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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Horrors of debt + 3 more

Horrors of debt


The present era of materialism preaches "instant gratification": Enjoy the world by buying superfluous things. Credit cards and loans are readily available to the common person. Indeed lending agencies and credit card companies are standing by with astronomical interest rates in order to rip off consumers. It is a deadly cycle; already so many have been victimised.
In Ananda Marga, our view is diametrically opposite. We interact with this physical world solely to help others - not for indulgence - and aim our mind towards psychic and psycho-spiritual pursuits. We seek happiness and peace in those upper realms, not in the instant gratification of worldly pleasures; but, even then some in our Marga have gotten bound by the noose of capitalism.

One who incurs no debt is really happy

Here, everyone should understand there is no winning in capitalism. The common public just borrows and spends money on material allurements hoping to find happiness; but, ultimately, they find themselves upset, frustrated, and in debt. All the while, the impoverished masses around the globe suffer from an extreme dearth of resources, which have been gobbled up by those capitalists. So we should not fall prey to the capitalist cycle of borrowing and spending.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The person who is able to get some vegetables to eat at least once a day, who incurs no debt and who has no need to leave home to earn a living, is really happy." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "A marriage feast is completely optional and depends upon the financial capacity of the people concerned. Arranging the feast by taking a loan or incurring a debt is prohibited." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "For the celebration of this ceremony the arrangement of a social feast depends entirely on the desire and the financial position of the guardians concerned. Taking a loan or incurring a debt for this purpose is forbidden." (3)

Ananda Margii to keep strict vigilance

Ananda Marga philosophy says,  "To purchase, by incurring debt, serge where tweed will do, or gabardine where serge will do, is surely against the principle of aparigraha. Similarly, people should take food which is nutritious but not rich. They have to give up the practice of feeding others with money taken on loan. That is why social control over the individual's conduct and expenditure is indispensably necessary. Hence, all Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly. Thus they will have to make the society strong. Henceforth I direct every Ananda Margi to keep strict vigilance on other Ananda Margi to make them practise the principles of Yama and Niyama and also to accept calmly directions of other Margis in this connection." (4)


This era of extreme capitalism has devoured the lives of many - leaving them as desperate beggars unable to regain their footing. We must not let this happen to us or anyone. We should remain out of debt and keep our mind free. That is the only way. By following Baba's guidelines, we can maintain our psychic equilibrium. Going into debt and digging means losing one's mental peace and becoming a lifelong tool of those greedy capitalists. We should all exercise extreme caution in our financial dealings.

Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,
Divyacaksu Deva

Below please find a grand Baba story that features His detailed guidelines about borrowing and lending money. This is very practical knowledge for us all to have.

~ In-depth study ~

Please read this following Baba story and ensuing teachings about this subject of being bound by the noose of capitalism.

Baba story: never lend but donate

~ Courtesy "My Days with Baba", Ac Sarveshvarananda ~

Baba is against people borrowing or lending money. One day He said, "You must know that lending as well as borrowing is undesirable and detestable."

I had known Baba's attitude and so had always tried not to borrow money. But I still had a question, "Was it so bad to lend money to someone in distress?"

Baba answered with an illustration. "Do you know why it isn't desirable to lend out money? Suppose someone has come to you to borrow some money. Maybe his need is genuine and his appeal is justified. As you listen to his story of distress, you are likely to want to be kind to him. Even if it is beyond your own means to lend a big amount, you become so upset thinking of his dire need that you take pity on him. Your thoughts get interrupted as the gentleman says, 'You need not worry, dear brother. Please help me wriggle out of my crisis. If your generosity can take me out the present crisis, I'll repay the loan within a month. Meanwhile I'm likely to get some money soon, so you may rest assured that you'll get back your money on time.'"

Baba continued, "There may be no reason for you to disbelieve him. Suppose you are soft-hearted, so you collect the money somehow and hand it over to him. And he, too, feels glad and goes away."

"That man may not have any intention of taking you for a ride, but it may turn out that he can't get hold of the money as he thought. It is not so unusual. But you go on nursing the hope that he will repay you at the end of the month."

"A month goes by. He hesitates to see you out of his shame because he has no money to repay to you. Suppose you go to him out of need for the money. In all likelihood he will be ill at ease and may take offense at your uncalled-for-presence. He will think, 'How disgusting! He has come to me straightaway.'  Understandably, he will tell you a long excuse about why he has failed to repay you. You will give a patient hearing to him and coming back home begin to wait for the deadline as promised. There will be times when you come across him on the street. Immediately, he will think 'O, my God! Here he is again, he will certainly remind me of my debt!'"

