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Saturday, January 13, 2024

News of the day + 3 more

News of the day


Generally people live in this world without any definite plan or program. Most are unaware about the greater meaning and aim of life. They proceed onwards in a whimsical fashion. This is the common way for most human beings, both in the past and today also.

Certainly, people have short-term, material, mundane goals, but rarely do they think about getting old, and least of all about death. These latter aspects people do not genuinely consider. Rather, they naively think they will remain on this earth forever. They think of this place as their permanent abode. By this way, they remain basically oblivious of the reality that just as one day we have come onto this earth, one day we will also go.

Caught in avidya maya & forget they will also go

Sadguru Baba has come to enlighten human beings and show the right path. Indeed in countless discourses, stories, and analogies, Baba reminds us about, "What is the right path." Because it is the nature of human beings to get caught up in avidya maya and take this world as their permanent residence and the entire reality; when in fact it is just a relative truth. It is that aspect of avidya maya known as avaranii shakti that leads one along this dark path.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "A'varańii shakti. In Sanskrit ávarańa means “to cover”. This shakti [force] is just like a black curtain in between Paramátmá and jiiva. And because of that ávarańii shakti, that dark curtain of ávarańii shakti, that sombre curtain of ávarańii shakti, jiivas cannot see the Lord." (1)

Covered by this type of avaranii shakti, people forget about the ephemeral nature of life. When they bury their near and dear ones in the cemetery then for a moment they consider their own mortality. This is known as smashan vaeragya, or cemetery vaeragya (renunciation.) But once they leave that cemetery once again they come under the spell of avaranii shakti and forget that they too will die one day.

How human life is short

Baba's main teaching is that we come here only for a short while so we should not think this is our permanent home; nothing in this world is lasting. Death can come anytime. But people forget about this fact. That is why Baba brings this point - i.e. that human life is short - to the fore again and again. He has given this teaching in Caryacarya (CC-II, 'Sadhana', point #8), philosophical discourses, stories, shlokas, analogies, and in all kinds of ways. Because we human beings constantly forget that this world is not our permanent reality. People live as if they are going to remain on this earth forever.

In contrast, Baba does not remind us again and again in His teachings that one should eat. Because already as a people we are aware that they should eat and do not forget this fact. But about the greater meaning and temporary nature of life, people regularly forget about this. Always people slip back into ignorance. For this reason, Baba brings the point again and again. Here following is one such unique teaching.

Mystery about news

One day a yaks'a approached the great King Yudhisthira. The yaks'a asked: "What is the news?"

(Note: The sense of his question was what is the real situation of this material world. So the yaks'a was not wanting to know about the weather or the stock market or any contemporary news. He was asking about the nature of life on the material plane.)

In reply king Yudhisthira told: "The material world is like a frying pan. The sun is the fire; the day and nights are the fuel. The passing seasons are the ladle to stir the food, and time is the cook. All living entities are being thus fried in this pan. This is the real news of what is happening in the material world which is a miserable place full of ignorance."

Such was Yudhisthira's colourful and insightful reply and this is yet one more way that Baba has brought this important matter that we have only come onto this earth for a short time. (2) And certainly in so many ways Baba has discussed this point including during one famous discourse in Mumbai.

Analogy of frying pan

The interesting thing about Yudhisthira's above analogy is that the yaks'a is asking, "What is the news". The yaks'a is not asking about philosophy, ethics, nature of life or anything esoteric like that. The yaks'a is asking the news, yet such was Yudhisthira's reply. Because that really is the news. Whenever people are told something that they do not know then it is news.

Due to avidya maya, people commonly forget that they are moving towards their death. They do not remember the transient nature of life on earth. People take money, prestige, beauty, attraction and all their worldly attachments to be of a permanent nature. All their plans and programs are based on this idea. They see newborns come onto this earth, but they never think that one day they will leave this world.

So Yudhisthira's reply that human beings are in a frying pan proceeding towards death is indeed news. It is just like if a coup happened years ago but just today more revelations about the coup were reported then that would be news. Or when archaeologists find new fossils, this is also news because human beings were not aware about these events. Thus the fact that slowly, slowly we are going towards death - that is also news.

