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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Prout to fill void + 3 more

Prout to fill void


Most do not realise that communism and capitalism are brother-sister philosophies. Both are based on materialism. In communism, the state controls and hoards all the wealth; that means those top government post-holders bask in extravagant luxury. And in capitalism, private entities accumulate all the riches; that means a select few individuals preside over a large percentage of the wealth.

Prout philosophy states, "Capitalism and communism are the same internally. Fruits of the same variety may have different colour skins, but their seeds are the same. Capitalism and communism are fruits of the same variety." (1)

From one materialistic philosophy to another

Thus East Germany rolled from one materialistic philosophy into another - where a disproportionate number in society become “have-nots”. When material goods and money are limited, then a society of “haves” and “have-nots” results where there is tremendous wealth disparity. That was the case with communism, and it is the case with capitalism. Now 35 years later, there are a growing number of Germans who long for those days of old. The reason for this is that capitalism has run amuck.

Capitalism has run amuck

We must bear in mind that all in society do not have the same intelligence and talent. And in capitalism, those with greater capacity ruthlessly exploit the masses. There is no check on this. The masses quickly become beggars while the corporate elite rule over 99% of the wealth. Indeed, those countries that recently joined the ranks of capitalism and the free market economy - like Russia, India, and China, along with eastern Europe - have the most striking degree of wealth disparity.

And unlike communism, in capitalism those have-nots will just get left behind. It is akin to a runner in the Olympics. If that runner lags behind and falls to the ground, the other competitors do not care. They do not look back and extend a hand. Just they keep racing ahead. Same is the case of the materialistic model in capitalism. Those who lag behind are forgotten and left to wither away by themselves.

With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the wealth disparity multiplied many fold. Some few became ultra-rich, while many more fell into the depths of poverty, languishing in dire straits. That is why some reminisce and fondly look back upon that era of the Berlin wall where at least they were granted the basics of life. The key element here is that  in capitalism there is more selfishness and more competition, and it is not easy to keep up.

Put Prout in position to fill the vacuum

In the near future, once again there will be a vacuum. And all the competing philosophies will be jockeying for the top spot. As Ananda Margiis, our foremost duty is to spread the message of Prout and see to it that next time Prout is a major player and in position to fill the vacuum. Only then will true peace and harmony exist in society - and the gross disparity of wealth will be eliminated, just a problem of the past.


With regard to today’s global socio-economic climate, Prout is certainly the need of the day. Capitalism has worn out its stay. The divide between the rich and the poor is immense. Only Prout has the rational response and solution. 

In Him,

With the fall of communism in 1989 a vacuum was created. At that time, Prout was unable to fill the space. The competing philosophy of the day was capitalism and that easily took hold. Those in the former East Germany had seen from afar the material wealth of the west and were allured by those riches. So they felt bringing in the free market economy of capitalism was a tremendous boon.

~ In-depth study ~

Prout philosophy states, "Human hunger is limitless. If it is channelised in the direction of worldly objects, conflicts between one human being and another are bound to persist because mundane wealth is limited. Excessive hoarding of wealth within one group implies scarcity in another." (2)

Prout philosophy states, "Capitalism and communism are the same internally. Fruits of the same variety may have different colour skins, but their seeds are the same. Capitalism and communism are fruits of the same variety." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Communism is also a socio-economic-political theory based on materialism. In communist society people’s psychic urges and psychic pabula instinctively run after material acquisition and crude enjoyment." (4)

   Prout philosophy states, "The capitalists of this modern world are anti-dharma, or antisocial, creatures. To accumulate massive wealth, they reduce others to skin and bones gnawed by hunger and force them to die of starvation; to dazzle people with the glamour of their garments, they compel others to wear rags; and to increase their own vital strength, they suck dry the vital juice of others."
   "A member of a joint family cannot be called a social being if he or she does not possess the sentiment of oneness with the other members, or if he or she does not want to accept the lofty ideal of joint rights and the principle of rationality. According to true spiritual ideology the system of private ownership cannot be accepted as absolute and final, and hence capitalism cannot be supported either." (5)

Prout philosophy says, "According to true spiritual ideology, the system of private ownership cannot be accepted as absolute and final, and hence capitalism cannot be supported either." (6)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Decentralized Economy – 2
2. Problems of the Day, Point #37
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Decentralized Economy – 2
4. A Few Problems Solved - 8, The Transformation of Psychic Pabula into Psycho-spiritual Pabulum
5. Problems of the Day, Point #1
6. Problems of the Day, Point #1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Ways to cure food poisoning

The following is an English summary of Baba’s Bangla discourse from Shabda Cayanika:
Antidotes of poison - green turmeric, spinach leaves, basil...mainly black basil and secondly white basil or any kinds of basil.