"Of course it's only natural such thoughts come to mind, interspersed with some inaudible abusive remarks. Maybe you didn't go to him for money, but what is that to him? Your presence will be unpleasant enough."

"So whenever you meet him, he will think, 'I am lost! He has come again to pressure me for that money.' At the same time he will hurl some unsavory remarks at you, albeit silently. Contrary to what is in his mind, he will say, 'Welcome, my dear brother. I am glad to meet you. I am so grateful to you,' and so on and so forth.

"Undoubtedly the moment he sees you, he will heap uncharitable remarks on you, but when you will come within earshot, he will be all praises and parade his respect for you. It goes without saying that you will be put into a dilemma from not getting your money back even at the time of your own dire need. It may happen that your need will drive you to his house and shout from outside, 'Hello, Mr.----, are you there?'

"He will think, 'Oh! he has come again for the money. What will I say to him?'

"Thinking this, he will not only silently curse you, but also try his best to avoid an encounter with you. Instead of coming outside, he will tell his little son to tell you that his father is out. Accordingly, the boy will run to you to inform you that his father is not in.

"Looking askance at him, you will say, 'Go inside and find out for certain whether or not your father is there.'  The simple-minded child will reply, 'Why, I don't need to check because father has himself said that he is out.' In this way your relationship with that friend will sour and you don't know where it will end."

"Well, he certainly would have been offended that first day if you had not lent him money. Not only that, he would possibly have been shocked and have silently heaped some abusive remarks. Nevertheless, the unpleasant situation would not have spilt over onto the rest of your life. If you lend money, you will inevitably invite filthy remarks galore. That is why a person should think many times before lending to others."

I asked, "Sometimes a really good man may fall into trouble and sincerely need help. In that case, what is to be done?"

Baba said, "Instead of lending him money, you should help him according to your capacity. Suppose he is asking for five thousand rupees. Tell him your attitude about lending money and let him know your financial condition. Then help him with an amount that's within your means. It may not be as much as he demands, but he will get consolation that you tried to share his difficulties." (Courtesy "My Days with Baba", Ac Sarveshvarananda)

The above story is quite clear on the point of borrowing and lending. According to Baba, we should not borrow money nor should we lend it. If anyone truly needs financial help, then we should give them money according to our capacity, and not expect anything in return.

Misuse of loans: non-productive investment

 Ananda Marga philosophy says, "You might have noticed that there are many countries which suffer from financial stringency, so they take loans from other countries. These loans are then used for ventures like constructing large dams on their rivers."
  "The science of economics teaches that the rolling of money should never be blocked by any sort of non-productive investment. Sometimes people misuse loans to construct an unnecessary building or a new showroom for their business, and thus prevent the possibility of reinvesting the capital and increasing their wealth. Economics teaches that loans taken for business investment should always be utilized for productive purposes, and should never be utilized in any unproductive venture. Foreign loans, for example, should never be invested in constructing large railway stations instead of railway lines." (5)

Ananda Marga Philosophy says,"In economic exploitation, vested interests deprive people of their minimum requirements. Money lending, charging exorbitant interest rates, compelling poor farmers to sell their produce through distress sales, etc., are examples of economic exploitation. Regardless of the type of exploitation used by the exploiters, when society is moving towards revolution, the role of the exploiters is exposed. The exploiters are unable to disguise their exploitation any longer." (6)

Farmers converted into landless labourers

First Baba warns us that we should seek counsel and permission before (a) spending money on superfluous items and (b) before taking any loan.

Ananda Marga Philosophy says, "If any Margis have to spend on anything in addition to the fixed expenditure (for example, expensive clothing, ornaments, articles of furniture, marriage, building, etc.), they should, before incurring such expenditure, obtain a clear order from their ácárya, unit secretary or district secretary, or any other person of responsible rank. Similarly, permission is to be obtained before taking loan from any businessman or money-lender. Where one’s own ácárya or any person of responsible rank is not easily available, consultation or rather permission is to be obtained from any other ácárya, táttvika or any right-thinking member of the Marga. Every member should follow this instruction strictly." (7)

Secondly, Baba warns us how money lending itself is a filthy profession. We should keep such greedy persons at arms-length.

