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Sunday, March 10, 2024

Story: where is Baba + 5 more

Story: where is Baba


As many A'nanda Ma'rgiis know, when Baba used to live in Madhu Malainca, i.e. the Baba's Quarter (BQ) residence in Lake Gardens, Kolkata, He would occasionally go to the Tiljala compound and remain there for a day, 3 days, or however long He wished. This was part of Baba's regular program those days.

Note: As is commonly known, at each and every BQ, one Dada is posted as the caretaker, and he attends to and oversees the various duties regarding the maintenance and upkeep of the BQ.

Story: where has Baba gone

On one occasion in 1982, shortly after Baba began giving Prabhat Samgiita, Baba went to Tiljala, and after a few days He came back. And, according to the system or protocol, many margiis, including the caretaker Dada, received Baba by singing Prabhat Samgiita when He returned back to Madhu Malainca (Lake Gardens).

When coming out from His car, after receiving a mala from the caretaker, in a very gracious and jolly mood, Baba smiled and softly asked, "While I was away, when anyone asked you, 'Where has Baba gone', what did you tell them?"

"Baba, I told them that, 'Baba has gone to Tiljala'", the caretaker replied.

"And when I go to Ananda Nagar then what do you say when anyone asks you, 'Where has Baba gone'", Baba asked.

"Then I tell them that, 'Baba has gone to Ananda Nagar'", the caretaker responded.

Hearing this Baba started smiling and asked another question.

"What if I go somewhere and I do not tell you where I have gone, in that situation what will you say to people when they ask you, 'Where has Baba gone?'"

Then the caretaker kept quiet. He was now in a quandary as he had no idea how to respond to Baba's query.

Seeing this, Baba gave the answer, "If I go somewhere and I do not tell you where I have gone, in that situation when anyone asks you, ‘Where has Baba gone?’, you should tell them that, “Baba has gone in your heart”.”

Baba then inquired, "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Baba", the caretaker said.

Why it is difficult

Although it is a very simple story, at the same time it is very difficult also. This story is quite popular, but some understand and some not - even to this very day. That is why it is unique. But the matter became quite real after 1990 when Baba did not tell where He was going - and then people understood its value.

True bhaktas know that Guru's every word holds a very deep meaning. And especially since this above story happened in the late 80's, they understood that through this story Baba was giving a hint about the forthcoming situation. Afterwards, some understood it in this way. But at the time nobody could fathom what was to come.

Here the point is that later on some people understood that Baba's comment - "If I go somewhere and I do not tell you where I have gone, in that situation when anyone asks you, 'Where has Baba gone?’, in that case you should tell them that, 'Baba has gone in your heart'" - was related with the fact that on 21 October 1990 Baba did not tell where He was going.

The meaning is then that since Baba did not tell where He was going on that very occasion of 21 Oct 1990, then only a few understood that the answer to the question, “Where has Baba gone”, is that Baba has gone in your heart.

Those who did not understand started the commemoration / ceremony of MPD declaring that Baba has gone somewhere up in the sky - to some heavenly abode.

How Baba knows every thought & incident

Those days, in the late 1980's, it was commonly understood within the entire Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha that Baba sees and watches everything. Because on a daily basis in reporting or dharma samiiksa or in general darshan etc, Baba would point out each and every moment of what a sadhaka was thinking and doing in his entire life. And Baba would constantly remind us that we cannot hide anything from Him. At any time He could reveal the entire course of events. Nothing was outside of His divine vision.

So when people heard the above story, they took it seriously. Everyone thought, "Yes, it is true that Baba is in the heart", and the proof is that He sees and knows everything. If He was not in the heart, then how could He know what is going on in their mind. For any human to say, "I remain in your heart", then it is indeed an outlandish type of statement. But when Baba says it, it has deep meaning. And everyone understood it as true. The point was accepted quite readily and taken very seriously. Now you are reading this story - and you may or may not know, but Baba is in your heart - watching you. This feeling becomes a reality as one does more sadhana.

