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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Indian youths: ashamed of tantra + 4 more


Indian youths: ashamed of tantra


There are numerous ways in which inferiority complexes affect one's daily manner. The irony is that often those afflicted do not realise or like to admit it, which means they can never grow and overcome this debility. And not every Indian succumbs in this way. Not all desire to give up their local habits and customs in favour of European styles and fashion. But this is a dominant trend. Because of their inferiority complex they lose their sense of rationality and discard their own trusted approach and their prana dharma and latch onto cheap, western pseudo-culture. This is a theme in India, as well as around the globe. In His Prout discourses Baba Himself has discussed this in great detail.

How inferiority complexes manifest in day to day life

All should read this with an open mind. Although the following examples are related with India, no one can say that an entire population in any given country or region is good or bad. Not every inhabitant of India has an inferiority complex, however the majority of the educated people suffer in this way. It is evident by their behaviour. And, in reality, these issues are global in nature and pervasive in so many lands and communities. It is not limited to a particular country.

In this era of extreme capitalism and mass-produced pseudo-culture, a potent tool is needed to protect peoples and communities from being enveloped and swallowed up by the dominant, exploitative, economic machine. Already, native populations and minorities have been made to feel inferior by the dominant class. On points of language, dress, finances, and religion etc, they have been taught that they are not as good.

1. DRESS: Since the time of British rule - i.e. for hundreds of years - Indians have become more and more self-conscious about their dress. At every opportunity they adopt European fashion and give up their own clothing. Indian males gave up using a laungota long ago; plus they adopted western style suits etc. Simultaneously, Indian females have left their traditional dress where their bodies are comfortably covered and adopted western, half-naked fashion. This has grown to such a degree that now they wear all the provocative outfits of western pseudo-culture such as low-cut tops etc.

When people are not bound by their school or work dress code, and they have the option to wear what they wish, that is the time they express their fancy by unknowingly accepting and wearing clothes of the dominant outside group, i.e. western capitalists. This is all a function of an inferiority complex where they adopt the fashion and habits of the ruling elite. Some may claim that they are just doing as per their wish. But when people suffer from a serious inferiority complex then their entire power of discernment (sense of viveka) is dysfunctional. The mind cannot think properly. In that case they blindly give up genuine and useful habits and eagerly accept degrading ones advocated by the exploiters.

Embarrassed by their own dharmic traditions

2. HANDSHAKE: Throughout India the handshake has become the symbol of modernity and success. The people no longer like to do namaskar mudra when they see one another. They think that is outdated and out of style. They do not want to be seen doing that. Instead, they want to use the handshake. This is a clear-cut sign of their feelings of cultural inferiority. In that case they discard their sentient and rational approach of doing namaskar, and mindlessly accept the custom of the dominant powers, i.e. the handshake. Those in India prone in this way will justify that this is their preferred selection. But when overwhelmed by feelings of inferiority, they are not in position to make a carefully considered, well-thought decision.

3. HUGGING: Hugging and casually touching the opposite sex has become a growing phenomenon in India. After centuries and centuries of abiding by the great, old tantric codes of gender separation laid down by those exalted rishis and yogis, India has fallen prey to the dirty pseudo-culture ways of the west. They think that will make them modern and part of the internet culture etc, when in fact it just leads to their downfall and degeneration. In actuality, much of India is either openly ashamed of their great past or they just simply do not want to recognise it. The outcome is a full on embrace of nasty, pseudo-culture values where members of the opposite sex openly hug and kiss in public as a form of greetings and so-called friendship. Those youths have an inferiority complex about the India of old, and they do not want to abide by those great, longtime tantric values. They are much more eager to follow the lewd trends they see on the internet and in nasty, pseudo-culture media like movies etc. It is a sad and tragic situation.

4. FOOD: Although India is rooted in a great tradition of sattvika / vegetarian diet, many are rushing towards western fast foods, snacks, and other unhealthy options. Some traditions are irrational and should be discarded, but a vegetarian diet is well-known to be very suitable and beneficial. In that case, it would be rational to maintain such a tradition of eating vegetarian. But that is not what is happening. The younger generations either lost the ability or never even cared to learn how to prepare traditional Indian fare. They just became caught up in the western food fancies. They think preparing a chapati is what their grandmother would do, and that this is not fit for a modern girl or boy. They do not want to be seen in this way. This is the result of being steeped in an inferiority complex, which thereby shuts down one's ability of discrimination and decision-making. So this is another example of how the dominant culture has imposed its customs by imposing an inferiority complex upon the subjugated masses.

The irony in most of these instances is that often the traditional approach is better, yet people are quick to give it up as they do not want to be branded as outdated or dumb. So they readily adopt the custom of the dominant group so others will think they are smart, modern, and savvy.

