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Friday, September 6, 2024

Importance of kevalam + 4 more

Importance of kevalam


Our kiirtan mantra is highly unique: Each word has its own particular and pointed meaning. Even then, some may wonder about the greater significance of the term “kevalam”. Sadguru Baba has selected only three words to comprise our entire kiirtan mantra.

Only one - no second entity

The eternal truth is that the Supreme Entity is One. Only one Supreme Entity: Parama Purusa. To emphasize this crucial point the term, 'kevalam', meaning ‘only,’ has been used in our Baba Nam Kevalam kiirtan. In Ananda Marga, we are blessed with a unique approach that is singular and pointed. In our kiirtan, the term 'kevalam' has been given. Because the Supreme Entity Parama Purusa can’t be two. Only He is our Goal. The term 'kevalam' in our kiirtan emphasizes the idea again and again that ours is a singular approach. We only sing His name and no other. Only, Only, Only that is the essence of kevalam, only the name of Baba.

In our kiirtan we are to take the name of only One Divine Entity, Baba. And that is emphasized by the unique use of the term kevalam, meaning only.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Within the scope of infinite space, and without the scope of infinite space, He is the Singular entity. So nobody is outside Him. So He is the only goal. He is only Desideratum, and for Him you say, “Ba'ba' Na'ma Kevalam”. That is, “I am taking the name of that Singular Entity.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "“Kevalam”; only the name of that Noumenal Entity because he is the only Noumenal entity and there is no second Entity. So there is no alternative but to move and dance and sing around Him." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The question arises – is the Supreme Entity, the Supreme Faculty, a singular one or a plural one? The question of plurality in the controlling faculty is a knotty one. The rs'i says the important law, the Supreme Controlling Faculty, is a singular one – a singular one. There cannot be any plurality in it. That is, it is singular and shall remain singular forever." (3)

No one should do puja in this defective manner

Baba wholly rejects this notion that one should worship multiple gods or multiple personalities. In Ananda Vacanamrtam, Baba recounts a humorous story of when He was watching one of His uncles perform puja. His uncle recited a shloka that contained the names of so many gods and goddesses The names were seemingly endless and Baba's uncle faithfully recited them all. And then at the end of his puja, the uncle said, "If there is any deity whom I have failed to mention, please do not be angry, please accept my humble salutation..."

Here Baba is showing us that no one should do puja in this defective manner. Our approach should be singular in nature, not two, or three, or ten, or twenty. That is why in so many discourses Baba has told the story of the great fictitious devotee Hanuman who would only repeat Ram's name. Others would question Hanuman and ask him why he is not repeating any other name. Then Hanuman replied, "I know Rama and no one else. All other names are meaningless to me."

Baba uses this story to show us that this is the proper approach. An aspirant should have a pointed, singular approach on the path of spirituality. The goal should be singular in nature, otherwise a sadhaka cannot get success.


So the use of the term “kevalam” in our kiirtan mantra is most meaningful. It is this term which helps ensure our spiritual approach remains pointed on the singular Entity and steers clear of the dogma of multi-deity worship, which is so prevalent in the dogmatic religions.

Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,

At an Indian tourist site, one local business person was trying to sell rasogolla to the tourists and telling that this is an Indian egg. That seller did not like to tell the fact because he was unsure what those tourists would think. He thought those tourists would like an egg because that is what they had in their home countries. But those tourists were not actually interested in eating eggs since they get that in their homeland and instead wanted to eat some Indian sweets. So the seller failed. In the same way people do not want to follow the old, dogmatic traditions; they want something new, revolutionary and unique, i.e. the dharmic approach of Ananda Marga kiirtana and meditation.

~ In-depth study ~

Here below is the full quote of about Baba’s relative who was worshipping many, many deities

Ananda Marga ideology says, "A person whom I was very close to, a relative of mine, used to recite the following after taking bath: “Victory to mother Káli, victory, victory to Káli, victory to mother Káli of T́han T́haniá, victory to mother Káli of Dakśińeshvar, victory to Bábá Táraknáth, victory to Bábá Vaidyanath of Deoghar. O, Fathers! None of you should think that I am leaving out someone's name.” After this he would say, “O, gods and goddesses, please forgive me if I have omitted any name inadvertently. Please assume that I have mentioned your name also. Does this yield anything at all? One says “victory to mother Káli of Kálighát” and in the same breath one says “victory to mother Káli of T́han T́haniá.” It signifies that the mind is moving both towards Kálighát and T́han T́haniá. Can the mind become concentrated in this way? Certainly not." (4)

