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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Operative factor in Yogic Treatments + 4 more


Operative factor in Yogic Treatments


When Taraka Brahma takes advent on this earth as Mahasambhuti, He fulfills all the needs of human beings in every arena of life. He gives everything in all the realms: social, economic, physical, psychic, spiritual, health, emotional, individual, and collective etc. On the point of hygiene and health, Baba has given 16 Points for one's all-round welfare. To prevent and cure certain diseases, He has given various dances like tandava and kaoshikii etc, and He has given asanas in Caryacarya - 3.

He has addressed numerous other diseases and ailments in His "Yogic Treatments" book. That book is very small, but it is extremely concentrated - i.e. full of invaluable guidelines and recommendations. It will take hundreds of years for modern medical science to research and understand all that Baba has graciously given in His "Yogic Treatments" book. Although people regard present day medical science as being very advanced, it is not as advanced as the guidelines given in Baba's Yogic Treatments book.

Modern medicine not advanced as yogic treatments

As advanced as people think modern, western medicine to be, actually it has many flaws. No doubt, modern medicine is advanced in the realms of diagnosis and surgical procedures. Yet that gives people the false perception that western medicine is really top-notch in all regards. But this same western medicine has some significant blind spots and loopholes. For instance, the science of allopathy is very poor in treatment. Western physicians can identify what the problem is, but they cannot treat or cure it. They just superficially treat the symptoms.

Because, as a practice, patients of allopathic medicine are not fully cured but rather put on lifelong medication. That means the problem (i.e. disease) still exists, only it is kept in check with daily or regular medications. These treatments are generally superficial in nature as they fail to address the root cause.

The absolute worst part is that the side-effects of these prescribed medicines are horrifying, often causing more harm than the original problem. There are documented cases of millions upon millions of patients suffering terribly from side-effects each year, and, for some, the side effects lead to their demise and death.

Actually, allopathy does not have any medicine per se; because what they prescribe never cures the problem. That is why the patient takes the medicine everyday and will still not be cured. And that is why patients have had several procedures, such as for hemorrhoids - and still the problem remains. This is one example of countless cases where the medicine or treatment does not address the root cause.

Plus this branch of medicine is limited in other ways: Modern medical science does not believe in fasting without water, nor the control of semen, nor taking a strictly sattvika diet, nor the regular clearing of the bowels. Nor does it fully explore how diseases develop, nor what things are good for the human body. For all these reasons, western medicine strays far from the kernels of truth given in Yogic Treatments.

A few case examples

(a) Hernia: In the western medical tradition, they think a hernia is caused by muscle weakness. But the Yogic Treatments model identifies the stomach as being the root cause of the problem.

Yogic Treatments says, "Because hernia originates from intemperate food habits, special care should be taken about food – especially regarding non-vegetarian food and all types of food which may cause constipation." (1)

(b) Many other health issues and diseases: Modern western medical science fails to identify or treat the root cause of the problem. This is true of headaches, gout / rheumatoid arthritis, piles etc. In these cases as well, modern western medical science fails to treat the real problem, but rather attends to superficial manifestations thereof. Yogic Treatments has clearly identified the problem and the real cure lies in stomach and digestion. If these aspects are treated in that manner, then the patient will recover fully, otherwise not.

There are so many unique points which Baba has revealed in His Yogic Treatments book, which are completely unknown to modern medicine. It will take a herculean effort by western researchers to prove and understand these guidelines in the context of their current medical model.

Asanas, proper food, & dos and don'ts are the cure

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us that through the practice of (a) asanas, (b) proper food, and (c) various do's and don'ts, a sadhaka can cure himself of most or all diseases. Accordingly, Baba's Yogic Treatment book utilises asanas as the main form of treatment.

Specifically, for each and every disease there is a subheading or section called cikitsa', meaning treatment. In the original Bangla edition the word - Citkitsa - has been given by Baba and in the English edition the term 'treatment' has been used.

