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Monday, January 15, 2024

Looting: brain drain + 3 more

Looting: brain drain


One of the main ways capitalists carry out their exploitation is through a phenomenon known as the "brain drain." Essentially, capitalists entice the top students, and the most talented and educated youths from abroad, to come to work in their land. Since the end of World War II, the US has taken the lead in this - drawing the most intelligent from around the world to come and work for US companies. Those new arrivals from afar become a cog in the machine and an integral component for the growth of US corporations. However, this type of schema absolutely ravishes those other nations.

Brain drain: how US exploit poor countries

From the time a baby is born to the time that child reaches 20 - 25 years of age, parents, local communities, and national governments spend huge amounts of money in raising that child. Medical care, education, social programs, special events and day-to-day needs are big expenditures. And this is multiplied in economically poorer nations where government programs bear the brunt of the costs.

Finally by the age of 22 or 25, the child has become a well-trained young adult who can give back to the community by becoming a productive and effective part of the workforce (professor, doctor, engineer etc).

Yet in the brain drain model, the most talented of those youths go overseas - and often to the US. The departure or evacuation of those youths from African nations, India, SE Asia and the Middle East etc has a staggering and crippling effect on those regions.

Those nations have spent huge sums raising that child and in return they get nothing. The big winner is the US or other capitalist nations that get talented and intelligent workers free of cost. They make no investment and get a grand commodity for their business, or university, or medical industry etc.

US benefits from brain gain but disaster for others

For the last half-century or more, the US has reaped tremendous benefits. A large percentage of their educated workers come free of cost from overseas lands.

Invariably all those engineers, scientists, and computer programmers etc fuel the rise of US corporations. Google has publicly gone on record to say that their success is due in large part to foreign workers - verily one of the founders of Google is himself foreign born. And all of Silicon Valley (California) is full of talented people born and educated in other lands.

So the brain drain is a windfall or boon for US companies and an absolute disaster for other lands.

PROUTistic solution to brain drain

The solution to this problem is two-fold.

Prout philosophy states, "If the common people and the meritorious people are treated as the same, the capable people will not be encouraged to develop their higher potentiality. This is the reason why the brain drain is happening in India...Providing special amenities for those with special capabilities will stop the brain drain." (1)

Firstly, steps must be enacted to prevent capitalist corporations from luring talented students and graduates from other nations. And secondly, those developing nations must give reason and incentive for their intelligent youths to remain in their home country.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Special amenities for high calibre people

Prout philosophy states, “So what is the significance of this new approach?”

“1) Minimum requirements are to be guaranteed to all.”

“2) Special amenities are to be guaranteed to capable people. Special amenities are for people of special calibre as per the environmental condition of the particular age.”

“3) Maximum amenities are to be guaranteed to all, even to those who have no special qualities – to the common people of common calibre. Maximum amenities are to be guaranteed to all as per environmental conditions. These amenities are for those of ordinary calibre – the common people, the so-called downtrodden humanity.”

“4) All three above are never ending processes, and they will go on increasing according to the collective potentialities.”

“This appendix to our philosophy may be small, but it is of a progressive nature and a progressive character. It has far-reaching implications for the future. I hope you will realize its impact and all its potentialities.”  (2)

All guaranteed minimum requirements

Prout philosophy states, “PROUT’s approach is to guarantee the minimum requirements for all, guarantee maximum amenities for all and guarantee special amenities for people with special capabilities. This approach will ensure ever increasing acceleration in the socio-economic sphere. The question of retardation does not arise; even the question of maintaining speed does not arise. There must be acceleration. Acceleration is the spirit of life, the spirit of existence, the spirit of the existential faculty. One may not be a genius, one may simply be a member of the ordinary public, and not properly accepted or respected by all, but even then one will get the minimum requirements and maximum amenities in an ever increasing manner according to the environmental conditions concerned, according to the demands of the day.” (3)

1. Prout Nutshell - 17, Minimum Requirements and Maximum Amenities
2. Prout Nutshell - 17, Minimum Requirements and Maximum Amenities
3. Prout Nutshell - 17, Minimum Requirements and Maximum Amenities

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Confusion in Buddhism

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Regarding jiivátmá [unit consciousness], Buddha did not use the term jiivátmá or any such word, but he uttered one sentence, Attáhi attánaḿ natha. This sentence may have two meanings. One meaning is, “One is the lord of one’s own self,” and the other is, “Átman is the lord of átman.” The second meaning perhaps is more acceptable because in the Prákrta language the word appan is generally used to indicate one’s own self, while the word attá is mainly used in the sense of átman, or soul. Thus one cannot conclusively prove that Buddha did not accept the existence of átman; there is sufficient scope for controversy on this point." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Buddha clearly and firmly supported the doctrine of rebirth. In fact, no doctrine before him had placed as much stress on the theory of rebirth as his did. One who accepts the theory of rebirth is bound to accept the existence of átman also. If the átman is non-existent, then who will take rebirth?" (2)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 18
2. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 18

