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Thursday, August 29, 2024

What to do about tips + 3 more

What to do about tips


Building a healthy society is an integral component of our Ananda Marga mission. To that end, we have to evaluate the effect of all kinds of societal interactions, including bribes and tips. Do they have a place in society?

Many may feel it obvious that bribes should be banned, but what about tips and gratuities. What is our stand on that practice? For instance when you take a taxi should you tip the driver? What if a messenger delivers a package to your doorstep or a porter carries your bag across the train station? Should you tip such professionals for doing their job?

Here we examine - through question and answer - the topic of bribes and tips, and what effect they have on the individual and the collective. This is both a societal issue and a moral one. As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, we should clearly understand and apply the teachings of Ananda Marga ideology on these important matters. And we should educate the society as well.

Baba's teaching on bribes

In the first step of this mode of inquiry, let's examine bribes. Baba's teachings on bribes are quite clear-cut. Most every Ananda Margii understands that accepting or giving a bribe is against our moral principles and societal regulations.

Here are Baba's teachings towards employees of different institutions:

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Do not, on any account, accept or offer a bribe." (1)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "If someone, through pressure of circumstances compels you to offer or accept a bribe, do not forgive that person till he/she is reformed." (2)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "If, in consideration of the power of your post, anyone offers you a present, that should count as a bribe." (3)

Thus, in the workplace, any financial or material gift that is associated with one's professional standing should be considered a bribe.

Regarding householders, Baba has given the following teaching:

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Do not offer a bribe to anyone. If someone through pressure of circumstances forces you to offer a bribe, do not forgive that person till he/she is reformed." (4)

Whether in our professional life or personal life, whether at work or at home, in no such circumstances are we to indulge in any form of tips or bribery - period.

Key reasons why bribes are bad

Here, in this first question and answer section, are some key points about how bribes bring stagnancy in society.

- Why are bribes bad on the level of personal growth?
Accepting bribes degenerate the mind; a person passes their day strategizing how to garner more bribes. Instead of doing their job and adhering to the righteous slogan - "dignity of the labour" - a person just becomes immersed in scheming how to gain more black money or bribes. This makes one greedy, self-centered, lazy, and small-minded. Such a person becomes extremely degenerated.

- Why are bribes bad on the societal level?
In our collective life, bribes lead to stagnancy, partiality, distrust, and numerous other problems.

For instance, in certain countries judges will not review a case, police will not come to your assistance, government officials will not issue a permit or passport, if a substantial bribe is not given. Not only do such persons become degenerated on the personal level for the reasons mentioned above, but this brings society to a screeching halt. It basically means that people do not do the work that they are paid to do. All these aforementioned professionals - judges, police agents, and government officials - receive a salary. But for that salary they are unwilling to do their allotted work in society. To get such types of persons to do their work, in any professional field or governmental arena, a bribe must be given.

As bad as that may be, that is not the only problem. Workers will actually undermine public utilities in order to make more money via bribes. An official for the electric company will not attend to his normal duties; instead he will personally watch the electrical lines decay, or even destroy them himself. Because when the people's electrical service is interrupted they will call upon him and offer a hefty bribe in order to have their electricity restored. As they know that is the only way to get it fixed. For all these reasons and more, any society becomes a pool of stagnancy where bribes are the name of the game.

- Who suffers the most?
Tragically, the one who suffers the most in this situation is the common person, i.e. those who cannot afford to give a hefty bribe. They will be passed over and forgotten while those wealthier people will be given preferential treatment - i.e. VIP status - for giving big bribes. As we know, our Ananda Marga ideology is in support of the common mass. Yet bribes undermine their status and quality of life.


Now we come to the next stage: tips or gratuities.

- What are tips?
A tip is the more moderate amount of money that common people often give to taxi drivers, waiters in the restaurant, delivery men / women, barbers, hotel staff, and others. Tips are usually given to those doing more physically-oriented work, though not always. In their defense, those workers who receive tips may think, "I am underpaid so I deserve a little bit extra."

And indeed, out of sympathy for their plight, many do reward such labourers with a tip. Those who give tips often feel that they are expressing their gratitude and those receiving tips feel the extra-money is well-deserved. Both parties feel that tips are distinctly different from bribes. They feel bribes are illegal and under-the-table while tips are an expression of human feeling done in the open.