In that section, Baba prescribes a combination of asanas that are to be practiced in the morning and evening. It is those very asanas that stand as the main cure or solution to a particular disease.

What other 'arrangements'

In addition to the section titled cikitsa' (treatment), each and every chapter of the Bengali and Hindi editions of the Yogic Treatment book has another section called kayekt'i vyavastha', literally meaning 'A few arrangements'. And in that section - called katipaya vyavastha' - an array of herbs and plants, metals, non vegetarian food, and poisons are given. In Baba's teachings on Yogic Treatment and Health, these herbs take on a lesser role in comparison to the main treatment of asanas. Since, as Ananda Marga philosophy says, these various herbs, metals, non-vegetarian items, and poisons are just a 'few arrangements'.

About herbs, metals, non-veg food, & poisons

Unfortunately in the English edition of Yogic Treatments book, the section - katipaya vyavastha' - got translated as 'remedies'. When in fact it only means a 'few arrangements'.

But because the word 'remedies' has been wrongly placed in the English edition and because 'remedies' is synonymous with 'treatment', and because 'remedies' has been printed in bold print, then people are misled to believe that those herbs and roots are the main and proper cure - but that is not right. Those herbs are not the key treatment. Rather Baba gives that the main treatment is asanas.

So in the English edition of the Yogic Treatments book, the term 'citkitsa' has been rightly translated as 'treatment'. That is fine and proper. Because in that 'treatment' section, only various asanas and mudras are listed. To translate katipaya vyavastha' as 'remedies' is very misleading and wrong. Titling them as 'remedies' places those plants and herbs, metals, non-vegetarian food, and poisons on the same level of importance as Baba's prescribed asanas.

Because of that mistranslation, readers and patients wrongly conclude that those plants and herbs etc are the main solution and they overlook the asanas section. When in fact the real solution is the asanas; whereas, these plants, metals, and non-vegetarian poisons, and herbs have some other type of role.

Strong warning about ayurvedic medicine

As many are aware, ayurvedic medicines are primarily plants, metals, and non vegetarian poisons based, i.e. herbs, roots, etc. Yet in this following teaching, Baba Himself offers a strong warning about ayurvedic medicine.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The most common method is to fight disease with strong pills and injections. Allopathy, ayurveda and hekemii [hakims] can be included in this group because they use strong medicines and also poison as a medicine...In this method of treatment the selection of medicines involves great risk, because more emphasis is placed on the indications of the disease than on those of the patient, and because of the possibility of causing death." (2)

So when Baba issues such a strong warning against the use of ayurvedic medicines and when those medicines are essentially plant-based, then it stands as proof that Baba does not support a system of treatment that is based on herbs. Rather, according to Baba, the herbs are secondary. They are not the main thing. The main thing is the asanas, diet, fasting, and other yogic lifestyle practices.

But the English version of Yogic Treatments goes against this. It places all the emphasis on the herbs, metals, non vegetarian food, and poisons etc. Because of this, some margiis wrongly surmise that the herbs, metals, and non vegetarian food, and poisons are not harmful, and that by definition ayurveda does not have side effects. Yet Baba strictly warns us of this. Ayurveda does have poisonous and even deadly side-effects, though often those side effects are not as bad as in allopathic medicines.

Important: proper diet and other dos & don'ts

In addition to the section on asanas, for each and every health issue outlined in His Yogic Treatments book, Baba has provided two more sections: (a) dietary guidelines and (b) do's and don'ts. These two sections are important aspects - combined with the prescribed asanas - for regaining health.

In the diet section Baba often addresses what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, what times to eat, as well as many other particulars related to nutrition. In the section of do's and don'ts, Baba raises a variety of lifestyle stipulations such as going to bed early, walking regularly, taking a hip bath etc. There are a wide array of issues Baba raises in this section titled do's and don'ts.

It is clear then that both diet and other lifestyle guidelines are key components of Baba's system of yogic treatments.

Conclusion: main treatment is asana

Here again it should be understood that Baba is emphasizing the importance of asanas. That is the main form of treatment in His Yogic Treatment book.

