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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Spiritual import of colour festival


Spiritual import of colour festival 


In our Ananda Marga spiritual parlance, the term colour means bondage, or the attachment of the mind. For example, anything and everything in the world has some sort of vibration, or colour. When attracted, the mind gets dyed in that colour. For instance, if someone is attracted to rasagolla and must eat that sweet whenever he goes to the market, then the colour of rasagolla will stain his mind.

Colour means a stain on the mind
The basic premise is that humans get coloured by all kinds of colours, i.e. stains on the mind. And when the mind is stained, that mind is in bondage. When the mind is not attracted with any color and is just attracted towards Parama Purusa, then the mind is colourless.

That is why in Guru Puja, sadhakas offer their mental colour - all kinds of attractions, weaknesses, and attachments - to the Supreme Entity. If the offering is made with sincerity, that weakness or attachment will fade away, and the mind will become calm, serene, and blissful. That is very close to the stage of colourlessness. When the mind is completely coloured then the sadhaka becomes one with Parama Purusa.

Ultimately, the unit mind and the Cosmic Mind are the same, only due to one's mental colour the unit mind is not becoming one with the Cosmic Entity. In order to become one with Him, we celebrate varnarghyadana, i.e. colour festival, and offer our mental colours to the Divine Entity - Parama Purusa - and try to become one with Him.

Proportionate to your self surrender
Ananda Marga ideology states, "You must bring about a revolutionary change in the flow of your judgment and thought, and see how, after overcoming your fascination with external colour, your mind becomes tinged with the His glorious colour. In Ananda Marga Sadhana, the method of withdrawing the mind from degrading tendencies, and absorbing oneself in the colour of the Great, is called Pratyáhára Yoga (the yoga of withdrawal) or Varńárghyadána (Guru Puja: the offering of colours). All people have a particular attraction for one or another object or activity and as soon as they become attracted to an object, then their minds become coloured with the colour of that object. You can withdraw your mind from the colour of that object and dye yourself in His colour by offering Him the captivating colour of the object that has attracted you: this is the real Pratyáhára Yoga [Guru Puja]. The word Pratyáhára means “to withdraw” – to withdraw the mind from its object." (1)
Ananda Marga ideology states, "The main object of the Spring Colour Festival (Vasantotsava) is not playing with external colours; it is meant to offer Him the colours of different objects which have dyed the mind. When this practice of offering your own colours – your own attachments, becomes natural and easy, you will then merge in Him. Then you will have no need for any colour, for you will become colourless – you will go beyond the reach of any colour. Your unit-ego will become one with the Cosmic Ego. Whichever way you look you will see only Him in His ever-surging glory. There is no “I” nor “you”. By an everlasting, mutual pact the final curtain will have fallen on all clashes of “I” and “you”. At that stage, if you call Parama Brahma as “I”, you are right in calling Him so; if you call Him as “He”, you are equally right; and if you call Him as “you”, again you are correct. The extent of your attainment of Him will be proportionate to your self surrender." (2)
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Remember, you have to offer your own mind – not money, rice plantains or other crude objects. The give-and-take of crude things is a business transaction. If you want to attain the bliss of Brahma, you must offer your own self. If you want to have the Great “I”, you must give away your own little “I”. You have to give the full sixteen annas, (the full rupee). Giving fifteen annas and holding back one anna will not do. You must completely surrender. To attain that Infinite One with the help of your mental concentration and strength, you have to surrender yourselves. But, remember self-surrender does not mean suicide. On the contrary, your soul will have its full expression. Your existence will not become contracted, for contraction is inert in principle….“O Lord, I surrender my all to you. Do what you think is best”. And the Lord immediately rescued her. That is why I say that you will have to dedicate yourselves to His feet wholly and unreservedly. You will earn godliness in proportion to the extent that you surrender yourselves, and finally, after merging that acquired godliness of yours in His Entity, you will attain eternal bliss." (3)


By His above teaching the point is very clear that our colour festival is not about coloured powders and flowers per se. Rather, Baba guides us that the real import is the psycho-spiritual approach of offering the colours (i.e. attachments and obstacles) of one's mind unto the lotus feet of Parama Purusa.

