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Friday, April 5, 2024

16 Pts: Backside cleaning + 3 more

16 Pts: Backside cleaning

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


To clean their toilet bowl, people generally use a huge amount of water. That brings a feeling of satisfaction that indeed the toilet bowl / commode is clean. No one tries to clean their toilet bowl by only using dry papers. Because they know that paper alone will not rid the toilet of the residue. Water is needed to clean the toilet.

Yet when the moment comes to cleanse their own backside of that same sort of waste, people only use toilet paper. As if toilet paper can do the job - when in fact it cannot. That is the contradiction and poor hygienic sense of so many of our so-called first world people.

We are left with this following quagmire: Namely that when animals do not wash their backside with water and when humans also are not doing, then from the perspective of hygiene what is the practical difference between the two. Unfortunately, this is the sad state of affairs in some areas.

Water not used at all in some populations

Many of our brothers and sisters living in so-called first-world nations never cultivated the habit of using water to wash their backside. Still today, most in our "developed" nations continue with this unhygienic approach of using toilet paper - in place of water. Even more tragic is that inhabitants of certain so-called third world countries have begun emulating everything that the so-called developed world does - including using toilet paper. That has grown to such an extent that even certain people who were using water in the past are now resorting to the use of toilet paper. Yet this approach of using toilet paper is neither hygienic nor healthy.

During His Holy advent Baba has given the dharmic approach in each and every sphere of life. And in that course, He has given the point that how and when water should be used:

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "After urination, wash the urinary organ with water". (1)

Baba has carefully guided us how we are to wash after urination - and the benefits of this teaching are wide-ranging and helpful in all realms of life. So common sense says when you clean the front side with water then naturally the backside should be cleaned with an even greater amount of water. 

The complete seeds of welfare in all spheres

As we are all aware, Sadguru Baba graciously introduced Sixteen Points just prior to the jail period and Emergency, as He wanted everyone to be prepared and ready to deal with the dangers and difficulties to come. Or to say more strongly, by this way we Ananda Margiis will be able to overcome and annihilate the demonic forces.

If anyone visited Baba in jail and told Him about the problems and difficulties sadhakas were facing, Baba's standard reply was to be strict in Sixteen Points: "By that way everything will be alright and you will be victorious." And here is Baba's stated guideline.

Ananda Vanii says, "Be firm on sixteen points. Unite all the righteous forces. All the tall talks of the evil forces will be silenced." (2)

Ananda Vanii says, "... In order to march ahead on the road of human welfare, we will have to strengthen ourselves in all the arena of life. The complete seeds of welfare in all the spheres – physical, mental, moral, social and spiritual – are embedded in the sixteen points. Hence be firm on the sixteen points." (3)

Sufficient water over the entire pubic region

Each and every point of 16 Points is beneficial for our physical, psychic, and spiritual development. And all points help a sadhaka do better sadhana. Because a healthy body and a strong mind are needed to do sadhana. Without a well-maintained body, sadhana will be disturbed. While a sentient body will help the mind rush up towards Parama Purusa.

As a reminder, for maximum benefit of point #1, it is absolutely necessary to slowly pour a sufficient amount of water over the entire pubic region. That means using a full liter or more of cold water.


As Anand Margiis, we should be keen to follow all of Sixteen Points, including point #1. Otherwise one will be dirty and miss out on the grand benefits of adhering to Sixteen Points. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the more your mental strength will increase. It will increase so much that it will be more powerful than the collective mental strength of 100,000 people. In a psychic clash they will have to concede victory to you...The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the more psychic strength you will acquire. It will not take you long...Such development will lead to not only 100,000 people surrendering before you, but the entire universe." (4)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya, "The mutative force is a hundred thousand times more powerful than the static force, and the sentient force is a hundred thousand times more powerful than the mutative force; hence you should not be afraid of any force in the universe." (5)

In Him,
Janak / Jason Tyler

Note: With the initial outbreak of the coronavirus in March 2020, in some so-called first world nations, people’s overall panic led to a mad rush for toilet paper. The stores sold out in a flash, and toilet paper became known as “white gold”, as it was so hard to find. This led to greater anxiety amongst the people. Those following Sixteen Points were completely spared from this tension and distress. Verily, each and every point of Sixteen Points holds deep meaning and relieves sadhakas of so many difficulties, in all kinds of circumstances.

