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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Human burial problem + 2 more

Human burial problem


Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all started in the Middle East long ago. And at that time there was a shortage of firewood, so when a person died then burning the body was not an option due to a dearth of fuel, i.e. firewood. At the same time, they saw that there was plenty of empty space. The solution they arrived at was to bury the dead bodies - not burn them. The propounders of those religions put this into practice. And so it became the standard rule: bury the dead body.

So many dead bodies & so little land

Now times have changed; the situation has become reversed. There is no longer a shortage of fuel; there are all kinds of scientific ways to burn a dead body. But there is a dramatic shortage of space, especially in the cities all around the globe. So the circumstances have completely flip-flopped.

But due to dogma, people do not want to burn the deceased. Followers of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism continue to bury corpses, per their religious dogma. So around the globe there is a crisis over where to bury those corpses. There are so many bodies and so little land.

Tombstones exacerbate the problem

At first, they were simply burying the dead, but not putting a tombstone to mark the place. Because making a tombstone was a big job. However, with the advancement of science, tombstones are now readily available. That makes the land shortage even more severe. Consider this: In the past the corpse was buried and then in a few decades or less another corpse could be placed in that same spot. But with the rampant and pervasive use of tombstones, burial spots are taken indefinitely - the arrangement is permanent.

One of the dogmas fueling this issue is the mistaken religious belief in doomsday: Those religious followers believe they will unite with all their past family members in heaven. So they do not want to burn their dead body as they think they will need it in heaven etc. Thus even though all rational, logical, and scientific assessments point to curtailing the burying of the dead, those religious followers will not change their ways. They do not want to burn their dead body as they think they will need it in the future.

Now consider the dichotomy that is taking place: Billions of dollars are spent constructing fancy, state-of-the-art, skyscrapers for deceased persons. Such high-rise cemeteries are air-conditioned / temperature controlled, with marble lobbies, door-men, and all sorts of amenities. Side by side, within the same city limits millions of local citizens are living in shanty-town shacks without running water - and no access to clear water. These slums are full of disease, half-naked children, and women lacking basic medical care. Huge finances are used for the deceased while poor, impoverished people have nothing and struggle to remain alive. And all this is unfolding within the same city limits. It is an abuse of resources - and a slur on our human society.

Unsustainable planning

At present, there are 4 - 5 billion people on the planet who follow one of the semitic religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism). As they die and tombstones are erected for each person, all the remaining land will be quickly used up. And to start piling people into high-rise mortuaries is impractical and expensive. Such buildings are costly; they need regular upkeep; and, they will only last 100 or 200 years - at which point they will need to be taken down and rebuilt etc. So the whole entire enterprise of (a) burying the dead and marking their spot with a tombstone and (b) using high-rise cemeteries is completely unsustainable. It is an utter waste of natural resources, i.e. land, and a terrible misuse of money.

So this dogma of burying the dead started out of necessity - i.e. due to a lack of firewood. That was two thousand years ago. And now it has become a big problem. A fight has erupted between the dead and the living. Those who are alive do not have enough space to live. For instance, in Cairo half a million people live between tombs due to a shortage of space. People literally do not have any room, just they survive sleeping among the tombs.

The new fad: skyscraper cemeteries

The situation has become so bleak and dire that now skyscrapers are being constructed to serve as cemeteries. That is the latest “fix.” That shows how dogmatic people do not like to give up their dogma. And that dogma - of burying the deceased and using a tombstone - is harming the growth and well-being of society. Such mortuary skyscrapers are proof how this very rule has now become a burden. Yet people are carrying the dead body of that dogma of burying the deceased.


1. This dogma of burying the dead started in the Middle East long ago due to an inability (i.e. lack of fuel) to burn the bodies of the deceased.
2. Now the situation is reversed. There is plenty of fuel for burning the bodies and a lack of land to bury them.
3. But swayed by their doomsday dogma and religious rituals, those followers of the Semitic religion are unwilling to change their ways. They do not want to give up their dogma.
4. The pervasive use of tombstones only exacerbates the land shortage problem by essentially making every burial spot a permanent ordeal.
5. In result, in cities around the world where the Semitic religions are dominant, they have taken to building skyscraper cemeteries.
6. This entire process is unsustainable. There simply is not space on this earth to bury the dead and have enough land for the living. That is why many say this is the fight between the deceased and the living.
7. The only rational solution is to adopt the practice of burning / cremating the deceased or some type of new, scientific “green” solution of composting the body.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Cannot re-establish a dogmatic, religious theory