“My way is not good enough”

5. CINEMA: It is well-known that Bollywood is just an offshoot of Hollywood. In these films traditional Indian / tantric values have been cast aside and pseudo-culture imagery reigns supreme. If the public had more appreciation and respect for their heritage they would not be so inclined to see such films. That would pressurise the movie producers to appeal to sentient and spiritual themes and values. Instead, feeling burdened by and ashamed of their tantric heritage, Indian moviegoers wholeheartedly embrace and are enamoured by silver-screen stars who portray pseudo-culture Hollywood storylines. Here again some may simply offer that they enjoy such films. But when people are entrenched in an inferiority complex, they cannot make careful, rational decisions. That faculty is lost. And when those films are the cause of so much angst in society, (just look at how this has affected the US and especially youths), it defies all logic to invite this into your social life. Yet that is the trend nowadays.

6. LANGUAGE: Many educated people in India feel shy and ashamed to speak their mother tongue in the marketplace. They think that if others hear them speaking in that way, then they will be branded as a lowly person. This is their fear. Because of this ingrained inferiority complex, they would adopt Hindi or English etc. In contrast, those not suffering from this type of inferiority complex will certainly speak their mother tongue in public; they will not feel shy or embarrassed.

7. ENTERTAINMENT: Partying, cocktails, spas etc. The entire range of European entertainment is being absorbed by the Indian public. All generations, but especially youths, want to feel and look western and they do this by emulating the pseudo-culture nightlife made famous in the west. They feel their own traditions are archaic, boring, and from a different era. This is another way how their cultural inferiority complex manifests. Even though their own tantric traditions were more rational and logical, they readily opted to adopt European manners as they were encumbered by an inferiority complex that completely ruined their psychic discernment. That is the unfortunate circumstance.

Swapping out tantra for pseudo-culture

8. HYGIENE: For centuries rishis taught the Indian populace countless secrets for good health and hygiene. And the people benefited greatly. Now they do not want to know about those past traditions. Instead they want to embrace the Americana way. One clear-cut example of this is the use of toilet paper. No longer are Indian citizens interested in using water to clean themselves, i.e. their back side. They would be horrified to admit to townspeople that they only use water; such is the depth of their inferiority complex. They prefer to proudly announce that they use toilet paper.

9. FESTIVAL CELEBRATIONS: The tantric tradition in India has always been spiritually based - ground in dharma and / or religious rituals, not marred by intoxicants like alcohol etc. Yet now New Year's in India more resembles a materialistic dance party. This is the growing trend where people are eager to leave behind their family's sentient tradition like not touching or hugging the opposite sex social settings, and instead be part of the party scene as depicted on the internet and in movies etc. They feel that by this way they will be accepted as "cool" or "modern". Because of their inherent inferiority complex, they are ready to stoop to the depths of depravity in hopes of being labeled as western and modern. Such is the sad development that has taken place.

10. DHARMA: More than any other nation, India has been known for its God-oriented way of life. Baba Himself has told that India is the only land whose prana dharma was spirituality. Instead of actively pursuing this path, a growing number of Indian citizens have been turning towards Christianity - the religion of outside exploiters who came to dominate India. Weighed down by their own inferiority complex, people are converting to Christianity thinking this to be a more sophisticated or socially respectable religion.

11. MONEY: India is the single country on this earth that looked upon this world through the vantage point of spirituality. In tantra, wealth means spiritual wealth. Ever since the British invasion and the exposure to western ways, the allurement of money has slowly and steadily grabbed the upper hand until now it is completely rampant. Today people do and die for the dollar and have tragically lost all connection with spiritual ideals. Now it is money and materialism. They think this will give them the prestige and respect they deserve.


These are some of the many ways that depict how our brothers and sisters of India are suffering from an inferiority complex. This is a microcosm of what is happening around the globe. Oftentimes, traditional communities disregard their own heritage that is filled with truth and goodness and adopt cheap, pseudo-culture values of modernity because they are ashamed of their past and want to be associated with the new world. This is the sad and unfortunate trend nowadays - and it is all predicated upon the imposition of feelings of inferiority.

In Him,
Divyajyoti Sharma

How they sow the seeds of exploitation

Once this type of inferiority complex has been set in the mind, the ruling class can proceed speedily with their exploitative machinery. To varying degrees, this has happened with innumerable peoples and communities around the globe. The only way to rectify the situation and put an end to this cycle of exploitation is to inject those peoples and communities with new prana and vital energy. Then they will have the strength and courage to shed themselves of this inferiority complex and stand up to those exploiters. So long as they feel inferior they are prime targets of exploitation as the ruling group will mercilessly impose their will with little or no resistance by the exploited masses.