In the English edition, those herbs etc are wrongly being prescribed as "remedies", but in reality those herbs are not remedies. They are just a few arrangements which are some type of supportive item. The proper and main treatment is the asana. This should be known. But due to the wrong translation, innocent people give more emphasis to the herbs. That is the misunderstanding.

We should clear up this matter once and for all. By that way sadhakas all over will be greatly benefited. They will then view asanas as the real treatment - not those herbs. That is the dharmic message which Baba's book gives in the original Bengali and Hindi versions. Just it was wrongly translated in the English edition.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Just as cikitsa' means treatment and by that way people get cured of various kinds of diseases and syndromes etc. In that very spirit, the term "cikitsa' laya" means hospital.

English edition: wrong title & wrong cover photo

The original Bangla book title is Yaogika Cikitsa' o Dravyagun', meaning Yogic Treatment and Material Property.

But the English edition of the book has been given the misleading title, 'Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies'. So this is also problematic because in His original teaching Baba is not telling that those natural plants, metals, poisons, and non-vegetarian items are remedies; but, the translators give this false impression in the very title itself.

On the cover of the Bengali version of Yaogika Cikitsa' the focal point is a sadhaka performing asanas. In that way, it correctly portrays the spirit of the book. Since asanas are the main cure. Whereas on the cover of the English edition the main picture is of a plant. So that further points in the wrong direction that herbs, not asanas, are the main cure and treatment.

Health-related cakra science is largely unknown today

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Cakra is a Sanskrit term while “plexus” is the Latin term. Besides the main nerve centres at the point of each cakra, there are also sub-centres where sub-glands are located. These sub-glands influence [and control] the propensities attached to each cakra. This science is largely unknown today. By performing ásanas [postures for physico-psychic well-being] regularly, human beings can control the propensities attached to each cakra, and hence the thoughts which arise in their minds and their behaviour. This is because ásanas have a profound effect on the glands and sub-glands. How? All ásanas have either a pressurizing or depressurizing effect on the glands and sub-glands. For example, mayúrásana [peacock posture] has a pressurizing effect on the mańipura cakra. The secretions of the glands and sub-glands of the mańipura cakra and the propensities associated with them will become more balanced if this ásana is practised regularly. If someone has a great fear of public speaking, it means his or her mańipura cakra is weak. Through the regular practice of mayúrásana, this propensity will be controlled and fear will be eliminated. Other ásanas may have a depressurizing effect on the mańipura cakra, and if these ásanas are performed regularly the glands and sub-glands associated with the cakra will become less active. Increased glandular secretions generally make the propensities more active and vice versa. By practising ásanas regularly, one can control the propensities and either increase or decrease their activity. So spiritual aspirants should select the ásanas they perform very carefully. This effect of ásanas on glands and sub-glands has never been revealed before." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "After Dakśas yajina Shiva's influence over the Aryans increased more and more. The Aryans began to feel that, being so indebted to Shiva, they could no longer afford to disregard Him. It was Shiva who had taught them spiritual sádhaná, ásanas and práńáyáma; the secret of good health." (4)

More about these dangerous medicines

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The most common method is to fight disease with strong pills and injections. Allopathy, ayurveda and hekemii [hakims] can be included in this group because they use strong medicines and also poison as a medicine, although their methods of diagnosis and remedies differ. In this method of treatment the selection of medicines involves great risk, because more emphasis is placed on the indications of the disease than on those of the patient, and because of the possibility of causing death. The great danger in diagnosing illnesses and prescribing medicines according to the germs and diseases present in the body is that it is nearly impossible to arrive at a firm conclusion about the precise nature of germs. Whether diseases are caused by germs or germs are created from diseases which are caused by other factors is a matter of controversy." (5)

Baba gives discourses in three languages

As we all know, Baba has given original discourses in Hindi, English and Bangla. All three languages have been used throughout. So just because this Yoga Citkitsa’ book has been given in Bengali, no one should therefore think all the discourses are like that. Because countless discourses have been originally delivered by Baba in other languages like English, Hindi, etc.

