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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Really Golden Rule? + 3 more

Really Golden Rule?

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


When reading this letter, bear in mind that here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.

Origin of the "golden rule"

"The Christian golden rule is based on the principle Jesus Christ taught in Matthew:7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.: "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them," adding, "for this is the Law and the Prophets."

Now let’s examine the operative factor of this rule by examining some practical applications.

Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.

"Golden rule": based on “my need & selfishness”

The operative factor behind the Christian golden rule is one’s own individual interest - not the service or well-being of others. Verily there are innumerable examples how this "golden rule" is governed by selfishness. For instance, a financially rich person need not help a poor person, according to the “golden rule”, because that rich person already has what he needs, and does not require anything from that poor person. The point being when the "golden rule" is based solely on one's own I-feeling and self-interest, then naturally it becomes quite limited. Similarly, one materially successful Euro-American may think, “When those native, indigenous Americans do not have anything to help me then what is the need for me to serve them. Rather let my will be imposed.”

The common outcome of the so-called Christian golden rule is that people think, "I will not steal from others because they may steal from me." The only thing keeping them from harming others is the fact that they too might get harmed, robbed, abused etc. “I am not stealing because my neighbor will then steal from me and that will not be good.” So their good conduct is not based on a sincere, selfless, and heartfelt connection with that individual, but is rather motivated by the selfish fear that, “My neighbor will then steal from me.”

And here are a few more examples about the “golden rule”:

(a) Those guided by the “golden rule” think that, “I need not help blacks and Hispanics because they are in no position to do anything for me.”
(b) Those guided by the “golden rule” think that, “If I beat the next fellow then he is going to beat me so I should not beat him, but if I kill him then he can’t kill me so I should kill him.”
(c) Those guided by the “golden rule” think that, “I can commit injustices against these slaves because they cannot do anything to me, so I can whip them.”
(d) Those guided by the “golden rule” think that, “I can harm and kill animals because they have been made for me, so I can keep, hunt, or kill them.”

But the ethic of neo-humanism does not work in this way. Those who follow neo-humanism will always think, “As my life is very dear to me, in the same way the lives of all living beings are very dear to them, so I should not harm them. Rather I should help them and have mercy for them.”

So the Christian golden rule of the west is based on selfishness and has become intertwined with the mentality of capitalism. That's to say, the "golden rule" mirrors the I-centeredness of capitalism where one's own interest is the main motivating factor. We can say that the "golden rule" is based on a selfish outlook: "If I do not need or want something then I will not do that for others. Just I will do what I want or desire." That is the operative factor of the "golden rule". Whereas, the neo-humanistic approach of Ananda Marga philosophy is based on selflessness & service psychology, not a “give-and-take” mentality, or selfishness.

Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.

People coloured by views of their region

Every land, every era, and every country has their own fundamental outlook and way of looking upon the world. However much a single individual knowingly subscribes to that prevailing perspective, their way of thinking will certainly be shaped by that dominant mentality. Because those born and raised in a particular environment are affected in that way. Their very blood and bones are formed in that atmosphere. Their diet, their sense of humour, their values are set according to the area in which they were raised.

Freeing oneself of those imposed samskaras is not easy; only true sadhakas can disentangle themselves from the materialistic outlook of their land. The vast majority of those growing and living in the western world will be touched by the "golden rule" of the prevailing religion and will deem that to be something great. When in reality, it is far below the neo-humanistic standard set by Baba's teaching.

Even then, some confuse the "golden rule" of the western religions with the neo-humanistic approach of Ananda Marga. They take the two to be the same or on par with one another. However, by the above, it is clear this is not the case. As Ananda Margiis, we should clearly understand the difference between the "golden rule" of some believers, and the neo-humanism of Ananda Marga. And we must be vigilant to follow Baba's neo-humanistic guideline in our own practical lives and present it to others as well.

Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.


Only the selfless and neo-humanistic teachings of Ananda Marga serve as a guiding light for humanity. The Christian ethic - i.e. their Golden Rule - falls far short of the mark as its fundamental kernel is selfishness. So one should not hastily conclude that their Christian golden rule is on par with our neo-humanistic outlook. The two are vastly different and it is only the universal approach of neo-humanism that can bring welfare to all beings.

