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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Exploiters blame poor + 3 more

Exploiters blame poor


In any age or region, those at the helm propagate specific tactics to appease and placate the common people. By this way, those in power can continue to suppress and manipulate the public and enjoy their stature and wealth. And verily, the ruling elites in different parts of the world have their own strategy for quelling the masses.

Dogma: God made you poor; don’t blame wealthy

Here is how the wealthy assert their leverage and maintain the status quo of economic injustice. In India rich exploiters lay blame that poor people are the cause of their own poverty. Those rich exploiters say that, “Because of your bad actions in your previous life you are poor today, so why are you blaming me for your pathetic condition. God made you poor and that same God made me rich so do not blame me.” This aforesaid rotten justification is very prevalent in India, and it is propagated in the name of the Bhagavad Giita. That is why the exploited masses in India are passive. They believe that poverty is their fate based on their own bad actions, and nobody can do anything about it. Rather they think if they accept their poverty and behave properly then in their next life they will be rich. Baba has condemned this perverted explanation in Prout philosophy.

Dogma: Work harder

In capitalism, those in power lay claim that every person has the opportunity to “pick themselves up by their bootstraps” and become a millionaire. This is how those in power get the common people to blame themselves for their low wages and economic woes, not the exploitative system. Indeed, the claim made by top capitalists presupposes that there is a level playing field and that all have an equal shot at getting financially rich. But nothing could be further from the truth. Those coming from financially challenging backgrounds or working lower-level jobs can work one hundred times harder and still not get ahead financially but instead remain riddled in debt. So the operative factor is not how hard one works, but that the system is rigged to help the rich get richer and keep the poor at the bottom. Even then, those at the bottom of the ladder have been brainwashed to believe that if they work harder then their plight will vastly improve.

Dogma: You are unlucky

Another tool that capitalists employ to repress the masses is the lottery system. Government leaders quell the spirit of revolution by promoting the sales of lottery tickets. Then those exploited masses think, “Ok, things may not be good for me now, but if I win the lottery then life will be rosy.” By this way the struggling people maintain hope that they should accept the current conditions and system and hold out the hope that their lucky number will be picked next week and they will become super rich. This is the fanciful daydream that keeps them going. But the whole thing is a farce. Rather, those in power are merely dangling a carrot in front of their eyes, i.e. the winning lottery ticket, and befooling those masses into thinking that their golden day is just around the corner.

Certain religious professionals in the west advance the idea that by working hard then you will get rich. This makes the poor accept their plight and puts out the fire of revolution.

Dogma: You are unfortunate

The new age scene in the west also has tools to keep the exploited at bay. Those poor people often seek out astrological readings and palmistry to learn their fate. So rather than raising their voice against the ruling exploiters, they think that their victory lies in the stars. This dogma only promotes the notion that there is nothing to be done until the stars in the universe align in their favour. By this way also, those impoverished people look towards the surreal readings in the sky instead of the reality here on earth for why they are not better off. In a phrase, this also keeps their mouths shut and they calmly accept their plight.


Around the globe, there are various prevailing techniques and outlooks that get imposed upon the collective psyche. By this way, the masses accept their lowly condition and think that, “Tomorrow will be a brighter day”, when the reality is that the same exploitative forces that are suppressing them today will be suppressing them tomorrow even more. It is our duty to awaken the people to the presence of exploitation so that they can gather the energy to shake off the shackles of economic injustice and bring about the needed changes in society, based on the ideals of Prout.

In Him,
(Linda Rogers)

~ In-depth study ~

False propaganda in favour of wealthy exploiters

Purchased intellectuals propagate capitalists are fortunate and the poor are lazy and the cause of their suffering.

Prout philosophy states, “In the Vaeshya Age this religious exploitation is more psychic than physical, because the vaeshyas [wealthy exploiters] use the vipras to try to spread intellectual propaganda among the masses to prevent them from finding any philosophical justification for their suppressed grievances against the vaeshya structure. This intellectual propaganda aims to convince people that they are the victims of circumstance. It argues, “Everything is destiny. Everything is preordained.” Such doctrines help the vaeshyas [wealthy exploiters] to perpetuate their structure. They destroy the personal force of people and make them the playthings of fate. People accept the idea that everything is preordained, and support the status quo.” (1)

God save humanity from such perverted philosophies!

