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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Intimacy in sadhana + 3 more

Intimacy in sadhana

Note: This letter is not for those who don't know or sincerely try to do the 6th lesson of sadhana.


As all are aware, in our Ananda Marga system of dharma sadhana - i.e. sahaja yoga - there are six lessons. Some lessons are comparatively easier, while others are more difficult. Sadhakas often find that the most difficult lesson is dhyana.

Sadguru Baba guides us how in order to do proper dhyana mental preparation is needed throughout the day. Otherwise dhyana is impossible. That is why Sadguru has given dhyana as the last lesson. Only after practicing all other lessons of sadhana and preparing the mind can one do better dhyana.

Effects of dhyana

In day-to-day life when dhyana is good, then one's whole existence feels quite different. The sadhaka feels vibrated, charmed, and immersed in a deep state of inner satiation. Whereas if dhyana is not proper, then one's whole existence feels scratchy and dry; and, one does not feel peace or fulfillment.

Plus, those who have experience know that the after-effect of dhyana is quite different from that of first lesson. Dhyana is much, much higher and leaves one with a very special type of sentient feeling. For all these reasons each and every sincere margii wants to do better dhyana and make their life meaningful on the path of supreme fulfillment.

Closeness is needed to serve Him

On the path of bhakti, to do dhyana, sadhakas yearn to go close to Parama Purusa in order to serve Him. Bhakti itself means service to the Lord - 'Bhaktir bhagavato seva'. And one cannot serve Him if they are not close to Him. Everyone knows that Parama Purusa resides in the heart, yet most of the time people remain oblivious of this inherent truth. In that state, one feels lonely, powerless, weak, shelterless etc. These feelings come when one forgets Him and thinks they are all alone.
Various ways of serving Him

There are various steps to inculcate bhakti and serve Him. In the past, the standard way of serving Him was when bhaktas would go and massage Sadguru's lotus feet. Everyone knows and has heard this in various stories. The scope of service is much greater than that. It is just like when one mother cares for and loves her baby. Then she serves the baby in all kinds of ways including talking to the baby, feeding the baby, playing with the baby, and fulfilling all sorts of requirements. In a similar way, when a son serves his mother, he fulfills various other dimensions.

Serve Him according to one’s inner feeling

According to one’s own personal relation and feeling with Parama Purusa, an aspirant should serve Him. Most importantly, a sadhaka should express each and every feeling of their heart to Him. Those untold feelings, which cannot be expressed to anyone, are shared with Him. By this type of close communication and inner link of the heart, bhaktas feel closer with Parama Purusa. Those who do not have a sweet, sentient, and close feeling with Parama Purusa, may misunderstand this entire concept. They may think this is just like one children's game or some fairy tale etc. But bhaktas can understand this well in their heart. They know that these are the steps by which to come close to Him in dhyana and serve Him.

And these points are well explained in various discourses. So these are very integral and sweet aspects of spiritual life, without which one cannot come in close contact with Parama Purusa.

Inculcating into one's own spiritual life

Those bhaktas who already practice this experience a huge transformation in their spiritual journey and in the feeling of the heart. But the key is that these special concepts of dhyana sadhana can only be realised when they are practiced in one's day to day existence.

If one moves one step closer to Parama Purusa then by His cosmic grace a bhakta feels a huge expansive rise in their relation with Him, and in their overall spiritual outlook. Life becomes meaningful, full of charm and exquisite bliss. This is the real spiritual life.
As Ananda Marga ideology guides us in Caryacarya, as important it is for sadhakas to know all the various rules and regulations, but best is when one starts to follow them.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "It is a bigger thing to put one lesson into action than to hear many. You should put into action every lesson in your life." (1)


Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Utilizing the vibrations created for eternal time by Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji through januspharsha and varabhaya mudras, take yourself and the entire universe ahead along the path of welfare. Omn Shanti!” (2)

in His service,

1. Caryacarya - 2, 'Misc', point #10
2. Caryacarya – 1, ‘Concluding Words’

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Sing Your name

“Raungiin svapan maner matan, rúpa nilo áji dharańiite…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0318)


The colourful dream which I was weaving since ages became a reality today on this earth. Since long I was contemplating that Parama Purusa will take advent as Mahasambhuti, and come before me in human form as my nearest One. That vision has been fulfilled, by His grace. He is here, and my mind rushes towards Him - dancing. All the obstacles have been smashed. My thoughts are drawn to Him in countless ways, in various memories. It is His exquisite charm.

Prabhu Baba, I love only You - only You I hold dear. My Compassion-Personified Entity, I adore You. In a secret corner of my core, in a lonely place, I always hear Your melodious flute, omnkara, as well as Your whisperings of assurance. In divine intoxication, under a serene sky, I listen to Your heart touching song which is coming from far away in the spiritual realm, and sing Your name.