In Him
(Charlie Hargrove)
DRS Manager, Eastern Division

Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.

~ In-depth study ~

This issue is complex so study carefully in order to understand. It is especially difficult for those who feel sympathy for the beliefs of the semitic religions. But for all those fully aware about neohumanism, this subject will not be difficult.

Famous religious saying

Across the western world, there is a famous rule: 'Do unto others as you would like done to you.' Here is the scriptural origin of that rule.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "For each and every living entity one’s personal life is the dearest thing. One loves one’s personal life very much. This is the rule, this is the characteristic of all living beings. Those people who understand this sentiment of living beings and love others with the thought, 'I should not kill, I should not give them any trouble because they love their life as much as I love my own life', are true sa'dhus and those who lack this sentiment are not sa'dhus, they are asa'dhu." (1)

AM approach based on welfare motive

In Ananda Marga, our neo-humanistic ideal is, “Just as my own life is dear to me, so is the life of others dear to them. As I want to live, all other beings also wish to live.” This revolutionary outlook of neo-humanism extends this principle not just to humans, but to respecting the life of animals and plants - and inanimate objects as well.

Our approach is based on welfare motive and selfless service, not selfishness. And in today’s world when humans conflict is so common, this neo-humanistic principle is the soothing balm.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "For each and every living entity one’s personal life is the dearest thing. One loves one’s personal life very much. This is the rule, this is the characteristic of all living beings. Those people who understand this sentiment of living beings and love others with the thought, 'I should not kill, I should not give them any trouble because they love their life as much as I love my own life', are true sa'dhus and those who lack this sentiment are not sa'dhus, they are asa'dhu." (2)

Wrought with self-interest

Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.

In materialistic nations, large monies are donated for the common good and service programs and volunteerism is high. However at the same time it has to be understood that often this is done for their own happiness. People perform those acts to receive a seat in heaven, to propagate their religion, for their own prestige, and self-satisfaction. Without self-satisfaction, they will not do anything. The spirit of sacrifice is generally absent.

Even those trying to save the environment act so that there will be sufficient animals for them to hunt in the future, and / or for their own personal preservation on this planet. On the outside, it can look like there are many selfless works going on, but upon closer examination, each and every aim is wrought with self-interest. That is what happens when a sense of duty and sacrifice are missing.

Certainly though, the situation with Ananda Margiis is completely different. Regardless of where one was born, each and every Ananda Margii has a strong sense of selflessness. That quality is present in every bhakta. With regards to the Christian golden rule and the capitalist mindset, it is our duty to help remedy the situation.

As Ananda Margiis we should understand and recognise the inherent selfishness of the "golden rule", and be able to present a rational clarification between that selfish approach and the neo-humanistic outlook and philosophy of Ananda Marga. People are looking for an alternative view, a better philosophy, and only more and more will look in the future as their lives become ravaged by the greed and dogma of those worldly and religious philosophies governed by selfishness. The more prepared we are, the faster we can save humanity from undue suffering, by Baba’s grace.

Pillars of neo-humanism: service & selflessness

Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.

Here below is another guideline from Sadguru Baba that demonstrates that our neo-humanistic approach is based on service and selflessness. The key element is that it is not about wanting or receiving anything in return, but is fully focused on serving others.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Bear in mind that you have a duty towards – indeed, you owe a debt to – every creature of this universe, but towards you, no one has any duty; from others, nothing is due." (3)

And in another discourse, Baba explains this same shloka in a very similar way.

Pránáh yathátmano’bhiiśt́ah bhútánám api te tathá;
Átmaopamyena bhutánáḿ dayáḿ kurvanti sádhavah.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "'Every living being’s own life is the dearest life to that being. Just as my own life is dear to me, so is the life of others dear to them. One who knows the truth and looks at others as one’s own, and has feelings of sympathy and kindness for them, is a sa'dhu.' This type of person is born on earth in order to render selfless service to humanity." (4)

Thus in so many ways, Baba has presented His neo-humanistic principle that we should have compassion for others and serve them remembering that they value and cherish their lives, and they are also the blessed children of Parama Purusa.