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Any society which accepts inequality, which wants to perpetuate that inequality by spreading false logic, is not a society worthy of the name. The standard-bearers of such false logic masquerade in the garb of righteousness and try to convince the downtrodden members of society that their economic deprivations – their humiliations, their scarcity of food, clothing and medicine, their exposure to the extremes of heat and cold – are decreed by fate, as inevitable reactions to their past actions.”
   “Some time ago I heard a millionaire speak at a meeting. He was arguing that in modern society the karmaváda [doctrine of action and reaction of the Giitá] should be more widely propagated, because he thought that if people could understand this doctrine of action properly, the countless shrivelled-up human beings languishing in the dustbins of society would no longer blame the capitalists for their miserable condition. They would accept their misfortune with equanimity. Just imagine what a dangerous idea this is! What a wonderful capitalistic argument! Perhaps some academic stooge on the payroll of these self-seeking capitalists may even try to concoct a philosophy to support this proposition. God save humanity from such perverted philosophies!”
   “People's physical longings are not satisfied until they come in contact with a truly great ideology. Till then, people's wolf-like hunger is insatiable, as if they are incessantly repeating, “I am hungry, I am hungry.” Their jaws are always open, and the foolish people of this world resign themselves to their own fatalistic beliefs and fall into them. The ferocious wolf-pack devours their flesh and blood and casts away the unpalatable bones. Should we support this wolfish philosophy? The day-labourers, porters and gate-keepers around us who wear dirty rags and have fatigue etched on their faces are not considered human by those who are rolling in luxury.” (2)

1. Human Society - 2, The Vaeshya Age
2. Human Society - 1, Social Justice

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Blue sky of my mind
"Mor, din cale já y áshá nirásháy, tomár tarei priya..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3507)


O' Parama Purusa, my days and nights are passing in the hope and hopelessness of longing for You. When I see that You are not coming then my life falls in misery. But when I contemplate Your cosmic grace then with deep hope I feel that I will get You. In this way all my time passes. O' my most Supremely Benevolent Majestic One, when I think about You sometimes I weep in the agony of not getting You, and other times I smile in optimism, dreaming of Your blissful arrival.

O' Unparalleled Entity, I always keep my eyes fixed toward the blue sky of my mind - Guru cakra. There I look for You in Your eternal abode. I am calling You with tears in my eyes; please give a response to my call.

O' the Supreme Entity, the black fog permeates each and every pore of my mind. Come in a most sweet, charming, and attractive way and wipe away all the cimmerian darkness from my mental temple. Kindly make me pure and blemishless.

Baba, my life is passing in Your exquisite attraction. Please shower Your infinite krpa on me and make me Yours...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Universal way to defeat negative tendencies

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The recommended psychological stance is that a ripu [internal enemy] must be kept under control, and under no circumstances should it be allowed to run counter to the society or to societal norms. Suppose someone has a strong weakness for eating. Overeating or eating prohibited food can naturally lead to sickness or premature death. So that person restrains their greed in such a manner that their greed is satisfied and at the same time potential disease is prevented. Suppose someone addicted to drink has become a slave of liquor under its strong influence. If they can sublimate their alcohol addiction into a passion for music or painting or any other finer art, then their passion will be satisfied without any injury to themselves." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 4, Ku to Kuiṋjara (Discourse 27)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Key points about pratiika

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “A triangle with one vertex up superimposed on another triangle with one vertex down, with the rising sun having a swastika inside. These are symbols of energy, knowledge, advancement and permanent victory, respectively.” (1)

#1: This rule of wearing pratiika began during the dharma samiiksa period.
#2: Everyone witnessed that Baba was very strict and told that if anyone is not wearing a pratiika that person would get kicked out from reporting etc.
#3: Baba has informed kapalikas that the pratiika is considered as a part of the body and should not be removed.
#4: Those days to see Baba for PC or meetings etc, then it was mandatory to wear a pratiika. If anyone was not wearing a pratiika then Baba would strongly rebuke those in-charges.
#5: During dharma cakra, it is mandatory to have the pratiika in full display on the puja table. 
#6: Whenever Baba sat on the dais at DMC, a large pratiika banner was always hanging directly behind Him. And when Baba sat down in the car then a large pratiika cloth was always placed on that portion of the seat where Baba was going to sit. 

1. Caryacarya -1, Treasures of Ananda Marga

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Help prevent this happening to our Wts

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who were decent human beings and deeply spiritual, and used to collect money for a noble cause, but in the process of fund raising forgot Parama Puruśa and attached greater importance to their fund raising at the cost of Parama Puruśa – that is, they remembered Parama Puruśa as part of dharma sádhaná and collected money for a great cause, and although Parama Puruśa was the goal collecting money became the dominant desire – attain the state of yakśa devayoni after their demise. In feminine gender, yakśa becomes yakś the dominant spiritual sentiment became secondary, they are negative microvita.” (1)

Note: Some margiis and Wts collect money for various projects. By involving in the project they think about money, money, and money. And they forget Parama Purusa. In consequence, they become negative microvita. That is what is explained above.