Millions misdiagnosed

Millions of Americans are misdiagnosed by doctors every year, and the mistakes have sometimes led to dire consequences, a new study has revealed. Around 1 in 20 adults, or 12 million, people have been shown to receive the wrong diagnosis at outpatient facilities across the U.S. These errors kill almost 100,000 people per year, according to a separate study.

1. Yogic Treatments, Hernia
2. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations, Doctors
3. Yoga Psychology, Glands and Subglands
4. A Few Problems Solved - 1, Tantra and Indo-Aryan Civilization
5. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations, Doctors

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Future of power mongers

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings take form according to the characteristics of their object of ideation...Those who have an ambition for power, are called raks'a. Suppose a man has grown old but still has an ambition for power. He thinks he should become this, he should become that, he thinks he should attain this status or that status. After death what shall this person become? He shall become raks'a-- that is raks'as'a." (1)

Note: Sadly those running after post, power, prestige status etc will ultimately become lowly microvita. As sadhakas - as well-wishers of humanity - we should guide and teach such persons not to crave after worldly status and degenerate themselves. It is our duty to help them. We should serve them and teach them to think about Parama Purusa - and not lust after power, prestige, social status, post etc. This should be our approach. Thus when some of our so-called central Wts and others are craving for post and power we should intervene and save them from their terrible fate. They should be taught the ways of neo-humanism, otherwise they will plunge themselves deeper into a dark future and face so many negative consequences. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, The Psycho-Spiritual Evolution of Humans

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Should I vote

Here are a few key points related with politics, voting, and governance. 

First Baba guides us that we should not vote at all if the only available candidate(s) is dangerous to the overall well-being of society. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Rather than support an [[unworthy]] person, it is better not to exercise one's franchise because to invest an [[unworthy]] person with power means to push society towards destruction knowingly and deliberately." (1)

In His above guideline, Baba is referring to a scenario where at least 50% of the vote is needed to win the election. More about this is explained directly below. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In a democratic system securing the highest number of votes is proof of a person’s eligibility. However this eligibility is not adequately examined in all cases. In my opinion the popularity of a candidate securing the highest number of votes needs to be tested again if he or she polls less than half the total number of votes cast. In this, test arrangements will have to be made so that people can vote either for or against the candidate. If the candidate polls more favourable votes, only then will he or she be declared elected.” (2)

Next Baba guides us that elected officials must live up to their pre-election promises and stated proposals and strategies. Failing that, their election will be negated and they will be removed from office.  

Prout philosophy states, "A candidate must declare his or her policies in black and white. After an election, if it is found that a candidate is acting against his or her declared policies and this is proved to be the case in court, his or her election will be cancelled." (3)

1. Caryacarya II, Society, Point #27
2. Problems of the Day, Point #33
3. Problems of the Day, Point #33

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why not material overaccumulation by intellect

Ananda Marga Philosophy says, “Today the world is following either capitalism or extreme materialism [i.e., communism]. Under these systems, those who are endowed with greater knowledge, intellect or physical power go on misappropriating more and more material wealth. People have forgotten that together with physical wealth we also receive subtle wealth from Prakrti [the Supreme Operative Principle]. A member of a family who does not feel a sense of unity with the other family members and does not recognize the logically-acceptable necessity and the lofty principle of joint rights, cannot be regarded as a social being. According to a universal spiritual ideology, the system of individual ownership cannot be regarded as absolute. This is why our [Ananda Marga’s] concept of society does not support capitalism.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell Volume 1 Part 5, The Responsibility of Society

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

कैसी भी कठिन परिस्थितियाॅं क्यों न हों, तुम सब को बचाते हो

प्रभात सङ्गीत 555 तुमि दूर आकाशेर धुवतारा पथ खुंजे पाइ तोमार कृपाय ...