Why little difference between finite & infinite

Ananda Marga ideology states, “If we say, “God is one,” “Parama Puruśa is one,” that “one” denotes a particular pointedness. If we say “two”, although “two” denotes two points, still the psychology is the same. If we say “He is finite,” it is a particular psychic projection, and if we say “He is infinite,” it is also a psychic projection. For a philosophic ideology there is little difference between finite and infinite, because both are different projections of the same mind. Still we say that Parama Puruśa is one, and we also say that He is infinite. We say He is one because we can come in His contact, we can ensconce ourselves in Him, only when our mind becomes one. That is why we say, just to satisfy our sentiment, that He is one, He is a Singular Entity. We say He is infinite, because His wonts are fathomless, we cannot count them. There are so many qualifications and attributions in Him that we fail to count. That is why we say He is infinite.” (5)

Bring the mind to pinpoint

Why is Parama Purusa one? Some people say that Parama Purusa is infinite, and some say He is one. What is the answer. The response is that Parama Purusa is infinite but to realise Him one must concentrate and bring the mind to one pinpoint. All the desires must be harnessed and channelised unto Him. The mind must become pinnacled and concentrated to one point. If the mind is thinking about so many things it will get nothing. That is why we say He is one.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, One Should Know Everything
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12,  One Should Know Everything
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, The Singular Entity
4. 11 April 1979, Kolkata
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Dogma - No More

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Want to become sadvipra - 2

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The struggle in collective life, with the sadvipras in the position of leadership, will continue endlessly. Sadvipra after sadvipra will come: the torch carried by one will be handed over to the next. But the sádhaná of individual life is not endless – it culminates in the attainment of Brahma. Those who believe that they must first attain success in individual life before participating in the collective struggle will not succeed. They will never bring expansion in their individual lives if they ignore collective welfare. To be worthy of being sadvipras, individuals will have to concentrate on both intellectual and social development. Otherwise, no matter how lofty the word dharma might sound in theory, it will remain as a big hoax in the practical field. All spiritual aspirants must strive to become sadvipras, and that, too, from this very moment.” (1)

Note: In His above teaching Sadguru Baba is giving us several gems:
(a) In the social sphere, there is an ongoing, endless battle to create a just and moral society, and sadvipras will always be at the forefront of that endeavour. 
(b) In individual life, the movement on the path has a distinct end and culmination. It does not go on forever; rather sincere sadhakas reach unto Him and attain mukti / moksa, by His grace. 
(c) It is dogmatic to think that one must first attain Him before engaging in social service. Such persons will not get success in spiritual life. 
(d) True and successful sadhakas will progress in individual life while they selflessly serve society. 
(e) Thus, everyone should aim to become a sadvipra through sadhana and service, and fight against the immoral forces. 

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, The Macrocosmic Stance and Human Life

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How sleep eases psychic pain

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Although bodily pleasures are perceived by the mind in the wakeful state, the objects of such pleasures always come from without, with the result that the privations of the external world will always stand in the way of real happiness, as the external world cannot always supply objects in accordance with the desires and wishes of the mind. Due to this the mind has to run up and down in search of them. It becomes very agitated in the process and peace becomes and impossibility. The influence of the external world is absent during the dreamful state, accordingly the amount of pleasure is due to want of efferent desires in the mind or increased organs (for that matter here the desire is not afferent either). In the state of sleep, as the internal activities of the mind are substantially less, the amount of happiness (Static happiness) is proportionately increased.” (1)

Note: In life sometimes tragedy comes. This happens to everyone. And you might have experienced what Baba explains in the above teaching. If you lost your wallet and after that you feel asleep then at least during that time of sleep you got some relief. For this reason, those who life is inundated with problems want to sedate themselves by sleeping a lot.

1. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 4

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Only way to achieve unity

Prout philosophy states, "Unity and benevolent intellect lead human beings towards supreme fulfilment. Reading voluminous treatises on philosophy will be of no use in awakening this benevolent intellect. For this, one will have to sincerely follow Yama and Niyama in individual life. To establish unity, the society will have to select an ideology which remains unassailed by any spatial, temporal or personal differences. That is why only Cosmic ideology will have to be adopted as the polestar of life." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #37

== Section: Comment ==

Re: “Moment of silence” dogma


1a. Ananda Marga ideology states,  "So what can we do? We can say “O Parama Puruśa, while that man was with us we tried our best to do whatever we could do. But now they are beyond our scope, they are beyond our jurisdiction, so please do take care of them.” This much of a request can be made by us, and nothing more than that." (1)

1b. The above quote is very useful for the occasion of the shraddha ceremony. And that idea is already contained within the shloka for the shraddha ceremony.

2. Regarding Prabhat Samgiita #60, “Tomár jinis tomáke diyechi…”, that can be used on the day of shraddha, not other days. That is exclusively a shraddha song.

3. In Ananda Marga the commemoration for the deceased must be done within 12 days.

4. In the various religions it varies. The Hindu religion allows one year, and in Christianity it is 40 days, and then annually. And in some tribal communities it is the whole life such as in Mexico where certain communities dig up the graves and collect the bones etc.

5. We should not introduce such things into our Ananda Marga.

6. After anybody's death there is cremation and shraddha, and that is all.

7. When people come into Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS), they bring dogma from their old religion.

8. Usually in the society, people want to wallow in the past. But Ananda Marga is different. Baba says do not waste the time in singing the glory of the past or worrying about the misery of the past.

9. In Ananda Marga, death is not treated as something terrible; death is something normal like changing one’s clothes.


10. The main problem is that people came from other religions carrying their old dogma. But if they understand the issue they will not do all those things.

11. In conclusion when anybody dies do this:
(a) Cremation
(b) Shraddha
(c) On Shraddha day those who could not reach can offer their condolences using the above Prabhat Samgiita and Baba quote. Or if they prefer, they may convey their condolences by phone / email etc.

12. Then this dogma of a “moment of silence” will fade away.

In Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Shráddha

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: "Moment of silence" dogma

== Section ==

Tomb worship is dreadful 

"Those who worship idols, ascribing Brahma-hood to that idol, thinking that the very idol is God, the very image is God; worshipping stone, worshipping wood, worshipping metal. Tantra says, Mrcchiládhátudárvádimúrttáviishvaro buddhayo… [“Those who think that Parama Puruśa is confined within idols made of clay, stone, metal or wood…”] Mrt means “earthen image”; shilá means “made of stone”; dhátu means “made of metal”; and dáru means “made of wood”. And they ascribe Godhood to that wood or to that metal or to that stone. Then what happens? The person is ideating on that stone, or wood, or metal, and what happens? Yadrshii bhávaná yasya siddhir bhavati tádrshii – “A person adopts a body according to their object of ideation.” Their own self is transformed into that entity, the entity which was their object of meditation. Now such people worshipping different forms of Prakrti finally take the form of those entities, and become stone, become wood, become metal. They are called Prakrtiliina. They become one with Prakrti and remain there for an indefinite period. What a durdaeva, I will say! What a painful state of existence!" (AV-3, Ghosts and Evil Spirits)

== Section 3: Links ==

Subjugation of women - why? + 2 more


Subjugation of women - why?


All over the world, women are tortured. What solution and remedy do Ananda Marga teachings offer? 

Women subjected to torture is a multifarious problem. Looking into this issue from merely one direction will not help. One needs to know why women are being attacked and battered, and what is the reason behind it. We need to investigate this problem in an unbiased manner and then derive a conclusion.

An injustice that repeatedly happens is sexual violence. The question is why does sexual violence against women happen in the society. To answer this question, we need to find out how human evolution occurred?

Old ones die, new ones are born

First there were different kinds of animals and slowly humans evolved. Today chimpanzees are the closest types of animals that resemble the human structure. Many types of animals from the past do not exist today. This is the liila of this creation. Old ones die; new ones are born. New ones after birth become young, mature, old, and die and new ones are again born. This cycle of birth, death. and rebirth continues.

Newborns: animals versus humans

For the birth of new ones, there is a need for male-female interaction. Male-female interactions in animals happen in a specific time when partners come close, and new animals are born. The animal hormones are designed in such a manner that this interaction happens in due time during mating season. Humans in contrast are evolved beings and more intelligent than animals, and also possess greater freedom. Like in animals, there is a time when both men and women develop the desire to have a new born baby. But since humans are evolved beings, the desire to have sex is misutilized, and when differences in desires between men and women arise, sexual violence occurs.

