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Friday, August 16, 2024

Signs of progress in sadhana + 3 More

Signs of progress in sadhana

Note: Every sadhaka on the path of Ananda Marga knows that Parama Purusa is the Goal, and that siddhis (occult powers) are like the dust on the path.


All come into this world looking to become great. But where to find that greatness – people do not know. They try so many endeavours in the material realm only to realise that those engagements will not make them great. Countless persons struggle in this way. The moment it dawns in the mind that they must take up the path of spirituality, then their true journey begins. Diiksa, or initiation, marks that starting point. When any ordinary person is blessed to receive tantrika diiksa, then the seed of greatness is planted.

Path of progress

Once one receives initiation, then rigorous efforts must be made. A person has to learn and follow the codes of yama and niyama. The sadhaka must make strict efforts in the practice of sadhana. Moreover, one must adhere to various rules and regulations such as Sixteen Points etc. So by one’s sincerity – along with the cosmic grace of Parama Purusa – one makes strides forward. Sometimes the progress is swift and steep, and other times it is slow and gradual. That is why Baba guides us that one’s progress is systaltic – not linear.

Yet, with practice, progress is made. By doing sadhana and repeating one’s personal ista mantra the mind gets vibrated and subtle shifts occur deep within. The mind and body become more adjusted and suited towards a sentient, spiritual lifestyle. These are the common stages for anyone who sincerely embarks on the spiritual path, by His grace. By this way one accelerates ahead.

The first benchmark: aeshvarya

Beyond these initial stages and as one becomes more established in spiritual life, there are numerous other benchmarks that lay ahead. These benchmarks also delineate one’s forward movement on the path of progress.

One such benchmark is aeshvarya which is comprised of the following 8 factors:
  • 1. Ańimá
  • 2. Mahimá
  • 3. Laghimá
  • 4. Iishitva
  • 5. Vashitva
  • 6. Prápti
  • 7. Prakámya
  • 8. Antaryámitva

They are called occult powers because through the practice of cult – i.e. sadhana – any ordinary person can gain these powers. Once the rank of aeshvarya is attained, one is known as iishvara.

So by doing sadhana – practicing the cult of tantra – a regular, ordinary person can become extraordinary and possess the 8 occult powers. Over the course of human history, many persons have risen to this rank. And indeed many sadhakas gain these powers unknowingly – without realising it.


Aeshvarya is one distinct level of achievement that anyone can attain if they are sincere. At this point one is known as iishvara because they possess aeshvarya, i.e. the 8 occult powers: ańimá, mahimá, laghimá, iishitva, vashitva, prápti, prakámya, and antaryámitva.

Everybody knows that iishvara, bhagavan, and Parama Purusa are not the same. Of these three, the lowest is iishvara. The next letter will address the stage of bhagavan.

In Him,

Parama Purusa is the Goal - not aeshvarya

Every sadhaka of the Marga knows that Parama Purusa is the Goal, and that siddhis (occult powers) are like the dust on the path.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "While practising spiritual cult, it should be remembered that spiritual aspirants must not practise in order to acquire these occult powers. The goal of spiritual practice is to realize the Supreme Entity. To search for any other thing is wrong. Occult powers are just like the dust on the roadside. The attraction for Parama Puruśa is the most valuable object – all else is only the dust of the earth." (1)

Leave occult powers by wayside

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Hence the spiritual aspirant must not run after these inconsequential occult powers, although while prasticing spiritual cult they may develop. You must not forget that all your achievements must maintain adjustment with the main propensities of the mind, and in the process of adjustment, all these eight types of occult powers present themselves to the spiritual aspirant.” (2)

Parama Purusa is more than Iishvara

Ananda Marga ideology states, “All the qualities that are present in Saguńa Brahma or Iishvara (Qualified Consciousness) are of course also present in Parama Puruśa, with some other qualities as well. So we see that Parama Puruśa is both Iishvara and Bhagaván, and something more than that.” (3)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Parama Puruśa and His Creation

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Gregarious beings

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Some animals are gregarious and others are not. The tiger is not a gregarious animal – it prefers to move alone. Goats are not gregarious, but sheep, elephants and lambs are. Human beings are social beings. They do not like to remain in isolation." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You know that humans are gregarious beings. There are some living beings who live in groups or clans, and some who live in isolation. In very olden days, human beings lived in clans" (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “You are social beings. One cannot live in isolation. When you feel thirsty, you can’t manufacture a spade, dig a well, and draw water yourself. One person will make a spade, another will add the wooden handle, and another will dig the well — this is how we work collectively. This is the way for human beings to live. In all spheres of human existence, in the aesthetic sphere as well, humanity should live collectively. You should live in unison. You should vibrate together to the same music. You should move in a common psychic flow. You should fight collectively against your common enemies. Unitedly you should face all problems, mundane and supra-mundane. In a word, you must reflect the spirit of harmonious collective living in conformity with the spirit of the Vedic mantra Sam’gacchadhvam’ sam’vadadhvam.” (3)