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

प्रभात संगीत: उच्च कोटि का भक्तिभाव

टिप्पणी- इस गीत में अत्यन्त गहरा भक्तिभाव प्रदर्शित  किया गया है जिसमें भक्त अपने प्रभु के प्रति अत्यधिक प्रेम प्रकट करता है। गहरे प्रेम की तीव्रता ही प्रभु को मन के पास लाती है। इस प्रकार की भावना के बिना परमपुरुष को नहीं पाया जा सकता। प्रेम की इस तीव्र भावना के द्रढ़ होने पर वह परमपुरुष के इतने निकट आ जाता है कि अन्ततः उन्हीं में मिल जाता है।यह ठीक उसी प्रकार है जैसे कोई शिशु  माॅं का साथ पाने के लिये जोर  से रोने लगता है जब तक कि वह उसे गोद में नहीं उठा लेती। साधक को अपने लक्ष्य परमपुरुष को पाने के लिये इसी प्रकार की तीव्र प्रेमभावना को ही जाग्रत करना पड़ता है।

Bhálobesechile, keno bolo, Prabhat Samgiita  # प्रभात संगीत  2014

हे परमपुरुष! तुमने अपनी कृपा से दिव्य प्रेम की वर्षा कर मुझे अपने निकट बुलाया । यह तुम्हारी लीला ही है कि अब मुझे तुम्हारी अत्यधिक याद सता रही है और तुम पास ही नहीं आ रहे हो। बाबा, बताओ तो! तुमने मुझे क्यों  इतना प्रेम दिया ? इस सबका क्या उपयोग जब तुम मेरी पकड़ में ही नहीं आ रहे? बाबा, तुम मेरे आॅंसुओं से नहीं पिघलते हो । तुम दूर रहकर ही व्याकुलता जगाते  हो।

हे परमपुरुष! बाबा, मैंने तुम्हारे लिये विशेष रूप से अपना घर सजाया है, मैंने तुम्हारे 16 वदुओ  और चर्याचर्य के अनुसार  अपने मन को तुम्हारे आगमन के लिये तैयार कर लिया है। दुनिया में कौन अपना है और कौन पराया, यह भूल गया हॅूं । मानव मानव एक  है। सब कोई अपने ही हैं। बाबा, तुम्हारे प्रेम में मैंने कितने आँसू बहाये । रोते हुए असहाय होकर पूरी रात बिता चुका हूं, पर तुम आये नहीं ।  इतना समय चला गया कि अब सब फूल सूख कर विखर गये, और मेरे आॅंसू भी हवा में सूख गये। तुमको न पाने के कारण जो दुख और कष्ट था वह अब दूर आकाश  में उड़कर अंततः विस्मृति में लुप्त  हो गये।

हे, प्रभु बाबा, मैं तुम्हारे प्रेम में आंसू बहा रहा हॅूं , पर तुम आ ही नहीं रहे हो। फिर, तुम मुझे अपने दिव्य प्रेम में बाॅंधकर क्यों आकर्षित कर रहे हो?  बाबा, मेरा मन और हृदय बेचैन हो रहा है फिर भी तुम नहीं आ रहे हो, तुम ऐसा  क्यों कर रहे हो? मेरे ऊपर कृपा करो और पास आओ। 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why some things Baba guided not others

As we know Guru's teaching is always concise and pointed. What was needed to tell, He has beautifully revealed. And what was not needed, He did not tell.

(A) For example the Indian society was prone toward idol worship so Baba was very strict and He has warned everyone that idol worship should not be done. But never once did He warn people not to flap their arms and fly to the sun since no one was ever going to do like that.

(B) Secondly, it was obvious that people had the negative tendency to create tiirthas (pilgrimages). That is why for fourteen long years Baba did not go to Jamalpur. And from 1965 up to 1990 Baba never emphasized the importance of Jamalpur or any such place. Rather on numerous occasions He has guided us that external tiirthas are nothing but one nasty dogma, because Parama Purusa is everywhere.

(C) Similarly Baba has guided us to trim our fingernails but never did He tell us to cut the horns on top of our head. Because when we do not have horns then what was the need to tell anything about that.

(D) Likewise human beings have the natural tendency to live outside of the water, that is why there was no need for Baba to guide people to live primarily on land. Because human beings are already doing like that.

The sense is that when people are naturally following any given point then what is the need for Baba to give that as a rule.

When 16 Points itself was first given in India and when at that time the general populace was already using water for washing after defecation then there was no need for Baba to tell that point. But since the general populace had lost the notion of washing with water after urination, there was the practical need for Baba to give that teaching.
Hence Guru's instruction is very pointed and precise - perfect. And He always gives what is needed.

Some not aware

Baba has given point #1 of Sixteen Points as: After urination wash the urinary organ. And by this way anyone can understand that included in this is the idea of washing the backside after passing stool also. Unfortunately, in most of the so-called advanced societies the general people are only using toilet paper or blotting paper as a means to "clean" themselves after defecation. But this is not proper.

In Him