In Him,
1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 2: Links ==

Samaj songs & inferiority complex + 3 more


Samaj songs & inferiority complex


The Prout samaj movement and samaj songs serve this very purpose: To infuse all people with confidence and courage to stand tall, in harmony with those around them. Our Prout samaj system encourages the inherent greatness of one and all and does not allow any community to become depressed, or lost in the mire of an inferiority complex. Because the samaj movements and samaj songs encourage the dharmic qualities and mother tongue of each and every population.

How Prout samaj movement eradicates inferiority complex

Prout philosophy states, "The use of non-local languages as the medium of instruction only results in the suppression and subjugation of the local language and inevitably means the suppression of the local culture. This in turn leads to psychic demoralization, inferiority complexes and a defeatist mentality. Whenever the sentimental legacy of a group of people is undermined, they become easy prey to the economic, political and psycho-economic exploitation of vested interests. Such a strategy of cultural suppression was adopted by the English, French, Dutch, Spanish, American and other colonial powers. If local people develop a sublime awareness of their cultural heritage they can readily throw off all psychic inferiority complexes which prevent them from attaining socio-economic self-reliance." (1)

Examples: inferiority around the globe - Part 1

Prout's samaj movement is the key formula for helping exploited people regain and maintain their integrity and dignity. Prout aims to uplift the common people around the globe Only then can so many communities that are on the brink of disaster regain their footing and status on this earth. In each of the below cases, they are getting exploited because of their inferiority complex; when the complex is shattered, they will automatically become agents of change, and they will be able to attain new found glory.

(A) The native peoples of North & Central America and Canada have mostly lost their language and are sitting on the outskirts of society or on their allotted reservations, burdened by dismay and depression - over-run by Euro-Americans and western capitalism. One of the main ways to lift them up and restore their courage and confidence is through Baba's samaj system. By celebrating the inherent value of their mother tongue and singing the glory of those native leaders who stood up and fought against exploitation, then each of these communities will regain their stamina and once again feel proud of who they are and strive to advance. Because of their inferiority complex they are getting exploited. The solution is to remind them of their inherent greatness.

(B) Similarly, the aborigines and Maoris of Australia have been ruthlessly pillaged and marginalized by the ruling culture and they have lost their pride and dignity. So for them to survive they need a huge injection of positive feeling, and the Prout samaj movement achieves this very goal. By this way those aborigines will feel proud of their past - thereby overcoming their inferiority complex - and once again look upon themselves as a great and blessed people.

Examples: inferiority around the globe - Part 2

(C) Likewise in the Philippines, or more correctly we should say in Maharlika, the Spanish invaders effectively dismantled much of the local customs and with the imposition of American pseudo-culture, the situation has become even worse. A big boost is needed to preserve the native languages of this area. Baba's samaj movements are the perfect solution to infuse the needed dynamism and hope. When people are reminded of their inborn dynamism and greatness they can move ahead in an unhindered manner. In so doing, their inferiority complex will disappear.

Examples: inferiority around the globe - Part 3

(D) And in Africa, so many nations and innumerable peoples are facing the same epidemic. Their local language, tales of heroism, knowledge, and legacy are just being entirely lost and forgotten as the language of trade and modernity has become either English, or French, or Portuguese etc. They have been overrun because of their own feelings of inferiority. The moment that inferiority complex is properly addressed, those exploited masses will gain new found freedom.

(E) Likewise those descendants of the old slave communities in the US have been crushed to the bone. Today's American black population has not only lost their language, but they are embarrassed by the tone of their skin. Tragically, we find a similar trend around the globe where those with dark skin are ashamed and made to feel inferior. This not just in the US but in India, SE Asia, Africa, South America, and in many, many lands. In all such circumstances, Baba's samaj movement will help instill a sense of pride in these vanquished communities. Without suffering any longer from that inferiority complex, they will be overcome all types of exploitation.