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “People also behave in artificial ways for the sake of the prestige of an ism – ways that do not correspond to their internal feelings. Isms have such an influence over the human mind that even if a person has been defeated through logic or reason, he or she refuses to accept the defeat. People therefore have to wrench their minds free from the serpentine shackles of isms.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Wherever there is movement it is related to time, space and person. A particular movement related to a specific time, space and person cannot tally with another movement belonging to a different time, space and person. When the movement of a particular time, space and person maintains parallelism of similar movement related to a particular physical and mental wave, the resultant is called an "ism". Therefore, when there is a change in either the physical or mental wave or both, the validity of a particular ism is lost due to the change in the time, space or person in which it was accepted. An ism may be accepted in a particular mental wave, but if due to a change in the physical wave the mental wave fails to maintain parallelism, the result will be that that particular ism will be considered [obsolete]. If anybody tries to re-establish an old political, economic or religious theory of two thousand years ago – a theory or ism based on past time, space or person – using whatever type of psychology, sentiment or adroit propaganda, it will not be possible to correlate it with the existing physical waves. Once lost the parallelism between the ism and the physical wave cannot be restored, even if the old mental environment is re-created. We perceive the change not only in the physical wave but also in the mental wave. No amount of scientific effort will make it possible to restore the mental wave of the past. There was a time when kings were worshipped as the incarnations of God, but today if anybody tries to reintroduce this antiquated practice using psychological propaganda, it will be impossible for people to accept it.” (2)

Foolishly consider themselves God’s chosen people

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The followers of isms foolishly consider themselves to be God’s chosen people [because of their mental fetters], and they do not hesitate to brand others as non-Aryans, kafirs [infidels] or heathens, in utter [rejection]. They think that the Supreme Father bestows His grace only on them, not on the rest of creation. They are not prepared to understand that those they call non-Aryans, kafirs, heathens or mlecchas are also part of His manifestation.” (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “People also behave in artificial ways for the sake of the prestige of an ism – ways that do not correspond to their internal feelings. Isms have such an influence over the human mind that even if a person has been defeated through logic or reason, he or she refuses to accept the defeat. People therefore have to wrench their minds free from the serpentine shackles of isms.” (4)

Here are some of the facts and figures related with these skyscraper cemeteries.

~ Courtesy of Daily Mail ~

The Brazilian solution features a series of over-ground crypts where families can visit the space where their loved one is held Cemetery overcrowding presents a challenge the world over, particularly in cramped cities and among religions that forbid or discourage cremation. The reality of relying on finite land resources to cope with the endless stream of the dying has brought about creative solutions. The world's tallest existing cemetery is the 32-story high Memorial Necropole Ecumenica in Santos, Brazil. In Tokyo, the Kouanji is a six-story Buddhist temple where visitors can use a swipe card to have the remains of their loved ones brought to them from vaults on a conveyer belt system.

Versions of stacked cemeteries already exist in some shape or form in places like New Orleans and across Europe, in Egypt's Mountain of the Dead, in China and in the amphitheater-like Pok Fu Lam Rd Cemetery in Hong Kong. And in some places they started recycling burial spots, such as in NY, and in other places they put tomb on top of tomb in a high stack. But the future will likely look more like the ambitious plan of Norwegian designer Martin McSherry for an airy cemetery skyscraper that looks almost like a gigantic honeycomb with triangular caverns.

Other plans for cemetery towers have been presented for Paris and Mumbai. In Mexico City, another big project has been proposed: the Tower for the Dead, which will combine a vertical necropolis and an 820-foot-deep subterranean complex. (Courtesy of the Daily Mail UK)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress, Caetra Púrńimá 24 March 1959 RU, Lucknow
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress, Caetra Púrńimá 24 March 1959 RU, Lucknow
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress, Caetra Púrńimá 24 March 1959 RU, Lucknow
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress, Caetra Púrńimá 24 March 1959 RU, Lucknow

== Section 3: Links ==

Kiirtana ruined + 3 more

Kiirtana ruined


In the below audio file, from the 4 min 31 sec mark to the 10 min 20 sec mark, bhaktas are singing kiirtana to Baba in all kinds of rhythmic ways, in all styles of kiirtana: Kevalam Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Kevalam  Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Baba Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam-- or any sequence like Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam etc, as many ways as they wished, where it is not always the same sequence.

And when it concludes, at the 10 min 26 sec mark to 10 min 28 sec point, Sadguru Baba says, “Accha’ hua”, meaning - it was very good. This clearly demonstrates that Baba has given His approval of all styles of kiirtana: Kevalam Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Kevalam  Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Baba Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam-- or any sequence like Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam etc, as many ways as they wished or liked. 
Here is a link to that kiirtana sung in that pre-1990 era which is indicative of the type of kiirtana sung those days:

No restriction in kiirtana

#1: In Ananda Marga sadhana, kiirtana is the only practice where non-margiis are welcome to participate, i.e. there are no restrictions of any kind. And common people do not have that skill to follow a certain musical style. So to impose the notion that Baba Nam Kevalam should always be repeated in the same sequence defeats the purpose of its creation. Baba did not make any such rules. The rules which we hear these days are all dogma.