Importance of healthy debate

Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in the mind, the matter will remain elusive.

Here we must remember that Baba guides us that open and healthy debate is welcomed on points of philosophy. Some may wrongly think that we are not permitted to point out any religion etc. However, Baba's guideline is that we must not mock their beliefs, but on points of philosophy, open and respectful debate is needed.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful." (5)

Remember, here we are comparing the theology of certain religions with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.

"Semitic religious rule" vs neo-humanism

There is a fundamental difference between the neo-humanistic standard of Ananda Marga and the Christian rule. Neo-humanism is based on selflessness and service - the duty to serve and honour all as the loving children of Parama Purusa. In Ananda Marga teachings, our approach is based on recognising the inherent rights and existential value of others. It is based on the idea that the whole universe is one family. Whereas the "rule" is based on selfishness - i.e. what one wishes to receive - “do unto others as you would like done to you.” While in Ananda Marga the neo-humanistic approach is, “Just as my own life is dear to me, so is the life of others dear to them.”

It is for this very reason that as Ananda Margiis we do not eat meat while those following the Christian “rule” may eat meat. We think that, “Those animals love their lives so it is my duty to serve and help them - not kill them.” In contrast, the "rule" dictates that, “Since I like to eat animals, I can slaughter and eat them.

Furthermore, as I am not threatened by being eaten by them, I need not think about how I should treat those animals. If I wish, I may kill them.” Or even worse: According to that religious outlook, the "golden rule" does not even apply to animals as those beings have no inherent rights. That is why those believers often hunt and fish for sport, recreation, and self-satisfaction etc. By their outlook, if it suits them they may inflict harm on those innocent and helpless creatures.

With regard to human interaction, those following the Christian rule treat other people based on their own selfish need - wholly overlooking the lives and honour of others: 

“If I do not need wood, if I do not need my car fixed, if I am not in danger of missing my mortgage payment, if I am not bothered by loud music, if my country is not going to be invaded, then I need not worry about others in that regard either. But if any of those things I want or need, or if those things are my concern, then I must do that to my neighbor so I will get that back from him.” In various discourses, Baba describes how this is not morality but rather a type of mutual adjustment for selfish gain.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The apparent morality in a materialistic society is nothing but an immoral alliance to protect self-interests. Without spiritual ideals true morality based on universal love cannot be awakened.” (6)

Here we are comparing the theology of each of these religions, with Ananda Marga philosophy. Unless one keeps this basic idea in mind, the matter will remain elusive.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, Keep Company with the Virtuous
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, Keep Company with the Virtuous
3. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #3
4. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, Why Does Supreme Consciousness Descend?
5. Human Society - 1; "Moralism"
6. Tattva Kaoumudii - 1, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Keep an eye on my existence

“Vane páháŕe saritá dháre, tiirthe ságar tiire, khunjechi tomáy báre báre, ámi…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4182)


Parama Purusa, in the forest, over the hills, in the flow of rivers, I also went to various bogus tiirthas - Varanasi, Mecca, Rome, Puri, as well as Jamalpur, Jerusalem, Ananda Nagar, and Tiljala in search of You. And also I have looked for You again and again at so-called holy places and along the seashores - everywhere. Alas, You did not bless me with even a glimpse, as You were not there. Nor did You come near and glance at me for a little while.

The swing of the tune in which the universe sways, the love-garland which captivates the heart, and the maha’ mantra which melts even stones, why didn’t You give me that tune, love-garland, and great mantra. Those techniques I would have used to keep You near me in my heart.