Parama Purusa, I am constantly looking only towards You - no one else. I rely on You exclusively. You are my polestar. I fully depend on You in turbulent, cyclonic winds, thunderstorms, and lightning. You are my Saviour. In my bad times, in cimmerian darkness, hail storms, floods, earthquakes, fires, and emergencies, and in all my awful moments, as well as good times, I ask for Your mercy. Baba, my days and nights come and go remaining with You, as my golden and best time of life...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0318:

[1] Omnkara: In this below quote, Ananda Marga philosophy is describing how a sadhaka gets pulled headlong towards Him once they hear that divine sound, onmkara. It is all due to the grace of the Supreme.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The spiritual aspirant hears the various sounds of onm'ka'ra or pran'ava At various stages, during deep sa'dhana', during sweet sa'dhana'. The sound is called muraliidhvani. The sa'dhaka becomes mad because of this sound and goes deeper and attains Ra'dha' bha'va more and more, and rushes headlong forward...At that time one does not think at all about what people will say. One knows only that 'I and my Is't'a exist'." (1)

1. Discourses Krsna & The Giita, 15 January 1980, Kolkata

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why hatred amongst the world’s religions

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In the absence of knowledge of common psychology, people of different religions try to destroy other religions. This has resulted in the spilling of rivers of blood. In ancient India the Aryans tried to impose their own Vedic religion on the Austric community. In the Buddhist era, particularly during the reign of King Bimbisára, Buddhism was imposed on other religions. Later, the followers of the Sanátana Hindus forcibly converted the Buddhist and Jains into Hinduism. During Moslem rule Islam was imposed on India, Persia and Egypt. Similarly, countless Jews were converted into Christianity. During the British period attempts were made by Christian missionaries to subvert Hinduism and impose Christianity on the indigenous population. All this led to mutual animosity in the world of religion." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section ==

এই চারটে জিনিসের কঠোর থাকলে, আর ভাবৰার কি আছে

সাধনা, কৌষিকী-তাণ্ডব, পাঞ্চজন্য আর সদাব্রত--এই চারটে জিনিস মানুষকে উপরে তোলার পক্ষে প্রয়োজনের চেয়েও ৰেশী আর এই তান্ত্রিক cult, এই যে সাধনা, তান্ত্রিক cult, আর তাণ্ডব, এই দুটোতে যা হ’ল, তা তো হ’লই | এবং তার সঙ্গে আরও যোগ করে দেওয়া হ’ল, সোনায় সুহাগা করে দেওয়া হ’ল কি ? না, পাঞ্চজন্য আর সদাব্রত | অর্থাৎ তোমাদের যে তান্ত্রিক সাধনা---... এই যে চারটে জিনিস, এ মানুষকে উপরে তোলার পক্ষে প্রয়োজনের চেয়েও ৰেশী ৰলতে পার | সুতরাং এই চারটে জিনিসের কঠোর থাকলে, আর ভাবৰার কি আছে | মানুষের মানুষ হিসাৰে প্রতিষ্ঠা হৰেই | জয়-জয়কার হৰেই | এবং সেই মানুষের দ্বারা বিশ্ব মানবের কল্যাণ হতেই হৰে |” (1

1. MGD, 3 January 1982 Ananda Nagar

== Section 4: Links ==

6th lesson mantra + 2 more

6th lesson mantra


Ananda Marga ideology says, "Human beings must name Parama Puruśa. If somebody says, “Don’t name Parama Puruśa, simply do dhyána [meditation],” you will discover something while meditating, also – that one has to address Parama Puruśa by name, otherwise one is not satisfied. When you meditate you have a wish to address the meditated, to say something to that party. That is, again the name comes up. Though the name is something limited, the human mind cannot help using it. Ultimately the name and the namer will no longer remain, only the named will remain. But as long as the namer and name do remain, the name has to be used – simply because one can’t help it." (1)

Every lesson of Ananda Marga sadhana has a particular mantra. However, a few who don’t read Sadguru Baba’s books do not think that the dhyana lesson has a mantra.

But in that lesson there is a system by which to address Parama Purusa. And this is a natural yearning as well; in that heightened state, the mind feels the need to address Him. In the above guideline, Sadguru states this very fact. So one is to call Him by name, just as a person always calls Him when they are in trouble. Without that, one will not be able to get dhyana siddhi.

When the mind is in a proper flow, then one likes to call Him. And by this way, one feels more and more closeness and proximity, and the heart will be satisfied. Indeed, as the mind becomes more and more concentrated, then only the Entity you are calling will remain; the unit existence merges in Him. That is, slowly, slowly, the mind will be fixed on the Divine Entity and become one with that.

So it all starts with the sentimental feeling and desire to name and call Him. Then one is to call Him by name, just as people always call Him when in trouble. Gradually the mind gains more momentum and merges in the Is’t’a’, i.e. Parama Purusa Baba. That is nirvikalpa samadhi, and that is the ultimate goal of dhyana. 

In Him 
Dharma Sagar

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, Na'ma & Na'mii

== Section: Comment ==

Didi Ananda Giita rejects mahaprayan


1. WWD faction of Didi Ananda Giita does not celebrate mahaprayan (MPD).

2. Didi Ananda Giita does not believe in the concept of Mahaprayan.

3. Didi Ananda Giita thinks MPD is against devotional sentiment. She believes that MPD Guru ke na Rahne ko ingit karta hai, so it is against our Devotional sentiment.

Didi Ananda Giita has expressed all this on the What's APP Proutist Forum.


== Section 2: Links ==