If some negative effect is going on due to food poisoning or because of eating poisonous fish, then without any delay a sufficient quantity of spinach leaves should be eaten and by that way the poison will be antidoted. (English summmary )(1)
1. Shabda Cayanika - 20 Bangla, disc 156

== Section 3: Links ==

Dharma getting established + 3 more

Dharma getting established


Back in the Mahabharata era, more than 3500 years ago, Lord Krsna showed Arjuna the whole scene of the battle of the Mahabharata before the first arrow was even shot. Lord Krsna blessed Arjuna with the ability to see the whole outcome ahead of time: The grand victory of the Pandavas and the defeat of Kauravas. But in the material sphere, it only became manifest three weeks later.

A similar thing has happened these days with Sadguru Baba. He has created the vibration which is taking shape, and gradually it is going to be visible to one and all. In the very near future, everyone is going to realise. And even now there are so many examples of this becoming manifest in our social life. 

Examples how Mahasambhuti creates the vibration

1. Sadguru Baba openly proclaimed that women should get equal opportunity in all spheres of life from economic to spiritual etc. Those days no one could believe this would happen. Conservative Hinduism kept women in check, and even in the materialistic west women faced a daunting uphill battle. But now look what is happening all around. Women have gained their voice, advanced professionally and economically, and even become heads of state in many countries around the globe. Materialists may claim that they worked hard for this to happen. But bhaktas know that when Mahasambhuti comes then this is all due to His vibration. He set the wave in motion for all this to unfold. Before His arrival, people were trying equally hard to effect change but nothing could be done. And with His advent, then by His grace, with a little effort people could make great strides.

2. Sadguru Baba graciously told that animals should be cared for and given their due rights. And now see all around how this is unfolding. In various provinces around the world there are countless organisations working for animal welfare / animal rights. In a few states, butchering is banned completely. And even in the west where meat-eating was paramount, there are huge changes going on. A growing percentage of the population is vegetarian. This heightened awareness has led to new laws and regulations that protect domestic animals, farm animals, and wild animals.

The spread of yoga & rise of Prout

3. In the early to mid 20th century, Sadguru Baba began guiding sadhakas in sadhana and leading them ahead on the path of yoga and spirituality. Those days, yoga and meditation were treated as something very esoteric that was known to only a handful of mystics etc. And now today, the world over people are keen to learn about yoga, for all kinds of reasons. The interest in spirituality has grown tremendously. And gradually, over time, they will get vedic diiksa and ultimately tantrika diiksa. Baba created the vibration and now citizens all over the world are embracing yoga and holding it in high regard. 

4. And verily each and every aspect of Ananda Marga philosophy is taking shape and form and getting propagated with greater and greater speed. More than half a century ago, Baba spoke about the ruthlessness of vaeshyan exploitation and how capitalism will have to be defeated. Those days no one could think such a thing; most everyone felt that capitalism was the haven for human rights and opportunity. And now so many are speaking out about capitalist exploitation and the billionaire class, i.e. how such a high percentage of the wealth is owned and controlled by a miniscule portion of the population. Without ever having even read Prout philosophy, many are embracing the ways of Prout in the form of cooperatives, farming practices, and resource management etc.

Coming age of neo-humanism

5. And verily go on seeing from the arts to politics and all realms of life, Sadguru Baba’s teachings will continue to take shape. When Mahasambhuti comes He generates a vibration and that vibration comes in physical shape (i.e. visible form). But even then not all the changes can be fully implemented in a few decades as human beings demand time for psychic and biological adjustments, otherwise overly rapid change will make them crazy. But from generation to generation so many vast changes are taking place - all due to the special vibration created by Mahasambhuti.

6. So in this juncture where society is fragmented into thousands of pieces, and people are thirsty for each other's blood, and there is huge clash between different countries, and when racial and communal feelings are at an all-time high, and the spilling of blood is everywhere, in this juncture Baba has graciously taken advent as Mahasambhuti and set the wheels in motion for the coming era of neo-humanism. 


