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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Greeting: role of anáhata + 5 more

Greeting: role of anáhata


Some may wonder why we touch the anahata cakra when we do our namaskar mudra. The reason is because the anahata cakra is the nucleus of all human feeling and sentiment such as love, affection, etc. Whatever love and sentiment humans have is controlled from this cakra. We are, by nature, sentimental beings so we are deeply moved by the pull of the anahata cakra. It is there that we feel a deep sense of connection, love, and compassion. For this reason we touch the anahata cakra when doing our namaskar mudra. And it is for this reason humans all over the globe hug and embrace one another by drawing each other near to that point.

When you have sentiment for something or someone then you want to bring that close to your chest - as that is the nucleus of your feeling and sentiment. That is why when people come close to their cherished possessions or loved ones, they reach out with both hands and draw them close to their anahata cakra. And when one receives a very special gift then they draw it in to that point. They do not hold it by their elbow, knee, or toe, rather it is brought to their anahata cakra.

Any sincere sadhaka can easily feel the vibration in their anahata cakra during certain emotional occasions. That is not the vibration of the physical heart, but rather the vibration of their anahata cakra. The anahata cakra is the controlling point of all human sentiment. That is why, after touching the mind (ajina cakra), we touch the home of human sentiment (anahata cakra) when we do namaskar.

Anahata cakra is nucleus of human sentiment

Those not aware about the anahata cakra mistakenly think that the physical human heart is the home of all feeling and sentiment. Or they think their emotional center is the physical heart because when they are nervous or excited their heart starts beating faster etc. Such is the confusion some have.

But that heart organ is merely a pump. That is all. It is not the home of human sentiment; similarly, the gallbladder is not the home of human sentiment. The main reason why people think that the physical human heart is so special is because of its close proximity to the anahata cakra.

So it is the anahata cakra that is so unique and reflects our emotional and sentimental being. The physical heart has no such capacity. It is merely a pump. The proof is that when patients get a heart transplant their emotional and sentimental nature remains as is; they do not also receive an entirely new emotional state when they receive that new heart. They get a pump - nothing more. It is because their anahata cakra is the home of their sentiment. That is why their emotional quality remains the same.

in Him,

This is the way the namaskar mudra is done in Ananda Marga: Draw the palms together, raise them up and touch the ájiṋá cakra [the mid-point of the eyebrows] with both thumbs and then, keeping the palms together, lower the hands and touch the anahata cakra.

~ In-depth study ~

In below quotes "heart" means anahata cakra

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The human heart is the abode of higher psychic propensities. The feeling of pain, pleasure, devotion and bliss have a deep impact on the heart. When human beings remained engrossed in crude sensual pleasure they are deprived of spiritual bliss, but the moment they start imbibing cosmic ideation, the cosmic sentiment grows stronger in their hearts. Thereafter, the more they ideate on Iśt́a and superimpose cosmic ideation on every action and thought, the more the devotional sentiment is strengthened. At this stage the sádhakas feel the existence of Parama Puruśa deep in their hearts and pervading throughout the entire world. In consequence a deep dharmamegha is created around the anáhata cakra, bringing intense bliss to the sadhaka's mind." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The subtlest, the most delicate, portion of the human mind is the controlling point of human cordiality. When the human mind is focused on that particular point, it starts to experience the Krśńaliilá [Krśńa's pastimes with His devotees]. The human heart, which is Vrindavana, is the nucleus of all the warmth and sweetness of the human mind. Human beings are always eager to rush towards the mohanatattva [supreme attractive force] which lies covert in the inner Vrindavana. Parama Puruśa also enhances the degree of spiritual attraction and increases the jiivas' desire to rush towards Him. Due to this intense spiritual attraction the mind refuses to entertain any other psychic object. One may try in vain to persuade the mind to desist from thinking of Krśńa, but even then the mind will think of Krśńa and nothing else. Human beings at that stage lose their ordinary propensities and cling to their spiritual object alone. Thus microcosmic bearing is turned into Macrocosmic bearing." (2)