~ In-depth study ~

For beginners: How to start cleaning backside

Here are some techniques for newcomers to transition into using water for cleaning:
(a) Some feel unnerved by manually pouring and splashing water with the bare hand so in that case one can use form fitting gloves (like surgical gloves) to use as a barrier.
(b) A bidet or automatic water cleansing system can be used - see more about this below.
(c) Use the right hand when eating and touching food, and only use the left hand for cleaning the backside etc.
(d) Sadhakas must control vrttis of repulsion and repugnance to deal with this issue.

Water cleansing slowly becoming more common - 1

   Wikipedia states, “The first "paperless" toilet seat was invented in Japan in 1980. A spray toilet seat, commonly known by Toto's trademark Washlet, is typically a combination of seat warmer, bidet and drier, controlled by an electronic panel or remote control next to the toilet seat. A nozzle placed at rear of the toilet bowl aims a water jet to the anus and serves the purpose of cleaning. Many models have a separate "bidet" function aimed towards the front for feminine cleansing. The spray toilet seat is common only in Western-style toilets, and is not incorporated in traditional style squat toilets. Some modern Japanese bidet toilets, especially in hotels and public areas, are labeled with pictograms to avoid language problems, and most newer models have a sensor that will refuse to activate the bidet unless someone is sitting on the toilet.” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

Water cleansing slowly becoming more common - 2

   Wikipedia states, “In France, toilet sanitation was supplemented by the invention of the bidet in the 1710s. With the improvements to plumbing in the mid- to late 19th century, the bidet moved from the bedroom (where it was kept with the chamber pot) to the bathroom. Modern bidets use a stream of warm water to cleanse the genitals and anus. Before modern plumbing, bidets sometimes had a hand-crank to achieve the same effect. The bidet is commonplace in many European countries, especially in Spain (30%), Portugal (70%) and Italy (95%), in some South American countries (Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, 90%), and also in Japan where approximately 72% of all households have a form of "electronic bidet" or spray toilet seat. Bidets are also very popular in the Middle East. Although the bidet was invented in France, the use of water for anal cleansing is a rare practice in France. In fact, most toilets in France are separated from the bathroom with no access to water whatsoever, a concept desired for the ability to use the toilet and the washroom simultaneously by different people.”
   “In the US, UK, and Australia, bidets are not yet as popular as in continental Europe and the Middle East, but are slowly becoming more common. Attachable stainless steel or plastic bidets that are fixed to existing toilets are gaining popularity as they are easy to use and inexpensive. Immigrants from Asia tend to use a combination of methods - initial wiping with toilet paper combined with water cleansing or wet wipes - to adapt to their new country where wet toilets are not seen as desirable.” (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

Submerge in water & quickly the urge comes

Here are some further thoughts and reflections on the efficacy of the first point of Sixteen Points.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "After urination wash the urinary organ with water." (6)

The whole purpose behind this initial guideline of Sixteen Points is to clear all the excess urine from the urinary tract. And to achieve this fully, one must pour plenty of cold water on the entire genital area. Then the bladder and the entire urinary tract will contract thereby releasing all the urine from the system.

To produce this desired effect, one can pour as much as 1 full liter or more of cold water on the urinary organ and pubic region at the time of urination. The entire genital area should be properly covered with water & hence cooled. That will certainly release any remaining urine from the body, even if one does not have the urge to go anymore.

Think of it this way: Most of the time people do not feel the need to urinate before getting into the swimming pool, pond, river, bath tub, or bathing etc, yet once people submerge themselves in the water then quickly the desire comes to urinate. This is due to being immersed in cool water. That is why smart people will always use water before going in the pool and clear the bladder fully, then the desire will not arise once in the pool.

And here the point is that when urinating, the application of cool water will ensure that the urinary tract is completely emptied and cleansed.

Our wrong for not helping them

Actually those common people not aware about using water are not to be blamed. It is never anyone's fault for being downtrodden, ignorant, or dirty. Rather it is our fault for not bringing them onto the path of light.

Because Baba always guides us we should never blame those innocent people from certain parts of the globe for their "backwardness". Because it is our wrongdoing for not helping them to develop. When some people could not develop a proper sense of hygiene, those citizens should not be blamed. Just we should take care to show everyone the proper way.