Some, due to their utter lack of awareness, think Baba left His physical body without establishing dharma. But if anyone takes a careful and rational view of things, they will see so much evidence of His teachings coming to fruition. Even non-margiis are advancing His ideals without even knowing it. Because Baba has created the vibration and awakened one and all. Of course true margiis know this Supreme veracity: Mahasambhuti takes advents and establishes dharma fully, and in due course it manifests in the mundane realm.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Utilizing the vibrations created for eternal time by Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii through jánusparsha and varábhaya mudrás, take yourself and the entire universe ahead along the path of all-round welfare. Oṋḿ shánti!” (1)

In Him,

He comes to establish dharma

Yadá yadá hi dharmasya glánirbhavati Bhárata;
Cábhyutthánamadharmasya tadátmánaḿ srjámyáham.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Whenever there is degradation of dharma and development of adharma, rule of adharma, regime of adharma, then, and in that particular moment, I recreate Myself.” (2)

Dharma is established by His grace, and gradually we are seeing it manifest step by step. 

Sadguru Baba guides us, “When I was a young boy – that was long, long ago – there was large-scale injustice in all walks of social life. In music, literature and cinema there were clear signs of social degeneration. There was widespread exploitation – imperialistic exploitation, social exploitation, economic exploitation – all types of exploitation. The position of women was very bad. Some time ago women were even deprived of their voting rights.” (3) 

Verily all the revolutionary changes that are fast taking place in all realms of life are exclusively happening due to His supreme advent. He comes, creates the vibration, gives the teachings, and in countless ways through innumerable means age-old exploitation and dogmas are eradicated and a bright new era is set in motion.

1. Caryacarya 1, Chapter 44, Concluding Words
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Advent of Mahásambhúti
3. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Human History and Collective Psychology

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Realm of supreme refulgence

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This following Prabhat Samgiita is the expression of a great bhakta. What he feels when in a very exalted state of mind.

“Eso go eso go mor manete, sab klesh násh kare álo jharáte…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0312)


O’ My Parama Purusa, please come, come into my mind and shower me in Your exquisite love, after eliminating all my suffering. When You appear in my Guru cakra then the darkness, stains, and accumulated samskaras of many lives will be wiped away. There will not by any tribulations; the three afflictions - physical, psychic, and spiritual - will be eradicated. By Your grace, my mind will go into the depths of meditation and ultimately reach the realm of supreme refulgence - satya loka.

O’ Parama Purusa, the world is inundated by the sound of Your nu’pur. By Your call every cell of my blood becomes spiritually vibrated and intoxicated. Baba, please be gracious and remain in my dhyana - seated on the thousand-petaled lotus.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, seeing Your smile, all sing together in joy. Your charming visage makes my mental peacock dance in hundreds of ways. Parama Purusa, look, please look towards me - into my mind and heart, with Your gracious gaze...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #0312:

What are the three afflictions 

[1] Three afflictions: Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, “Bondages are of three types: ádhibhaotika [physical], ádhidaevika [psychic], and ádhyátmika [spiritual]. All kinds of worldly bondages – physical, economic, political, social, literary, and sociological – and also those relating to agriculture, industry, trade and commerce – all these are physical bondages. That is to say, the bondages concerning the quinquelemental world are all physical bondages in the pervasive sense. Psychic distortions, mental clashes, doubts and confusions, superiority and inferiority complexes, etc., are all psychic bondages; and the bondages of reaction of one’s actions, which are generally termed prárabdha [unrequited reactions] are also included in the category of psychic bondages. All bondages concerned with unit consciousness and Supreme Consciousness, and the deeper feelings of inner anguish due to the non-attainment of the highest spiritual stance, are categorized as spiritual bondages. Physical bondages are further divided into three main types – bhávagata bandhan [bondages of dogma], kálagata bandhan [bondages of time], and ádháragata bandhan [spatial bondages].” (1)