People think this place is their permanent abode. With that as their reference point, their behavior, values, logic and reasoning becomes skewed, even polluted. All of their priorities are based on the false notion that they will remain here forever and ever. And indeed most live their life in this way.

They collect material objects, pursue mundane allurements, seek out fame and fortune. They take all these fleeting things to be the essence of life. If they thought otherwise, people would keep away from vices etc. And they would do more sadhana and help others. But this is not the case. Just look around and see for yourself. Yudhisthira's teaching of thousands of years ago is as relevant today as it was then. That is why this is the news.


Baba's unique guideline is that we are to complete all important works (sadhana and service) very soon. There is no guarantee how long we will survive on this earth. That is why Baba says do all good works immediately because human life is short. No one decides when they will come and no one decides when they will go.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "That is, during dharma'caran, i.e. dharmic pursuits [following yama and niyama, service, svadhyaya etc] one should think that the god of death has already started pulling one’s hair – that one’s death is imminent. And accordingly one should work sincerely and vigorously; one will have to do a great many noble deeds within a short period." (3)

We have not a moment to spare. Be careful not to get caught up in the whirlpool of maya and think this world as permanent. Beware of lusting after frivolous attractions. All should bear in mind that we have come here for a limited period and we have a great many works to do. This is the main outlook of any sadhaka.

One should think: My life is for spiritual practice and serving others, not carnal pleasures. All Baba's teachings are my food for moving on the path divine. I should not get swayed by the glitz and glamour of avidya maya. I am to remember that I am being cooked in one frying pan and moving towards my death. I utilise my energies for sadhana, not mundane allurements, then I will achieve eternal life, by His grace.

In Him,
Bhakti Svarupa

~ In-depth study ~

As human beings we are to take advantage of our free will and do something great - attain Him. That is what Baba is telling us in Yudhisthira's analogy. Most of the scriptures of old are filled with thousands of pages of dogmatic teachings and one has to sift through all those things in order to find an ounce of truth. Baba has given us only the most pertinent guidelines to get success: Remembering the Goal of life is one such guideline. May we always following His teachings and never get caught up in the whirlpool of maya, thinking this world to be our permanent abode and running after fleeting fancies.

“I have come here for a short span”

So we should pay heed to Baba's strict warning.

Smara nityam anityatám

Ananda Marga ideology states, "You should remember always that you have come here for a short span. You won’t remain in this world for a long period. You may remain here say for ninety or hundred years or say for one hundred and fifty years. Some saints like Traelaunga Sva'mii lived here for three hundred and fifty years. He lived in Varanasi in India and died in this twentieth century. But you are to live under certain limitations – limitations of time, space and person."
 "So you should always remember that you have come here for a very short span. It is just like a waiting room of a railway station. You remain there for a short period and when the train comes, you leave the waiting room. This world is just like that waiting room. You are to remain here for a very short span."
 "You should always remember this fact – “I have come here for a short span and I won’t remain here for a very long period. My home is elsewhere. I am just like a tourist.” You should always remember this fact. And as a universal tourist, you, while leaving for your permanent home, won’t require a passport." (4)

One should take a moment to reflect upon how quickly time has passed since they have come on this earth - often decades and decades have passed. See how quickly people reach up to their present age. So this world is mobile and one day one will die. That could occur in the next moment or even sooner.

Life is short - should not sleep too much

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Nidrá [sleep]. A person who is given to too much sleep can never perform big things in life. A person who sleeps too long spends half of his or her lifetime in sleep only. So how will he or she find time to do noble deeds? Human life, after all, is not very long; and of that short span of life, if half is wasted on sleep only, then there will hardly be any time left for doing noble deeds. That’s why it is said, a person who is given to too much sleep can never aspire to attain the peak of progress in life. Sleep is necessary for health, but many people wrongly think that the more one sleeps, the better it is for health. That is wrong. Human beings go to sleep because they want to work more. While working for long periods the body gets tired, and then only does one take sleep, just to get back fresh energy for work." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human life, you know, is a measured one. Human beings come here for a very short span. If during this short span one tries to go through all the scriptures it will take more than one thousand years? And one is only here for approximately one hundred years. So, going along the path of jiṋána is a mere waste of existence. And karma is infinite and the human structure is a finite one, with limited stamina and limited capacity. So the path of bhakti is not only harmless, but the wisest one and is the approach of the most "cunning" people. So my advice to you all is to move along the path of bhakti. It is the best route." (6)

