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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Three monkeys & dead teachings + 3 more


Three monkeys & dead teachings


Wherever Gandhi went, he would keep three monkey-dolls along with him in his bag. And at his speeches and seminars etc, he would put them on display. 

About these three monkeys

M.K. Gandhi used to place these monkeys on the table in front of all to signify:

1. Monkey: symbol of “Do not hear anybody’s criticism or point out others’ misdeeds.”
2. Monkey: symbol of “Do not complain or point out anybody’s wrongdoing.”
3. Monkey: symbol of “Do not see anybody’s wrongdoings.”

Utopia: Exploiters' hearts will melt

M.K. Gandhi says that when people are exploiting you, you should just keep mum like the three monkeys, and in due course the hearts of those exploiters will melt, and they will refrain from doing their nefarious misdeeds and peace will be achieved. Still today, some propagate this ill-conceived Gandhian philosophy. 

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout, wholly condemns this defective notion. According to Prout philosophy, one should boldly raise the call against all exploitation. Whereas, Gandhi ji’s allegorical mute monkey (see the left one in the picture below) symbolizes keeping mum in the face of wrongdoing. This is an inherently flawed approach.

In Ánanda Marga ideology, there is no room for the passive approach advocated by Gandhi; indeed, keeping mum like the mute monkey only gives greater scope for the exploiters to continue their exploitation. Prout philosophy teaches us that we must speak out and actively fight against exploitation. The only way we can help the economically destitute people or the exploited masses of the world is by fighting against the exploiters who keep them suppressed. So all three of Gandhi’s monkey theories are harmful and bogus.

Prout philosophy states, “In nearly all countries of the world economically privileged or advanced groups are mercilessly exploiting other economically backward groups and sucking their vitality, gagging their voice and closing all the doors of their future progress. To overcome this tyranny and exploitation, movements will have to be launched for those suppressed people so that they can stride boldly forward, fight against all exploitation and attain economic independence. Nobody can deny the need of such an approach, of such movements, because such an approach is truly humanistic. If such an approach is not adopted, it will be something unnatural and anti-human. In fact, to oppose such movements amounts to working as an agent to protect the interests of the exploitative and reactionary forces.” (1)

The teaching of PROUT opposes Gandhism. The Gandhian philosophy of the three monkeys is outdated and misguides society.

Prout philosophy guides us, “The philosophy of Gandhi died before India got independence – it died long before Gandhi died.” (2) 

Peace is the outcome of struggle

A narrative that runs in many quarters of modern so-called society is to remain mum or quiet in order to avoid disputes and bear exploitation. This is a highly objectionable way of thinking and goes against the very fabric of Ánanda Márga which is based on the principle of tantric struggle for an all round development of humankind. Struggle is a must to uproot social evil. Even though the path of struggle to uproot social evil may be tumultuous and full of disputes, the end result is peaceful.

A tireless struggle against poverty which is caused by economic exploitation is an example of a fight that is required for establishing peace. Poverty directly affects the existence of people and causes a bondage in the physical sphere which prevents their further progress in the psychic and spiritual spheres. Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has given the teachings of PROUT to wage a war against economic exploitation.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar guides us, “PROUT always stands for the cause of exploited people, irrespective of race, nation, religion etc., and always opposes all types of exploitation. But as poverty is the main problem in the world today, PROUT gives top priority to opposing economic exploitation, as this affects the livelihood and existence of the people.” (3)

The teaching of PROUT opposes Gandhism. The Gandhian philosophy of the three monkeys is outdated and misguides society.

Fight against exploitation

In the following teaching, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar supports the fight against exploitation for the establishment of peace in the world. He teaches us to launch a global fight against exploitation.

Prout philosophy says, “To solve this problem and other pressing socio-economic problems, popular movements based on anti-exploitation and universal sentiments should be launched throughout the world. Such movements should oppose all forms of economic, psychic, cultural and psycho-economic exploitation. In addition they should undertake appropriate practical programs to enhance the all-round welfare of the people.” (4)

In essence, the guideline is to struggle and fight for the all-round progress of humans and thereby establish peace. Fight is needed for establishing peace. This fight is both essential and justified.

So the teachings of PROUT fully oppose Gandhism. The defective Gandhian philosophy of the three monkeys is outdated and misguides the society.

Goody-goodies are.... 

To appear pleasant by being inactive against injustice is certainly not a sign of a good person. If injustice is going on then one has to take a firm stand against the perpetrators regardless of whether one is liked by people or not for taking action against injustice.

Prout philosophy guides us, "The characteristic of good people is to fight against injustice, to firmly adhere to truth and righteousness, to protect the helpless and fight against all evil persons. Those who are merely simple and are of a meek and goody-goody nature are not good people." (5)

The teaching of PROUT opposes Gandhism. The Gandhian philosophy of the three monkeys is outdated and misguides society.