To save oneself from this tragedy, money collectors should think, “This project is not my project. I am working for Parama Purusa Baba. It is His project and my duty is to serve Him. That is why I am doing A to Z.” With this type of thinking, the mind will not get degenerated by focusing on money, and they will get salvation. 

So one way of thinking makes the Wt turn into negative microvita and another way of thinking helps that sadhaka attain ultimate salvation.

1. Microvitum in a Nutshell - Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B

== Section 4: Links ==

Mahaprayan of Ac Rakeshananda


Mahaprayan of Ac Rakeshananda


It is with much sadness that we share the news of the mahaprayan of Ac Rakeshananda Avt. Dada ji was unwell and suffering discomfort and pain in his chest, in particular in the heart and lungs. Ultimately, Dada ji was admitted 
to the Guru Nanak Hospital & Research Centre (Ranchi) on 10 June. Sadly, at 8pm IST today Dada Rakeshananda underwent his mahaprayan. At the time of his mahaprayan, Dada ji was 81 years of age. 

May we all take solace in the fact that Baba will lovingly bestow His infinite grace.

in Him,

Note: Here is an alert for those cremating a dead body in India or Indian managed cremation homes around the world. Their custom is to put the fire in the mouth of the deceased to initiate the burning of the body. This is prohibited in AM as it is uncivilised. So watch out; do not allow this. If you are not careful, they will end up cremating the body in this manner. Make them aware ahead of time. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The practice of putting fire into the mouth of the dead body is repulsive, it should not be encouraged." (Caryacarya - 1, Disposal of the Dead Body)

~ In-depth study ~

We have seen that when somebody dies then in offering their condolences people say now Mr So-and-so is sitting on Baba's lap. On other occasions when telling a Baba story people also say, "Such and such person sat on Baba's lap." But these days the trend is that "sitting on Baba's lap" is used more in connection with death. And that causes some confusion in the minds of readers. To unknot the situation please read below. 

Dogma: if "on Baba's lap" only used for death

Here are quoted lines from recently posted emails on various forums, wherein the writer uses the phrase - "in Baba's lap" - with the occasion of death:

- "May Parama Purusa Baba accept her in HIS divine lap"

- "We pray to Baba - please give him shelter in his lap... "

- "May his soul rest in the lap of our beloved BABA"

- "Now she is taking rest in Baba's Lap."

- "May Baba accept him in HIS divine lap....."

- "May he rest in HIS loving lap of eternity."

- "We are sure that Baba has taken him in His loving lap."

- "May his soul rest in Baba's lap forever."

- "Let her rest peacefully in Baba's Lap - which she always desired."

- "now he is in beloved Baba's lap"

- "May his soul get peaceful place in His lap"

- "He is now in Bábá's loving lap"

- "May Baba bless him with a seat in His lap."

- "May BABA accept him in HIS divine lap!"

- "May Baba take him in his eternal loving lap."

- "May his soul rest in peace taking shelter in Baba's lap."

- "Please keep him on Your lap forever."

- "We all collectively pray to Baba to take him on Baba's divine lap forever.”

All of the above lines are commonly written in eulogizing the deceased. These days mostly it is used in a eulogy and rarely used to recount one's intimate spiritual experiences - unfortunately. By this way, the phrase "in Baba's lap" is being misused, and step by step the real meaning is being forgotten as now people more commonly use the phrase to eulogize those who have died, and much less so to express their inner feelings of bhakti. Unfortunately, the meaning and inner spirit of the phrase is getting lost.

Baba story: "sitting on Baba's lap"

Some time ago after dharmacakra, a senior margii was recounting his experiences of having dharma samiiksa with Baba. He said, "After being lovingly scolded by Baba for my wrongdoings, then He called me close and placed me on His lap - I remained there for some time soaking up His love - and He blessed me."

We all enjoyed hearing about his personal account with Baba during dharma samiiksa. When he finished telling his factual and historical event, there was a call for questions. Various people posed their queries. Towards the end, one new margii raised his hand and asked, "How did Baba bring you back to life?"