Note: This is Baba’s special guideline which is lacking these days in the society. All should understand they do not exist alone, by themselves, in isolation. With collective spirit, all have to work together. By that way, many works can be done for the great cause, by His grace.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Plants, Animals and Human Beings
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya: Disc 8
3. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 26

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Long long punishment for lusting after money

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "There are seven kinds of luminous bodies: yakśa, siddha, gandharva, kinnara, vidyádhara, Prakrtiliina and videhaliina. They are categorized according to their respective psychologies. Suppose there is a very elevated person who often ideates on the Supreme Consciousness, but who has some greed for wealth. He does not, however, express it openly to the Supreme, nor does he even think of it directly. He thinks indirectly, "Oh, since I am a devotee of the Supreme Consciousness, He will certainly give me enormous wealth and make me immensely rich." Those who harbour this sort of covert desire are reborn as yaks'as." (1)

Note: Yaksas are one type of degraded being - i.e. those unfortunate ones who cannot get human framework because they are under punishment. Only after their extreme punishment, only after exhausting so many negative samskaras, only then may they again get human life. Once they attain human form they will need to get tantric initiation, adhere to the code of yama and niyama and do maximum sadhana. Then after much effort, only by His grace they may get moksa. So theirs is a long and arduous journey as they must suffer for millions of years. That is why meditating on money is very bad.

Some sadhaka businessmen and money-minded sadhakas who are indulged day and night in money matters will suffer in this way. They will be degenerated into yaksas. After facing punishment for millions of years, then who knows on which planet they may get the opportunity to live human life and do proper work and service. But if they again indulge in money matters, they will become yaksas (degraded beings) and this cycle will be repeated. They will spin round and round in this torturous pattern.

That is why Baba is warning that when one has a human body then the goal must be Parama Purusa - not money.

in Him,

1. Yoga Psychology, Are Ghosts Hallucinations?

Section: Important Teaching ==

Why Buddha & Mahaviira Jain failed

Prout philosophy states, “"Mahaviira's philosophy of nirgrantha vada never gained mass support. Secondly, he placed too much emphasis on forgiveness and mercy. He taught people to forgive their worst enemies, even if they were as deadly as scorpions and snakes. As a result of this teaching, people lost the will to fight against the enemies of society. So, although the teachings of Buddha and Mahaviira Jain were not based on dogma and did not deliberately mislead people, they failed in the course of time because they were not sufficiently comprehensive and well-balanced." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell, Part 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Recipe to never be sad

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "During the enactment of a drama, all the characters, the dramatis personae (some are acting as great scholars, some fools, some as extremely happy and some as wretched beings) should bear in mind that they are simply playing the roles allotted to them. They should always think, “In reality, I am neither very happy nor very miserable, I am not an erudite scholar nor a fool. I am merely acting a particular role-be it Emperor Shahjáhán or Aurangzeb.” If people remember this, they will neither be afflicted with sorrow nor elated with joy. This is what is called cosmic inheritance, cosmic heritage."
   "All have come from one and the same Entity; no one is inferior, no one is small, mean or untouchable. No one is born high or low: all are bound by fraternal and sororal bonds." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Supramundane Heritage and Supramundane Desideratum

Timeline of societal decline + 2 more

Timeline of societal decline


It is commonly recognized that human thinking and values change over time. A brief look at the history of any country, community, or group shows that the values of a given population changed dramatically over the course of 500 years, and even in as little as 50 years, as well as from era to era. In the social cycle chapter of Prout, Baba describes this and guides us that the values are molded toward the dominant socio-philosophical outlook.

How Buddhism halted India’s progress

Take the example of the pre-Buddhist era of India and the post-Buddhist era. Prior to Buddha, medical science was quite developed, and surgery was a common phenomenon. But when Buddhism spread, then surgery died out because it was not considered acceptable in the Buddhist society. Due to this, the development of medical science was severely retarded. Secondly, in the pre-Buddhist era, people were fighters, but with the onset of Buddhism and its dogmatic view of ahimsa, the general population became cowardly. And verily, there are innumerable ways the society changed during the Buddhist era in India.

Gandhi’s negative effect on society

Let’s also take the case of Gandhi. Prior to his emergence, the Indian people did not destroy or burn public property as a form of protest. However, Mahatma Gandhi taught the principle of civil disobedience and this destructive policy became quite common. That is, when the public feels wronged by the government etc, they wantonly destroy and burn public property. Until recently, this was unheard of in European countries, but, in India, this has been an ongoing problem for nearly a hundred years. Angry protesters block trains, roads, railway stations, and even burn hospitals and schools. This negative trend in Indian society developed because of the psychic disease of Gandhism and his faulty preachings of  “satyagraha”, or ‘non-cooperation movement’. Essentially, in India, the public thinks that expressing their dissatisfaction about public policy in this destructive manner is appropriate because this dogmatic approach was infused into the public psyche during Gandhi's time.