Desire to reproduce

In women, one of the desires is to give birth. Women as well develop sex vrittis (instincts) at a specific time period in life, and once that age is crossed, those vrttis diminish, and do not arise again. In plants, similar phenomena are observed. During the time of pollination, pollen is transferred from a male to a female counterpart.

Biological differences between women & men

In humans, the mentality of males and females are completely different biologically. Males have stronger sex related vrittis (instincts) compared to females. After the birth of the newborn, it is the duty of the mother to take care of the baby. Females have stronger vrittis (instincts) to take care of the newborn. Females develop love for the newborn and need support either from their male counterparts or from the society. After a certain age in females, the sex vritti diminishes and there remains no interest or desire to give birth to new babies. But, for males such desire does not diminish. That is why because of differences in desires between males and females, where males have desire for sex and females do not, sexual violence occurs. Males do not have proper education that females do not have interest for sex, and they often involve in sexual violence against women.

Indisciplined interaction between women & men

Abhoga Samsargat Praptiresana--With the association of the enjoyable object there is a desire to get it. When men and women are working in a disciplined way that is fine. But when they are engaged in unnecessary gossip and unethical means of interaction, then their behavior turns inhumane. The initial infatuation turns into bitter violence later. Since human beings have evolved from animals, their lower tendencies are very well similar to animals. All the vrittis (instincts) of animals are present in humans. Eating, sleeping, and reproducing are typical habits of animals, and that is what humans of lower tendencies do, because these tendencies are already present in humans. For example, a child tries to suck anything that is close to the mouth, even without knowing what it is. That vritti is dominant in the newborn. In children, the mind has not yet developed, their actions are guided by vrittis (instincts). For example, a robot functions its desired tasks when given instructions, and after performing tasks it stops. Similarly, animals are guided by paramatma like a robot as they function by vrittis (instincts) only and the intellect is not developed.

Attachment with objects leads to deterioration

If a person loves sweets, and sweets are kept in front of a person, the person will eat as many sweets as possible. Similarly, if a person drinks alcohol, and alcohol is kept in front, then the person will drink. But if the person is kept away from their favorite food / objects, then such attraction will not be there.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The peculiar nature of these...propensities is this: if they are given indulgence, they increase. And they easily come under control with a slight effort; only in the initial stage, one must struggle a little to control them.” (1)

Sex vritti: different for women & men

Desire for sex is a vritti present in every human being, and the desire arises at certain age when corresponding glands become active. Once the desires are fulfilled, as women grow older, and the glands are not active, the desire diminishes. The vrittis (instincts) are also present in a child, but they are in seed form. When the child becomes an adult, the glands become active. Appropriate education should be given to teenagers on how to control sex related vrittis (instincts). Sex control education should contain teachings about how to divert the mind to greater and higher pursuits. Youths should be made to understand what is the goal of life. Separate education system for men and women should be developed as their anatomy is different.

Women & men sleeping separately

The sexual attack towards women is increasing in the society. What is the reason? If we see prior to 100 years ago, in India there was distance maintained among men and women. Here in India if we go to villages even today, we see that men and women do not sleep together. There is a separate room for men and a separate room for women in a house. Even married couples should not sleep together - except for procreation. Ananda Marga teachings are not against procreation. But there should be certain rules that are maintained. There should be discipline for men and women on what is the type of interaction they should have. Western civilization denotes women as sex objects. But rather women should be respected as mothers as in the tantric tradition.


One important aspect is educating people that even having all vrittis (instincts) present in a human being, one still can lead a dharmic life in the world. Radio, television, media, internet, and other forums can be used constructively to spread spiritual teachings. Adolescence is a crucial time when such desire for sex arises. Teens can be given proper direction such as education on how to effectively utilize the mind, good company, and a way to engage them so that the mind will not divert towards sexual pleasures.

Even married couples should not sleep together except for purposes of procreation. If teenagers can be properly educated about sex and sexual violence, then this problem will slowly wane. Following 16 points is the ideal way to channelize the mind towards spirituality.

