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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Food: GMO awareness + 4 more

Food: GMO awareness


One of the most dangerous and disturbing elements in today’s food chain is the presence of GMO’s, or genetically modified organisms.

Researchers report: "Not only can genes be transferred from one plant to another, but genes from non-plant organisms also can be used. The best known example of this is the use of Bt genes in corn and other crops. Bt, or Bacillus thuringiensis, is a naturally occurring bacterium that produces crystal proteins that are lethal to insect larvae. Bt crystal protein genes have been transferred into corn, enabling the corn to produce its own pesticides against insects such as the European corn borer." (Dept of Plant and Soil Sciences, OSU)

Why are companies so interested in using genes in this way? Because by this process, they can make those crops resistant to herbicides and pesticides – and easily increase profits.

How this affects Ananda Margiis

What does the presence of GMO’s in food mean for Ananda Margiis? It means that certain foods we consider to be “sentient” may in fact be tamasik. Here are more concerns in bulleted format:

* This GMO approach is still quite new and has not been well-researched nor tested. There remains many unknowns along with the possibility of public health issues.

* Vegetarian foods made from transferring the genes of one plant to a separate plant's gene pool should be avoided because those products may be a health hazard (carcinogenic etc) for the short and long term, and they may be tamasik.

* Foods and GMO crops made from a plant gene pool that contains threads from an animal gene pool(s) are outrightly tamasik, plus they may have other health hazards.

* For meat-eating communities all this may not be a concern; for Ananda Margiis, this is a huge issue: If vegetable or grain crops have been formed from animal genes. So every margii should know about this.

Irrespective of which part of the globe you live, you must be critically aware about this hot issue. If the food you buy does not specifically say “Non-GMO”, or if you are not 100% sure about the origin of your grain and vegetable seeds, then it is possible that your food has been genetically affected. This is especially true with name-brand, “natural”, company food products.


Here is a clear-cut warning from Baba.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Where scientific progress supersedes civilization, there civilization meets its Waterloo.” (1)

Today, with the use of GMO’s, we see the terrible misuse of science in our fruit, vegetable and grain food supply. Genetically modified crops are spreading around the globe in order to heighten corporate profits. Big food companies are eager to keep this fact hidden. They want to use science at the cost of human health and our overall well-being. We should all be aware and help force companies and the agro-business industry to openly state if they use GMO’s or not.

Shiva Kumar

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Suppose a physician says, “As a human, you require animal protein for your health;” but suppose dharma says, “No, a human should not take carnal food;” then in that case you will have to follow dharma and not the physician, because the order of dharma is above all other orders. Dharma is the highest Lord, the highest authority." (2)

Rundown of nations with GMO prohibitions:

~ Courtesy of GMO FAQ - geneticliteracyproject ~

  • Australia: cultivation prohibited in Tasmania and Kangaroo island. Imports allowed.
  • Austria: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Azerbaijan: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Belize: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Bhutan: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Bulgaria: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Croatia: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Cyprus: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Denmark: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Ecuador: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • France: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Germany: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Greece: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Hungary: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • India: Bt cotton allowed, all others prohibited.
  • Italy: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Kenya: Cultivation of white maize approved, all others prohibited. Import of white maize allowed.
  • Kyrgyzstan: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.
  • Latvia: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Lithuania: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Luxembourg: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Madagascar: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.
  • Malta: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Moldova: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Netherlands: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales (United Kingdom): Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Norway: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Peru: Cultivation banned (though increasingly ignored). Imports of soy and corn allowed.
  • Poland: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Russia: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.
  • Saudi Arabia: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Serbia: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Slovenia: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
  • Switzerland: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Turkey: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Ukraine: Cultivation banned (though law is widely ignored). Imports allowed.
  • Venezuela: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.

Regions with GMO prohibitions:

  • Humboldt (+Arcata City), California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Marin, California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Mendocino (+City of Point Arena), California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Sonoma County, California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Trinity, California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Santa Cruz, California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Boulder County (+Boulder City), Colorado, US: planned ban GMO corn and sugar beets on county-owned land by 2023 & 2025 respectively
  • Jackson County, Oregon, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Montville County, Maine, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed (enforcement officially expired in 2018).
  • San Juan County, Washington, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • South Australia, Australia: Cultivation banned on Kangaroo Island only. Imports allowed.
  • Tasmania, Australia: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
  • Wallonian Region, Belgium: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.