Their occupations are despicable

Ananda Marga Ideology says, "People should also not earn their livelihood by lending money and taking interest. Such persons want to lend more and more money to gain more and more interest, and they do not want the borrowers to refund the capital. The scriptures stipulate that people should not accept food from such people, because their occupations are despicable." (8)

Over the course of history - in so many lands - money lenders have exploited people and taken all they had. This has happened not only with the farmers of Bengal depicted below but in so many regions and eras, including in the present day US where countless innocent families have incurred debt and are unable to pay back the money they owe.

Prout philosophy says, "Another group of exploiters emerged who took advantage of the poverty of the farmers. These were the moneylenders, who lent money to the farmers at exorbitant rates of interest. The farmers were forced to take loans which they could never repay, so they mortgaged their lands. Eventually the moneylenders became the owners of the farmers’ lands, and the farmers were thus converted into landless labourers... money lending by private capitalists should be banned and provisions must be made to pay loans in advance to the farmers through the banks. This will eradicate the exploitation by moneylenders and political cadres." (9)

Due to their extravagance

Ananda Marga philosophy says,   "It is often noticed that individuals incur debt because of their violating the principles of Yama and Niyama, especially due to their extravagance – and as a result, they approach the society for relief. In this connection I must point out that just as the society is duty-bound to give relief to individuals by combined efforts, so also it must have control over the conduct of individuals, over their practice of the principles of Yama and Niyama, and also over their expenditure. Not to consult anybody at the time of spending money but to ask for help from all when in debt, is not a good practice. Such a mentality cannot be encouraged." (10)

Predatory lending brings ruination

~ Courtesy of Wikipedia ~

  "Predatory lending is the unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent practices of some lenders during the loan origination process. While there are no legal definitions in the United States for predatory lending, an audit report on predatory lending from the office of inspector general of the FDIC broadly defines predatory lending as "imposing unfair and abusive loan terms on borrowers." Though there are laws against many of the specific practices commonly identified as predatory, various federal agencies use the term as a catch-all term for many specific illegal activities in the loan industry. Predatory lending should not be confused with predatory mortgage servicing which is the unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent practices of lenders and servicing agents during the loan or mortgage servicing process, post loan origination."
  "One less contentious definition of the term is "the practice of a lender deceptively convincing borrowers to agree to unfair and abusive loan terms, or systematically violating those terms in ways that make it difficult for the borrower to defend against." Other types of lending sometimes also referred to as predatory include payday loans, certain types of credit cards, mainly subprime, or other forms of (again, often subprime) consumer debt, and overdraft loans, when the interest rates are considered unreasonably high. Although predatory lenders are most likely to target the less educated, the poor, racial minorities, and the elderly, victims of predatory lending are represented across all demographics."
  "Predatory lending typically occurs on loans backed by some kind of collateral, such as a car or house, so that if the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can repossess or foreclose and profit by selling the repossessed or foreclosed property. Lenders may be accused of tricking a borrower into believing that an interest rate is lower than it actually is, or that the borrower's ability to pay is greater than it actually is. The lender, or others as agents of the lender, may well profit from repossession or foreclosure upon the collateral." (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 1, Discourse 1
2. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage Ceremony
3. Caryacarya - 1, Infant's Játakarma: The Naming of and First Feeding of Solid Food to an Infant
4. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in the  Society
5. Prout in a Nutshell-12, Keep Money Rolling – Excerpt A
6. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution
7. Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in the  Society
8. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Supreme Desideratum of the Microcosms
9. Prout in a Nutshell - 19, Economic Exploitation of Bengal
10. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in the  Society

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Breathing techniques

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The process of breathing has a great influence on the human mind and self, or soul. Suppose a person is running: his or her breathing immediately becomes heavy. In that condition he or she cannot think properly; the sensory organs such as the tongue, nose, etc., cannot function properly, and as a result one's perception is impaired. Moreover, the process of breathing, depending upon whether the breath is flowing through the right nostril or the left nostril or both nostrils, influences people in various ways..."

"When doing a heavy job while breathing normally, a person might have serious difficulties – perhaps one's limbs might be broken – but in a state of baddha kumbhaka, or púrńa kumbhaka [with the lungs full], one can easily do the same work. While doing some over-strenuous activity in a state of shúnya kumbhaka [with the lungs empty] one might even die."