All reduced to dust by the ravages of time

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "This quinquelemental universe is a relative truth, a changing reality, a passing phenomenon – a passing flow of constantly changing events. It rests on the three pillars of the relative factors – time, space and person. Space is always changing. It is composed of countless atoms and molecules. With the change in the movement of atoms and molecules, space also changes. That is why numerous rich and beautiful cities of the past are now buried under the earth. Many splendid palaces and mansions, many churches, temples, mosques and synagogues, and many pyramids have been reduced to rubble. With the constant change in the flow of time, how many major changes have occurred in the universe? Similarly, with the change in time and space, people also change. A small two-year old child becomes a smart and active twenty-five year old youth. And the same energetic youth becomes an infirm, inactive, old person in due course. Thus, nothing in this universe is permanent. Many gigantic animals in the past have become totally extinct from the surface of the earth. Royal pomp and opulence, the pride of power, the vast knowledge of mighty scholars have become things of the past, thrown into the dustbin of history. Many objects emerged in the past, remained on earth for a short time, and then disappeared according to the inexorable law of nature."
   "The only eternal truth is Parama Puruśa. He is anadi, beginningless, endless, all-pervasive; an entity beyond the scope of time, place and person. He is the only eternal, undecaying, imperishable, immutable entity. He is the Supreme Source from which the inanimate, plant and animal worlds have emerged. He is the starting-point and the culminating point of everything. Hence, wise people should utilize their physical, psychic and spiritual power to realize that Supreme Omni-Telepathic Entity to become one with Him." (7)

The earth is like a traveller’s inn

These are the practical realities yet so many remain oblivious of this fact. In day to day life, they do not include this equation of death into their plan. When they go to the market they plan that they will be returning back home. And when a student attends university then they have plan to one day return back home. But amazingly, when has come on this earth but they have no plan to leave. They think and act as if they will remain here forever. This type of mentality is not the intelligent way.

Without this point, the whole equation is incomplete. Baba warns us to never forget that this world is anitya (ephemeral) and one day one is going to die. That time could come at any moment.

So we should not treat this world as our permanent abode. We should always keep our mind fixed on Him. And internally, we should remind ourselves again and again that we have only come here for a short time. Then and only then can we truly understand that sadhana - and not money or possessions - is the cream of life.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "People come to this world for a short time for some fun and games, and then they go. So for human beings the earth is like a traveller’s inn, where they will not stay for long. Or it might be compared to a railway waiting room, where passengers from different places come and sit together for a while. The moment the train whistle blows, they forget each other, pick up their bags, and set off for the train. They do not look to right or left. Parama Puruśa is that train, and this world is the waiting room." (8)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Brahma Cakra
2. Reference: Ananda Vacanamrtam (H) - 29 chapter 14
3. Subhasita Samgraha, part 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Puńya All Twenty-Four Hours
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Sleep and Inertia
6. Ananda Vacanamrram - 6, Bhakti Is the Best
7. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 4, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
8. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 7

== Section: Important ==

Definition of mission

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Human life is a mission; life itself is a mission; one’s very existence is a mission. A’tmamoks’a'rtham’ jagaddhita’ya ca: ‘Whatever one is to do, one is to do for a’tmamoks’a– for their own liberation– and for the elevation of the entire world, elevation of the entire human society’. One is to do both of these things; that is, these two things are one’s mission.” (1)

Note: By Baba’s above teaching it is clear that the AMPS organisation is not the mission. But for certain reasons, some try to misguide or take advantage of the margiis by making them think that AMPS is the mission. But that is not correct. In His above guideline, Sadguru Baba explicitly tells us what is the mission.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 30, The Four Kinds of Service

== Section 3: Links ==