हे परमपुरुष ! तुम दूर आकाश के ध्रुव तारे हो। तुम्हारे ऊपर अपनी नज़र जमाए रहने वाले लोग आनन्द पाने का रास्ता कभी नहीं भूलते। उनके जीवन की यात्रा बिना किसी चिन्ता  के पूरी होती है। परन्तु  जो लोग अपना मन नाम , धन, यश और प्रतिष्ठा पाने में ही  लगाए  रहते हैं वे अपने लक्ष्य से भटक जाते हैं। इस प्रकार  उनका पतन हो जाता है। इस प्रकार भटक जाने वाले लोग यदि फिर से तुम्हारे ऊपर अपनी नज़र  जमा लेते हैं तो तुम उन पर कृपा करते हो।  तुम्हारी कृपा से अपनी जीवन यात्रा में  वे फिर से अपना रास्ता पा जाते हैं । इसलिए  जो लोग भावजड़ता और नीच  विचारों में डूबे हुए हैं यदि तुम्हारी शरण में आ जाते हैं तो वे फिर से नव्यमानवतावाद का रास्ता पा जाते हैं।  तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा से वे धर्म के रास्ते पर आ जाते हैं और दिव्यता प्राप्त कर लेते हैं।

जब तूफानी हवाएँ समुद्र में अपने  प्रभाव से नाव पर जबरदस्ती टकराती है तो पक्षी भय से दूर आकाश में उड़ने लगते हैं। जब वे रास्ता भटक जाते हैं  तब वे तुम्हारी कृपा से ही सही रास्ता पा जाते हैं। यह तुम्हारा  विशेष रूप से अनन्त प्रेम  है। हे परम सत्ता ! कैसी  भी कठिन परिस्थितियाॅं क्यों न हों, तुम सब को बचा लेते हो। भौतिकता के आकर्षण में जकड़कर प्रायः  साधक साधना के रास्ते से भटक जाते हैं। वे साधना करना छोड़  देते  है। उनको  इस भयानक  स्थिति से तुम ही बचाते हो। तुम उसकी सम्वित  शक्ति को जगा कर सही रास्ते पर ले आते हो।

बाबा ! हे परमपुरुष ! प्रायः  मनुष्यों का मन दुखों और कष्टों के महासागर में ठोकरें खाकर रास्ता भटक जाता है।  परन्तु  तुम्हारी कृपा से ही वह किनारा पाता है। तुम उनके कष्टों को देखकर अपनी मधुर मुस्कान के साथ पास में आ जाते हो।  तुम अपने गुणकारी स्पर्श से सभी दुःख दूर कर उनका जीवन ख़ुशी से भर देते हो।  तुम्हारे प्रेम और मार्गदर्शन के बिना कुछ भी संभव नहीं है।

1. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section 2: Links ==

How to handle lower desires + 2 more

How to handle lower desires


One of the most important aspects of spirituality is knowing how to keep the mind moving in a sentient direction, as well as recognising when the mind is starting to degrade.

Four basic propensities

All human beings have four inborn or basic propensities: ahar (hunger), nidra (sleep), bhaya (fear), and maethuna (procreation). These are present within each and every person, and one becomes great by gaining control over these propensities-- because then the mind will flow swiftly and smoothly towards the path of dharma and one's spiritual ideal.

Failing that, the mind will move outwardly towards the mundane world via the indriyas (motor & sensory organs) and will be expressed in the form of these 4 cruder propensities. Unfortunately, in today's materialistic society, nearly the whole population is involved in this degenerated way of life.

Of course, for sadhakas, our way is different. We are to direct the mind towards the atman or soul and from there to God-- never allowing the flow of mind to degrade and blindly run after these four basic propensities, or any other debased desires.

