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Friday, August 30, 2024

Fast track to fame + 6 more


Want to become sadvipra - 1

Ananda Marga ideology states, "How will sadvipras be created? They will be created in the continued endeavour to expand the self. By reciting holy scriptures or by acquiring a few Saḿskrta titles, one cannot succeed in spiritual pursuit. Brahma does not care who is of noble descent or high caste. The important thing is to continue sádhaná. One’s life can only be properly evaluated in the light of that struggle." (1)

Note: In His above guideline, Baba instructs us that sadvipras can only be created through their deep pursuit of sadhana. Educational attainment, scriptural degrees, and tattvikaship, acaryaship, or purodhaship have no bearing on becoming a sadvipra. Rather, such so-called accolades are a distraction and an impediment to one’s progress on the path of spirituality because they pollute the mind with vanity. So every aspirant should remain strict in their sadhana. That is the only way to get success in spiritual life and become a sadvipra.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, The Macrocosmic Stance and Human Life

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Fast track to fame


In our human society, there is no dearth of "celebrities". In politics, Hollywood / Bollywood, big business, and sports etc, there are all kinds of heroes who are famous throughout the globe. They are thought of as being great and magnificent. They are revered all over and receive huge attention. What is the reason behind this? Why are self-engrossed stars embraced by the general public; whereas, selfless, well-wishers of humanity are overlooked by society.

Why drunkards appreciate drunkards

The main theme here is that to understand something more refined, a certain calibre of mind is needed. When that is lacking in common people, they cannot appreciate higher ideals and / or subtle thoughts. In general, people only develop an appreciation for those qualities or characteristics that they themselves desire. For instance, drunkards have regard for those who can drink more alcohol. The wealthy are awed by those who have more riches than they have. And every example works in this direction. Those drunkards and avaricious capitalists will not have great respect for a sadhu. Indeed, they will not even be able to recognise a sadhu. People can only appreciate those who have something that they themselves wish to gain.

Example: majority of people are close to animality

Everyone in this cosmos reaches out for what interests them. A dog appreciates a slab of meat; a cow runs toward the grass; vultures desire dead bodies; and alcoholics dream of getting more liquor. Or we can say people gather around and appreciate those who share their own values.

Neo-humanism states, “Within a gang of thieves, one of them says appreciatively, “Oh! The sleight-of-hand of such-and-such other thief is marvellous – he has made a fool of me!” Here one pickpocket is praising another, because they belong to the same group.” (1)

Or look at it this way: Illiterate folk do not revere those who are learned and scholarly. Because it demands a certain calibre of mind to recognise real greatness. Since the mentality of the majority of common folk is always comparatively lower, that means the people whom they revere are not really great. Just those famous people appeal to the public standard. In essence, the majority of the general society does not have the requisite quality of mind to see real greatness. Knowing the formula for achieving fame and social recognition, no one on the path of Ananda Marga should then get frustrated because the public does not recognise or support us. Our duty is to please Parama Purusa and serve Him - living according to His mandates.

Average human mind is lowly

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Suppose there is a virtuous discussion going on somewhere. If you invite two hundred people to this discussion, you will find that only sixty invitees have turned up, at the most. Out of these participants about ten or twelve people at most listen with patience and devotion to the talks; and out of these listeners, only some properly understand the subject discussed. Then again, out of this small group that has understood, only a very few may retain in their minds what they have understood. Lastly, only one or two persons of this last group may practice in their daily lives what they have learnt and understood. This is only due to the clash between vidyá and avidyá in the mind, and in this clash the triumph of avidyá or the extroversive force means running from the introversive bent of vidyá. It is because of the saḿskaras of animality that the introversive momentum is rare in the average human mind. The sensuous desires of avidyá continue to infiltrate into every thought process. Such a situation continues for a long time in a sádhaka’s life.” (2)

Two types of people revered by the masses

From era to era, there are two categories of people who get praise. The first and chief competition is between those acting in degrading ways - i.e. in this present era that refers to movie stars, rock stars, and pseudo-culture icons etc. Such persons indulge in lowly dealings and are hailed as supreme by the masses. They get the most adulation.