So long as the Indians felt inferior to the Britishers, and so long as the African-Americans slaves felt inferior to the white ruling class, unbarred and unhindered exploitation was in vogue. They did not have the self-respect or inner confidence to think that they should not be subjugated or victimized in this way. Rather they were brainwashed by the perpetual propaganda of the ruling elite that they are not worthy. With this inferiority complex suffused in the mind, they were verily shackled and made lame targets of merciless exploitation. That is the extreme danger of suffering from an inferiority complex; yet the ruling exploiters know that their own domination is dependent upon the imposition of that inferiority complex upon those masses. That is the struggle at hand in any exploitative regime / relationship. There are so many examples of this around the globe. Yet, the moment those exploited populations are made aware of their inherent value and that they too are the blessed children of Parama Purusa and have the right to live on this earth with dignity and respect, then the darks clouds of that inferiority complex will evaporate, and the arduous struggle for equal standing will begin. Then and only then will those days of exploitation be finished.

~ In-depth study ~

How dominant group (Britishers) imposed their will

Prout philosophy states, "The English colonialists were also cunning enough to discern the práńa dharma of the people of India, and they deprived them of the freedom to express their práńa dharma. The British wanted to bring the entire Indian race under their colonial grip to make the people slaves. They reformed the old educational system of India and bluntly introduced the English system of education. The English education system was contrary to that of India, because it was based on an objective approach and the complete denial of the subjective approach. The British colonial masters educated the subjugated race on the lines of their own education system, and produced a peculiar group of people who were neither Indian nor civilian nor serviceable. These so-called educated people of India were a complete departure from the mass of Indians in their habits, behaviour, thoughts, modesty and personal integrity. That is why a gulf of difference developed between the so-called educated people and the village people of India. By applying these subtle tactics, a group of people in India became European in attitude although they were Indian in colour, and this group were instrumental in perpetuating the British Raj in India." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell, Talks on Education – Excerpt B

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Importance of mother tongue

Prout philosophy states, “”For the all-round welfare and development of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish. To avoid this and to safeguard the interests of all people, the leaders of society must ensure that cardinal socio-political principles are strictly followed. Otherwise, individual and collective progress can never be achieved.” (1)

There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated…..Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed.

    Prout philosophy states, “Several decades ago, Hitler invaded France. He planned to teach everyone German and eradicate French. If he had done this, regardless of anything else that he did, the people would have revolted.”
   “The psychology of suppression undermines the progress of a country. People will eventually revolt against it and restore unity. The sentiments of people cannot be forcibly suppressed for a long time. Human beings best express themselves through their mother tongue. If people’s mother tongue is suppressed, it is equivalent to strangling them. The suppression of people’s mother tongue is a sin.” (2)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
2. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Respect the disrespected

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings neglect many things in this world without any plausible reason. They forget that Parama Puruśa resides in every object, even the most neglected one. They fail to look at the world with proper social benevolence. Suppose a pig is writhing in pain. The onlookers casually say, “Well, it's only a pig – let it die,” and thus neglect Parama Puruśa in the form of a pig. Such an error will result in their overall progress being retarded. One should not detest anything as everything is a manifestation of Parama Puruśa. Parama Puruśa cannot hate anyone or anything in this world – how can He, all are His manifestations – so on what grounds can humans hate anyone or anything. If one hates His manifestation it means that one hates Parama Puruśa Himself. Let no human being be so arrogant.”
   “It has been said, “Amáninam mánadeyam” – “respect the disrespected.” Those who are disrespected and rejected by society should also be recognized by us as manifestations of Parama Puruśa. We must respect them with due honour as Parama Puruśa has chosen to manifest them in that particular way. We should always be very courteous to them. Hence the third duty of a devotee is to respect those people whom no one respects. We must approach those who are unloved, ridiculed, and in need of affection, and tell them we care for them. By honouring them and restoring their dignity we will make them happy; their minds will become filled with joy." (1)

1. Anadna Vacanamrtam - 7, How Should a Devotee Behave?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Utterly ridiculous strategy

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Some people consider it propitious to have a holy dip in the Ganges on certain auspicious days. Other people think that by standing knee-deep in water in the winter season they will attain virtue. It is sheer nonsense to expect emancipation in this way. These are merely physical actions which do not guarantee emancipation. However, they may bring emancipation in one way – one may contract a virulent typhoid fever or pneumonia and expire! Na muktirtapanáddhomádupavásah shataerapi. There are some people who die after fasting for thirty or forty days. The members of their community think that they have attained salvation thereby, but one cannot attain salvation by fasting in this way.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, Ideation on Brahma

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Be vigorously active

Original Ananda Vanii states: "Parama Puruśa has blessed you with hands to work and legs to move; has infused you with the stamina to act; has endowed you with practical intelligence, so make the best use of them in the fight against the demons. You must not sit idle relying on fate. Be vigorously active." (Ananda Vanii #46)

Note: Sadguru Baba has assigned a number to all His original and true Ananda Vaniis. In contrast, Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have any number. By this simple formula, one can easily recognise which is a true Ananda Vanii and which is fake. For the upcoming occasion of January 1st 2017, all Ananda Marga units should use one of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis, not a fake one. By this way, one will surely get His blessing.

== Section 3: Links ==