Paying respect to Parama Puruśa residing within this body

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "What is our style of extending goodwill? We say, Namaskár. That is, “I pay respect to the Supreme Entity residing within you.” You should remember this. “I concentrate all the good feelings of my mind here in the trikut́i [between the eyebrows].” In your mind there are so many propensities. Propensities are called vrtti in Sanskrit. So there are so many vrttis, so many propensities, in your mind..."
   "You should concentrate all your thoughts at a particular point, here – that is, with all the strength and goodwill of your mind you are doing this – you are touching these two palms here [trikut́i]. That is, you are concentrating all your goodwill here, because you are paying respect to Parama Puruśa residing within this body; this body; this body; this body [pointing to different people]. First do this."
   "And not only mental concentration, you are human beings, you have got so many sentiments also. Human sentiment, you know? When you feel much joy you burst into tears, when much sorrow you burst into tears. These are sentiments. And human beings are guided by sentiment, more by sentiment than by logic, you must not forget it – more by sentiment than by logic. So your sentiment is also there, so with all the concentration of your mind and with all the sweetness of your sentiment, from the very core of your heart, you are paying respect to Parama Puruśa residing within human structure. So you do this [palms together at mid-point of chest], and say, Namaskár." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Now, suppose certain sub-glands in the elder man's chest around the anáhata cakra are activated. Then, instead of arguing, his response will become calmer, and not so serious and grave. He will become quieter and not so irritated. In this case, in the attached nerve cells and nerve fibres, certain changes will have been brought about in the glands and sub-glands of the chest portion of the body. By properly activating the controlling point of a human sentiment, the response has changed." (4)

A few points of clarification

#1: The anahata cakra is not only related with those doing sadhana, but everyone experiences feelings and vibration at their anahata cakra. That is the nucleus of all human feeling and sentiment.

#2: The anahata cakra is not the "yogic heart". Some in publications have labeled it as such and included this phrase, "yogic heart", in the glossary of our books when defining the anahata cakra. But this is not the proper phrase to describe the anahata cakra. Moreover, as noted, this cakra is not limited to yogis per se; rather, everyone feels this cakra, even those who have nothing to do with yoga. So that is another reason why the phrase "yogic heart" is an accurate or appropriate reference for the anahata cakra.

#3: Unfortunately, the description about namaskar published in Carycarya is incomplete. It fails to describe how the palms should be brought to the anahata cakra to conclude the salutation. See here below.

Caryacarya says, "Namaskára: Namaskára is done by bringing the palms together and touching the ájiṋá cakra [the mid-point of the eyebrows] with the thumbs, without bowing. It can be done to all regardless of their age, because this mode of salutation is used with the ideation that everyone is the manifestation of the Supreme Being." (5)

It should have been written like this:

Caryacarya says, "Namaskára: Namaskára is done by bringing the palms together and touching the ájiṋá cakra [the mid-point of the eyebrows] with the thumbs [and then bringing the palms down to the anahata cakra], without bowing. It can be done to all regardless of their age, because this mode of salutation is used with the ideation that everyone is the manifestation of the Supreme Being." (5)

Everyone should correct this in their book.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Dharmamegha Samadhi
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Appendix
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Parama Puruśa within Everyone
4. Yoga Psychology, The Human Body Is a Biological Machine
5. Caryacarya, Part 1, Methods of Salutation

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुम असंभव को संभव कर देते हो। ऐसा कुछ नहीं है जो तुम नहीं कर सकते।

प्रभात संगीम 3346 तुमि फूलेरि बुके मधु ...


हे परमपुरुष! सब कुछ तुम्हीं करते हो, तुमने फूलों के हृदय अमृत से भर दिये। कंटीले पौधे से तुम गुलाब बना देते हो , तुम असंभव को संभव कर देते हो। ऐसा कुछ नहीं है जो तुम नहीं कर सकते। हे परम सत्ता! तुम ठंडभरी शीतऋ़तु में अग्नि की ऊष्णता प्रदान करते हो और जलती हुई ग्रीष्म में तुम्हारा स्पर्श  चंदन की शीतलता प्रदान करता है। तुम भूखे को भोजन, प्यासे को पानी,बेघर को आश्रय और बीमार को उपचार का साधन उपलब्ध कराते हो तुम्ही सब कुछ करतेहो तुम ब्रह्माॅंड के नियंत्रक हो।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! तुम अपनी इच्छा से सब कुछ करते जाते हो , कभी मुझे हंसाते हो तो कभी रुलाते हो। जब मैं भटक जाता हॅूं तो तुम अपने स्नेहाकर्षण से मुझे अपने पास खींच लेते हो।अन्य समयों में यदि मैं तुम्हारी ओर देखता भी  हॅूं तो तुम कोई संकेत नहीं देते। तुम अपनी इस लीला से और अधिक ब्याकुलता और भक्ति भाव भर देते हो। अन्य किसी समय तुम मुझे अपने दिव्य प्रेम और आकर्षण से खींचते हो, हे प्रभो! तुम सब स्थानों पर हो और सब कुछ करते हो।