The second competition for praise and respect is amongst those who are just a little bit above the standard of the majority of people. This includes certain writers with literary talent who use their skill to excite the lower propensities. And then there are (a) certain caste, racial, communal leaders, (b) as well as leaders of certain movements that promote average ideas, and (c) pseudo-dogmatic gurus etc. These people are also revered by the masses but not nearly as much as those who are degenerated filmy or sensual beings.

Finally, Ananda Marga ideology is far above the public standard; so Ananda Margiis do not fall within either of these categories. That is why those strict in Ananda Marga ideals will never receive widespread acclaim. To get praise, one must be either very low or a little above the common standard.

Ananda Marga is far above average people

The standard of Ananda Marga is high - far above. Though yoga has become so popular with the masses as tens of millions attend classes everyday, yet still that is not translating into huge numbers of new people in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. If we get even a few new people who are serious about Ananda Marga sadhana and lifestyle then that is a lot.

So we must not be concerned with numbers or popularity. That is not where our value lies. Our worth to society lies in upholding the tenets of bhagavat dharma. We should always remember that life is not a popularity contest - i.e. a competition to garner the praise of others. Because the public standard is low, and they become easily swayed in either direction.

The overarching idea is that a person can express appreciation only according to their own understanding. So when the majority of the public is low-minded we should not expect them to start singing our praises. Rather we should know ahead of time that they are going to worship pop stars etc. Bearing this in mind, there is no chance we will become confused - rather we will remain unaffected by public praise and censure and we will move ahead in our dharmic works and spiritual practices.

Why great people never recognised in their lifetime

Baba has graciously blessed us with eyes to see. We should not care about public opinion and look only towards Him. Then we will keep a balanced mind and be ready to carry out His orders and dharmic teachings. Focusing on Him will lead us to greatness and the Goal. We are to serve and please Him. That will bring welfare to all. And while we may not get the respect and praise of the common people, in due course everyone will pay heed to what true margii / Wts have done on this earth, by His grace.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "You should remember that those who are the actual pioneers, the real vanguard of the society, are always a microscopic minority, but it is they who are destined to be victorious. Those who once opposed, or are now opposing or will oppose in the future, will in the future admit: “Yes, we are now driving our vehicle safely and comfortably along the very path which that vanguard once opened by clearing the jungle.” This means that those who cleared the obstacles in the beginning will later be recognized as pioneers. The funny thing is this, that people do not give recognition at the time it is due. This is the natural law." (3)

If you appeal to their desires you will degrade yourself

The common people goaded by materialistic values do not have the capacity to understand the greatness of Ananda Marga ideology. And this is not just limited to the teachings of Ananda Marga. Those common citizens do not value so many who have done great works for society. Such pioneers are never recognised in their lifetime, rather often they are attacked and persecuted. In the past, so many great writers, social thinkers, scientists, and philosophers were mistreated in this way. Only centuries after their death  were such pioneers revered.

Just as the owl cannot appreciate the beauty of the daytime, similarly common citizens cannot appreciate higher ideals. Those who want the respect of materialistic-minded persons will have to behave in a similar fashion, i.e. in accordance with the aims and desires of the majority in the general society. Remember, people have emerged slowly after passing through countless animal lives. So on the whole, they are far more familiar with those lower propensities than higher ideals. They prefer animality to humanity, what to speak of divinity.

So no sadhaka should stand in front of the common people and hope to be appreciated. They should not harbour this desire. Because what the common people appreciate is not what you have, and if you appeal to their desires then you will degrade yourself. So do not think about how much praise you are receiving from the common people, but rather how far you are leading a life according to the tenets of universal humanism and the great cosmic ideology.