"Suppose you are climbing to a high place or lifting a very heavy load. If you do not follow the system of breathing while lifting the load, your hands may become painful or your bones dislocated. If you do the same work in a state of shúnya kumbhaka, you will have great difficulty – you may even collapse. If, on the contrary, you perform any strenuous activity in púrńa kumbhaka, taking a deep breath, you can easily do it. All this comes within the scope of that svaravijiṋána. You might have read in the Rámáyańa that Hanuman, by taking a deep breath, made his body swell and lifted a whole mountain. Although it is a mythological story, it refers to the science of svaravijiṋána." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cunning & degrading ways of filmmakers

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Seduced by the bestial instincts hidden in the secret recesses of their minds, people surrender to base propensities. But improvements in education and the social environment can help to bring this beast under control and make it obey their commands. To achieve this the first thing people have to do is to wage war against their animal propensities, which is no easy task. So cunning exploiters, by encouraging animality, are able to bring people under their sway."
   "The cinema industry suffers from this malady. This industry is controlled by a handful of business persons who make films according to popular taste and demand. While ordinary people naturally run after those films which in their ideas, language or visual images cater to their base propensities, such ideas, language or images instantly distort the ideals of the idealist beyond recognition. It is quite in character for purely commercial film producers to exploit these human weaknesses to their own advantage, and this is exactly what is happening." (1)

1. Human Society - 1, Education

== Section 3: Links ==

Mango grove story significance + 3 more


Mango grove story significance


Ananda Marga ideology says, “There is a story that once a man of knowledge and a man of bhakti went together to a mango orchard. The man of knowledge started verifying whether the mangoes were langra or himsagar or what varieties....The man began to ponder over which varieties of mango were available in that orchard; and, in the process of this constant analysis the sun set and evening fell on the orchard. Then the man started counting the numbers of the leaves, the branches, the twigs, etc. The night became darker. But what did the bhakta do meanwhile? He straightway climbed a tree and started eating the mangoes.” (1)

Some never experience or feel love of Parama Purusa'

Baba has told the mango grove story because He wants us all to know that bhakti is very important and life is very short. Best is to start sadhana early otherwise evening will fall, i.e. their life will pass and death will come. In that case, one will miss out on the cream of life.

Jinanis aim to read huge numbers of books, i.e. the vedas and tantras, and write some thesis on philosophy and become a great scholar. Those who pass their time in this way are jinanis. They claim to know all there is to know about spirituality, but in their heart they never feel Parama Purusa's love. They never shed tears of bhakti due to supreme love and never experience the blissful lightening of the kulakundalinii. So at the end of their life they repent about how they wasted their entire life and could not get an iota of sweetness. By then it is too late - they are frail, tired, and completely unable to take up the proper path. Their body is old and diseased, their mind is distracted, and they cannot do sadhana. For them, evening has fallen. So they just repent, awaiting their death.

Best is to become a bhakta. And the way to do that is by wholly diving into the realm of sadhana: getting bliss in meditation and loving Parama Purus'a in dhyana. That is what it means to eat mangoes in the grove. There is no second or third meaning. One should understand the inner meaning of the bhakta in the mango grove story, and then honestly evaluate and put forth sufficient effort in our kiirtan and sadhana to get the mind spiritually inspired to progress on the path, by His grace.

Who is bhakta & who not

When a bhakta goes to the mango grove and eats the mango that symbolizes practising bhagavad dharma. So they are involved in sadhana, service, kiirtan, bhajans etc, whereas what the jinanis are doing is only theoretical.

In day to day, practical life, eating the mango, or getting Parama Purusa, means getting bliss out of all the lessons, thinking of Him always, and tangibly feeling His love in your heart. Just as all the taste buds of the bhakta in the mango grove are immersed in the sweet sensation and taste of that mango, similarly a true bhakta in this quinquelemental world practically feels Baba's divine vibration in sadhana and throughout the day. One will practice all the lessons joyfully, doing them will not be burdensome. True bhaktas feel His inner sweet touch just by closing their eyes or by thinking of Parama Purus'a. They are always immersed in His flow and life passes blissfully in that way.