How each samaj song is to be used by every samaj

Prout's samaj movement is characterized by a number of dynamic methods for wiping out feelings of inferiority and putting an end to exploitation. This can happen on the social plane, linguistic level, as well as in the spheres of economics and politics. In addition, music also has a big role to play.

The Prout samaj songs infuse a strong sense of spirit where people feel empowered and courageous to move ahead.

Here below we learn how Baba has given one very special yet simple technique for making every samaj song appropriate for everyone to sing. This song related with Amra Bengali sama'j (socio-economic unit) is meant to be sung by all in support of their own samaj:

"Madhur ceyeo a'ro madhur a'ma'r ba'nla' bha's'a'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4766)


Compared with sweetness, my Bangla language itself is even more sweet. This is the language of my pra'n'a. In my arteries and veins and blood, the vibration of this language is resonating...

This is the way in which members of Amra Bengalii should sing and understand this song. At the same time, all samajas can sing this song about their own language by changing the term "Bangla" to their own mother tongue. And the same technique can be used with the below two compositions.


“Aungabhumi sundaratá bhumi, ehano desha dharatii mna páibo náhi…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4134)


My motherland, Aunga, is the most beautiful in this universe. if you search this entire universe you will not find such a beautiful land anywhere. It is beyond comparison. My Angika language is like nectar. It is the most melodious language. The whole world salutes and accepts the greatness of my language, Angika.


“Hamara aungabhúmi, mátrbhúmi dharatii man atul…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4206)


Aunga, my motherland, the beauty of this land is incomparable on this earth. My motherland Aunga is unique in this entire universe. It has no comparison. It is the best of all.

How songs can be used by all samajas

Here is how these songs are relevant for other samajas. The members of various samajas should compose / rewrite this song in their own mother tongue. The idea and import of the song will be exactly the same exact that they will be singing it in their own language. And naturally they will replace the phrase - "my Bangla language" - with the name of their own mother tongue whether it be Swahili, Korean, Spanish, or Dutch, etc as the case may be. So from beginning to end every lyric of the song will be sung in their mother tongue.

This type of change was often done in front of Baba in reporting, per His direction. And this is how such samaj songs should be used today and in the future also. By this way, each samaj song is universal in nature and all are benefited. Baba's samaj songs inject a sense of well-being and pride within all peoples and all communities, ensuring all have the strength to live side by side, helping one another yet also maintaining their own dignity and culture.

Here we should also bear in mind that the samaj movement stands as one of the many avenues to eradicate feelings of inferiority of an exploited population. By encouraging local languages, protecting local resources, implementing fiscal planning within that samaj etc, then those people will naturally regain their confidence and dignity and fend off exploiters. So Prout's samaj system aims for the all-round progress of each and every community, in diverse and dynamic ways.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

What is a samaj

Many are aware about what is a samaj, yet at the same time some may not be familiar with the term, while others are confused. Essentially a samaj is an existing community bound together by inherent factors. Requisite factors for forming a samaj: Prout philosophy clearly identifies 5 factors for the formation of a samaj.

Prout philosophy states, "While forming socio-economic units [samajas], several factors should be considered. These include same economic problems; uniform economic potentialities; ethnic similarities; the sentimental legacy of the people; and similar geographical features." (2)

Samajas are local anti-exploitation movements

Next, Prout philosophy describes how the dignity and rights of the people of each samaj must be maintained by launching anti-exploitation movements etc. Below Prout teachings furthermore define who qualifies as a samaj member.

Prout philosophy states, "Socio-economic units will give expression to popular sentiments and fight against all forms of exploitation to meet the demands and aspirations of the local people. Movements will have to be launched throughout the world to establish self-sufficient socio-economic units based on the maxim, “Know the area, prepare the plan and serve the people.” Local people are those who have merged their individual socio-economic interests with the socio-economic interests of the socio-economic unit they live in." (3)

The imposition of inferiority complex on the Indian people

All of the below complexes were imposed with the intention to exploit the common people of India.