Everyone stared at the new margii in amazement. There was a look of astonishment all around - people were really shocked to hear him say this. The new sadhaka sensed that something was wrong, and he said very matter-of-factly, "I thought that sitting on Baba's Lap means that he (the margii) died - that is why I asked that question."

This was quite eye-opening for those of us in the room: Through our language and expression we had unknowingly taught someone to think that being on Baba's lap is the equivalent of death. Because it seems that nowadays people only use the phrase "Baba's lap" when a person has died, such as "Let him rest peacefully in Baba's lap", as if in order to sit on Baba’s lap one has to die. But that is false. Sincere sadhakas regularly sit on Baba’s lap in their meditation. It is His grace. It is just like how a child need not die in order to sit on his father’s lap.

The idea is that this phrase - Baba's lap - has been linked with death due to extreme overuse. So for some time if sadhakas use this phrase exclusively for spiritual purposes, that will be best. The phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", should not meet a similar fate. It should not lose its pure spiritual quality and just refer to one's death. That will be very negative.

Baba would bless bhaktas and place them on His lap

There are tens of thousands of recorded stories by sadhakas where they use the phrase, "on Baba's lap", when describing their experiences of being with Baba: He used to bless them and bring them on His lap. People should understand the deeply mystical value of this expression, and not just think that Baba's lap means death, i.e. that you can only sit on His lap at the time of death. Still today there are thousands of margiis walking this earth who sat in Baba's lap. And not only that, there are countless more sadhakas who were blessed by Baba in dreams and sadhana wherein they sat in His lap. And still today this deeply intimate experience is attainable by sadhakas, by His grace.

There are so many ways an aspirant can reach unto Baba's lap including in sadhana. That is the main idea that should be preserved. Sadhana is a spiritual practice and one can sit on Baba's lap in sadhana. We should make it cent-per-cent clear to one and all that the phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", does not mean death.

"Mahaprayan" means death of mortals - confirm for yourself
from the Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary

Mahaprayan (Death): Many are aware that mahaprayan (death) is the common term used in India and especially in our Bengal to describe the death of any human being, even ordinary people. In that way, the obituary columns of the newspapers of Bengal regularly cite the mahaprayan (death) of various persons of society who died or passed away.

Some may get confused and wrongly think that the word 'mahaprayan' (death) is one extraordinarily grand term of bhakti to be used in association with Parama Purusa. But that is not at all the case. Rather to do so is only to undermine the eternal presence of Parama Purusa. That is why no bhaktas ever use the word 'mahaprayan' in reference to Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna. Because Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna exist eternally. Then there is no question of Their mahaprayan (death).

Baba is Parama Purusa so He is eternal and there is no question of His mahaprayan.

Here it should be known that the convention of an annual death day ceremony (i.e. shraddhainjali or mahaprayan) is a foundation of the Islamic tradition. Muslims are well known for this, and their approach of an annual death day ceremony was adopted by the leader of a particular group in AMPS. So no one should think that mahaprayan is some type of sacred event. It is done on the death day anniversary of Muslims.

And for those who need still more technical proof then all this can be clarified quite readily by referencing the dictionary. Specifically in the Samsad Bengali-English dictionary 3rd edition on page 848. By checking there, it will be confirmed that the word 'mahaprayan' means death. Which is why it is used to refer to the passing away of even common citizens. And that is the case in this letter also. The term mahaprayan means death, and this is the ideal term for this purpose.

Mahaprayan is only for humans not for Sadguru

Here it should be qualified that there is both a real mahaprayan and fake mahaprayan. Real mahaprayan marks the death of any ordinary human being, just like the aforesaid news. This is the proper use of the term: To note a person's departure from this earth. That is the meaning of the mahaprayan term and that is the standard way the term is used in Indian languages.

Then there is the fake, or so-called, or dogmatic mahaprayan. That is when certain vested interests try to apply the mahaprayan term to Parama Purusa. This is grossly inappropriate because when Parama Purusa Sadguru Baba is that Divine Entity who is beginningless and endless and resides always in our heart, then it is entirely wrong to proclaim that He is gone.

That is why rational margiis are protesting; because the Oct 21st program is so-called mahaprayan. So-called means that something is fake. Parama Purusa is eternal, thus for some vested interests to declare "mahaprayan of Parama Purusa" is nothing but so-called mahaprayan.

Mahaprayan only really happens in the case of human beings, not Parama Purusa. Those doing mahaprayan for Sadguru are hypocrites. On the one side in meditation they ask His grace thinking that He is ever-present, and on the other side they think that Baba has passed away. That is their hypocrisy.

== Section 2: Links ==