When Baba was in the Mahasambhuti form, then He was living both inside the heart of His bhaktas as well as in the external physical world. He was residing in both places at the same time. And when He withdraws His physical manifestation, then still He continues to remain in the heart - to this very moment. So all along He has been in the heart of His bhaktas and still He remains there.

Conclusion: "I eternally reside in the heart" - Baba

The unique thing is that in the above scene with the caretaker, Baba was giving the hint that He is not going anywhere other than "residing in your heart.” So if you are not sure where Baba has gone then that is the answer: He is residing in the heart. But those who did not understand Baba’s hint felt that He went to some far distant heavenly abode in the sky so they started their dogmatic mahaprayan observance. 

It is rightly said that it is not easy to understand the words of Guru. It can only happen with His grace alone. Baba, Your liila is unfathomable. All bhaktas know and feel that You, Baba, remain always in the heart - watching and showering Your blessing. Verily, You are there in good times, and save one in times of trouble.

In His Ananda Marga ideology, Baba has given the line:  "Vrnda'vanam parityajya pa'damekam na gaccha'mi..."

Meaning: I am always eternally present in Vrindavan, in the hearts of My bhaktas. That is Guru cakra. I do not go even a little away from that spot. I am eternally present along with my bhaktas in their heart. (1)

In Him,
Jyoti Dha’ra'

Note: The caretaker those days was Ac Akshayananda Avt. He was the one staying at Lake Gardens Baba quarters. 

1. Purport of Prabhat Samgiita #4425


Warning about plagiary

It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) The individual who steals gets degenerated and it sets a bad example in the social sphere.

3) It impedes social progress as others will not be inclined to pursue new and original work as they think that others will just steal it.

4) It breeds a society of lethargic people who will always wait for others to create something new. It is just like those who are lazy in the kitchen do not cook - just they wait for others to prepare food and then they steal it away and devour that food.

5) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way, with their own name etc. This is plagiary.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Increased duty of state to care for public

Prout philosophy states, “Each and every individual wants security from the state and the demand for security is always increasing. Increased responsibility means increased authority. In ancient times the only duty of the state was to protect people from internal and external chaos. Now, as a result of ever-increasing demands, the responsibility of the state has increased and its authority has also increased. In ancient times nobody demanded food or employment from the government. There were no strikes and no public meetings. Now people want the state to realize its responsibility, but they do not want it to interfere in any matter.”

“PROUT’s view is that we must not go against fundamental public interests or against the fundamental theory. The fundamental theory is that with increased responsibility the authority of the state should also increase, but while operating its authority the state should not go against public sentiments. The fundamental public interest is that the minimum requirements of life should be guaranteed.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Only way to help others

When one has bhakti they can solve all types of problems. And without bhakti, nothing is possible. Due to a lack of bhakti, some did far more harm than good when they tried to help the society. They created huge problems for the people. So bhakti is the key for success in any field or arena of life.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Devotion [to Parama Purusa] has tremendous power which neither knowledge nor action has. Rather people of knowledge, the jina’nis, have a subtle sense of vanity...So, if you can arouse devotion, then by coming in contact with you, thousands and thousands of people will attain real paramartha’ and spiritual salvation. That is, in order to attain liberation from the triple bondages– physical, psychic, and spiritual– you will have to attain paramartha’.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, The Importance of Society

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Glands, generosity, & cruelty are interconnected

Due to defects in their glands some people become cruel & dogmatic.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "If there is under-secretion of the hormones of the testes glands, a youth will develop less kindness, and less hair will grow in the armpits and pubic region. If you see a man with these physical characteristics, then and there you can come to a conclusion about the extent of his kindness. Moreover, such a person will most likely support dogma. He will not have the moral strength to protest against dogma (including scriptural dogma), and he will not support a new idea." (1)

Here above Ananda Marga ideology presents the glandular reason why people succumb to dogma. That may be why they cannot follow neo-humanism.