  Prout philosophy states, "When those with superiority complexes possess even the slightest degree of power, they fulfil their desires by injecting inferiority complexes in others. [During the British rule in India], some special train compartments were reserved for those people who wore European dress, and those in Indian dress would be rejected. This is a clear instance of injecting an inferiority complex into people’s minds. What was the result? It merely paved the way for psychic exploitation, and based on this, all other kinds of exploitation could easily take place."
   "Some time ago, those who could not speak English were considered to be uneducated, and even now this is the case, even if the person is a scholar in Sanskrit. This is another result of injecting inferiority complexes."
   "The very purpose of injecting an inferiority complex is to exploit people on the psychic level, and this is exactly what happens in many spheres of social life. In some places you may notice some signboards written in a language not used by the local people. What is the purpose of putting up a signboard? It is just to give the local people certain information. If the letters are written in the language of the ruling exploiters and not in the language of the exploited – or if the local language is printed in small and humble letters underneath – what reaction will this create in the minds of the exploited? It is bound to generate an inferiority complex regarding their language and social position (the language of slaves is derogatorily called “vernacular” in English), and they will continue to suffer from this mental disease. Thus the ruling exploiters create indirect pressure on others’ minds so that their language maintains its high prestige and an inferior feeling arises in the minds of the people: “Ah! That is the language of the rulers!”..."
   "If you analyse the history of the world, you will find that whenever one group exploited another in the economic sphere, they first created psychic exploitation by infusing inferiority complexes in the minds of the exploited mass. You will find that in each case of economic exploitation, psychic exploitation was the foundation: if you go deep into the background, you will discover a continuous and cunning attempt to create inferiority complexes in the minds of the exploited." (4)

Samajas: universal in spirit but regional in approach

Prout philosophy states, "A sound ideological base is a prerequisite for socio-economic groupifications. Such a foundation is provided by universal humanism, which has the potential to unite all humanity. Universal humanism will not be established on the hard crust of the earth overnight, but will come to fruition gradually, stage by stage. It will include each and every person in the world, as well as animals, plants and inanimate objects. If a single person remains outside the influence of universalism and becomes a victim of exploitation, then the foundation of universal humanism will be undermined. Hence, PROUT has adopted a rational method to solve socio-economic problems which may be characterized as universal in spirit but regional in approach." (5)

Inferiority complex India

Here below we see how an inferiority was deeply entrenched in the Indian psyche during those days of old and has continued on to this very moment as well.

Prout philosophy states, "A subjugated people suffer from an inferiority complex towards the sovereign elite, the ruling class. When India was a dependent colony, many Indians used to describe the members of the ruling community as God’s children, obviously due to their deep-rooted inferiority complex. Most of them wondered: “Will India ever see the light of freedom? When will we ever win the struggle against the ruling class?” This shows that the entire indigenous community was a victim of inferiority complex, the removal of which would require a group of leaders endowed with enormous mental strength and noble character – a group of mighty personalities. India at that time was not fortunate enough to have such great people, and that is why the struggle for Indian freedom had to be prolonged. Otherwise, India could have gained freedom in a much shorter time." (6)

This was true in the past and remains true today. Most citizens of India feel proud to be associated with Europeans values and regret their own customs and ways, even if those customs are more rational such as vegetarianism, spiritual science, washing their backsides with water after using the toilet, use of laungota, and refraining from the use of alcohol etc. All these dharmic customs have been dropped by the mass of educated Indians who yearn to be likened to Europeans.

All should read the above  with an open mind. Although the following examples are related with India, in reality these issues are global in nature so none should think that only those in India are suffering. These types of complexes are pervasive in so many lands, countries, and communities.

In India also, centuries ago the Britishers imposed their mother tongue on the entire subcontinent, and by that way so many Indian languages were ruined and tossed aside. The situation has become so bad that to this day when any of the Indian languages are spoken - whether it be Bhojpuri, Bengali, Magahii, or Hindi etc - then in any single sentence or paragraph, so many English words are used. Because it is prestigious to use English words and disgraceful to speak only in one's village tongue. By this way, so many local languages have been compromised and even cast aside - and so many communities have been made to feel inferior. You will not find anywhere else on this earth where the exploited people insert the exploiter’s language into their own mother tongue and ruin their original language. This is the unfortunate trend with all the languages of India. Because they think their language is lowly and by inserting English they will gain some prestige. The samaj movement will infuse them with a spirited confidence to toss aside all lowly feelings of inferiority and rise up in a new way - denouncing all forms of exploitation.