So being a bhakta is not some dry, theoretical experience. One cannot just brag that, "Well I have so much knowledge, memorized all of Prout, and have all the facts about microvita on the tip of my tongue and that is why I am a bhakta." Only bhaktas tangibly feel Baba's blissful presence in their heart night and day. Just like a bhakta in the mango grove can practically taste the juicy sweetness of that fruit. So one is only a bhakta if they really attend to sadhana with great sincerity and feel the only aim in their life is to serve and please Parama Purusa. Such persons are not harboring any other idea related with career goals, prestige, money, or spouse etc. They do not suffer from worldly attractions, asakti. They have only love for Parama Purusa, bhakti. Then only is one a bhakta - otherwise not.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Parama Tattva is just like a big mango grove. Now three people, three aspirants, a jiṋánii, a karmii and a bhakta, go to that mango grove. Now what will the jiṋánii do? He or she will count how many leaves there are in those mango trees. While he or she is counting the leaves, the karmiis will climb those trees and come in contact with the leaves, flowers and mangoes. And what will the bhaktas do? The bhaktas will enjoy the taste of those mangoes. And in the evening what will happen? The bhaktas will finish eating all the mangoes, and the jiṋániis and karmiis will quarrel among themselves.” (2)

Those fully engaged in sadhana & ensconced

Unfortunately, there are some who call themselves as bhaktas, yet they are not really involved in tasting the mango. They are not involved in sadhana. They may struggle to even sit in sadhana; they will not complete the lessons; and their mind just flickers in various directions when doing sadhana. Such a person then has no quality of bhakta. But that same person may think that, "I have memorised all the vedas, studied all the holy texts, and I know everything about microvita and samadhi as I teach in all the seminars and classes, thus I am a great bhakta." However, their assertion is far, far from the truth. They are merely falling into self-deception.

Everyone wants to think of themselves as being a bhakta, but no one should fall prey to a false notion of what a bhakta is or who they are. That is why Baba has given the mango grove story. Because it practically teaches us who a bhakta is, i.e. those fully engaged in sadhana and ensconced in the bliss of Parama Purusa. This mango grove story emphasizes that bhakti is the only way human beings reach fulfillment and get Parama Purus'a.

Story looks simple, but hard to realise

Bhaktas and jinanis both reach the mango grove. Bhaktas eat sweet fruit and jinanis study the plants and analyse the mangoes. Ultimately evening falls. The sense is that bhaktas and jinanis both come in human form and are guided by a particular mentality or mindset. Bhaktas practice sadhana and realise Parama Purusa in one life, and jinanis acquire a lot of knowledge about spirituality in order to win debates, earn praise, and get their name in the newspaper, yet the inside of their heart is dry like a desert. They do not feel at all connected to Parama Purusa and cannot do sadhana - mostly because of their vanity of knowledge, i.e. ego. At the end of life, when those jinanis realise what a big mistake they made and that sadhana is important, then it is too late. Ultimately, such jinanis repent how they passed their life but did not practice what they learned.

Procrastination & lethargy

On the surface the mango grove story looks very simple, but it is hard to realise. Most people of the world do not realise this story in the true sense. When the time comes for sadhana and spiritual practices etc, then their procrastination and lethargy starts. They justify that, "Tomorrow, I will be very sincere." But tomorrow passes in the same way - missed opportunity.

Those who do like this do not realise or understand this story in the true sense. If they realised it, then they would not have procrastinated and skipped their spiritual routine, including all lessons of sadhana. In this way time passes, unfortunately. The concluding idea is that theoretical understanding of this story is easy, but it is not easy to truly understand.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Foolish jinani & clever bhakta

The typical jinani thinks, "Well I have so much knowledge about spirituality, I know all Sanskrit terms and can speak on any philosophical topic and that is why I am a bhakta." Such is the prideful yet misguided way of the jinani. The jinani is merely counting the leaves and measuring the branches in the mango grove until evening falls and his death approaches.

While the bhakta will always keep Parama Purusa in the forefront of their mind, and be immersed in His bliss. The bhakta is eating the mango - i.e. doing sadhana and feeling His grace -  and ultimately becoming one with Parama Purus'a. That is what it means to eat the mango and that is what we are to do in this life.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The bhakta will pluck a ripe mango and eat it... the bhaktas will get real bliss...bhaktas will come under the shelter of Parama Purus'a...and cross the Cosmic Cycle comfortably." (3)

Two versions of mango grove story

Here are two versions of this story from Baba's teachings.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Imagine a devotee and a philosopher being in a mango grove. The philosopher will start counting the trees, their branches, and the mangoes in the orchard. While he is thus wasting his time, the devotee is enjoying the sweet juice of the mangoes. The devotee says, “God is mine – I shall love Him and understand His will and act accordingly.”" (4)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "A jiṋánii and a devotee both reach a mango grove. The jiṋánii will count the number of trees, but the devotee will pluck a ripe mango and eat it. The former will hold lengthy discussions on [whey], but the latter will eat up the cream. The jiṋániis will repent, but the bhaktas will get real bliss. Bhaktas always act wisely. The jiṋániis tax their brains with different problems of logic of the scriptures, whereas the bhaktas eat butter churned from the scriptures." (5)