Remember, people have emerged slowly after passing through countless animal lives. So on the whole, they are far more familiar with those lower propensities than higher ideals. They prefer animality to humanity, what to speak of divinity.

By this entire letter and all of Sadguru Baba's divine teachings, we can understand that as sadhakas we should not seek out the praise of the common people. The general population is of a lesser psychic standard. To gain their adulation, one will have to plunge themselves in all kinds of degrading behaviour.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Abhimánaḿ surápánaḿ. Gaoravaḿ raoravaḿ dhruvam – – “self-aggrandizement has got its abode in naraka [hell].” Pratiśt́há shúkariiviśt́há – “pratiśt́há, that is, love for a social position, is the worst thing, and you should give up this thing.” (4)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Majority of fools

Prout philosophy states, "There are several forms of governmental structure, and among them the democratic structure is highly appreciated [by some persons]. Democracy is defined as “government of the people, by the people and for the people.” But in fact it is the rule of the majority. Hence democracy means “mobocracy” because the government in a democratic structure is guided by mob psychology. The majority of the society are fools; wise people are always in a minority. Thus, finally democracy is nothing but “foolocracy”." (5)

Great people are always very few in number

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Suppose there is a virtuous discussion going on somewhere. If you invite two hundred people to this discussion, you will find that only sixty invitees have turned up, at the most. Out of these participants about ten or twelve people at most listen with patience and devotion to the talks; and out of these listeners, only some properly understand the subject discussed. Then again, out of this small group that has understood, only a very few may retain in their minds what they have understood. Lastly, only one or two persons of this last group may practice in their daily lives what they have learnt and understood. This is only due to the clash between vidyá and avidyá in the mind, and in this clash the triumph of avidyá or the extroversive force means running from the introversive bent of vidyá. It is because of the samskaras of animality that the introversive momentum is rare in the average human mind. The sensuous desires of avidyá continue to infiltrate into every thought process. Such a situation continues for a long time in a sádhaka’s life." (6)

Very few humans learn & embody dharmic ideals

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Even after getting human life, only a few get the opportunity to listen to dharmika discourses. Among those, only a few develop the desire to practise dharma sádhaná. And even among these, only a few actually grasp the spirit of Sádhaná. Those rare ones who understand, perform sádhaná, and reach the goal are truly blessed. In the effort to perfect oneself, even if one faces obstacles and hindrances from one’s elders and near ones, one must ignore them. This is not a sin, not a crime." (7)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Among so many people in our human society, very few get the opportunity to acquire spiritual knowledge. And among these, a still smaller percentage get the chance to undergo practical training. Why? Because the science is rare, the aspirants are rarer, and the teachers are rarer still." (8)

1. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure (Shreya and Preya)
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Physical, Psychic and Spiritual Strata
4. Subhastita Samgraha - 24, The Cosmological Order
5. Discourses on Prout, Point #5
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure (Shreya and Preya)
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Requirements for Sádhaná
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, The Three Prerequisites for Spiritual Knowledge

== Section: Important Teaching ==

New spiritual era

Baba says, "To move ahead from physicality to intellectuality is the Proutistic order. It is the surest movement of human life -- it is the surest movement of human destiny...human beings will be making tremendous progress in the realms of intellectuality and intuition. The human beings of that future age will be very sensitive. The efferent nerves will be more active than the afferent nerves, and subtle experiences will be more common than they are now. Today human beings seldom have subtle experiences, but in the future they will occur naturally and spontaneously." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, Minimum Requirements and Maximum Amenities

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Is patriotism positive?

Prout philosophy states, "According to PROUT, there are two types of sentiments – positive sentiments and negative sentiments. Positive sentiments are synthetic in nature. They unite society and elevate humanity, enhance collective interests and encourage progressive development. Negative sentiments are narrow in scope and divide society...Some negative sentiments include communalism, patriotism, nationalism, provincialism, lingualism, and racism." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे परम पुरुष! तुम मेरे घर क्यों नहीं आए ?