1. Yoga Psychology

== Section ==

ख़राब कर्म के लिए जिन के मन ज़िद रहता है, वे दुनिया के लिए भयङ्कर

“बीस शास्त्र में पण्डित बनने से, महामहोपाध्याय बनने से भगवान को कोई नहीं पाता है | अपढ़ जो क-ख, अलिफ़-बे-पे-ते, नहीं जानता है, वह भगवान को पा जाता है | तो, इसके लिए, जानते हो हर कर्म के लिए एक ज़िद की ज़रूरत होती है | अच्छे कर्म के लिए भी, ख़राब के लिए भी | ख़राब कर्म के लिए जिन के मन ज़िद रहता है, वे दुनिया के लिए भयङ्कर मनुष्य बन जाते हैं, terror बन जाते हैं | ठीक वैसा ही जिन्हें अच्छे कर्म के लिए ज़िद है, वे दुनिया के सम्पद बन जाते हैं | उनकी तरक्की कोई रोक नहीं सकता है | तो, परमपुरुष की प्राप्ति के लिए भी, इसी तरह का एक ज़िद रहना चाहिए—“मैं अवश्य पाऊँगा, पा कर रहूँगा”—काम हो जाएगा | तो, यह ज़िद, ज़िद चाहिए | तो, यह एक प्रकार का spiritual fanaticism, not religious fanaticism | Religious fanaticism ख़राब है, group बनता है | Spiritual fanaticism | “आदर्श के लिए मैं सब कुछ करूँगा—जीना, मरना, मेरे लिए समान है | मेरे लिए सबसे क़ीमती चीज़ है आदर्श |” तो, यही याद रखोगे कि इस तरह की एक ज़िद की ज़रूरत है | जो “अ” भी होता है, “ऐ” भी होता है, आगे भी चल सकते हैं, पीछे भी चल सकते हैं | खाएँ या नहीं खाएँ, करें या नहीं करें—इस प्रकार के द्विविधा-ग्रस्त जो मनुष्य है, उनसे बड़ा काम नहीं होता है | जीवन के किसी भी क्षेत्र में द्विविधा नहीं हो, किसी भी क्षेत्र में द्विविधा नहीं हो | जहाँ द्विविधा मन में आ गया, एक को रखो; दूसरे को लात मारकर हटा दो |
[“बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !”]
दो भावनाएँ जहाँ मन में हैं, एक भावना को पकड़कर रखो, उसके लिए मरो | और, दूसरी भावना जो है, या तीसरी या चौथी; लात मारकर जीवन की राह से हटा दो |
समझे तुम लोग ?
[मार्गी लोग—“जी !”]
इसी तरह का कट्टर मनुष्य बनो, पक्का मनुष्य बनो | कहा गया है न कि मनुष्य जीवन में एक व्रत, वह व्रत क्या है ? न, परमपुरुष की प्राप्ति, कोई दूसरा व्रत नहीं है जीवन में | व्रत एक ही है | और वह है—महाव्रत अर्थात्‌ परमपुरुष को पाना | यही है जीवन का व्रत, और कुछ मैं नहीं जानता हूँ | तो, इसके लिए वही बोले हैं कि एक रुहानी कट्टरपनी की ज़रूरत होती है | परमात्मा goal, परमपुरुष मेरा लक्ष्य है, कोई दूसरा लक्ष्य नहीं है | परमपुरुष को हम address करेंगे—एक शब्द से; दो शब्द से नहीं |”

[यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं]

1. 30 December 1970 Patna

== Section ==

हे परमपुरुष! बाबा, मैंने कभी सोचा भी नहीं था, कि इतनी कड़कड़ाती ठंड बरसाती हुई रात में, तुम मेरे दरवाज़े पर आओगे! 
(जो साधना का 6th पाठ नहीं करता, वह यह गाना नहीं समझ सकता ) 

"Bha'vi niko a'sbe tumi shiiter ra'te..." (Prabahat Samgiita #99)