How women lost their rights

In the prehistoric era, males and females had equal rights. As society became more organized, men seized women’s rights by infusing an inferiority complex in various arenas of life. For instance, on various religious pretexts, it was imposed that women were not entitled to liberation. This occurred in Hinduism where women had to be reborn as men in order to gain liberation, or in Islam which stated that three women were equal to one man in voting rights, or in Catholicism where women could not be priests. All these dogmas were introduced to prevent women from having equal rights - a grave injustice. Unfortunately, in those respective societies, people thought that there was nothing wrong with these dogmatic practices. Yet, today in most countries of the world, equal rights for women have been enshrined in legislation, though the battle for actual equal rights still rages on.

Selfishness in materialism - part I

Here is another critical case of how the values of society have changed. The self-centered philosophy has spread world-wide and, gradually, people are becoming more and more selfish. This is the general flow, and it is evident in the common manner of speech and expression in capitalist society. For instance, in their general parting, many people write or say, "Take care", which means, 'Take care of yourself.' However, when one thinks about it, this is a completely self-centered and selfish form of expression.

Another instance of the extreme selfishness of capitalist society is that, in many families, the relations between parents and children have completely degenerated. One example of this is that the sense of parental duty towards the children has greatly diminished. For this reason, families easily break up, and the parents may kick the children out of the house, or the children leave because they are abused. As a result, in many nations around the world today, there are so many abused and neglected children that the state has had to create different "social welfare" centers to care for such abused children. A second cause for the degeneration of the family in capitalist society is that people view having children as a way to invest in their own personal care for the future so that in their old age, these children will help them. In that sense, children are just a "capitalist investment" in exchange for care later on.

Selfishness in materialism - part II

The negative behaviours rampant in families throughout capitalist society are the outcome of a self-centered philosophy, and that is why children and parents often develop severely dysfunctional relations. Indeed, there are hardly any children in materialistic nations where grown children live with their aged parents in order to care for their well-being. Most often, those elderly parents are placed in old-age homes, i.e. institutions. Moreover, there is also the element that the elderly parents feel so distant from their children that they do not want to live with them even if they do need the help.

And on this point of selfishness, there should not be any confusion that materialists keep pets because they are proponents of animal rights etc. Rather, people keep pets not for feelings of animal welfare, but so they can selfishly control another entity, or because they are unable to get along with other humans. Many times even their own children do not want to follow their selfish orders, so, to satisfy themselves, they keep some animals. And such people usually talk and gossip with their cats and dogs to relieve their loneliness. They also know that regardless of what they do the dog or cat is not going to oppose them.

Baba's teaching is that capitalism is a self-centered philosophy. And now, the whole world is being influenced by this psychic disease of selfishness such that people are always thinking about themselves, planning for themselves, talking about themselves, and praising themselves. It is not only accepted in society, it is also encouraged.

Self-praise brings degeneration - part I

One of the hallmarks of self-centered philosophy is self-praise. This is everywhere; people perpetually glorify themselves, but this degenerates the mind and brings their ruination. Verily, Baba warns us that if someone does everything for their own prestige it will lead to their destruction.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Even people of wisdom, of high social status-- even so called intellectual and accomplished scientists and philosophers who are always concerned with earning high respect for themselves or saving their own prestige...they deliberately refuse to realise that these petty objectives of their egos will infuse their minds with meanness, as a result of which all their egoistic respect, prestige, and status will ultimately be pulverized into dust." (1)

Unfortunately, as the general society has become degenerated and affected by self-propaganda and self-praise, even good people have also fallen into this trap. In their degenerated state, they become grossly energized by praising themselves because their minds have become stained by the dogma of a self-centered philosophy. 

Self-praise brings ruination - part II

Baba guides us that those involved in self-glorification suffer from a psychic defect, and, in turn they become even more degenerated. Baba warns us about what happens to those driven by vanity and ego. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It often happens that whatever one assimilates, one considers to be one's own achievement, and the ego becomes inflated like a croaking frog. Just as a frog considers itself to be bigger than others--just as the frog, in its vanity, to demonstrate its size, tries to inflate itself more and more until it bursts--so those who have assimilated only a little of the psychic world become puffed up with vanity and thereby invite their own ruin. (2)

In the above teaching, Baba makes two key points.

(1) Those who have a little knowledge start thinking about their own glory. In result, they get puffed up with vanity and go around praising their own existence.