(Courtesy of GMO FAQ - geneticliteracyproject)

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

In the core of my heart

"Gáner málá gánthiyáchi, tomár tare priyatama..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3181)


O’ My Parama Purusa Baba, I have threaded a garland of music for You. And this mala is not just worldly flowers; these are the blossoms of my song. My Innermost and my Dearest, I want to offer it to You. These tunes which I am practicing day and night in Your longing, I want to sing for You. Incomparable Entity, I am hoping You will come, smile, and love me.

O’ Parama Purusa You play Your liila in shadow and light - in darkness as well as in refulgence, everywhere. Sometimes it is tough like thunder and other times sweet like the vajraviin’a’. It is very rough and very tender. In very bad times there is Your liila, and in blissful occasions You are also playing Your divine liila. 

O’ Parama Purusa You float everybody in the source of Your eternal game, You goad human beings towards the goal of their life - the Supreme Nucleus. And You take the form of liilá rasa. Parama Purusa, Formless One, what do You want. Please come in the core of my heart and make me understand your desire. Kindly bless me with Your varabhaya mudra...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Shocking turnaround in AMPS


Since ages religious exploiters, priests, mullahs, pujaris, and so-called monks have misguided society. For example, in India, people were indoctrinated into the idea that family people cannot learn higher meditation. Those priests misguided the common mass by giving a false definition of brahmacarya. Similarly, the world over, priests became the middleman between God and the people. To root out this dogma, Ananda Marga ideology has been given. 

But in our AMPS organisation, the same type of priestocracy dogmas were injected after 1990:
(a) Puppets were made into tattvikas and family acaryas.
(b) The true role of family acaryas was snatched away by group leaders. Prior to 1990, all kinds of social ceremonies were conducted by family people / family acaryas, but no longer. And in the past family people were purodhas on top boards, and that too has essentially vanished. There is a litany of other injustices that have been put in vogue. 

This is the hint that we should be aware of religious cheats - in any religion as well as within Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. That is what Baba is warning us about in His following teaching. 

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is most important for human beings to move in the realm of spirituality, more than in other realms. Human beings should have followed the proper teachings, but unfortunately, previous teachers did not teach us in this way, and that is why there has been such great chaos in the social and psychic spheres.”
   “As a result of these improper teachings, many family people have suffered from the inferiority complex that as they were living mundane lives, they were sinners. This sort of idea was firmly implanted in the minds of family people as the result of false propaganda by the opportunistic exploiters, who wanted to protect their vested interests in the spiritual sphere. These exploiters also did not want to disseminate dharma among the masses at all, for they feared that the spread of dharma would undermine their vested interests.”
   “But Ananda Marga is for one and all: I wish to disseminate dharma among all.” (1)

In Him,

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Verse, Mythology, History and Itihása

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to reduce the gap with Parama Purusa

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Kevalá bhakti: When one is identified with the goal there remains only one entity. This is called kevalá bhakti. This category of devotion is not attainable by one’s individual effort. One can attain it by the grace of great personalities or Parama Puruśa. This is the highest stage of devotion. In this devotion the sádhaka remains oblivious of the differences and distinctions. This is called mahimna jiṋána. As long as the sense of differentiation will exist, the sádhaka will hesitate to be one with Brahma.” (1)

Note: There are various types and grades of bhakti. In the lowest category of bhakti, the bhakta thinks that, “God is great and I am lowly.” But when one’s prema towards God increases, then the feelings of one’s own lowliness and God’s greatness slowly, slowly reduces, and in the end fades away and both come on equal footing.

Consider this mundane example. Suppose one lady is the governor and has a high status and prestige, but that high status is meaningless to her child. The child just thinks that, “This is my mother.” The child does not think that, “I am a small infant and illiterate, and she is qualified so then how can I go close.”  These types barriers are meaningless for the child. Due to affection, the child thinks its status and the mother’s status are the same. Both are on common ground. That is why the child goes and sits on mother’s lap. The child does not think that, “I am inferior.” This is due to the child’s extreme affection for mother.

Same is that case with the bhakta. Due to intense prema and bhakti, the sadhaka thinks, “There is no difference between me and Parama Purusa. Neither He is high nor am I low. He is my very intimate.”


In lower bhakti, people think that, “Between me and Parama Purusa there is a vast gap and greatness. I am lowly and He is the grand controller of the universe. So how can I go close to Him.” But when bhakti grows then that gap reduces and they come on equal footing. The sadhaka thinks that. “He is my Dearest.” The bhakta does not think of the infinite attributions of Parama Purusa. Rather the sadhaka’s mind is focused on intimacy. That is keval bhakti. Without this feeling, nobody can merge in Parama Purusa.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Bhakti and Krpá