When this dogma was born

#2: In the pre-1990 era, people were singing Baba Nam Kevalam in a variety of ways like: Kevalam Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Kevalam  Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Baba Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam. Or they sang any sequence like Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam etc. as many ways as they liked. Indeed, on the internet there are innumerable videos of DMC and General Darshana where thousands of margiis have gathered before Baba to sing kiirtana etc, and in those clips those bhaktas are always singing a dynamic style of kiirtana. They never sing in a monotonous manner in the same rigid order. That type of monotonous, mechanical kiirtana sung in the same boring and rigid order is dogma. 

#3: And then after 1993, someone imposed the dogma that Baba Nam Kevalam will only be sung keeping the mantra in the same monotonous, pre-formatted order. Since then everyone was coerced to adhere to that code.

The example of pre-formatted order was not present in pre-1990 period. Bhaktas were not forced to always sing it always in the same order: Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam.

#4: But to legitimize this dogma, one fictitious discourse was created. And due to this distortion, most sing our “Baba Nam Kevalam” kiirtana in the wrong way.

Proof: kaoshikii dance

#5: So we have to analyze the history. Following is the historical evidence.

#6: Some may immediately raise the point that the words must be recited according to a particular order as per the rule imposed in 1993, but the very simple response is how Baba has given the kaoshikii / kaośikii dance. In that dance itself, Baba has shifted the order of the way the kiirtan is called out.

#7: Furthermore, the discourse in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 30 titled - “Bio-Psycho-Spiritual System of Kiirtana” -  is a fake discourse. Just someone created this with their fertile brain, with their imagination. So that fake discourse cannot be considered as authoritative. 

For two decades, from 1970 - 1990, Baba presided over meetings and reportings when the kiirtana was sung in countless different ways, sequences like Kevalam Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Kevalam  Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Baba Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam-- or any sequence like Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam etc., as many ways as they liked.

#8: There are thousands of occasions prior to 1990 when sadhakas used to sing kiirtana and Baba used sit and and listen, but there was never any occasion when kiirtana was sung in that mechanical, robotic way, which some people have imposed since 1993.


#9: Regularly, whenever and wherever any reporting, pravacan, or meeting was presided over by Baba, then almost every time bhajans and kiirtana were sung in a variety of ways. And still those recordings are available. They are unlike the monotonous, pre-formatted order / regimen.

In Him,

Note: The dark forces responsible for ruining kiirtana by imposing robotic kiirtana are now terrified; they feel hunted. To cover up their black deeds they are changing Baba's original videos and dubbing in robotic kiirtana throughout. You may well have come across their nasty deeds - all done to cover up their sin. Watch out.

Sound file: Baba approves of this kiirtana

In the aforementioned audio file, from the 4 min 31 sec mark to the 10 min 20 sec mark, bhaktas are singing kiirtana to Baba in all kinds of rhythmic ways, and all styles of kiirtana. 

Kevalam Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Kevalam Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Baba Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam. Or any sequence like Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam etc. as many ways as they wished. 

And when it concludes, at the 10 min 26 sec mark to 10 min 28 sec point, Sadguru Baba says, “Accha’ hua”, meaning - it was very good. 

This clearly demonstrates that Baba has given His approval of all styles of kiirtana. Kevalam Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Kevalam  Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Baba Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam. Or any sequence like Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam etc. as many ways as you like.

One need not sing it in the same way again and again: Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam.
We should follow Baba, not any human being. So we should sing kiirtana in a variety of ways in all styles, such as: Kevalam Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Kevalam Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Baba Baba Nam Baba Nam Kevalam-- or any sequence like Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Kevalam Baba Nam, Baba Nam Baba nam Kevalam Baba Nam etc, as many ways as one wishes, where it is not always the same sequence.

Videos examples: Baba approves of this kiirtana

In each of the following three youtube videos, bhaktas are singing kiirtana to Sadguru Baba in all kinds of creative and rhythmic ways, and He is clearly approving of this style of kiirtana. 

(I) In this video, listen from 15:55 => 16:47 to hear that type of kiirtana that is non-robotic: 
(II) In this video, listen from 10:15 => 10:37 to hear that type of kiirtana that is non-robotic: 
(III) In this video, listen from 1:51 => 3:26 to hear that type of kiirtana that is non-robotic: 

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your resplendent vibration guides me

Prabhata Samgiita Intro: In this below song, Baba is talking about the sound of omnkara (muralii dhvani) and how the whole universe is filled with this divine music. Those who don't do proper sadhana can't understand this song.