Bhakti vs devotion

In practical usage and meaning, there is a grand difference between the Sanskrit word bhakta and the English term devotion. In English, devotion means being committed to a certain idea or person. For instance, a person is devoted to their spouse, or devoted to their country etc, but in Ananda Marga being committed to one's country or career is not called bhakti. But commitment to the mundane is termed as devotion in English. Some more examples include: devotion to one's business, devotion to one's children, devotion to one's land or hobby or sport etc. In all these ways devotion is used in English. But the term bhakti only means love for Parama Purusa, i.e. love for God. To make matters clear, it is better to use the terms bhakti and bhakta. A bhakta is a bhakta of God, not just a devotee.

1. Discourses on Tantra - 2, Yoga and Tantra
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, Bhakti Is the Best
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, “Máyámetáḿ Taranti Te” - 2 / The Nectar Beyond Máyá
4. 25 May 1969, Ranchi
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, “Máyámetáḿ Taranti Te” - 2 / The Nectar Beyond Máyá

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Fulfillment in my life

"Notun eseche purátan geche, e notun mor cira nútan…” (Prabhat Sagmiita #2175)


The resplendent One has come and the old has gone. This is my Ever-New - my Parama Purusa. He has brought fulfillment in my life by His affection; He is with me day and night, all the time, always.

Those things which have an end eventually become outdated. Only the ever-new Parama Purusa has no end. He is eternal. His coming and going never happens - He is omnipresent and remains new forever - always.

This ever-new Parama Purusa is within me, in my heart. Days passed in vain searching Him outside. By wandering around the far away so-called  holy places and so-called tiirthas like Tiljala, Rome, Jerusalem, Ananda Nagar, Varanasi, and Jamalpur, I just wasted my time. I did not find Him there. Now, by His grace, I have realised that He is in my heart - at all times…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to free oneself from degrading tendencies

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “If one stays away from objects of attraction, one has no chance of using them and they may thus gradually lose their attraction; while if one is near them one may be attracted towards them more.” (1)

Note: Reading negative articles, dirty books and literature, filthy magazines and watching lewd movies invites degeneration. By staying away from such degrading vices, one will step-by-step overcome that type of sensual attraction etc. And the mind will not be overwrought by those low-minded vrttis / degrading inclinations.

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, Why Are People Afraid of Intuitional Practice?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Prout: Why immorality multiplies in cities - not villages

Prout philosophy states, “Today there are too many obstacles on the path of morality. Urban civilization is one of the chief reasons of moral degeneration because many people are compelled to live undesirably in small, congested places. This is inimical to morality in individual life. Solitary living for some time is essential for the cultivation and development of morality.”

“Where the population is very dense, milk and vegetables are in short supply, and these are indispensable for healthy survival. When the demand is more than the supply, adulteration goes unchecked. To meet the deficit in the supply of milk, people mix water with it. To meet the demand for diamonds, imitation diamonds are produced, because the demand is more than the supply. Cities become dens of corruption because of antisocial elements, but generally such things are not noticeable in villages.” (1)

There are many swindlers lurking in their midst

Prout philosophy states, “In villages, everybody knows everyone else. Everybody knows the livelihood of their neighbours. But even after twenty years of living in a city people seldom get acquainted with their neighbours. They don’t even know that there are many swindlers lurking in their midst.”

“However, the slogan, “Go back to the village” alone will not suffice. City life has a great attraction for people generally so they run to cities for their livelihood. To stop this trend intellectuals and others will have to look for their livelihood in villages. The supply of cheap electricity and the expansion of cottage industries in villages are of paramount necessity today. By cottage industries I do not mean outdated, primitive handicrafts. Cottage industries must be efficient, modern mechanized units.”

“From the economic viewpoint decentralization is an absolute necessity. With the exception of heavy industries and essential government offices, all industry should be shifted to the villages. To stop overcrowding in the cities this is the only feasible approach.”

“Villages are not congested, so antisocial people will not be able to hide themselves there. If they try, the police can easily detect them.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 6, Dialectical Materialism and Democracy

== Section 4: Links ==

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