1. Point #1 of Sixteen Points
2. Ananda Vanii #44
3. Ananda Vanii #45
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, An Exemplary Life
5. Caryacarya - 2, Miscellaneous, Point #5
6. Caryacarya - 2, Sixteen Points, Point #1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Is some place more spiritually important

You might have heard some people say that, “This place is very good for sadhana.” Especially you will hear this in Ananda Nagar, Jamalpur, Tiljala, Ranchi etc. They like to create the feeling that in order to get a special blessing you have to come in Ananda Nagar, Jamalpur, Tiljala, Ranchi etc and sit under that particular rock or tree etc. And then only sadhana will be best. Because that place emanates a spiritual vibration. Baba’s below teaching debunks this idea.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “To differentiate between different places for sádhaná, to consider one place more suitable than another, or to regard a particular spot as good and another bad, is to divide Brahma. Every place in this creation is the manifestation of the Supreme Cosmic Entity (Brahma), and to call one place good and another bad is to attribute these qualities to Brahma. If sádhaná is based on the consideration of good and bad, it will never be possible for one to develop the feeling of oneness with the rest of creation. One will never be able to love others as oneself. To Brahma every place is the same, and sádhaná can be practised anywhere.” (1)

If some place is isolated or a natural setting and there is no pollution of any kind, then that is suitable for sadhana in comparison to a noisy bus stop that smells like an open sewer. That is based entirely on the environmental qualities. The above teaching debunks the myth that some place is spiritually important whereas other places are not. 

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, Why Are People Afraid of Intuitional Practice?

== Section 2: Links ==

Baba story: mantra & courtroom + 5 more

Baba story: mantra & courtroom


"As a lawyer, I was quite involved in Baba's court case during the Emergency period in India when He was unjustly incarcerated."

"In that case the prosecuting attorney - i.e the CBI lawyer representing Mrs Gandhi's regime - was Mahadeva Babu. When the case opened and witnesses were being called, then Mahadeva Babu used to guide his witnesses while they were on the witness stand itself, right in front of the judge."

"As the designated Ananda Marga lawyer, I vehemently made objection to this tactic, as it was against the ethic."

"After one such objection, the prosecuting attorney Mahadeva told the judge, "Ramtanuk is a margii - not a lawyer - that is why he is objecting. He has special interest in Ananda Marga.""

"Mahadeva was insinuating that I did not understand the nature of these legal proceedings and that I was just a lay person in a court of law. This was the meaning behind his comment. That was his justification for why my objection was meaningless."

"Hearing and reflecting upon his comment, I became very disturbed."

Consulting with Baba

"At the first opportunity, I went to see Baba to inform Him of what was going on."

"(Aside: During the Emergency I used to get approval from the court to go and see Baba in jail in my capacity as a lawyer.)"

"I recounted to Baba all that was going on in the courtroom and in particular told Him of the problem with attorney Mahadeva. Mentally I was thinking that Baba will give His solution."

"Baba replied, "The CBI agents are externally very polite but internally they focus on their agenda. You should also be externally polite but internally dedicated to your cause. That is the way to deal with these people.""

"Baba furthermore told, "When any problem arises then remember your mantra and the proper answer will come.""

"I understood Baba's message and guidance. Thereafter, externally I maintained good relations with CBI personnel, and internally kept strict vigilance to our Ananda Marga discipline. And I kept focused on my ista mantra."

How Ramtanuk ji strikes back

"One day when the court was in session, the CBI lawyer, Mahadeva Babu, was again giving explicit hints to his witnesses while they were on the stand."

"Seeing this I felt completely disturbed and started repeating my mantra as per Baba's guideline. Then one idea came to mind."

"I objected and told the judge, "Your Honour, Mahadeva Babu was an Ananda Margii but he left and now he is a CBI man. To prove that he has zero allegiance to the Marga and is a trusted CBI man, Mahadeva Babu is employing all these underhanded techniques. That is why he is going against the ethic and coaxing his witnesses in the favour of the CBI. All because he wants to prove his unbridled loyalty to his CBI bosses.""

"The judge smiled and nodded in affirmation."