प्रभात संगीत 3780: की दोष कोरेछि बोलो ना, केनो आमार घरे एले ना...


हे परम पुरुष! तुम मेरे घर क्यों नहीं आए ? मेरी क्या गलती है? तुम तो सब कुछ जानते हो, फिर यह क्यों नहीं समझते हो कि मैं तुम्हें अपने पूरे हृदय और मन से कितना प्रेम करता हॅूं?

हे मेरे प्रभु! तुम्हारे न आने से, इस प्रभात संगीत का लय तान और स्वर व्यर्थ ही रहा, तम्हारे लिये बनाई गयी फूलों की यह माला भी किसी काम की नहीं रही। तुम्हारे न आने से अब इस माला के बनाने और इस गीत की तैयारी करने का कोई अर्थ ही नहीं रहा। हे परमपुरुष! तुम्हारे बारे में सोच सोच कर कभी तो मैं रोता हॅूं और कभी मुस्काता हॅूं, कभी मन में मैं तुम्हारी छवि बनाता हूँ और कभी उसे मिटा डालता हॅूं, यह सब मेरे मन में ही चलता रहता है।

हे बाबा! जब मैं अपने मन मंदिर में तुम्हारे ध्यान में बैठता हॅूं, तो तुम वहाॅं पूरे आकर्षण में बैठे मुस्कुराते रहते हो। तुमने मुझे अपने     दिव्य आध्यात्मिक रंग में रंग लिया है। तुम्हारी कृपा से मैंने तुम्हारे गीत और नृत्य में अपने को डुबो दिया है। मेरा हृदय तुम से दूर रहना ही नहीं चाहता। मैं तुम्हारे निकट, बहुत ही पास में रहना चाहता हॅूं , मैं तुम से दूर नहीं रह सकता हॅूं। यह तुम्हारी कृपा है।

बाबा! मैं तुम्हें  प्रेम करता हॅूं , कृपा कर मेरे घर में आओ, आजाओ....

== Section 3: Links ==

Story: The naming of AM + 3 more

Story: The naming of AM


It is well known that (a) those who do not do proper sadhana, and (b) those who do not have deeper understanding of Baba's teachings, think Ananda Marga is the path of pain and difficulty - not the path of bliss. Because of their psychic weakness they think in this defective manner.

The moment any person starts doing sadhana, they understand that their life has been transformed. They feel they are receiving Baba's grace. They quickly grasp that there is no comparison between non-margii society and the margii way of life. Those doing dharma sadhana realise the meaning of Ananda Marga: That Ananda Marga really is the 'Path of Bliss'. By practicing the Ananda Marga cult, following 16 Points, and leading a spiritual life, one's whole existence is full of bliss. And that is the Ananda Marga path of bliss.

Story of visiting Ananda Marga ashram

“One evening I* also went to that house in the Rly Colony which had been converted into an Ashram. Deep Narayanji was also with me. As Baba was to come, we waited for Him. Baba came in the evening and everyone present did Sastaunga Pranam to Him. That day Baba talked of philosophy and said that this school of philosophy will be called, 'Ananda Marga'. This philosophy and the object of sadhana was Absolute bliss. Therefore this has been named as Ananda Marga. Then Baba said about sahaj Yoga, "Saha Jayate Iti Saha'j", i.e. which has been born with one's birth - that means that which is natural is Sahaj Yoga. To get bliss is the natural aim of everyone that is why it is called Ananda Marga. Baba stopped after saying this. I happened to utter at this stage, "Baba, though it is called 'Sahaja Yoga' i.e. simple practice, but in effect Ananda Marga is a very difficult path." (1)

Making a judgment without practicing

In this above paragraph, Acarya Nagina ji is writing his own account and referring to the grand occasion when Baba first gave the name “Ananda Marga”. Baba was explaining about the beauty of Ananda Marga philosophy, sahaj yoga, and sadhana.