Here it should be noted that 99.9% of those taking bribes have the same mind-set as those accepting tips. They think their pay is not enough so they feel justified and deserving of taking bribes. This applies to judges, police chiefs, customs officials, city officials, and many others from all layers and sections of society: From manual labourers to intellectuals etc. They feel that since they are less-paid, accepting a bribe is fine. While a tip may seem innocuous, the basic mentality and reasoning of those accepting tips is identical to those taking bribes.

- What is the stand of Ananda Marga?
We are 100% against tips. In our view, tips are the same thing as a bribe - no difference in quality or effect. This may be a shocking to hear as many consider tips to be an innocuous expression of generosity and good cheer. Let me first say this. I have always tipped staff and laborers in ways I thought appropriate. I wanted to be generous. But tipping does not solve their problem, rather it worsens the situation of those workers. So this letter is not about being greedy and not tipping others; rather the aim is to uplift all sectors of society.

Why are tips harmful?

Baba does not want extra money given to anyone performing a job as this leads to the degeneration of the individual and the disintegration of society. In that sense, a tip and a bribe are essentially the same exact thing. The one receiving the tip becomes personally degenerated because all day long he is thinking about money instead of doing his job; and the problem in collective life is that tips lead to partiality. Those who give big tips receive preferential treatment, while those who do not have money to give a grand tip are forgotten and labeled as "cheap" or "penniless" or "worthless".

That is why the common acronym for tips is: To Insure Prompt Service. Those who tip big get treated with high respect and their every need and wish is satisfied. Those common people who do not have the funds to tip are overlooked and neglected. In due course, people will only do their job for those who give big tips. Here again Baba's teaching is that when money is given to a person in consideration of their post, then that is not at all proper; indeed that is a bribe.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "If, in consideration of the power of your post, anyone offers you a present, that should count as a bribe." (5)

Tips then act in the same way as a bribe. Those who are known to give generous tips get treated differently from others. They are given the "royal treatment."

Even then some may protest and say, "I give tips out of the goodness of my heart - not to receive preferential treatment." The response is: "Would you give that person money if they did not do a particular work for you." For instance, if you normally give a waiter (food server) a $10 tip when eating in that restaurant, would you still give that waiter $10 if you went to eat in a different restaurant.

Here the point is that one cannot give freely from the heart if something is done exclusively in consideration of another person's job, or post, or title etc. There is some other motive operating. That is why a tip is not a gift, but rather a bribe. We will talk more about gifts further down in this email.

- How tips undermine a worker's dignity and status?
When an employee does not receive a proper salary and has to rely on tips, then his position is insecure. Such a person essentially must beg, plead, and please in order to garner more and more tips. Just imagine if a nurse or teacher worked on tips only. Then they could not pointedly and confidently attend to their work of nursing or teaching. They would be too worried or concerned with pleasing their patients and students - hoping to receive some coins in a jar when the day is over. In that case the status of a nurse or teacher becomes that of a beggar. Their independent, professional status is lost. This is true of any person or profession who relies on tips. That is why it is far, far better for a person to receive a proper paying salary than rely on tips. Then their dignity and social standing are secure.


Just think how terrible it will be if the police or fire department do not respond to your emergency call since they do not consider you to be a big tipper. That is the reality which even exists today in many countries. Or imagine if you went to the doctor and they refused to see you because you were not a big tipper. When we think of the matter in this light, does it not create an unsettling feeling in the mind.

Viewing the situation in this manner, it is very evident that tips will bring injustice and stagnancy in the society, just like bribes. Preferential treatment becomes the rule of the day, not true human feeling.

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, tips and bribes are not good. Proutists should rally for proper wages for those working in sectors of the economy where tips and bribes are prevalent. Tips and bribes undermine the human spirit. Those who get the tip / bribe suffer from an inferiority complex and those who give the tip / bribe suffer from a superiority complex. Both are bad. Those economically poor suffer the most. So bribes etc are very bad.

In Him,

1. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Point #23b
2. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Point #23c
3. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Point #23d
4. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #24c
5. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Point #23d

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

What offering can I make

“Tumi, bolo ámáre bolo ámáre,kii diye tuśibo tomáre…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1235)


Parama Purusa Baba please tell me, by which type of offering can I please You.

Parama Purusa, the Creator of this great universe, whatever jewels, gold, emeralds, pearls, and gems that are there in this universe, You are the Maker of those treasures. Then what offering can I make that will satisfy You. Indeed what can anybody give to You when You are the Supreme Controller of this entire creation.