How to control these propensities

The question then is how to control these four basic propensities. Here, Baba Himself provides us with the answer.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The peculiar nature of these propensities is this: if they are given indulgence, they increase. And they easily come under control with a slight effort; only in the initial stage, one must struggle a little to control them." (1)

Thus, if we encourage these propensities-- if we act on them-- then that particular vrtti or propensity will multiply exponentially, and one will become a slave to that propensity.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "As with any of the four vrttis, if sleep is encouraged, people can spend twenty-three out of the twenty-four hours of their day in sleep." (2)

Hence, just as one can sleep all day long, one can be totally dominated by any of the 4 cruder propensities, if they are encouraged. A man can eat 150 eggs if that is his choosing. A person can become extremely fearful of each and every thing in this universe if the fear vrtti is encouraged. Likewise, one's entire existence can be swallowed up by sexual lust if one is not careful. Here again Baba guides us with the basic step for how to proceed.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides, "They [the 4 basic propensities] easily come under control with a slight effort." (3)

So if we discourage those cruder propensities-- that is, by not acting on them blindly— then their effect on the mind will diminish, and the mind will be free to move towards a higher ideal.

How sex vrtti gets encouraged

Yet, in this crude era of extreme materialism, of degenerated capitalism, in almost each and every direction one looks, the sex vrtti is encouraged: in advertisements, on the internet, in movies, by risque dress on the street, and so many ways. Naturally then, the bulk of the population gets pulled in that direction, resulting in sexual diseases, unplanned pregnancies, ruined marriages, and the degeneration of mind such that peace and composure can never be found.

So all sadhakas should take proper care, and, if at any time, the mind accidentally gets exposed to even remotely sexually oriented things-- such as when browsing the internet-- then immediately we should close our eyes, take Baba's name, and see His image in dhyana. In a word, we are to ask His grace. That is the only way. Otherwise, that crude picture will flash in the mind again and again. So it must be dissolved and replaced or diverted with something else-- namely Guru's image.In this way, we will always get success because Baba's grace is far more powerful than those crude vrttis.

Discourage & channelise

So the two-step approach in AM for overcoming sexual lust and the domination of any of the four baser propensities is (a) discouragement and (b) channelisation.

Discouragement, as discussed above, means not indulging in that direction whether it be excess sleep, overeating, fear complex, or lustful desires. If one does not mentally or physically move in that direction, then the mind will not be prone to flowing that way. Hence, the mind will be free to move in a sentient manner, which leads into the next point, i.e. channelisation.

As sadhakas, we are to cultivate an inner relationship with Parama Purusa through our sadhana and dhyana. As Baba explains in His book, Namami Krsna Sundaram, the sadhaka is to adopt one of the various bhavas-- friend, father, slave, innermost—whichever one feels natural. Through that relation, the mind will be able to run towards Parama Purusa. Then one's crude propensities will be wholly diverted and channelised towards Guru, and the degrading effect of those crude propensities will wane, diminish, and disappear.

In a nutshell, this is Baba's proven and scientific way for overcoming the bondage of the four crude vrttis and inviting bliss into one's life.

Special spiritual guidelines

Here are more key points for every sadhaka to be aware about:

* The way to divert sexual energy is by making a relation with Parama Purusa in sadhana. But when the eyes are open and one is walking down the street, then we are to look upon all females as mother. That is the tantric depiction of women. Then the feeling of lust will not arise because one will be involved in the sentient ideal that women are the mothers of men. Likewise, sisters should think that all males are their father; that will also discourage the sex impulse. But, far and away, it is brothers who suffer more from this problem as society exploits females and objectifies females as the tools of male enjoyment.

* In order to overcome crude propensities, Buddhists resort to negative ideation and hatred by thinking of females merely as a combination of biological parts such as the stomach with its undigested food or the bowels with its storage of waste. That is how the Buddhist doctrine advises practitioners to overcome sexual feelings. But this breeds disgust, revulsion, and hatred in the mind, which is why it is far more suitable and appropriate to adopt the tantric ideal that all women are to be looked upon as mother.