What is Bhávagata bandhan affliction

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Bhávagata bandhan afflicts human beings the most. If an idea is imposed on human beings as a dogma, crushing the victim under its heavy weight, people realize that a tormenting bondage has been imposed on them. They well understand that the dogma has immobilized them, caused retardation instead of progress, and brought them to a virtual standstill. They realize that what they considered to be dharma was actually nothing but a colourful procession of various superstitions, and lest they raise their heads against those superstitions and smash that house of cards built on quicksand, certain ideas are constantly whispered into their ears: “You shouldn’t do this, you shouldn’t do that – it will bring about your ruin. If you do that, you will be doomed to hell, or if you do this, your tongue will fall off.” People realize that their voices against dogma have thus been silenced by injecting fear complexes into their minds, and that they have been reduced to useless lumps of cow-dung. Nevertheless, since they lack proper initiative and drive, they willingly surrender themselves to fate, and accept their helpless shedding of tears as their appointed lot in life.” (2)

What is kálagata bandhan affliction

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “With changes in the time factor, the temporal bondages also change their condition in different circumstances; and with the changes in the spatial factors, the spatial bondages change their condition also. When people’s feelings are deeply wounded, they decide to leave the state, the country, or the society, just to remove these bondages, and when there is no other way out, they decide to leave the world by committing suicide.”

“By adopting a sublime ideology in personal life, one can overcome all psychic afflictions. One should give up all those factors which are the causes of mental affliction in collective life, and at the same time, promote universal ideas.”

“And spiritual bondage means, “Though Parama Puruśa is my own property, exclusively my own, why am I not able to merge my life in the Cosmic life, to touch the core of my heart to the core of His heart, to blend my own sweetness in the universal sweetness?” This mental agony due to the non-realization of Parama Puruśa is spiritual bondage.” (3)

What is sound of nupur

[2] Nu'pur:
 The literal meaning of nupur is ankle bell but that does not mean that Parama Purusa is dancing on the stage in a large performance hall with an ankle bell on His foot, just like other dancers do. Rather His divine ankle bell represents the expression of that eternal sound: Omnkara. So the ankle bell is one of the sounds of divine realisation i.e. omnkara. Altogether, this omnkara sound has six stages. These sounds or stages cannot be created or replicated by the human voice or any musical instrument like some ignorant people do. Nor is this audible to the external ear. This sound is not something physical and cannot be recorded with some device. Nor is it the medical condition of tinnitus. It is something completely internal from the spiritual plane. The proof is that if you cover or block your ears, the volume will increase. Only if a sadhaka is sincere in sadhana then naturally in their meditation they will hear these blissful sounds.

Here is further description about this.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “You know, ghuṋghur – you use it during the táńd́ava dance. In Sanskrit it is called nupur.) Next you will hear the sound of flutes – as if somebody is playing a flute. Then the sound of the ocean, you know? A particular sound is created by the sea. And then, in the fifth phase, taḿ, taḿ, just like bells, the sound of bells. And finally, the sound is just like ooṋṋṋ – the oṋḿkára in pure form. And after that there remains no sound, because after that there ends the realm, the scope, of Saguńa. After that there is the scope of Nirguńa. In the realm of Nirguńa there cannot be any sound, because there cannot be any expression. Not even divine expression, not even supra-psychic expression." (4)

Relationship between sadhana & nupur

Remember, sadhana is not done to hear these sounds. If any sadhaka practices sincerely then naturally such sounds become audible. But the sadhaka should not pay attention to that sound otherwise it will disappear. Because when the mind is concentrated on the mantra then the sound comes. And when the mind is diverted away from its focused concentration on the mantra - and instead tries to just listen to that sound - then the sound will disappear. Overall this sound, nupura dhvani, is very blissful and in a few months of regular practice in a lonely place, any sincere sadhana can hear it.

What is call of Parama Purusa & when one hears it

[3] Call of Parama Purusa:
 At some point in their life, every sadhaka has experienced the call of the Divine. They primarily hear it during a significant life transition. Actually, Parama Purusa calls everyone - some recognise His call and some do not. Before hearing His call, a person’s life was moving in one mundane direction - name, fame, and fleeting desires etc. When a person hears His call they are aroused and think they should do something meaningful in this life. At that point, they start searching for some path so they may learn sadhana and lead a sentient life. At the age of 5 the call for spiritual life starts. Those with a good samskara hear that call at that time and start doing spiritual practice. Otherwise one may hear that call later on - in their teens or in adulthood. In that case they join the path later on. Some do not hear this call their entire life, nonetheless He is sounding His call. Parama Purusa calls everyone - always - but many do not hear.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “O human beings! You are fortunate. The clarion call of the Universal has reached you. That very call is vibrating in every cell of your body. Will you now lie inert in the corner of your house? Will you now waste your time clutching ancient skeletons to your breast and moaning over them? The Supreme Being is calling you in the roar of the ocean, in the thunder of the clouds, in the speed of the lightning, in the meteor’s flaming fires. Nothing will come of remaining idle. Get up and awaken the clouded chivalry of your dormant youth. The path may not be strewn with flowers – an inferiority complex may seek to hold back your every advancing footstep, but even then you have to proceed onward, tearing the shroud of darkness. You will soon rend the thick darkness of despair on the way to the attainment of the Supreme State, and advance onwards in the swift-moving chariot, radiant with the sun’s brilliance.” (5)