हे परमपुरुष! बाबा, मैंने कभी सोचा भी नहीं था कि इतनी कड़कड़ाती ठंड बरसाती हुई रात में तुम मेरे दरवाज़े पर आओगे! तुम पास आ गये, पर मैंने तुम्हें और अधिक पास आने के लिये कहा ही नहीं ! बाहर दाॅंत कटकटाती शीत ऋतु की पवन का प्रवाह और भीतर से सभी दरवाजों की सिटकिनियाँ अच्छी तरह बंद था । बाबा,मैंने दरवाजा खोला ही नहीं और न ही तुम्हें घर के अंदर आ जाने को कहा! मेरे चेहरे की ओर देखकर तुम क्या कहना चाहते थे मुझे पता नहीं! एक बार भी मैंने तुमसे यह नहीं पूछा कि तुम क्या चाहते हो, जिसके कारण उस समय तुम्हारे मन में कष्ट हुआ। बाबा, मेरे द्वारा उपेक्षित , रास्ते में ठंडी वायु की प्रचंडता की परवाह न करते हुए तुम अकेले दूर चले गए क्योंकि एक बार भी मैंने तुमसे यह नहीं कहा कि घर के अंदर आओ, ओह! कितना… दुर्भाग्य मेरा …?


सहिष्णुता और सहृदयता जैसे मानवीय व्यवहार से दूर रहने वाले को पछताने के अलावा कुछ नहीं मिलता।

== Section ==

The light of sadhana shall dispel the thick darkness - Ananda Vanii #39

“However dense the cimmerian darkness may be, the crimson dawn must follow. The fiends of hell may burst out in loud laughter, but all must fade in the void with the sunrise. The light of sádhaná shall dispel the thick darkness, notwithstanding the night of the pangs of humanity. Sunshine is destined in human life.”

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section 2: Links ==

Saḿskrta & human unity + 4 more

Saḿskrta & human unity


Those familiar with Baba's pravacans know that the explanation of Saḿskrta / Sanskrit words is a key element of His discourses. Most every discourse is centered around either a Saḿskrta word or a Saḿskrta shloka. One can pick up any Ananda Marga book and randomly open to any discourse and corroborate this idea. Baba has given example after example how old Saḿskrta / Vedic is the mother of all Indo-European languages, as well as Southeast Asian languages, and related to most spoken tongues of the world. This fact He has emphasized and reiterated throughout His teachings.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If Saḿskrta is used human unity will be encouraged and human beings will move closer together. See how sweet the link is between Vedic, Saḿskrta and the other classical languages of the world? So you should encourage the study of Saḿskrta." (1)

Here the chief point is that if people from various language backgrounds come to know that their mother tongue is related with old Saḿskrta, then they will embrace this and forget all external differences. Saḿskrta is a unifying force because of its universal quality. Baba has given a special place to Saḿskrta, as it will help heal the wounds of humanity and bring about a brighter human society.

Concrete proof of Saḿskrta’s link

Next, the below teaching stands as concrete and irrefutable proof of the deep and dynamic link Saḿskrta has with so many languages. Basically, Baba is telling that Vedic Saḿskrta is the starting point or the top of the pyramid. And from that came two languages: (1) Prakrta & (2) Latin. And from Prakrta came about 98% of the languages of India. So Prakrta, which is a descendent of Vedic Saḿskrta, has many, many daughters and granddaughters such as Magahii, Bhojpuri, Oriya, Bengali, Gujurati, Hindi etc. And from Latin there came two distinct groups (a) Oriento-demi & (b) Occidental demi. The former led to the formation of French and Italian and the latter resulted in Spanish and Portuguese. Thus Vedic Saḿskrta is the starting point of so many of the world's languages.

Baba spoke about this while in Valencia, Spain on 30 May '79 because He wanted Spanish and overseas margiis to know that Vedic Saḿskrta is the grandmother of their native language(s).

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The Saḿskrta language was spoken by the Aryan people from 15,000 years [ago] to last 5,000 years [ago], for a long range of 10,000 years, and Pra'krta from 5,000 years [ago] to 2,000 years [ago], that is, for a period of about 3,000 years. During Lord Buddha’s period, distorted Pra'krta was the common mass language, that is, the people’s language. In the later Saḿskrta, you may say hemi-Saḿskrta – it’s another sister, that is a daughter of Vedic Saḿskrta, old Saḿskrta, was Latin. And Latin has got two offshoots: one is Oriento-demi-Latin, and the other Occidento-demi-Latin. Oriento-demi-Latin languages are French and Italian, and Occidento-demi-Latin are Spanish and Portuguese. Latin was the source. Similarly in Lord Buddha’s time the language was hemi-Prakrta." (2)

Old Saḿskrta is the mother of all...

Next Baba clearly tells how Saḿskrta is the mother of most Asian languages as well.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Saḿskrta is a classical subject as well as an ancient language. It is the mother of all the mother languages of South Asia and Southeast Asia." (3)

Saḿskrta is one very special unifying language that is related with so many major and minor language groups of the world. So it is an essential element for creating human unity and indeed it is for this very reason that Baba has given us all Sanskrit names.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "At the time of initiation or shortly afterwards, those who do not have a Sanskrit name should be given one by the a'ca'rya/a'." (4)

Saḿskrta holds a tremendous place in both our AM and global societies. It is the linking point among all.



Baba has focused on Sanskrit grammar and erudition in so many books starting with “Shrii Prabhat Ranjain's Sarkar's Grammar Book” (parts 1-3). This is an edition that totals thousands of pages. Thereafter, Baba gave His books: Varna Vijiana, Varna Vicitra, and Shabda Cayanika-- in that order. All these publications focus on Saḿskrta and its relation with the various languages of the globe. Through it all, Baba is explaining Saḿskrta grammar, relating it with other languages, and creating new vocabulary so that Sanskrit can be used everywhere around the globe. And verily this is already happening as words like Guru, dharma, mantra,  karma, and so many others have been incorporated into languages all over the globe. The greater use of the Saḿskrta language, the better it will be for the flowering of our universal human family.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If Saḿskrta is used human unity will be encouraged and human beings will move closer together. See how sweet the link is between Vedic, Saḿskrta and the other classical languages of the world? So you should encourage the study of Saḿskrta." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "A perfect state of balance will be established between individuals and the collectivity, and between the collectivity and the Cosmos." (6)

In Him, 

~ In-depth study ~

Here below is the correct version of the para from the discourse "Lord Buddha's Cardinal Principles". May 30 1979. In this below para, Baba explains that Latin is the daughter of Saḿskrta:

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The Saḿskrta language was spoken by the Aryan people from 15,000 years [ago] to last 5,000 years [ago], for a long range of 10,000 years, and Pra'krta from 5,000 years [ago] to 2,000 years [ago], that is, for a period of about 3,000 years. During Lord Buddha’s period, distorted Pra'krta was the common mass language, that is, the people’s language. In the later Saḿskrta, you may say hemi-Saḿskrta – it’s another sister, that is a daughter of Vedic Saḿskrta, old Saḿskrta, was Latin. And Latin has got two offshoots: one is Oriento-demi-Latin, and the other Occidento-demi-Latin. Oriento-demi-Latin languages are French and Italian, and Occidento-demi-Latin are Spanish and Portuguese. Latin was the source. Similarly in Lord Buddha’s time the language was hemi-Prakrta." (7) 


Here is a graph of the language tree given by Baba to make the matter very clear:

Screen Shot 2017-09-05 at 10.40.26 PM.png


Seen from another view:

Vaidik Saḿskrtam -> two daughters (Pra'krta & Latin).

Latin -> two daughters (Oriento-demi-Latin & Occidento-demi-Latin).

Oriento-demi-Latin -> two daughters (French & Italian).
Occidento-demi-Latin -> two daughters (Spanish & Portuguese).

Saḿskrta is the root of so many Arabic & Middle-Eastern words.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Silik in Arabic means 'fine fibre'. The fine fibres that came to Bengal from China were given the Sanskrit name ciina'm'shuka. This cinna'm'shuka was given the Farsi name resham and the Arabic name silk. Arab merchants used to export this cinna'm'shuka to the markets of Europe. When they were heard saying the Arabic word in Europe, cinna'm'shuka became 'silk' with the help of a little fault pronunciation." (8)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, The Significance of Language
2. Valencia, V12-28, Spain 30 May '79 EGD
3. Prout in Nutshell-17, The Evolution of Indian Languages
4. Varńa Vijiṋána, Phonetics, Prefixes and Suffixes (Discourse 5)
5. Caryacarya - 1
6. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, The Significance of Language
7. A Few Problems Solved  - 8, Pramá – 1 / Dynamic Equilibrium and Equipoise
8. Valencia, V12-28, Spain 30 May '79 EGD

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I felt utterly powerless & called You

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This below song describes the scene just prior to and during the divine advent of Parama Purusa. Those days the whole humanity was being exploited, tortured, and choked. In response, right-thinking people tried to solve the problems; but, they could not get victory over those wicked, demonic forces. That is why they began desperately calling for that Divine Entity - Parama Purusa - to come immediately and rescue them from those demons and establish dharma. This song is the expression of the heart of those bhaktas when they were desperately crying for His help. Upon hearing their call, Parama Purusa Baba takes advent as the Taraka Brahma; He then creates a tremendous psycho-spiritual vibration whereby all the problems are resolved. In the very near future, in the coming hours and days, we will see this manifest in the physical sphere.

"Duhkhe kleshe kátar hoye, d́eke chilum báre báre..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3290)


O’ my Parama Purusa, due to extreme suffering and misery, helplessly I cried out for You again and again in desperation. But You did not give any response, as if You were deaf. Why did You ignore my call. By seeing the plight of suffering humanity, I felt utterly powerless and called You to come and re-establish dharma in its proper place, my Prabhu.

O’ Divine Entity, due to injustice, oppression, and torture, their golden dreams withered away; everyone crying loudly. They wanted to remove the dogma of caste, creed, and racial differences, and establish one human society. But those demons in human form were creating havoc all around. The righteous people were harassed  and beleaguered so they were wailing with loud lamentations. The situation was bleak. 

O’ my Parama Purusa, Baba, in the end, You came in the form of Rudra. You burned the devilness with intense fire and the thundering sound of Your viśáńa. You instilled bhagavad dharma on this earth. All the sinners were destroyed. You saved humanity from the vileness of those demons and spread Your brilliant refulgence of bhakti. You inundated this whole creation with Your love. People realised the importance of human life; they understood it is not for carnal satisfaction, but for supreme fulfillment. Everybody’s eyes were opened. You are so gracious, You are the Saviour...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3290:

[1] Rudra: Parama Purusa has many forms - one of which is rudra, meaning horrible or terrible. This is when He punishes wrongdoers of their sins and forces them to mend their ways. That is one key aspect of rudra and that is how the role of Parama Purusa is depicted in this song. Another meaning of Rudra is when He blesses someone with overwhelming joy and in that blissful state they cry. So one of the countless names of Parama Purusa is Rudra wherein He makes others weep. The demonic forces get annihilated and cry out while the good people shed tears of joy - divinely intoxicated in His bliss. Here below it is explained furthermore.

  Ananda Marga ideology says, "Why call the Supreme Being 'Rudra'? The word Rudra in Sanskrit means 'weeping'. But the Supreme Being not only makes all weep, He also makes them laugh! In both the circumstances, that is, of extreme pain and pleasure, there are tears in the eyes. In pain the tears come from the middle of the eyes, in pleasure they come from the corners of the eyes. A mother weeps when her daughter goes to her in-laws' house. She also weeps when her daughter returns from the house of her in-laws. In one case she weeps for pain, in another she weeps for joy."
  "If living beings were to live in one state always, there would be extreme monotony and no one would want to continue life. If in a drama we know the end in the very beginning, there would be no interest in the play. We need suspense, ups-and-downs and eleventh-hour surprises to keep life interesting. God, that is, Rudra, is a first-class dramatist. He keeps life floating within the two extremes of joy and pain; hence His liila', His play, goes on." (1)

[2] Viśáńa: The literal meaning is horn - such as when a bugle is blown to call and inspire the masses. In the case of Ananda Marga, the viśáńa symbolises our tri-shastra the social, philosophical, and spiritual scriptures containing the teachings of Prout, neo-humanism, and all spiritual guidelines. By coming in contact with Ananda Marga philosophy, people awaken, rise up, fight against dogma, and establish dharma, by His grace.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 25, Rudra

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Is this a lady?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Parama Puruśa is the only real entity, the only absolute entity. The further the jiivas move towards Parama Puruśa, the more elevated their minds become. When they reach a very subtle stage of elevation, their concentrated mind-stuff speeds towards Him with the one-pointedness of an arrow. Such a mentality is called Rádhá....What is Rádhá bháva? When devotees feel in their heart of hearts that their existence is meaningless without attaining Lord, that they cannot survive a single moment without feeling His blissful presence, they have attained the stage called Rádhá. Such devotees know nothing other than árádhaná [total mental absorption”]. (1)

Note: Some ignorant people think that Radha is a female of Vrindaban. But that is not true. 'A-grade' bhaktas are Radha, whether they are male or female or anyone.

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Vraja Krśńa and Sáḿkhya Philosophy (Discourse 7)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Before attending MPD read this

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In each and every action you will have to try to realize the Supreme Entity; then and only then will those actions not be binding. When you think He is here, He is nearer than here. He is so near that it is difficult to measure the distance. You search Him in the caves of the Himalayas and wander here and there and He is nowhere. But when you attain awareness of Him, you know that He was along with you in your search and that He was seated in your heart. He shares your joys and pains, as He is with you through thick and thin. He never leaves you even when all others have abandoned you.” (1)

Note: When the mind is influenced by avidya maya, a sadhaka may start thinking that, “Parama Purusa is not along with me.” In that depraved state, the mahaprayan dogma sprouts in the mind. Just as night and day cannot co-exist, similarly the mahaprayan dogma (i.e. “Parama Purusa is no more”) and the above the cited idea - that “Parama Purusa is always with me” - cannot co-exist. When a person keeps their mind pure with Brahmabhava then the mahaprayan dogma will not brood in their mind. To understand fully, please read the above quote again.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, God Is With You

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Human animal & dirty life style

Everywhere in the west the gay movement is gaining traction. That is why this following teaching is very important. There is no room for confusion about the stand of Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Love and passion are mutually antagonistic tendencies. The attachment for a finite thing is an expression of extroverted energy, whereas the attraction for the Infinite is an expression of the introverted energy. That is why these two can never co-exist. Therefore the aspirant has to skillfully to transform passion into love." (1)

Ananda Marga is the path of introversial movement towards the Supreme Entity; it is not the path of sensuality and lust. These two opposites cannot co-exist. They are mutually exclusive. Either one may goad their mind towards Parama Purusa, or they may indulge in animal propensities. There is no scope to do both.

That is why there is no option for leading a gay / homosexual lifestyle in Ananda Marga. Because a gay lifestyle is based on the baser propensities - sex for sex sake. Every dedicated Ananda Margii will easily grasp this point - it is just a matter of simple mathematics. Whereas, it is far more difficult for those goaded by those lower propensities to understand.  That is why it is said that until the mind reaches a particular level, one cannot assimilate the teachings of Ananda Marga ideology. Ananda Marga is for standard human beings not those with animal mind and human body.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Bhaktitattva

== Section 4: Links ==