Supreme Entity, whatever intellect, intuition, knowledge, thinking capacity, and whatever exists in this universe, everything is on Your doorstep. All these are within You. How can I satisfy You when You are everything. Beyond this, what else is there. In this world, I have nothing then how can I serve You, please tell me.

Baba, I am surrendering unto You... 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

First feed then sadhana

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “In order to survive, human beings need food, clothes, shelter, medicine, education etc. If these basic necessities are not provided, life becomes unbearable. This first varga, this fulfilment of physical necessities, is káma. How does one learn about it. By studying itihása. And how can those minimum necessities be provided to all? Through the implementation of a social ideology: through itihása. In order that these basic necessities might be provided to all, I was forced to formulate the theory of PROUT under pressure of circumstances. Before everything else, one must first provide physical food to a hungry person. Once the physical needs have been satisfied one may impart spiritual knowledge and instruct him or her to sit in meditation….But before that we’ll have to make provisions for their food, winter clothes, shelter, medical treatment etc. Without fulfilling these basic necessities it will be impossible to promote the collective welfare of the human race.” (1) 

Note: In our Ananda Marga, we adhere to a stepwise approach to social service. Before serving in the psychic and spiritual spheres, we first have to ensure that all their physical needs are met. That means that person should have the basic requirements of life: food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education. Once those needs are satisfied, we may proceed with dharma pracara, i.e. guiding the person about the do’s and don’ts of spiritual life and teaching them about kiirtana and sadhana etc. So when performing social service, we must quickly yet carefully assess what is it that that individual needs. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, The Four Vargas and Devotion

== Section: News from 2017 ==

Courtesy of What'sApp - Save the Org Forum (STO)
This STO forum was created by Dada MC. It is obvious that this below news is not the original content by Ananda Marga News Bulletin. - Shambhu

Revolution against Dada R - 8: PP is captive of Rudrananda?

The following Hindi circular was written by Dada Mantracetanananda.

मूल समस्या / कड़वा सच

पेसिडेंट स्वंय संस्था का संचालन नहीं कर पा रहे हे। या उनको  रुद्रानंद उनकी पर्सनल्टी का फायदा उठाकर अपना PP बनने का रास्ता साफ कर रहे हे।
कियोकि  एक रास्ता तो उन्होंने पहले तैयार कर ही लिया है। कि अपने चरित्र हींन चमचो को पूरोधा बनाकर अपना बहुमत बना लिया है।
और कभी भी मौका देखकर श्रद्धेय PP दादा से संस्था के हित में राजी कर उनसे स्तीफा ले भी  सकते हे। और हमारे श्रद्धेय PP दादा स्तीफा दे भी देंगे। 
कियोकि एक बार पहले संस्था के हित में कहकर स्टीफे के लिए राजी भी कर लिया था। जिसका में भी गवाह हूँ। और मैने REV  PP दादा से इस विषय पर बात भी की थी। उस वक्त बाबा की विशेष कृपा से षड़यंत्र कारी सफल नहीं हो सके।
और मुझे आशा है कि बाबा इस बार भी षड्यंत्र कारियो को सफल नहीं होए देगा।

हम सब लोग निम्नलिखित बातों पर ध्यान दे। और स्वयम विश्लेषण करे।

1,   SEVA DAL को VSS में मिलाकर  बाबा के स्ट्रक्चर को समाप्त करने का निर्णय किसका था?

2   एस्टैब्लिश कमेटी में से  दूसरों के हटा कर रुद्रानंद के चमचो को लाने का निर्णय लेने का निर्णय किसका था?

3   दादा निगमानंद जी के स्वर्गवास के बाद मार्गियो के बीच उनको बदनाम करने का निर्णय किसका था? कि दादा निगमानद
ट्रेजरी खाली कर गये हे।

4  अम्लेशानंद को 7 महीने में पूरोधा बना देंने का फैसला किसका था? (सितंबर में विशेष योग की परीछा से लेकर  पूरोधा डिक्लेयर करने तक)

5  दादा अचिन्तानंद का ट्रांसफर करने का फैसला किसका था।( क्योंकि दादा रुद्रानंद के। चमचे नहीं थे)

6  जब चित्स्वरूपानन्द  को किसी के साथ अपोजिट सेक्स के साथ और उसको संस्था से मदद करने के भी बाद उनको GS पर रखने का फैसला किसका था)

7  मधुवृतानंद की शिकायत आने के पश्चात  भी  जो देल्ही का हर मार्गी जानता है उस पर कार्यवाही करने का फेसला न करने का किस का था?