In Him,

Propensities towards animality

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Those who do the sádhaná of desire, who knowinlgy direct their propensities (vrttis) towards external objects become crude. Because they fail to utilize the rein of their mind to keep the organs under control, their minds gradually become crudified. Their condition is then degraded to the level not merely of animals, but of matter – of wood, stone, etc.” (2)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Men and women are human beings having equal dignity. As the physical strength of women is less than that of men, the latter should always endeavour to save the prestige of women. As the mothers of men, women can claim this much as a right.” (3)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 16)
2. Ananda Marga ideology & Way of Life - 5, Matter and Spirit
3. Caryacarya - 1, Social Relationship between Men and Women

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Forgotten the rest of the world

"Kan’t́aka patha dhare klesha varan’ kare, a’siyachi prabhu tava tare je a’ji..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1408)

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.


Parama Purusa, I have come to You today, by Your grace, after crossing the thorny path and undergoing so much suffering. Since I started moving on the path of divinity, I have faced so much opposition in the society - both from the status quo and the followers of dogma. There were so many internal struggles as well as much opposition from avidya maya - internal enemies and external bondages. Even then, by Your blessing, I stayed the course, rose to the challenge, held onto Your dharmic ideals, fought against the opposition, came to You by Your grace. Baba, with Your help I have reached Your lotus feet. Please look upon me with eyes full of karun'a - overlooking my demerits and weaknesses. Please accept me, coming in my mind in Your most attractive mohan form. 

Supreme Entity, by Your krpa all kinds of complexes - shame, shyness, inferiority, superiority, fear, and defeatist etc - from which I was suffering have vanished. These mental diseases have been completely washed away from my mind due to Your sweet will. All my feelings and thoughts are surrendered unto You. Today I humbly offer those emotions at Your lotus feet, in Your supreme ideation. Now in my deep meditation, only You and I exist. I have completely forgotten the rest of the world. Just I am dancing in Your holy name and special rhythm.

My Supreme Guide, only this I request of You. Please come in my heart, by lighting the lamp of eternal love and yearning, again and again in my mind. Baba, I ask for Your divine compassion - karun'a. Please bless me with the highest bhakti.

Baba, by Your grace, I have come after facing a lot of torment. Please keep me in Your shelter...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #1408:

[1] Mohan Sa'j: This term is used in the original Bengali lyrics of the song and refers to the most attractive form of Parama Purusa. In spiritual life, as the mind becomes more and more pointed, by His grace, the sadhaka feels that Parama Purusa is the most charming Entity. Also in this song the bhakta is indirectly asking Parama Purusa, "Please grace me and heighten my bhakti so I feel that You are the most attractive One."

[2] Lok Laj Sare Geche: This line of the song depicts the state of mind where one is ensconced in a very deeply intimate bhava and they are not aware about their surroundings nor what others are thinking and saying about them. For instance, if one is singing and dancing kiirtan in the streets and the mind is purely focused on Him, then one will not be concerned about public opinion etc. They will continue to dance and sing, regardless of what others may be saying. So when the mind is very high, then one is oblivious of the world around them. They are in a very pure and blissful state that leads to Supreme realisation - fully ensconced in His divine bliss.  

[3] Tumi a'r a'mi a'chi jagat ke bhule gechi: When the sadhaka, by the grace of Parama Purusa, is fully immersed in meditation and wholly focused on Him, then they feel that only Parama Purusa exists. That state is known as savikalpa samadhi. When the mind is a little lower but still in a deeply spiritual flow, then one feels that only Parama Purusa and myself exist. When the mind is still lower, then one feels that there is me, my family and Parama Purusa. And when one's mind is completely distracted, then they cannot even concentrate in sadhana and instead plan all kinds of mundane things in life. This particular line of the song depicts the exalted stage where the bhakta thinks that, "only I and Parama Purusa exist."

== Section: Important Teaching ==
How writers become purchased players

Ananda Marga philosohy states, “Today the different countries of the world have allocated numerous awards for sáhityikas [writers]. But that is where the danger lies. Every government, whether monarchical, republican or autocratic, is run according to a particular ideology, and so there is little chance for the government to suddenly become impartial in bestowing awards on sáhityikas [writers]. Naturally it will judge the merits and demerits of the sáhityikas [writers] in accordance with the bias of its own party, and consequently sáhityikas [writers] will be compelled to sacrifice their ideals to feed their stomachs. These observations are generally applicable to different types of governments, but especially to democratic states, for in democratic states ideological clashes are more in evidence, and hence the need to propagate ideologies is also more acute. That is why democratic states want to use sáhityikas [writers] as propaganda tools. Needless to say, such made-to-order writings cannot be called literature at all – political propaganda can never be called literature.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section 3: Links ==