* Avidya maya wants to keep each and every person in her clutch. That is why when she sees anyone adopt the spiritual path then she hurls thousands of obstacles in that person's way in hopes of derailing their progress. Indeed maya is just like a female spy that is sent into enemy territory to get information by using her sexual appeal. Those who fall prey do not understand what they are getting themselves into. Same with the sadhaka who falls prey to lust etc. That sadhaka does not realise that it is merely mahamaya trying to bind them in her clutch.

* The human mind cannot go in two directions. So if the mind adopts a particular bhava and links up with Parama Purusa, then that mind will be less susceptible to degradation because the mind can only go in one direction. And when the mind is wholly engaged in spiritual pursuit, then there is absolutely no chance of degradation. So it all depends on the degree to which one is involved in sadhana.

* The whole path of mysticism is to withdraw the mind from the physical organs (indriyas) and channelise the mind toward the atman or soul, and from the unit soul reach God. Unfortunately, nowadays, many travel the opposite path and their mind flows towards the indriyas and from there they crudely interact with the mundane world, thereby indulging in those crude propensities.

* Above all, the most important point is that when tempted in any negative direction, then immediately seek out and ask the sweet grace of Parama Purusa and request Him to save you from all sorts of problems and difficulties. Then surely He will respond by showering His grace, and you will be saved because His grace is more powerful than any force in this universe.


Baba has given us all the tools and inherent longing to cultivate more and more anurakti, or more precisely para'nurakti, in life-- thereby shedding the effect of the crude, basic propensities like sex etc, and developing greater closeness and love for Him.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When one’s psychic attraction is toward the crude, the mind has a downward tendency, which leads to one’s eventual downfall. But when the mind moves upward it is called anurakti [attraction for the Great]. The consummation of this attraction is devotion." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Anurakti is of two kinds. The anurakti for the Supreme Brahma or Infinite Cosmic Consciousness is para'nurakti. The anurakti for Brahma under the sway of prakrti or the anurakti for the crude manifestations is termed apara'nurakti. God is an object for para'nurakti. When the aspirant considers the Supreme Brahma to be his own, it is termed bhajana' or bhakti." (5)

In Him,

Further research & review

In the book “Yogic Treatments”, Baba has given many direct and indirect methods in the physical sphere for controlling the sex vrtti. Further research and writing should be done to bring all those points to the fore. In the psychic realm, a key way to control the sex vrtti is to refine one’s values and sense of self, viewing oneself as a psychic being as opposed to a physical entity indulged in baser propensities. And in the spiritual realm, the way to control sex is to surrender oneself to Parama Purusa, as discussed above.  

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shivaʼs Teachings – 2 (Discourse 16)
2. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shivaʼs Teachings – 2 (Discourse 16)
3. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shivaʼs Teachings – 2 (Discourse 16)
4. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet
5. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 2, Bhaktitattva

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Showed the path of enlightenment

"Ghor timire ruddha ghare ghumucchilum eka' eka'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1723)


My Supreme Entity, I was sleeping alone in the pitch dark room with the doors and windows closed - lost in a sea of materialism. Seeing my sorrowful condition, You suddenly came to this isolated place, broke my slumber of ignorance, gave me Your darshan, and showed the path of enlightenment. Who are You who is most charming and prema personified. 

Refulgence-Personified, that sleepy, atheistic way of life kept me in a prolonged state of depression and sadness. By Your auspicious arrival, You have illumined everything by illuminating the pathway towards satya loka. Parama Purusa, with Your infinite compassion, in a flash, You removed my sorrows by showering me in Your godly grace. For ages and ages I was forlorn; my whole existence was in a drowsy and soporific state. My life was dominated by staticity. Now, instead of being submerged in that Cimmerian darkness, I am immersed and surrounded by Your exquisite love. I can see that You are mine; now there is no question of any frustration in my life.

Parama Purusa, Baba, in this moment everything is filled with Your spiritual brilliance. Not even an iota of darkness remains. I am wholly immersed in bliss. My existence has gotten new pra'n' a - new energy. Please fill my awakened life with the nectar of Your unfathomable love and affection.

Baba, You are my everything. Please accept my surrender...

== Section 3: Links ==