बाबा! हे परमपुरुष! तुम अग्नि की ऊष्णता में छिपे रहते हो, और उसी समय जलवाष्प के साथ आकाश  में तैरते हो। तुम बर्फ की शीतलता और वनस्पति की हरियाली में रहते हो। तुम सर्वव्यापी हो । हे मेरे मन के मयूर ! तुम धूप और छाया कर खेल खेलते हुए नाचते रहते हो। कभी कभी मैं तुम्हरी दिव्य उपस्थिति का अनुभव करता हॅूं कभी नहीं। फिर भी मैं जानता हॅूं कि तुम सर्वाधिक प्यारे हो। बाबा! तुम छिपकर चुपचाप सबके भले और मुक्ति के लिये सब कुछ करते रहते हो, यह तुम्हारी कृपा ही है। 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why Buddhists Got Confused

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Regarding jiivátmá [unit consciousness], Buddha did not use the term jiivátmá or any such word, but he uttered one sentence, Attáhi attánaḿ natha. This sentence may  have two meanings. One meaning is, “One is the lord of one’s own self,” and the other is, “Átman is the lord of átman.” The second meaning perhaps is more acceptable because in the Prákrta language the word appan is generally used to indicate one’s own self, while the word attá is mainly used in the sense of átman, or soul. Thus one cannot conclusively prove that Buddha did not accept the existence of átman; there is sufficient scope for controversy on this point." (1)

"Buddha clearly and firmly supported the doctrine of rebirth. In fact, no doctrine before him had placed as much stress on the theory of rebirth as his did. One who accepts the theory of rebirth is bound to accept the existence of átman also. If the átman is non-existent, then who will take rebirth?" (2)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Dsic: 18
2. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Dsic: 18

== Section: Comment ==

Re: If your child starts smoking

My father started smoking at nine. I started at 16. My fathers intelligence knew no bounds having countless patents and scientific discoveries to his credit..but yet he smoked.

It took him forty years to quit. It's a dirty habit. I smoked so much at age 19 I would cough and roll out of bed in pain. I smoked five packs of unfiltered Galoise (a French cigarette) a day that's 100 cigarettes. I quit when I was initiated. Then much later I began to smoke cigars. Dada Y said Govinda who are you trying to be Winston Churchill?

BABA graced  me that very day and I did not smoke another  expensive cigar. AND I did not crave them.

Cigarettes also have additives ....chemicals to keep them burning and to add to the addiction. In third world countries they sell Marlboros for fifty in the USA a pack is 5 6 or 7 dollars.

Once the country is hooked the price goes up.

Two things are the biggest problems in the west BABA said Drugs and discipline.

America is comfort loving..and its obesity rate is soaring...even some of our acaryas have become obese. Serve humanity without pause practice sadhana and perform proper asanas then no problem. Give give give till it hurts then give some more.

Take on others burdens. It will bring untold joy...and The Supreme will give you boundless energy to do more work.
My maternal grandmother Maisey said when I was 7 ... Greggie you want to know the secret of happiness? I said yes gramma please tell me. The secret is very simple. Forget about yourself and serve others.

Any job can be accomplished with three things ...proper tools..confidence and Gods unfathomable grace...BABA said it.

My grandmother was a saint. Yet lived in this USA land of self centered materialism. Wherever her eyes touched another's they would smile.

If you do not serve others ..with the proper zeal and attitude she will become depressed and your moods will be dark indeed . Expand the circle round your own two feet she said. Let your mind soar beyond the stars ...said my beloved Gramma.

Sure when you reach out..some will reject your embrace
But what are bruises and a little pain to a yogi or yogini? I say
Nothing but pebbles under our feet...I wonder who said that? Ha!
So let's do do do ..don't sit...and transform the world for BABAS MISSION


Note: Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: If your child starts smoking