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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Idle thinking + 3 more


Idle thinking


This letter offers a vital point that every new sadhaka should know. Ananda Marga ideology presents a dynamic, unique perspective to anyone coming onto the path. Since pracar is one of our first and foremost duties, we should also be aware of this teaching to best introduce it to others.

Key principle in spirituality

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "As you think, so you become." (1)

Baba has given this seemingly simple guideline in a number of discourses. Some new people may have heard or read this and think they understand. Other new people may not have yet come across it. We should ensure that every new sadhaka fully understands the import of this teaching because this is one of the very revolutionary aspects of Ananda Marga way of life.

These days, with the great popularity of fake yoga, most fake yoga groups solely focus on the physical, or they may include their own interpretation of pranayama as well. But Ananda Marga philosophy offers the full system for transforming one's person into godhood. And the above guideline, "as you think so you become", is instrumental to our approach.

When Baba says, “As you think so you become", He is telling us that we must have some control or restraint in our thinking. If one thinks of something mundane they will transform into that object - step by step. That is one part of the equation.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is the natural wont of the mind to take the shape of its object of meditation. If the object of worship is crude, say money or any crude thing, the mind takes the shape of that crude thing in the course of time." (2)

Yádrshii bhávaná yasya siddhirbhavati tádrshii.

Watch out: some become a pig in next life

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "According to one's desires one gets the fruits thereof. If somebody is a voracious eater and always hankers after food then it is quite likely that after the death of his physical body he may get the body of a pig in the next life. Suppose somebody wants to be a runner like a deer then it is not impossible that he will eventually get the body of a deer after the death of this present human structure." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Whether you prepare the food or not, you develop an intense desire to eat it. So it is not proper to cherish such desires. If you do think about it, you should think about it just for a second, not more than that. If the desire persists, you will be assailed afterwards by its reaction. For instance, if someone thinks of thieves for a considerable length of time, the idea of stealing may creep into the mind, so these types of undesirable thought should always be discouraged. Whenever any thought arises in the mind, it should be immediately channelled towards Parama Puruśa. You should say: “O Parama Puruśa, Thy will be done”." (4)

Thus one should always cultivate a spiritual-cum-spiritual ideal. But unfortunately, in this materialistic era people's minds are riddled by all kinds of thoughts: Name, fame, jealousy, stress, anger, fear, enemies, disease etc. By thinking in this way, part, or even all of their mind, gets consumed in that manner. So the problem festers and grows as the mind gets more degraded.

Wild or uncontrolled thinking is one of the main causes of both psychic and physical diseases in materialistic societies. Those new to the path of sadhana - and even those not yet on the path - should be informed of the adverse effects of this equation, "As you think so you become."

Thinking transforms entire existence

Then there is the other side of the equation: If we refine our thoughts to focus in a spiritual manner we will move towards the Supreme. This also we should preach and teach to every new sadhaka. By this way they can not only free the mind of so many fetters and distractions, but one can truly move ahead on the spiritual path.

In our Ananda Marga way of life, that is exactly what our system of sadhana is - a methodical manner of thinking wherein the mind focuses on the Ista.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Concentrated thinking is called “meditation”... In spiritual parlance, when the mental flow is directed towards the goal, that is, the Supreme Entity, it is called “concentration”, but in metaphysical terms, it is a concept of dharma. Concentrated thinking leads to the development of positive the process of constant mental flow towards the goal. In the process of meditation the following things are involved – brain cells, apexed or pinnacled psychology, concentrated thinking, Guru cakra and ultimate devotion." (5)

Concentrated thinking is an integral part of our approach. By this way one can transform their entire existence. Even those who are terribly depressed and stricken from anxiety can become stellar sadhakas through this method. And this is unique to Ananda Marga. No one else other than Baba highlights the sublime importance of thinking. So those new to Ananda Marga practices should understand that they will not get this teaching nor this practice on other paths and they should understand and experience the dynamism of this practice.

Our mantra japa in first lesson or sixth lesson is the culminating practice of, "as you think so you become." By bringing the mind back again and again to the idea of the mantra and training the mind to maintain that flow, then one's entire physical, psychic and spiritual existence gets transformed. Then one veritably becomes divine. Then one becomes Parama Purusa.

May become stone, wood, become metal

This principle - as you think so you become - is such an important guideline Baba reminds us of this again and again.

Sadguru Baba says, "I told you, or I have been telling you, that a man takes the form of his psychic object; that is, your very existence will be converted into your psychic object. You should select your object very carefully." (6)

So we should share the import of this concept with all new sadhakas. By this way we too may become more aware of the use of our mantra, either during and / or after sadhana. As pracarakas, this equation - as you think so you become - is one important point of our approach. So many in the world nowadays are looking for something new. And our Ananda Marga has all the practices they need to transform their life.