But because of Ac Nagina ji's recent demotion from his post in the Indian government, his mind was low and he was feeling very frustrated. In addition, so many classes and duties were going on. Under such circumstances, Ac Nagina ji blurted out a negative comment about Sadguru Baba's conclusive idea.

Baba was telling that this path of Ananda Marga is blissful. But because of Ac Nagina ji's own simplicity, he did not understand that really Ananda Marga is blissful. So, in front of Baba, Nagina ji essentially uttered that Ananda Marga is a very tough path; it is not blissful.

Listening to this, Baba thought how unfortunate Nagina is because Nagina never practiced this sadhana and already he is making a judgment about it. In haste, Nagina came to the conclusion that it is not good. Yet this sadhana is the panacea for all his problems. So it is unfortunate that Nagina was thinking like this.


It is just like if one good margii went to teach yoga, meditation, and sentient food habits to alcoholics or meat-eaters. Then after one day of practice one of the alcoholics / meat-eaters exclaimed, "This sentient food, yoga, and sadhana is very terrible - it will destroy and ruin my life - I cannot tolerate this anymore." Then true Ananda Margiis will not like to hear this. They will think that this person has no experience, that is why he is uttering such a negative opinion.

Similarly, when Ac Nagina ji gave this negative comment about Ananda Marga, then Baba became very uncomfortable and serious. Baba disliked that comment. Further, please read this following paragraph where Nagina ji is expressing his regret and mistake about what he had done.

"I felt sad that I had interrupted Baba when He explained the philosophy of Ananda Marga by saying that it was not so easy a path as its name and philosophy indicated." (2)

Because Acarya Nagina ji has bhakti for Baba, that is why he understood Baba's feeling. And Nagina ji realised that Baba did not like to listen to any negative comments about His theory, teachings, or practices. Baba's spiritual teachings are "Apta Vakya": Perfect and Divine. To realise this one has to do deep sadhana and tapah. Superficial comments will be proven silly. Thinking this, Ac Nagina ji felt repentant for his behaviour.

How Ananda Marga really is the 'Path of Bliss'

It is well known that (a) those who do not do proper sadhana, and (b) those who do not have deeper understanding of Baba's teachings, think Ananda Marga is the path of pain and difficulty - not the path of bliss. Because of their psychic weakness they think in this defective manner.

The moment any person starts doing sadhana, they understand that their life has been transformed. They feel they are receiving Baba's grace. They quickly grasp that there is no comparison between non-margii society and the margii way of life. Those doing dharma sadhana realise the meaning of Ananda Marga: That Ananda Marga really is the 'Path of Bliss'. By practicing the Ananda Marga cult, following 16 Points, and leading a spiritual life, one's whole existence is full of bliss. And that is the Ananda Marga path of bliss.

Only ideal sadhakas get success

When joining onto the path of Ananda Marga, one should have trust on the path. First make inquiries and be secure - all doubt should be gone - one should feel in their heart that this is the best path. If one starts the journey with this mindset, success is sure. If when joining the path one's mind is full of skepticism and doubt, then they are just wasting their time. They will not gain anything.

If anyone is in Ananda Marga Pracaka Samgha but not following the rules nor doing sadhana properly and not receiving bliss, then it means that their approach is faulty - not the path itself. It is just like if a lazy, indolent student who never studied lodges a complaint about a well-reputed, prestigious university where many other proper students are getting success. By his complaint, that student is merely proving his own unworthiness. The university itself is not the problem. Thus if anyone is telling that the path of Ananda Marga is filled with problems, then it means they are not serious or sincere about Ananda Marga - they did not follow the proper path. Their entire approach is faulty not the path.