"The judge replied, "Indeed, it is no different from how a new convert to Islam will eat more onions to prove his credibility in the eyes of his Islamic elders." (Note: Everyone knows that Muslims in India eat onions with every meal. This is their signature ingredient. A lifelong Muslim can skip onions once in a while if he wishes because all know he is a Muslim. But a new convert to Islam will have to eat maximum onions at every meal. Then people will think he is a legitimate follower, otherwise not.)"

"Hearing this, other lawyers in the courthouse started laughing. They understood that Mahadeva was formerly in Ananda Marga and that now as a new convert to the CBI, he has to prove his loyalty. So he is doing extra, going beyond, and coaxing his witnesses in the court itself to show his allegiance to the government. Everyone clearly understood the joke the judge was making."

"Mahadeva Babu kept quiet and drowned in shame."

"From that moment forward, the problem was permanently solved and Mahadava never hinted or coaxed his witnesses again while they were on the stand, and he never lodged a complaint against me, Ramtanuk, for being a margii."


There are many things to be learned from Ac Ramtanukji's story. The main guideline is that when encountering any tough and difficult situation, where the odds are stacked against you, then repeat your mantra and surrender to Baba. Then you are sure to receive Cosmic help and get His guidance about what to do. That will come in the mind, by His grace. That is what every sadhaka should take away from this story. We should also keep Baba's below teaching in mind.

    “Vicaeti cánte vishvamádaya sa deva
    Sa no budhyá shubhayá saḿyunaktu.”

Ananda Marga ideology says, "If you are to say anything you should say – what? You may use only one sentence. “O Supreme Father, guide my intellect unto the path of bliss. I want nothing else, nothing more.” (1)

We should follow this in our practical life and use our inner spiritual treasure to link our unit mind with His Divine Cosmic Mind. Then one is sure to get the proper guideline at the proper time.

Lastly, Baba is not far. He is always sitting in your heart. He has not gone away as some dogmatic people believe. He is in the heart. With ideation, one can make that inner link with Him, by His grace. Devoid of that one is lonely, weak, and helpless. When a person thinks of themselves as a unit entity then they are weak, and when a person is linked with the Cosmic Entity then they are powerful.

in Him,
Satyanis’t’ha Deva

Note: Ac Ramtanuk jii of Begu Sarai (Bihar) is a founding member of AMPS as well as a family acarya. As a lawyer, he worked assiduously throughout his life for Ananda Marga court cases. That was one of his great contributions. Above is his first-hand account of one of his experiences in the courtroom.

About lawyering

Usually lawyers coach their witness before the trial, or before they take the stand. But Mahadeva was coaching and coaxing his witnesses while they were on the stand itself, directly in front of the judge. The only reason this was allowed to happen was that this case was being held during the period of martial law / Emergency in India.

Simple & intelligent, but not foolish

Baba guides us that as sadhakas we should be simple and intelligent, but not foolish.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 12, He Knows His Duty


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Guru’s reporting session

PS Intro: In this song Sadguru is questioning His disciples like in dharma samiiksa.

"Keno base ácho káj ki serecho, hisáb nikásh tár deve ki ámáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2182)


Here Sadguru asks His disciple:

O’ disciple, why are you just sitting idle and wasting your time and not engaging in sadhana, service, and sacrifice? Have you finished the work which I have allotted to you? Will you give Me a review of what type of service you did and how you helped the suffering humans, animals, plants, flora, and fauna and done intense sadhana for atmamoksartham? Tell Me the report of how many good deeds you have done? And tell Me how many bad things you have done like not following Sixteen Points, indulging in fissiparous tendencies, wallowing  in groupism, and indulging in lowly thinking? Give Me the account and balance sheet of your life. Are you in loss or gain? Have you reached closer to Parama Purusa or has your radius increased due to committing bad deeds. How much bhakti have you earned, how many of your samskaras have you exhausted, and how much remains. In the balance of all this, is there something positive or negative. Proved Me with a clear account.

O’ disciple, from the dawn of your life, time passed now the sunset has come. Since long you have been on this earth and Parama Purusa has showered enormous grace on you for your physical, psychic, and spiritual welfare. Your innumerable inhalations and exhalations have since gone in vain. Have you used your cycle of respirations for your half-sadhana and mantra japa. In each and every breath, you were given the chance to practice bhagavad dharma. And now the pitch dark night is going to fall; death is at your doorstep. In this crucial hour, give Me the account of how you spent your time from the dawn of your life up till now. Is your balance in virtue?