Whether a person is good or not is decided based upon the capability and willingness of the person to unconditionally lead other people towards their welfare or kalyáńa. If a person tries to please others but does not have willingness to guide others then that person cannot be called good. Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar calls such people who act pleasantly, but do not have the welfare of others in their mind as goody-goodies.

Ánanda Márga ideology states, "We cannot call people 'good' if they cannot lead people of all walks of life towards welfare. We can call them 'goody-goodies' but not good people. Those who are truly good people will move bravely forward and provide inspiration and strength to those mute masses to fight against all kinds of obstacles, and give a clarion call to them to march ahead." (6)


Prout’s teaching is that one should fight tooth and nail against injustice. That is the only way to bring true peace and welfare in society. Those cowardly goody-goodies who avoid struggle and conflict can never do anything of value in the world. Under their watch, exploitation will be the rule of the day.

In Him,

So the teachings of PROUT strongly condemn Gandhism. The defective Gandhian philosophy of the three monkeys is outdated and misguides society.

M.K. Gandhi says that when people are exploiting you, then, you should just keep mum like the three monkeys, and in due course the exploiters' heart will melt and they will leave their exploitation.  And in this way peace will be maintained. So some propagate this Gandhian philosophy. But Bábá says otherwise. Gandhiji’s allegorical mute monkey (see the first one on the left in the picture below) symbolizes quietness for avoiding disputes. This is a thoroughly wrong teaching.

1. Prout in a Nutshell Part 13, Socio-Economic Movements
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Defects of Communism – Excerpt C
3. Prout in a Nutshell Part 13, Socio-Economic Movements
4. Prout in a Nutshell Part 13, Socio-Economic Movements
5. A Few Problems Solved, Part 5 - Shrávańii Púrńimá
6. Serve the Supreme by Kiirtana, May 17, 1982

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

NMV: tragic demise of our Wts

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who were decent human beings and deeply spiritual, and used to collect money for a noble cause, but in the process of fund raising forgot Parama Puruśa and attached greater importance to their fund raising at the cost of Parama Puruśa – that is, they remembered Parama Puruśa as part of dharma sádhaná and collected money for a great cause, and although Parama Puruśa was the goal collecting money became the dominant desire – attain the state of yakśa devayoni after their demise. In feminine gender, yakśa becomes yakś the dominant spiritual sentiment became secondary, they are negative microvita.” (1)

Note: Some margiis and Wts collect money for various projects. By involving in the project they think about money, money, and money. And they forget Parama Purusa. In consequence, they become negative microvita. That is what is explained above. 

To save oneself from this tragedy, money collectors should think, “This project is not my project. I am working for Parama Purusa Baba. It is His project and my duty is to serve Him. That is why I am doing A to Z.” With this type of thinking, the mind will not get degenerated by focusing on money, and they will get salvation.  

So one way of thinking makes the Wt turn into negative microvita and another way of thinking helps that sadhaka attain ultimate salvation. 

1. Microvitum in a Nutshell - Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Chicanery of party politics

Prout philosophy states, “The common people can be temporarily bewildered by the chicanery of party politics, and this is especially so when politicians happen to be good orators. By the power of their oratory, politicians try to escape from the consequences of their misdeeds. It is noticeable that politicians, to further their party interests and to enhance their individual power and position, do not hesitate even to cause suffering to millions of people. Perhaps, out of a sense of duty, the common people should impeach (in a court of justice) culpable politicians. By merely delivering a few fiery lectures before less intelligent common people, the protagonists of party politics tear apart all the hopes and aspirations of the common people and undermine their prosperity. Various bizarre ideas jumble the minds of the common people, and they become dumbstruck.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #29

Science destroying civilization - how? + 3 more


Science destroying civilization - how?


Today's world is in a dire situation. One of the main causes is the imbalanced relationship between science and civilization. That is why the Propounder of Prout, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, has issued a grave warning: If the relationship between science and civilization is not addressed - our civilization will be no more.

So first one should understand what is meant by “civilized” and then we can apply that understanding to the right use of science. In essence, when a person’s actions are supported by logic and rationality, then in that sphere of life they are civilised.

Prout philosophy guides us, "We may call those human acts and behaviour civilized that give evidence of this discriminative judgement, in a great measure." (1)

For instance, if a person is smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco, then that action is uncivilized because it is not supported by rationality and logic. When a person understands the negative repercussions of smoking, then they will refrain from that act. And this same theorem should be applied to the use of science. As a humanity, our use of science should be supported by logic and rationality. Then that use of science will be civilized.

Prout supports science

It is important to note that the teachings of Prout are in favour of the use and development of science.