(2) When people are very self-centered they sing their own kiirtan, i.e. their own self-praise. They are so self-absorbed they do not even care what other people around them think.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "'Kiirtaniiya' sada'harih'. Kiirtana should be done on Hari (Parama Purusa) and on no other entity. One should not praise oneself or any other person. There are many people who are very fond of praising themselves by telling everyone what wonderful things they have done, but as mentioned in this shloka, kiirtana is not for one's own self but for Hari. Even though people are taught to do kiirtan for Hari, they still make the mistake of praising themselves too much. Sometimes their self-praise is so intense that others are obliged to say, 'Please stop praising yourself so much'. They forget that their self-applause is rather boring for others. Human beings should realise that no one likes to hear the self-praise of others." (3)

In His teaching, Baba is guiding us that human beings are to do the kiirtan of Parama Purusa. It is His glory we are to sing. But, unfortunately, those guided by materialistic, selfish tendencies become completely egocentric such that all they can do is sing their own praise. This is a pitiful, pathetic, and lowly state of mind.

Specialty of tantra: serve others

Our tantric culture is completely different. Tantra is founded on the ethic of helping and serving others and thinking about their well-being - all done taking cosmic ideation. The basic spirit is: "It is my duty to serve all". This is the spirit of Tantra. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Bear in mind that you have a duty towards – indeed, you owe a debt to – every creature of this universe, but towards you, no one has any duty; from others, nothing is due.” (4)

The basic outlook is:, "Don't think about your own problems. Think about others' problems and help them resolve their difficulties." In essence, be selfless, not selfish. This is the drastic difference between materialism and spirituality, or self-centered philosophy and God-centered philosophy.


The overall message is that from era to era the dominant philosophy has a dramatic effect on the mentality and values of the people. Philosophies like Buddhism, Gandhism, and self-centered philosophy have hastened the demise and degeneration of society, as has the imposition of various religious dogmas. The tantric and neo-humanistic teachings of Ananda Marga ideology can lift society up from the mud and into a whole new golden era where cardinal human values are cherished and spirituality is embraced.

Ananda Vanii states, “All the beings of this universe are the kith and kin of one another. No one is despicable. All are equally respectable and entitled to equal love and affection. No problem is to be ignored as an individual or group affair. Every problem is to be considered as the collective problem of universal humanity and is to be resolved collectively and resolved it must be. Let it be the vocal panorama of the newer world of today – the continuous musical notes behind the movement of Neohumanism.” (5)

Sadguru Baba explains, “Ananda Marga alone is dharma and all the rest are sectisms.” (6)

In Him,

Self-praise brings degeneration - part III

In so many teachings, Baba warns us about what happens to those who foolishly run after their own prestige and self-glory.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Gaorava is the second type of ahaḿkára. It means “self-aggrandizement”. Puffed up with vanity, a person will want to project his or her image in an exaggerated manner. Often we hear somebody say, for example, that they have a rose the size of a balloon in their garden – whereas actually the rose may be the size of a ping-pong ball. Constant indulgence in this type of activity converts the mind into matter.” (7)

So, according to Baba, we should not praise ourselves and, in consequence, invite our ruination. Rather, we are to sing His praise and His praise only.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Vanity harms the mind in three ways: abhimána or inflated ego, gaorava or self-aggrandizement, and pratiśt́ha or prestige.” (8)

1. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure (Shreya and Preya)
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva’s Teachings – 1 (Discourse 10)
3. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 8, “The Lord Should Always Be Praised”
4. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #3
5. Ánanda Váńii #58
6. Subhasita Samgraha – 1, The Call of the Supreme
7. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 23, Safeguards against the Defects of Jiṋána and Karma
8. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 10, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are all-pervading

"Prabhu toma'r liila' apa'r, buddhite ke bujhite pa're..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0507)


Prabhu, Your divine liila is beyond all human comprehension. Merely relying upon one's own intellect, who can understand Your vast cosmic play - no one. So many things are continually unfolding in the universe. This is all a display of Your grand liila. When I try to understand the reason why this is happening, I do not have any answer. Baba, You are present in form as well as in the unexpressed universe. You reside within everything and are also surrounding each and every manifestation. You are infinite - hiding in the form of flora and fauna, plants and animals. You are concealing Yourself within them and enveloping them also. 

Baba, You are present in the depths of the deep blue ocean as well as on the whitish, foggy tall mountain peaks. Wherever I look and even in the places that I cannot see, everything resides within Your mind, and You are surrounding that as well. 

Parama Purusa, You are in the poreless solid rocks and also in all the revolving seasons; You are all-pervading, and remain in the animate as well as inanimate entities; You are everywhere. Baba, whatever I think and even what I do not think, everything resides within Your mind. You are so vast.

Baba, Your liila is fathomless; I long for Your causeless grace...