"Ga'ne bhara' ei vasudha'y kon aja'na'y man bhese ja'y..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2684)


O' my Parama Purusa, in this song-filled universe, my mind is floating towards one unknown divine land. By Your Cosmic grace, it is ensconced in Your exquisite flow, does not pay heed to any walls of obstacles of dogmas, nor does it listen to the hindrances of staticity created by the degrading forces. Because of Your irresistible attraction, Baba, my entire being is rushing headlong towards Your infinite Self.

O' Parama Purusa, the extraterrestrial trumpet of the distant spiritual land is resounding on and on; the cosmic call echoes in all directions. Due to inner beauty, all are unified. Because of the sonorous music of the eternal omnkara, everyone's heart is throbbing with ecstasy, and they have forgotten their differences. Now, all are moving forward in unison in the spirit of samgacchadhvam towards that singular goal: Parama Purusa. The language of all flows in the same feeling due to Your infinite compassion. Everyone is engaged in the welfare of humanity.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, whatever existed in the past, and that which has been lost, best is to just forget about those things. Leave behind all the losses and gains of the past; they are immaterial. Now whatever I am going to do and think today, the Cosmic trumpet tells us through the colour of songs. All my thoughts and actions are guided by You. Baba, from morning till night, and from birth to death, Your resplendent vibration guides me each and every moment. With Your eternal tune and blessing, You are showering Your causeless grace and pulling me towards You. You are doing everything...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2684:

[1] This below teaching describes how a sadhaka gets pulled headlong towards Him once they hear that divine sound. It is all due to the grace of the Supreme.
Ananda Marga ideology says, "The spiritual aspirant hears the various sounds of onm'ka'ra or pran'ava At various stages, during deep sa'dhana', during sweet sa'dhana'. The sound is called muraliidhvani. The sa'dhaka becomes mad because of this sound and goes deeper and attains Ra'dha' bha'va more and more, and rushes headlong forward."

Chot'e ye jan ba'nshiir t'a'ne
Se ki ta'ka'y pather pa'ne?

"At that time one does not think at all about what people will say. One knows only that 'I and my Is't'a exist'." (1)

1. Discourses on Krsna & the Giita, 15 January 1980, Kolkata

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How true seekers learn

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Undeveloped human beings consider themselves to be very intelligent and thus at every step they invite innumerable obstacles in the material world. Later on, after climbing some rungs up the ladder of evolution, they realize from the core of their hearts the hollowness of their psychic capabilities. It is the natural rule of the universe that those who possess immense knowledge are quite conscious of their intellectual limitations, whereas people with superficial knowledge think just the opposite. The genuine way of learning for seekers of knowledge is to consider always that they know nothing.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, The Cardinal Spirit of Action and the Supreme Stance of Devotion

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Those who crave prestige

In this teaching Ananda Marga philosophy graphically describes the state of one who desires prestige.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Pratiśt́há – the desire to make oneself known. A person influenced by [the desire for] pratiśt́há expects respect from everyone, and hankers after name and fame. This mental state can be easily compared with the mental condition of a beggar. The beggar asks money from others, while the person craving for prestige begs others to give him respect. [The person desires something that] is really meaningless and possesses no value, something that has been fitly compared to the excrement of a pig." (1)

Sadguru says, "Human beings are made of flesh and bones. If their heart or lungs stop functioning, in that case they will be lifted onto the shoulders of 4 other people in order to get thrown onto the funeral pyre. When this is the situation of human beings, where is the scope for self-glorification?" (2)

1. Ananda Vacamrtam Part 23, Safeguards against the Defects of Jiṋána and Karma
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Heinous mark of capitalists

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The path of the vipras [cunning intellectuals] is crooked and so is the path of the vaeshyas [greedy capitalists]. The difference between them is that since the vaeshyas' crooked intellect has no trace of spiritual consciousness, it often proves to be suicidal."

"A dreadful calamity will befall society if those who have intellectual capacity squander it by running after mundane pleasures instead of utilizing it to realize spiritual bliss – if they utilize all their intellect to fatten themselves by sucking the vital juice of others. So there can be no social welfare until this type of mentality is eradicated or rendered ineffectual through circumstantial pressure. No political leader or governmental or social system can build a welfare state, a socialistic state or an ideal society if they neglect this fundamental disease. If those who go around looking for opportunities to enlarge their stomachs by sucking the vital force of others continue to control society or the nation through their own group of sinners, what can one expect to see in such a society except a horrid picture of hell!" (1)

1. Human Society - 2, The Vaeshya Age

== Section 3: Links ==