Prout philosophy says, "It is evident that those who criticize science in reality want to turn the onward current of the Ganges backwards towards it source, which totally contradicts the principles of dynamics." (2)

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar firmly guides us that the right use of science is a requirement for the growth and sustenance of a healthy human society. That means science must be used in a civilised manner, whereby those scientific inventions are supported by logic, reasoning, and rationality. For instance if science is used to develop a cure for cancer, or to make prosthetic limbs, or for clean energy then that is proper. Those scientific advancements are civilised as they are logical and rational and serve humanity.

Unfortunately, nowadays when materialism and capitalism are at an all-time high, and science is misused leading to the degradation of humanity. For instance, special machines are designed for the heightened production of cocaine, heroin, and other addictive and dangerous narcotics. Those vices cause untold harm to humanity.
Similarly, science is also used for pornography, sex robots, electronic cigarettes, vaping supplies, and synthetic opioids etc. These are all clear-cut evidences how the misuse of scientific advancement is undermining our society.

Yet, at the same time, social problems like disease, starvation, homelessness, poor schools, etc are rampant and systemic problems in nearly every part of the world. The rational use of science would be to use technological advancements to alleviate these societal ills. Instead, science is mostly used to promote vices like gambling, sensualized cinema, and new alcoholic beverages. And then science is also being used for chemical warfare and other inherently malevolent motives. Such approaches are not supported by rationality so they are uncivilised.

Wielders of science are the problem

Here we must bear in mind that science itself is not the problem, but it is the wielders of science who are at fault. They are using science in ways that are not supported by logic and rationality.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "There is no fault in the development of science. Time is also not to blame. The fault rests with us. Science does not tell us to use nuclear energy in destructive ways. To do so is to use science to establish our animality." (3)

And that takes expression in numerous respects. Whether it be emitting toxins into the air, filling the earth with garbage, where civilization is lacking, then the misuse of science comes to the fore, and society falls. This is the pattern. And that is why that same problem that led to the downfall of Egypt and Greece is knocking on our doorstep today. In the below teaching, the phrase “did not supersede” means that up to that time science was still guided by rationality, but as soon as that rationality was lost and science was unchecked then those countries met their demise.

Prout philosophy says, "Take, for instance, the history of Egypt and Greece. So long as the scientific progress of these two countries did not supersede civilization, civilization prospered very well. But when the ingredients of enjoyment grew up in abundance, the civilization of both countries got destroyed, because science had occupied a higher position than civilization." (4)

The situation facing us now is dire. There is no shortage of evidence which shows that science is being misused. When this happens, the very existence of that society is threatened.

Ways science used to degrade humanity nowadays

Here are some prevalent ways in materialistic societies that people are losing their humanity due to the misuse of science:
(A) Gambling machines: scientific invention to entice people to gamble and make vice a force in society.
(B) Sex robots and dolls impose lustful, degenerative values on a society riddled by lust and sensuality. 
(C) Synthetic opioids are highly addictive drugs that are incredibly strong and have led to countless deaths. 
(D) Degrading, violent, and harmful movies & video games pushes the mind toward sensual or abhorrent activities, especially impressionable youths.
(E) Creating debased products / pseudo-culture etc that are against the public welfare
(F) Adulteration of food: adding synthetics or chemicals to ruin the integrity of food.
(G) Chemical warfare / agent orange: Making noxious poisons in the lab solely to harm others.
(H) Electronic gadgets & crude phone apps for alluring baser propensities
(I) Nerve agents to injure & kill people
(J) Medical drugs specifically created and tested to keep the patient sick and addicted, not cured
(K) Machines / products intentionally designed to wear out quickly or become outdated so consumers are forced to spend more money to buy a new one.
(L) Computer codes to bypass safety and pollution tests for cars etc
(M) Harm animals for food production by adversely affecting their glands such as keeping cows in a perpetual state of lactation etc.
(N) Creation of hormones to lure and attract animals towards a particular spot where hunters await and kill them
(O) Bumpstock to turn a gun into an AK-47 type of automatic assault firearm for mass murder
(P) Introduction and production of wide-ranging items that are harmful to bodily health and mind

The above is a short list of ways science is misused nowadays. The aforementioned items indicate how science is employed without the support of rationality and logic, thereby leading to the harm, degradation, and destruction of humanity. 

Solution: moral review of science

The question then is, how to escape this predicament. One of the best ways is to implement restrictions and stipulations regarding the use of science. Just as we have child safety regulations and laws regarding the use of the internet by minors, we should have similar rules in place to ensure the use of science is supported by logic and rationality. A board is needed that aims to promote science for the welfare of society. Just as parents create guidelines aimed for the welfare of the child, similarly we need benefactors at the helm who can create guidelines for the use of science. That will be a big boon for our human family.