Significance of look of Parama Purusa in meditation

[4] Parama Purusa’s gaze upon a sadhaka holds great significance in spiritual life. In mediation, if one feels or sees that Parama Purusa is looking at them that is very blessed stage of sadhana. If sadhana is not good, then that feeling or experience does not arise. Ultimately, His gaze means His grace. So if in meditation one does not feel that Parama Purusa is looking at them, then one must request Him to fix His eyes on them. In meditation, if one feels that He is looking upon them, then that creates a huge upsurge of spiritual vibration and bliss. That is what has been expressed in this song.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva’s Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 13)
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva’s Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 13)
3. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva’s Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 13)
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, The Sound of God
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Encourage all towards the Supreme Desideratum

Original Ananda Vanii states: The Supreme recognition of the meaning of existence lies in the vigorous march from imperfection to perfection. This is as true in family, social and political life as it is in individual life. In individual life the movement from imperfection to perfection is easy to some extent due to the lack of diversity, but in family, social and political life it is comparatively difficult due to the extreme influence of staticity. On no account can one afford to stop moving in any sphere of existence, nor is it possible to do so. Through clashes and conflicts one must move towards the Supreme Desideratum. One who has lost the very spirit of forward march has lost the inner vitality of life and reduced oneself to an inert skeleton. You must not allow such a thing to happen. Keep moving onward, singing the song of the forward march.” (Ananda Vanii #65)

Note: Sadguru Baba has assigned a number to all His original and true Ananda Vaniis. In contrast, Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have any number. By this simple formula, one can easily recognise which is a true Ananda Vanii and which is fake. For the upcoming occasion of January 1st 2017, all Ananda Marga units should use one of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis, not a fake one. By this way, one will surely get His blessing.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to dedicate everything to God

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “This world is changing, moving. The word jagat (world) is derived from the root, gam-kvip, which means moving. This universe is the psychic manifestation of Brahma. All thought processes are moving and restive, and that is why this world, the psychic manifestation of Brahma. All thought processes are moving and restive and that is why this world, the psychic manifestation of Saguńa Brahma (the Subjectivated Transcendentality), is moving and restive. A thing that appears beautiful today is not necessarily so tomorrow. A sandesh (sweetmeat) that is delicious today will not be fit for consumption after a few days. Indeed one cannot even vouch for its shape still being intact. Every unit is in a state of change, and that is why the pleasure derived from unit objects cannot last permanently. So what should a Sádhaka (spiritual aspirant) do? He or she must ascribe divinity to every unit object. Everything is the manifestation of God. Whether it is land, home, river, mountain, respect, insult, day or night – everything is He and His manifestation as a unit. Make proper use of all objects thinking that they are His gifts to us. To enjoy or endure anything is to enjoy or endure Him. Avoid the attraction of the unit and make contact with the integral whole. When you are able to live this way, the desire to steal the property of others will completely disappear. In Ananda Marga there is a special process through which one can dedicate everything to God. The ascription of divinity to objects means the pursuit of the Infinite, leaving the finite behind. Are you feeding your son? No, no, you are feeding the son-like manifestation of Brahma. Are you tilling the field? No, no you are serving the finite manifestation of Brahma with your plough. Really speaking, the ascription of divinity to objects precludes their material enjoyment, as the objects then merge in the non-material Supreme Brahma. Thus the mind of one, who has established him or herself in real Vaerágya (the renunciation of all sensual pleasures) can never become attached to finite objects. Even in their midst he or she remains beyond the reach of their attraction and gains eternal peace after death.” (1)

Note: Some people are not aware how to practice second lesson. They merely repeat their mantra without taking any ideation. What they do not realise is that ideation is key for the efficacy of second lesson.

1. Subhasita Samgraha-2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 1

== Section 3: Links ==