When moving on any path then one should have 100% trust that it is the right path. For instance, if one is flying in an airplane they must be certain that this plane will take them to their destination. If a person is thinking that any minute this plane is going to explode, then they should not fly in that plane. That is the wrong way to go. Similarly, when traveling on the path of Ananda Marga, one must feel certain that this is indeed the perfect path. Those who harbour doubts yet still move on the path of Ananda Marga are sabotaging themselves and jeopardizing their entire existence..

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Phaliśyatiiti vishvásah siddherprathama lakśańam – “I must be successful in my mission.” This firm determination is the first secret of success, that is, the aspirant must develop firm determination. “I must be successful.” (3)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Path of optimism & victory

Here is Baba's own feeling about pessimistic and negative talkers, thinkers, and writers - i.e. those who talk negatively about Ananda Marga, Prout and movement of society.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are some people who are pessimistic. They say that the society around us is very bleak, that it has no expression of vitality and that is seems that everyone is in deep slumber. Pessimists say this because they have never made any detailed study of human history, nor do they care to." (4)

Here Baba is showing the path of optimism and victory. It also proves that Baba never appreciates negative talk about our ideology.

Ananda Vanii guides us, "...Be ready for the grand ovation to that new crimson dawn in every house...Be ready to respond to the supra cosmic trumpet." (5)

Ananda Vanii states, "...Go ahead with courage. The humanity has been awaiting you. Establish it in the excellence and grandeur of glory." (6)

Ananda Vanii guides us, "...That is why I say the future of the human race is not dark, rather it is strikingly resplendent..." (7)

Important points

1. Those who suffer from a defeatist complex are unable to embark on a new way of life. And that is why they may negatively react to dharmic guidelines and suggestions.

2. Nowadays in Ananda Marga, some have become hopeless when they witness wrongdoings going on - and in certain instances they may even blame Ananda Marga philosophy. Not all fall in this category but a few. Many more want to correct those ills and establish a dharmic stance.

3. Those who do not want to change for their own betterment and benefit also "find fault" with Ananda Marga philosophy. But their situation is just like the patient who does not take the prescribed medicines as directed and then blames the medicine.

4. If one has any doubt about the path then they should first get their queries and confusions answered in a satisfactory manner. Then, only then, one should proceed ahead on the path without any doubt or hesitation. One should not move ahead on the wrong path.

5. The various religions are outdated and dogmatic from the start - their foundations are themselves defective and narrow-minded. So their leaders feel the need to compromise with current social norms. Otherwise they feel they will be rejected. So people say why shouldn't Ananda Marga also conform and bend to current societal trends etc. The reason why this is not done is that Ananda Marga has been built upon the strong foundation of dharma. And dharma is eternal and always prevails. Hence, there is no need to change or compromise, rather that would be harmful. The religions are forced to bend to popular values because their religious doctrine is illogical and cannot stand up to rational inquiry. Thus their only option is to change. So they adopt pseudo-culture values.

* Here "I" means Ac. Nagina ji. And this story has been taken from the English Edition of Prajina Bharatii Magazine issues May & June of 1982. And in that article Ac. Nagina ji is writing his own story which is the incident of 5 January 1955 in Jamalpur Ashram. And Ac. Nagina ji is talking about his Jamalpur visit and Baba's liila. And in this story Nagina talked with Baba in a pessimistic way which Baba disliked.

1. Prajina Bharati, May 82, p.33
2. Prajina Bharati, June 82, p.10
3. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 30,Hara’s Seven Secrets
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 7, Dynamicity and Staticity
5. Ananda Vanii #69
6. Ananda Vanii #53
7. Ananda Vanii #49

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your sweet smile

“Hunabe tumi ei ásháte..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4799)


O’ Parama Purusa, I am singing songs for You with this hope: That You will come and listen. You are ever-resplendent. On this moonlit night, I have lit the lamp of bhakti, and in this ambience of darkness, I am waiting here conveying all my feelings to You.
O’ Baba, my eternal Supreme Friend, theoretically I know that You are with me always and that You are my eternal Sakha', but still I wonder what type of relation is this of ours. You never spend time with me. You stay quiet and keep me all alone. In that desperate, forlorn state, I become utterly dry inside and think that without You I am all alone amidst the mirage of the burning desert, with no relief in sight. Without You by my side, in Your absence, I am completely miserable. Please sit near me.