A society that is able to bring science into sentient use will bring happiness and welfare to all: Sarvajanahita'rtham' sarvajanasukha'rtham'. Then science will be used to wipe out disease, minimize our toiling in mundane affairs and grant us lots of time for higher pursuits like the fine arts and sadhana. That is Prout’s vision for the use of science.

Thus science itself is not antithetical to the development of our human society. Rather it is an integral component. Without science we will be forever stuck in the dark ages. When the high advancement of science is guided by rationality, then that will be a great era for humanity.


Prout philosophy teaches us that science is very important. But science should be controlled by rational and moral people. Science should not be misused in harming others, self-indulgences, or anything which is detrimental and dangerous for the society. That type of research and development should be prohibited. But, unfortunately, nowadays science is misused. In so-called developed countries human beings are destroying themselves.

In so-called advanced, materialistic nations, science is used to harm oneself or others. This leads to serious problems: drug addiction, mental disease, sexual indulgence, pseudo-culture, and other negative habits. By this way the whole society is surging headlong towards self-destruction. The key point is that science should be controlled by moralists whereby the use of science is grounded in rationality.

In Him, 

~ In-depth study ~

The cause of today's precarious situation is that the advancement of science has outpaced the development of civilisation. Then science will invariably propel us forward and not into the depths of degradation and destruction as is now happening.

Prout philosophy guides us, "For the sake of human progress, scientific research must always be encouraged, but it is desirable that it should be carried out under the supervision of sadvipras." (5)

Prout philosophy says, "Science should be just like art: science for service and beatitude. Art for service and beatitude, I said; and now I say, science is also for service and beatitude. Science should always be utilized for the proper progress of human society." (6)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Synthesis and Analysis
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 2, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Synthesis and Analysis
6. Prout in a Nutshell - 9, Renaissance in All the Strata of Life

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Granting liberation

“Mor maner kathát́i tumi jáno, maner bhiitare lukiye rayecho…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4902)


Parama Purusa, with Your vast Cosmic mind You know each and every thing about me: not only what I do, but what I think also. While hiding in my heart and mind, You go on playing Your divine flute, non-stop.

In your vast mind, there are countless created beings: some white, some black, and all jump and dance in Your rhythm around You. You push some away, and pull others close, granting them a human body and, ultimately, liberation. 

My dearmost, my Beloved, Baba You are the jewel of my mental abode. Please don’t remain forgetful about me. I request You to remain along with me all the time, always taking care. Kindly accept my only plea: appear in my mind in Your most attractive mohan form and remain eternally refulgent with Your sweet attraction. Bless me so I can see Your exquisite form in my heart and mind, incessantly. Only this request of mine, please accept…..

Baba, You are my innermost…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

History of ancient, traditional medicines

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Different kinds of metals and non-metals have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Gold, silver, tin and mercury especially have been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes. The famous Ayurvedic medicine makaradhvaja is prepared from a combination of mercury and sulphide. There is no dearth of medicines produced from calcium in homeopathy, allopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, whatever system it may be. Medicines produced from the conch shell, which have generated excitement since ancient times, are actually nothing but calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide."
   "The value of the principle shama samaḿ shamayati [similia similibus curantue – “like cures like”] has been understood by human beings since the age of the Mahábhárata, but it was Mahatma Hahnemann who brought it to the scientific level through his system of homeopathy. People realized the value of this principle during the Mahábhárata age from the poison treatment of the poisoned Bhiima. There were considerable advances in Ayurveda in poison research, especially with snake, scorpion, spider and hornet poisons. Within Ayurveda, members of the royal family of Cochin in the state of Kerala were pioneers in this. At one time there was a good deal of individual research into poison treatments. My maternal grandfather, the late Dr. U. M. Basu (allopath) conducted research into the medicinal use of scorpion poison, but he died before his research findings could be properly documented. The science of allopathy does not seem to have made much progress in these treatments, but there are endless opportunities for making progress in this respect." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Not harmful criticism but seeing bright side

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Sulocana” means the man who only sees the bright side of everything, only the positive qualities, only the good side, and not the bad side. Such a person never supports any sort of destructive criticism, rather always constructive criticism. The person who always sees the good side of everything, is “Sulocana” in [the] masculine; in [the] feminine it will be “Sulocaná”. One "a" is to be suffixed to the word.” (1)

In His above guideline, Baba equates “seeing the bright side” with constructive criticism. That means if anyone points out the problem in order to make the situation better, then they are “seeing the bright side.”

For instance, suppose sadhaka X contravenes the code of conduct and indulges in negative things. If sadhaka B points out the problem with the aim of raising the standard of sadhaka X, then sadhaka B is “seeing the bright side”.

All too often some are confused about this. One should know that when pointing out is done in a constructive manner then it is a positive approach. Then they are “seeing the bright side.”

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, One Should Know Everything