Those being introduced to na'ma mantra meditation or first lesson or even just kiirtan, should be made aware of the profound effects of this subtle science.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "“A person adopts a body according to their object of ideation.” Their own self is transformed into that entity, the entity which was their object of meditation. Now such people worshipping different forms of Prakrti finally take the form of those entities, and become stone, become wood, become metal. They are called Prakrtiliina. They become one with Prakrti and remain there for an indefinite period. What a durdaeva, I will say! What a painful state of existence!" (7)


Since what we think has such a profound effect on our progress. Every sadhaka should be keen to cultivate thoughts of the Supreme each and every moment. By this way, you will become one with Parama Purusa, by His grace.

In Him,

Here Baba guides us about the real meaning of yoga:

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Saḿyogo yogo ityukto jiivátmá Paramátmánah – “When the unit consciousness and the Supreme Consciousness are fused into one, that is real yoga.” This takes place when the spiritual aspirant establishes a relationship of sweet love with Parama Puruśa [Supreme Consciousness].” (8)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Select Your Object Very Carefully
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Dances and the Path of Vidyá
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, The Difference between Macrocosm and Microcosm
4. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Bhaktitattva
5. Yoga Psychology, Ideation and Meditation
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Select Your Object Very Carefully
7. Anana Vacanamrtam - 3, Ghosts and Evil Spirits
8. Yoga Psychology, Questions and Answers on Meditation, #1

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

परम पुरुष अजाना पथिक बाबा आ गये हैं

प्रभात संगीत 4741 तमसा दूर होलो, अजाना पथिक एलो  से जे चिरनूतन ...


हे,  संसार के लोगो  ! उठो, जागो, अजाना पथिक परम पुरुष बाबा आए हैं। सदा ही नयी रहने वाली  सत्ता तुम्हारे पास आई है। घना अँधेरा दूर  हो गया है। चारों ओर दिव्य आभा चमक  रही है। उसने सभी  को आनन्द से भर कर रोमांचित  कर दिया है।

हे, मित्रो ! देखो, पहले घना अंधेरा था, आगे पीछे, सब ओर अंधेरा ही अंधेरा था।  आर पार देख पाना संभव नहीं  था। पर, परमपुरुष के आ जाने  से सभी अंधेरा, आलस्य , ओछे विचार  और नीचे स्तर की  मानसिकता दूर हो गयी है।

देखो, हम सभी  अंधेरे में घिरे हुए थे, हमारी सोच इतनी घटिया  थी कि यह नहीं समझ पा रहे थे कि क्या करना चाहिए क्या नहीं। हम यह भी नहीं समझ पा रहे थे कि हमें सही रास्ता कौन  बता सकता है।  हम यह भी नहीं जान पा रहे थे  कि  अपनी हर प्रकार की उन्नति  के लिए कौन सा रास्ता अपनाएं । हम अपना लक्ष्य जानते ही नहीं थे कि हमें जाना कहाँ है । परम पुरुष अजाना पथिक बाबा के आ जाने से सभी अंधेरा दूर हो गया  है और  उन्होंने हमारे मन को असली  ज्ञान से भर दिया है ।  परम पुरुष अजाना पथिक बाबा आ गये हैं ।

 हे प्रभु ! तुम अपनी अहैतुकी कृपा की बौछार कर, हम सब का  जीवन सफल कर दो। 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Disease: painful cough and Sarvauṋgásana

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are some diseases – and their number is not negligible – which are carried by the inference of smell. Most of the skin diseases and boils which have a bad smell are carried by the smell inference. The disease of the laryngitis (in which the voice becomes hoarse and ulcers in the throat emit a foul smell) is invariably carried by the inference of smell. Those who sing for long periods of time or deliver lengthy speeches are likely to be attacked by laryngitis which is carried by negative microvita. This disease can be avoided or cured if sarvauṋgásana (shoulder stand) and matsyamudrá (fish pose) are practised regularly in ascending and descending order, then cloves and betel leaves are boiled together and the warm water is drunk through the nose, and the portion of the tongue near the uvula is then cleaned with the middle finger of the hand while the water is still in the throat. Finally, the water should be ejected from the mouth."
   "Negative microvita also attack the human mind through the smell inference. If a person sits in a wine bar or pub and the smell of different alcoholic beverages enters one's nose, the smell will influence one's mind. One may also order a drink from the bar!" (1)

1. Microvita in a Nutshell - Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt A