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Monday, February 19, 2024

Story: my PC & AM books + 3 more

Story: my PC & AM books 


Here begins the story recounted by one margii…

By Baba's grace, I was initiated in 1963. A few years later in 1966, DMC was held in Nagpur. At the time, due to His pull of bhakti, I had a very strong desire to have Baba's personal contact. Numerous margiis had told me that Baba knows everything but I wanted to have my own first-hand experience of this. So this is what I planned to do: I decided that when Baba asks me anything, I will not answer until He asks me the question in my mother tongue. That was my plan. And I did not tell anybody about this. By that way I would be confirmed that Baba knows my thoughts and mother tongue.

Standing before Baba

As per the system, I waited in line for PC (personal contact). When my turn came, I entered Baba's room and immediately did sastaunga pranam. After a short while, I heard Baba say in a soft voice, "Get up, get up."

I got up and stood before Baba.

Baba asked me, "What is your name?"

I kept quiet because He spoke in English, not my mother tongue. That was my plan so I did not say anything. I just stood there. Although I understood English, I was waiting for Baba to speak to me in my mother tongue. That is why I was not responding. Then Baba asked me other questions - all in English. Still I did not respond. I continued to remain quiet.

Baba started smiling. Then in a very gracious and sweet way He began asking me those same questions in my mother tongue (Bundel Khandi). We talked together for a few minutes. I was so happy.

While in His presence, I was thinking, "Yes, Baba indeed knows everything. He spoke in my mother tongue which is not widely known; and, He understood my desire without my saying anything."  I also realised that those things about myself which only I knew and no one else knew, Baba also knew.

Baba points out my defects and asks,
"Are you reading AM books?"

On that same occasion of PC, Baba pointed out many of my mistakes, i.e. times I failed to adhere to Ananda Marga conduct rules. In follow-up, Baba inquired, "Are you reading Ananda Marga books?"

I replied, "No, Baba."

Then Baba told, It is very important to read our Ananda Marga books and study the discourses in order to practice those points on a day-to-day basis. Otherwise you will not know about those things, in which case how will you follow them in your practical life.

Previously, I was thinking just the opposite. I had heard from many sadhakas that bhakti is everything. So I had formed a very negative opinion about jinana (knowledge) and thought that there was no need to review and study Ananda Marga books. Because of this defective mentality, I had no idea about those conduct rules and teachings; therefore, Baba had to point out my mistakes.

Baba then explained, "It takes a lot of effort to bring these books in printed form. So much time and energy are invested, yet you are not reading them. That is why you do not even know the basic dos and don'ts of life."

At that point, I realised that reading Ananda Marga books is highly important and mentally I took the firm determination to study all of the Ananda Marga literature. Due to my lack of knowledge of Ananda Marga ideals and conduct, I was not aware about right and wrong, virtue and vice, as described in various publications and literature. I was not following those codes properly and thus committed sin and acquired negative samsakaras. For the requital of my sins, Baba punished me for my wrongdoings, and I accepted. Afterwards, I felt completely light and blissful, by His grace.


Reading Ananda Marga books is invaluable and necessary for every Ananda Margii. Due to a lack of knowledge of Ananda Marga ideals, some margiis and Wts preach dogma unknowingly.

At His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

Relation with Sadguru

Baba then asked me, "Who is your father?"

I replied that …. is my father.

Baba told me, "Mr.… is your worldly father.”

Baba continued, “I am asking about your spiritual Father.”

Hearing this, I remained quiet; I did not know the answer.

Then after some time, Baba smiled and blessed: “I am your Father - not only for this life but up to eternity."

Then Baba graced me and I felt His sweet touch in every cell and pore of my existence. Still today I cannot forget His proximity, guidance, and love. Even now when I think about this it gives me goosebumps. Since that time I became very regular in studying Baba's books so I could best adhere to and propagate the principles of Ananda Marga. I also realised that those things about me which only I knew and no one else knew, Baba also knew. Indeed Baba knows everything and He loves me very much.

Baba is still present

A few people think that Baba is the subject of history and believe they lost their opportunity to communicate with Him directly or personally. They think that the opportunity to be with Baba has passed. Indeed such persons feel that the privilege is gone and Baba is no longer accessible. They think that they cannot have His proximity and can only talk about His greatness. Thinking thus, they feel sad. Those who think in such a manner are mistaken. They could not realise that Baba is Parama Purusa and He remains with everyone always.

As Baba is Parama Purusa - His existence is beyond time. Now, even in this very moment, you can have His grace and serve Him. You can do anything that bhaktas have done in the past. So one should not feel and say with a deep sigh that, "Those days are gone and it is now impossible to have His close proximity." Instead, remember that Baba is always with you - now, in the future, always.

Bhaktas realise this divine truth and others do not. If you want to say something to Him then say it mentally - there is no need even for vocal chords. If you say or ask mentally, He listens. His ears are ready to listen. If you want to offer something, His hand is ready to receive. If you want to do pranam - go ahead. He will receive your pranam.

In all the ways, Baba is present with you because Baba is that eternal Divine Entity, Parama Purusa.

About all these bhavas and their importance in the life of a bhakta, Baba has beautifully written about and described in Namami Krsnasundaram.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Brahma, the author of this vast cosmic imagination moves everywhere within the universe, His vast Macropsychic arena, with His mental feet. He catches all the objects of this universe with His all-pervasive mental hands. He is the intellect, the intuition and the witnessing faculty of the innumerable created objects and hence we can say that He has His all-pervasive mental heads. Similarly, as the witness of all the macropsychic entities, He has innumerable mental eyes; and to hear their words, spoken or secret, and every loud or soft sound, He has His all-pervasive ears. He exists surrounding all objects with His own identity. You can keep nothing secret or private from Him - He knows more about you than you know about yourself. Behind all His pervasive faculties of knowing, understanding and hearing lies His Macropsychic stance." (1)

Note: The above is the first-hand account of Shrii Vrajbasi Lal from Bhopal (MP) whereby he recounts his PC with Baba.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 6, Microcosm and Macrocosm


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

My life has some cause

“Tumi je diyecho náŕá jiivaner múle prabhu…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0558)


My Supreme Entity, Baba You have jolted / nudged the very core of my life and stirred the fundamental essence of my existence with Your tender touch. By Your grace, my heart has been completely transformed. Prabhu, how can I ever forget You - I cannot. Baba, for You alone, I have adorned and decorated everything with the essence of nectar and offered it at Your lotus feet.

Parama Purusa, before You secretly came into my heart I was lying listlessly in one remote corner, feeling completely neglected, sad, and depressed - nobody was talking or listening to me. Just I was mute and dumb - absorbed in my own sorrows. I had no voice and was wallowing in self-pity. That time, You stealthily came in the depths of my being and made me Yours. Your auspicious arrival in my life has some cause. Baba, You are giving me a jolt of spiritual energy each and every moment and drenching me in bhakti. It is Your krpa.

Baba, I was in sooty garments, in the midst of the world of heavenly refulgence. In that land, Your rhythm continuously resonates all thoughts and actions. In spite of that, in that place I never heard about or saw You. After waking up, I understood Your divine liila. My Supreme Guide, it is You who blessed me and brought me under Your care.

You have filled my heart with bliss….

== Section: More on plagiary ==

Please read and convey this to story thieves


Some thieves have been (a) stealing Baba stories from this network, (b) posing that it was their original writing (c) and printing in their publications, magazines, or ​ posting it to their Facebook account, or What's App, blog, Google +, Tumbler, or any other media profiles etc. This type of blatant thievery / plagiarism discourages bhaktas from writing new stories. Because those bhaktas think someone is going to steal their work. The fault here lies with only a few select people.

 Yet, even after repeated warnings they continue to indulge in stealing stories whenever the opportunity arises. They refuse to write new stories. Such lowly thieves don't care about yama and niyama, Sixteen Points, or the code of asteya (non-stealing). In DMS and large gatherings etc, such story thieves would steal others belongings and chapels (sandals) as well. You might have encountered this. They wait for large gatherings and procure shoes and chapels for the whole year. By this way they become shoe thieves. And others suffer. This especially happens at Ananda Nagar or any large Ananda Marga gathering, whenever the opportunity arises.

The tragic outcome is that there are thousands of bhaktas who have stories to tell but there is a dearth of writers. Yet time marches on, and sadly those bhaktas will leave this world and their stories will be gone forever.

Our humble request then is to be creative and write new stories. The sole motivation is to publish the maximum amount of Baba stories. Everyone should work hard and try to contribute original material in this respect. All unpublished stories should be written.

In addition, by following this code then fake stories will not be circulated as everyone will be responsible for demonstrating the authenticity of each story.

Thank you for abiding by this ethic and code that is both today's international standard as well as Baba's given system. Again, it is our formal request not to plagiarise this story or any published writing on this network.

So please do not circulate any letter or story letter on any other network without keeping the full and complete letter including the header, signature, and all related notes and references. In addition, it would be proper to introduce the letter as "Courtesy of Ananda Marga Universal". Then everyone will clearly understand from where you got the letter. This is the accepted standard.

Baba says, "It is not possible to guide others with mere cheap, superficial knowledge, like a half-baked pandit who reads a half-a-dozen books and then spouts a few mouthfuls of grandiloquence, and who has obtained a doctorate by plagiarizing others’ works. " (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section 3: Links ==