O’ my dearest One, kindly give me a sign that You are listening to the calling of my heart - come and tell me whether You are hearing me or not. After that, You are free to go wherever You like. My innermost Baba, please be gracious and shower Your sweet smile directly in my mind so that it makes a permanently blissful impression - imprinted forever in my memory - like the wonderful colours and decoration of alpana'. 

Baba, please come and reside always in my mental abode - up till eternity...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #4799

[1] Sakha': Ananda Marga ideology says, "'Samapra'n'a'h sakha' smrtah'. Where love and devotion are so overwhelming that it appears as if there is only one entity in two bodies, such a pair of persons is known as 'sakha''. The bhakta, the devotee, is the sakha of Parama Purus'a, because the bhakta can never think of himself as a separate entity from Him. Here he altogether forgets that he is separated from God. That is why Parama Purus'a is also a sakha' to His bhaktas and the bhakta is the sakha' of Parama Purus'a." (1) 

[2] A'lpana': These are the colourful motifs, sacred art, or decorative painting done on a horizontal surface (walkway, patio etc) on auspicious occasions. Those who have attended DMC might have witnessed how on the walking path across the stage leading up towards Baba's dais there are some very decorative, colourful, attractive designs. In an artistic manner there is a brilliant array of flower pollen, flower petals, or any colorful scented fragrance which are soft and upon which someone can walk comfortably. This beautiful and colourful decoration is known as a'lpana', and it is meant to pay high respect and adoration to the Divine Entity. In our Marga this is used for Baba's holy and auspicious arrival. In common social settings and religious life the general population makes such decorations for the arrival of any respected guest. It is also employed in the temples.

1, Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, Parama Puruśa – the Only Bandhu

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Special medicines for common ailments

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Aloe juice is a medicine. Dried aloe sap is called musabbar in Arabic. A type of rasa'injana also used to be prepared out of aloe sap, or musabbar, which was used as medicine -- it was used to treat blood pressure and insanity due to gallbladder disorder." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The retention-of-urine ailment that results when the movement of the urine is obstructed is also called kabandha. The water from soaked fenugreek, fresh date juice, palm juice, and sha'nkha'lu [a conch-shaped esculent] are medicines for this disease." (2)   

1. Shabda Cayanika - 3, Kakubh to Kavaśńa (Discourse 17)
2. Shabda Cayanika - 3, Kakubh to Kavaśńa (Disc

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Humans but animal mind

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings are animate beings, they are not animals. What is the difference between the two? Animals remain obsessed with the gratification of their crude propensities; they only try to satisfy their cruder kośas. That is why in the minds of animals, what to speak of the supreme question, even questions related to the mundane world do not arise. Human beings, however, are (and herein lies the main difference between them and animals) mind preponderant beings. They possess the capacity of subtle thought which helps them find answers to increasingly complex questions, answers which have helped them to increase their dominance over nature. The same subtle thinking power has helped humans to attain Brahma, the Source of all psychic thought, and the final answer to all queries. It is the characteristic of all animate beings to seek joy and composure. For animals, that means the fulfilment of the crude propensities, but humans, by virtue of their developed thinking power, seek the deeper joys of life through the constant perfection of the subtle branches of relative knowledge. In the process of self-abnegation they take their psychic thinking back to its Supreme Source and get established in eternal bliss. Those for whom the pursuit of the crude pleasures of life is the be-all and end-all of existence should never be categorized as human beings." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 8, The Supreme Question – 1

== Section 3: Links ==