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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How AM ideas are spreading + 2 more

How AM ideas are spreading

Wherever people work they may observe many ideological lacunae and deficiencies. It can be extremely beneficial if people introspect and analyze the ideological issues at their respective workplaces in light of Ananda Marga philosophy and write postings.

A person naturally knows about their work and has a deep insight into what the problems are and what improvements are needed. If they also have a good knowledge of Ananda Marga philosophy then they can make postings on how practical problems of their workplace can be solved. Those who do not have a very good understanding can discuss with people who are knowledgeable in Ananda Marga philosophy and then can write postings. The advantage with the person belonging to a particular workplace is that they know about their specific workplace and only that person can make such a posting and can present the Ananda Marga view to the world.

Thoughts are very powerful

Ordinary people think that even if such postings are written and disseminated to a few thousand people it may not change the state of affairs. They think that so many articles and blogs are written on a daily basis but no change is happening. They are skeptical about any benefits that such postings will bring and often say, “What good will transpire by just reading and thinking about the issues?”

Story #1: Baba’s solutions in Jamalpur railway office

When Baba was working in the Jamalpur railway office He often discussed and shared His ideas with His office colleagues about how a spiritual society can be built and how the problems of the world could be solved. Many of His office colleagues used to say things like, “Your ideas are great, but is it at all useful to mention it to a few of us here? Isn’t it just pie in the sky?”

They used to think that talking about great ideas for changing the world in this small town railway office was just a source of entertainment and had no practical value. After all, in those days there was not even any organizational backing. Baba responded to such comments by saying, “I tell you whatever thoughts come to mind so that those of you who get benefitted and like them can begin propagating them.”

And, in reality, that is what happened. Eventually, the AMPS organization was formed and Baba’s teachings have now spread throughout the whole world. Baba proved that thoughts propagated in a concentrated manner have a deep impact. We should learn from this example and write postings on the problems of our workplace.

Story #2: Baba’s movement against eradication of English

Once in Bihar, there was a widespread movement led by a politician Karpoori Thakur against the use of the English language. The activists demanded that the English language be eradicated and everything be done in their own language. Baba protested and encouraged Ananda Margiis to protest against this movement. Ananda Marga did not have any political power, yet Baba took the stand against such anti-English activists. Baba said that eradicating English would divide the people.

Because in India, no one calls themselves Indian. People identify themselves based on their language-- like Bengalis, Gujaratis, Marathis, and so on. There are many nations in India. Long ago, Lord Krsna united India and called it Mahabharata, but that was broken into pieces later. After British colonization, a sense of Indian nation emerged due to British exploitation. In one sense the Britishers united India into one nation. It is a different thing that while leaving India, they again fragmented India into pieces. Baba alerted all that if English was eradicated then the already divided India will get further fragmented. English is a language which can bring people together in India. People can talk to each other, work together, and relate to each other. By this way, India will remain united. And, verily, they helped put an end to the movement and kept English alive in that area.

Example #3: Baba gives importance to regional languages

After coming out of jail in 1978, Baba began a movement to give importance to the various regional languages. Up to that point, the situation of regional languages was so grim that during the census people from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, etc. used to register their languages as Hindi. Baba said that nobody’s mother tongue in the state of Bihar is Hindi. People speak Magahi, Bhojpuri, Angika, etc. but due to an inferiority complex they register Hindi as their mother tongue.

Ananda Margiis created a massive movement and called press conferences. As a result, regional languages were given greater importance. Indeed, universities began introducing regional languages into their curriculum.

Due to Baba’s movement this inferiority complex eventually ended, and today there are many languages scheduled officially into the government system of India.

Dharmic ideas bring great changes

So in spite of there being a relatively small number of people belonging to Ananda Marga, the impact of our AM philosophy has a tremendous impact because of the greatness of those dharmic ideas. Many great things today have originated from Ananda Marga teachings. It might not have been chronicled by the historians, but if we delve deeper we’ll see that the main source of inspiration for many great reforms are Ananda Marga teachings. Many thoughts were spread by word of mouth or by pamphlets by Ananda Margiis. Many liked the ideas and further propagated them. Ananda Marga does not get credit but in many cases is the source of inspiration.

Thus, thinking deeply about the issues at one’s workplace in the light of Ananda Marga philosophy and writing postings on the same can surely have far-reaching positive effects.


In summary, if one gets a thought of improving something in one’s workplace then one should think of it as an inspiration from Parama Purusa and immediately make a posting and broadcast to others via writing or speaking. By such propagation, the tenets of dharma will surely get established. This is why postings should be made. If we discover some application of Ananda Marga philosophy in our workplace then we should immediately think and write postings on that topic. This is important as no one else is better suited than Ananda Margiis to find errors and offer dharmic solutions on the work they do.

In Him,

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A correct spiritual ideology is the only solution to the problems confronting the world. From this perspective we can call Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers’ stone. Just as the philosophers’ stone is meant to transform everything into gold, Ananda Marga ideology can, most definitely, find a just and rational solution whenever it is applied to any problem.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #36

== Section 2: Links ==