha bandhan ritual is the epitome of pseudo-culture - it is wholly irrational, illogical, and debilitating to women.

In Him,
Liila Sharma

~ In-depth study ~

AMPS female militia condemns raksha bandhan:  This means that AMPS has many female militias, and that females have the capacity to protect themselves, but raksha bandhan dogma goes directly against this tenet and portrays females as weak, powerless, and wholly dependent upon males for their security. Thus AMPS female militias are dharmic, and we condemn this raksha bandhan dogma; they cannot coexist.

Analogy of harijan & so-called upper-caste

A so-called brahmin may say that the so-called harijans (the so-called lowest caste) enjoy sitting on the earthen floor - they are not harmed by it. They like it. But if you ask that same so-called brahmin to give his chair to those so-called harijans, while he (the so-called brahmin) sits on the floor beneath those harijans, he will be horrified by such a suggestion. Ananda Marga ideology has been given to eradicate the dogma of male dominance and female inferiority complex.

So a certain man may say, "Look those women enjoy doing rakhi every year and gaining a male protector, so what is wrong", then the response is to tell that man to also tie a rakhi on any woman. He will be shocked at the mere suggestion of it. It is when we consider ourselves to be in that same position that we can begin to understand the sheer humiliation, degradation, and disempowerment associated with the dogma of raksha bandhan.

Further reading

Here is more about Raksha bandhan:
1. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, Suppression, Repression and Oppression

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Daughters have right to paternal property

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Sons and daughters will inherit in equal shares the movable and/or immovable property of their parents. The daughter will enjoy the immovable property during her lifetime, but will not have the right to transfer it to others. The property will revert to her father’s family after her death.” (1)

#1: The AM system of inheritance follows the patrilineal order wherein the father's land is passed down to his sons. That is the baseline. 

#2: At the same time, the AM system of inheritance makes the very unique stipulation that as long as the daughter is alive she has her given right to access her father's property. This is very important. For instance, suppose the daughter is married with children and living with her husband's extended family, and then suddenly her husband undergoes an untimely death, and she is widowed and the children are fatherless. In turn, the husband's family may no longer welcome her on their land etc. In that case, given the AM system, the daughter has every right to go back with her children to her father's property where she will have access to her fair share. By this way, the daughter and her children will be safe and secure. And, of course, if her husband was himself a landowner, independent of his extended family, then the wife will inherit that land as well. 

#3: The son's situation is different. If he is married and his wife dies then he will not have access to any land owned by his wife's extended family. So the son must rely exclusively on his paternal property, and / or whatever property he may have acquired on his own. 

#4: So in our AM system, in any family both the sons and daughters will be safe and secure and have access to land / property. 

#5: It goes without question that if there are no sons then the father’s property will be divided accordingly amongst his daughters. And those daughters can one day leave that land unto their children according to the AM system of inheritance. 

1. Caryacarya - 1, Ideal System of Inheritance

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Hypochondriacs: solution & cure

Even though they do not have any physical problem, psychically diseased people mentally suffer and cry and complain about different imagined physical ailments. Such types of psychic diseases are called mania. There was no disease per se, but the person was convinced he was sick. Following is one example:

Sadguru Baba says, "There was another person I knew who was quite healthy and carried out his daily activities with ease, and yet he was under the impression, for no particular reason, that there was some trouble in his stomach. Actually there was no disease; he was in good health. Yet occasionally he used to come to me and complain that there was some disorder in his stomach. This was his [psychic disease] of mania." (1)

Herein lies the solution:

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "One of the numerous benefits of sa'dhana' is that it keeps the mind free from psychic disease." (2)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, The Faculty of Knowledge – 3
2. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, The Faculty of Knowledge – 3

== Section: Call for unity ==

Call to bring real unity


This document illustrates the feeling of margiis of Meerut. They are calling for the awakening of Ananda Margiis around the globe.

These days the group infighting and Wt structures are going far away from AM ideological standing. Rather they are drowned in narrow socio and geo-sentiment.

Always remember that our Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji has given the guideline for unity. Unity can only be achieved through ideological unity. There should be a call to oppose all sorts of exploitation by various group leaders such as the distortion of scripture, curtailment of margii rights, imposition of dogma like mahaprayan, elimination of BP, ACB, & PKB rights, creation Jamalpur so-called holy land, and the imposition of the fake BP manual. Sadvipas will support these ideological causes whereas cowards will keep their distance.

Think for a moment: If you “unite” millions and millions of people and ignore AM ideology then that is just a useless crowd. Many have attempted this type of crowd unity in the past and they never get success. They could never establish real unity. By this same type of crowd approach, AMPS will be further balkanised and break into more pieces.

Remember Baba has given the formula of unity in His book, “To The Patriots”. Indian leaders did not raise an anti-exploitation movement and in result the country was divided into three pieces. A similar thing has happened in AMPS also. Those who want unity should make a call against the exploitation of margiis and Wts on the aforesaid points. That will bring success and the resultant unity will be real unity.

in Him,
Dayanidhi Pandey