Baba, You are hiding in the deep core of my mind. If You do not want to come to me face to face, then stay there. Only I ask that You keep an eye on my existence and mind always. During storms, typhoons, cyclones, fright, tornados, and thunderbolts, please surround me and keep me in Your shelter...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Violent films beget violence

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The base propensities which lie dormant in everyone are easily stimulated by constant association with bad people. Through the united efforts of parents, people living in the locality and educators, it may be possible to save children from bad company. But it is very difficult to save them from the evil influences which reside in their own homes or preponderate in their neighbourhood. The only way to overcome such influences is to popularize the ideals of dharma, spread moral education and train an honest police force." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "In the modern world there is a wide variety of films which excite the passions and have a degrading influence on boys and girls, adolescents and young men and women. Such films create in cinema-goers the desire to emulate in their individual lives the criminal activities, the vulgar expressions of love, or the adventurous behaviour that they see enacted on the screen. This is another example of how keeping bad company causes depravity. Many cinema-goers imagine that the characters that they see on the screen are their actual acquaintances, but when they try to emulate these characters, they discover that the real world is much tougher than the world portrayed by the cinema. If their family ties are weak, if they are their own guardians or if they have no high ideals to inspire them, it will be extremely difficult, although not impossible, to save them from bad influences." (2)

Note: Now read about the below incident. Then it will be quite clear how the very thing Baba is warning about has taken shape, tragically.

Teen's 4-day killing spree inspired by 'The Purge,' court docs say

~ Courtesy of Indy Star ~ 

Johnathan Cruz talked about leaving town after he'd started his "purge," according to court documents.

The 19-year-old had already killed twice, court documents said, and he told one of his girlfriends he needed to leave Indianapolis "asap."

But another man died before Cruz finally would be arrested, ending a four-day crime spree modeled after the plot of the horror film series "The Purge," in which the United States government designates a 12-hour period where all crimes, including murder, are legal.

Cruz now faces three murder charges in connection with the shooting deaths of Billy Boyd and Jay Higginbotham on May 12, and Jose Ruiz on May 15. He also faces a slew of other felony charges connected to the alleged crimes, including robbery, intimidation and more. Prosecutors are also pursuing a criminal gang enhancement.
His initial hearing is set for 1:30 p.m. on June 2 in Criminal Court 3, and, because of the circumstances of the crimes, prosecutors say Cruz could face life in prison without parole, or the death sentence.

'Purge' victim remembered by Holy Spirit congregation

"We will not make that decision any earlier than at least 30 days down the road," said Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry during a press conference Wednesday, also noting that the teen's victims "appeared to be 100 percent random."

After Curry announced charges against Cruz, Mayor Joe Hogsett released a statement: "Senseless acts of violence such as those alleged in this case are incomprehensible, but thanks to the swift actions of IMPD detectives, Prosecutor Terry Curry and witnesses willing to come forward, we are one step closer to providing answers for these victims’ families.”

A probable cause affidavit describes the disturbing details of the four-day spree — one that, detectives believe, is affiliated with criminal gang activity."

~ Courtesy of Indy Star ~ 


Allowing children to watch such films, and play degrading games etc means knowingly harming them. 

1. Human Society Part 1, Justice
2. Human Society Part 1, Justice

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Secret to overcoming pashas

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Regarding pashas  [imposed bondages of the mind – fear shame, doubt etc.], the considered opinion of elevated sages in the past was that pashas had to be resisted. To successfully combat the fear instinct, one has to march with rapid steps towards the source of fear and, if necessary, with the requisite physical and psychic weapons. If one hides inside behind locked doors, then the fear will become so entrenched in your mind that you will not be able to get it out of your mind. So it must be remembered that the ripus have got to be controlled and the pashas must be resisted. The way to get rid of the pashas is to expand the mind – to elevate human potentialities." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Sin, Crime and Law

== Section: Important Topic ==

What leads people onto the path of well-being

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Without spiritual ideals true morality based on universal love cannot be awakened. Unless God is accepted as the creator of all, human fraternity is impossible since God’s authority as the universal father is denied. Only spiritual ideals and spiritual desires can lead humanity onto the path of well-being. Universalism, cosmic ideation and cosmic bliss, unlike the material objects composed of the five fundamental factors, are not limited. Therefore, humanity should be inspired to move on the path of spirituality, or also nothing worthwhile will be achieved.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell -3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B, Answer #45

== Section 3: Links ==