O’ disciple, in the dawn of your life, you spoiled your time in child's play; and after that you wasted your time in acquiring dry knowledge; and then you were engaged in earning your livelihood. Your whole life passed in idle extravaganza. Thus far you have wasted your entire life. And in your old age you are misusing your time counting the stars. Now you tell Me, what is on your mind. What is it you want to do. Human life is valuable. Drifting through life like an animal by just eating, drinking, and sleeping is not worthwhile. O' My disciple, whatever little time is left, you must utilise in the practise of bhagavat dharma and singing Hari kiirtana.

Engage in intense sadhana...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2182

Your lot will be only a profound sigh – of futility & frustration

Ananda Marga Ideology states, "The worship of Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour. You should make your life worthwhile through your Sádhaná. How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, “How much money has he left behind?” Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you. Your husband or wife may cry for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure. Your lot will be only a profound sigh – a record of the futility and frustration of your life. So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Human in form only

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Those who have established themselves in their spiritual being through the practice of spiritual cult are the real human beings. Others, who do not move on the subtler and sublime path of spirituality, and behave like animals, are humans only in name. Human beings alone have the privilege to do sa'dhana'. Animals, because of their intellectual deficiencies, are unable to adhere to the spiritual cult...Human beings, on the other hand, have the capacity to develop even in the spiritual realm. Those who do not pay heed to this special gift are animals, nay, even worse than animals. Animals are unable to make efforts for their spiritual development, whereas humans do have this ability." (1)

Note: Generally people think everyone with a human body as being human, but according to Baba's above teaching all are not human. In the above guideline Baba differentiates how and why.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Mysticism and Spirituality

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why no tolerance in collective life

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Human beings will have to practise tolerance. But this spirit of tolerance must be developed only in individual life; in collective life it must not be expressed. If a country illegally grabs even one inch of your land you must take one mile of the aggressor’s land; no spirit of tolerance in this regard is permissible. If you show your tolerance then they will take one inch today and one mile tomorrow. However, you can practise toleration as much as possible in individual life, and that will be considered a sign of greatness." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

इस विश्व  में तुम्हारे अलावा मेरा कोई नहीं

प्रभात संगीत 2180: तव पथ धरे, तव नाम करे, तोमार पानेइ चले थाकि ......


हे बाबा! तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं तुम्हारा नाम गाते हुये आगे जा रहा हूँ।, तुम्हारे पथ आनन्द मार्ग पर चलते चलते  तुम्हारी ओर बढ़ता जा रहा हूँ। तुम मेरे लक्ष्य हो। तुम्हारे पास, तुम से निकट और निकट, पहुँचने के लिये मैं तुम्हारी और चल रहा हूँ । इस विश्व  में तुम्हारे अलावा मेरा कौन है? कोई नहीं। यही कारण है कि मैं आश्रय के लिये  तुम्हीं को पुकारता हूँ।

हे बाबा! तुमने अपने सजाए संसार में, अपनी पसन्द के अनुसार मुझे विशेष जगह दी है, और कृपा कर सब कुछ दिया है । हे परमपुरुष! तुम मुझसे ही क्या, किसी से भी बदले में कुछ नहीं चाहते, बस तुम अलौकिक रूप से सब पर अपनी कृपा उड़ेले जाते हो। आलस्य और दीर्घसूत्रता जैसे सब प्रकार के दुर्गुण मुझमें है, और निरर्थक बहाना बनाकर मैं सन्तुष्ट हो जाता हूँ । हे बाबा ! सभी कमियां मुझ में हैं  जबकि हे प्रभु!  तुम सदैव  कृपालु रहते हो, तुम मुझ पर अपनी कृपा में कभी भी कमी नहीं करते।

हे तारक ब्रह्म। बाबा!  तुम्हारे विराट्‌ मन के एकान्त कोने में, मेरे मन को जगह  तुमने दे दी है जहां से मेरा मन तुम्हें पुकारता है, स्पन्दन जगाता है। उस  स्पन्दन के अनुनाद से, मेरे हृदय में प्रेम का कमल खिला है, जो तुम्हारी चाह में तुम्हारी ओर तीव्र इच्छा से निहार रहा है। 

== Section 4: Links ==