However, it is possible to reverse this negative trend and rid people of this inferiority complex. And verily Baba has given Prout and the samaj system for this very purpose.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Socio-Economic Movements
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications
4. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Disc: 7
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications
6. A Few Problems Solved - 7, The Faculty of Knowledge – 3

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How samskara theory works

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Action, whether good or bad, causes deformity in the mind, and in the process of regaining its normal form one experiences as reactions good results for good deeds and bad results for bad ones. After death mind takes the shelter of unit consciousness as reaction in its potentiality (saḿskára). The unit consciousness, in order to have those potential reactions expressed, will have to seek a body suitable for the expression of these reactions. For instance, Rama dies, and his mind takes the shelter of his unit consciousness (átman) as reactions in their potentiality (saḿskára). Rama according to his actions in this life should experience as reaction (karmaphala) the pain equivalent in mental measure to a fracture of an arm at the age of eight, the happiness of getting a fortune at the age of ten, and the suffering of becoming fatherless at the age of eleven. He will have to experience all this as his deformed mind regains its normal form.”

Not “an eye for an eye”

"It is important to clarify here that the actual form of suffering is not predetermined. It cannot be said what might be the actual reaction of a particular action. For example, it is not preordained that if one commits theft his things of the same value will be stolen as a reaction. The suffering is measured in terms of mental suffering to the extent which was inflicted on others by stealing their property. Thus the measure of experiencing the result of an action is mental and is in terms of pleasure and pain, and the actual form of experience has relatively no importance. Rama has to experience the pain and pleasure of all these happenings, and so his unit consciousness will have to seek a body on rebirth, where an opportunity to experience all this will be available. In order to suffer the mental agony of loss of his father at the age of eleven years, Rama has to be born of parents where the father, according to his own actions, has also to die when Rama attains that age. If it is not so, Rama will not be able to experience his reaction (karmaphala) of the suffering of the loss of his father. Thus it is seen that unit consciousness and the potential reaction (saḿskára) cannot take shelter in any body for rebirth indiscriminately. A suitable body where the opportunity and field for experiencing their reactions (karmaphala) is available will have to be sought out. It is only in such a body that unit consciousness, along with total reactions in their potentiality, will seek shelter and be reborn." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, What Is My Relation with the Universe and the Cosmic Entity?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why so few get spiritual training

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Among so many people in our human society, very few get the opportunity to acquire spiritual knowledge. And among these, a still smaller percentage get the chance to undergo practical training. Why? Because the science is rare, the aspirants are rarer, and the teachers are rarer still.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4 The Three Prerequisites for Spiritual Knowledge

== Section: Comment ==

About those betraying Baba 

Dear brothers & sisters,

It is really very unfortunate that the vested interests which crept into groups tried their best to tarnish the basic ideology founded as Ananda Marga in 1955, first time given in the human history by the all pervading omnipresent & omniscient Anandmurtijii most affectionately known as our BABA, to emancipate the human  society  from all dogmas & superstitions  shattering it under the age old barriers & prejudices of the caste, creed & colour.

Ananda Marga as be found totally an individual march from imperfection to perfection giving a clarion call to all fellow beings also to march along with him or her. For this great purpose our BABA founded Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgh working Himself as the Purodha Pramukh  with persons totally dedicated to take forward His great mission.

But after He left His physical body in 1990 all workers & the Purodha Pramukha as elected, are meant only to work together as His volunteers supported by all of us aspiring & following the great human ideology to march together to protect & promote His great mission "Ananda Marga".

The workers who are betraying our Baba after He left His physical body in 1990, to serve their vested interests have resorted to courts only to get the convenient order. In fact our ideology dedicatedly to march together with the occult science as given individually to inculcate to get identified with the Supreme Entity, needs no court to adjudicate our path.

Thank you,
Yours only,

== Section 4: Links ==