8 मंत्रजपानंद के चरित्र सम्बन्धी शिकायत आने पर भी उसको सजा देने के बजाय  ग्लोबल सहायक GTS का प्रमोशन देने का फेसला  किसका था?

9  हरिशानंद को COS के साथ 7/8 पोस्ट देने का निर्णय किसका था?

10  विमलानन्द  के NY  SS के समय में सँस्था की प्रॉपर्टी  बिना सिस्टम के बेचने का किसका फेसला था। जिसको दादा चिरानंद के द्वारा मेक्सिको की 5 जमीनों बेचने की शिकायत GS को करने के बाद भी उसको ग्लोबल SG PU बनाकर ईनाम देने का फेसला किसका था?

11 DMS के समय स्टेज से आध्यात्मिक प्रवचन के साथ राजनीतिक फेसला किसका होता है? क्या उससे PP दादा जी की छवि खराब नहीं होती?

12  श्रध्देय PP दादा जी मार्गियो एवम सन्यासियो से अकेले में नहीं मिलने दिया जाता। यह निर्णय किसका हे ?

13,  आज VSS SG एवम पूरोधा बोर्ड में मेंबर  नाभातीतानंद जैसे बदनाम व्यक्ति को बनाने का निर्णय किसका था?

14  सवितानंद जैसे चरित्र ख़राब रिकार्ड वाले को पूरोधा बोर्ड का मेंबर बनाने का किसका फेसला था?

15  रुद्रानंद जी TP नहीं बनाने की छूट देने का फेसला किसका था? तो दूसरों को TP न बनाने पर उस पर कार्यवाही क्यों?

16  हरिशानंद  मधुवृतानंद जैसे रुद्रानंन्द के चमचो को गलत काम में रंगे हाथ पकड़ने के बाद क्यों री ट्रेनिंग में नहीं भेजा जाता। और मुकुंदानंद को उससे भी कम गलती करने पर ट्रेनिंग सेंटर की सजा दे कर क्या यह नहीं बताता कि रुद्रानंद के चमचो को गलत कार्य करने का संस्था के सुपर PP रुद्रानंद का क्या परमिट मिला हुआ है?

ऐसे कई उदाहरण है जिसको प्रूफ़ के साथ बताया जा सकता है।

इसके 2 कारण हो सकते हे।

1या तो संस्था के प्रेजिडेंट अपनी इच्छा से करते हे। 
रुद्रानन्द उनसे गलत कार्यो को करवाने की सलाह देते है , जिससे REV, PP दादा बदनाम हो जाय।

यदि कोई तीसरा कारण हो तो , उसका जवाब कौन देगा?

STO को नहीं लगता कि REV PP दादा जानकर उपरोक्क्त गलती कर रहे हों। क्योकि आप आध्यात्मिक स्तर पर इतने ऊपर पहुंच गए है । कि हमेशा बाबा के भाव में ही रहते है। यदि देखा जाय तो रुद्रानंद सँस्था के REV PP के चरण धूल के बराबर भी नहीं है।


हमारी संस्था के पूरोधा प्रमुख को प्रेजिडेंट की ड्यूटी को पूरा करने के लिए एक ऐसे भक्त सलाहकार की जरुरत है जो संस्था का संचालन चर्या चर्य  के अनुसार कर  पूरोधा प्रमुख की मर्यादा को रख सके। उनको एक प्रेसीडेंट की सख्त जरुरत है।

1 या तो ऐसा कोई सन्यासी हो जिसका प्रशासन  के संचालन की योग्यता हो, और वह  रुद्रानंद जैसे गलत लोगो के प्रभाव में न हो।


मार्गियो में जिनको क्लास वन के स्तर पर  प्रशासन चलाने का अनुभव हो और साथ में बाबा के सच्चे भक्त भी हो, जो किसी सेंटीमेंट में भी न आये। ऐसे लोगो की सूचि बनाई जाए। और उसमे अछि तरह से सब वर्करो और ACB के बीच में विचार किया जाय। फिर श्रध्देय PP के पास 4/5 नाम रखे जाय। फिर श्रद्धेय PP को निर्णय लेने का अधिकार हो।


in Him,

Courtesy of What's APP - Save the Org Forum (STO)
This STO forum was created by Dada MC. It is obvious that this above news is not the original content by Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

== Section 3: Links ==