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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Special sutra for success + 4 more

Special sutra for success


Bha-vi-sa-ca is a sutra, not a mantra. That means it is an abbreviation or short form of an expansive teaching that is supposed to be followed, not repeated. We derive benefit from Bha-vi-sa-ca by (a) thinking about God, (b) being humble and modest in our dealing, (c) exercising self-restraint, and (d) maintaining good conduct. That is what bha-vi-sa-ca says to do; and if we do that we will be benefited. Hence bha-vi-sa-ca is a sutra or condensed teaching that is meant to be followed. It is not meant to be recited in and of itself like a mantra.

Bha-vi-sa-ca is quite helpful as it encapsulates some of the key components of a dharmic life. Baba's seed teaching or sutra, Bha-vi-sa-ca, is the short form, or abbreviation, or boiled down representation of 4 distinct points:
(1) 'Bha' meaning ‘Parama Purusa’ (God);
(2) 'Vi' meaning 'Vinay' (modesty);
(3) 'Sa' meaning 'Samyama' (self-restraint);
(4) 'Ca' meaning 'Caritra' (conduct).

And each of these above components or branches has their own special import. Here then is the explanation of Baba's universal sutra: Bha-vi-sa-ca.

Bha-vi-sa-ca: not meant to be repeated


This will not bring about a good result - just it will be a waste of energy and a waste of time. Because sutras like bha-vi-sa-ca are to be followed in one's daily dealing. It is a teaching not a mantra. That is why we are to follow the directions contained in the sutra. That is its utility- not repeating the sutra. In contrast, as we know a vibrated mantra like our Ista mantra, Baba Nam Kevalam mantra, or dhyana mantra will bring one's liberation when repeated with sincerity and devotion.

Baba says, "Manana't ta'rayet yastu sah mantrah parikiirttitah-- "The sanctified word that helps one in attaining salvation [is a mantra]." (1)

So by repeating their personal Ista mantra etc one will achieve liberation. That is the specialty of a mantra. However, a sutra like Bha-vi-sa-ca is much different. It is a teaching to be followed and does not have the quality of being a mantra. That is why merely repeating "Bha-vi-sa-ca...Bha-vi-sa-ca..." will never bear such fruit. That will not bring one's liberation. Because bha-vi-sa-ca is a seed teaching or sutra, not a mantra. One gets the benefit of bha-vi-sa-ca by following what the sutra says to do.

Utility of our sutras

So one should not think that the Bha-vi-sa-ca sutra or the Guru Sakash sutra are meant to be repeated again and again. These are not mantras and repeating them over and over again will just be a waste of one's time and will never lead to liberation. Rather we are to carry out the directive of the sutra. That is the beauty and benefit of sutras like that of Guru Sakash and Bha-vi-sa-ca.

The formula of bha-vi-sa-ca brings success

So by following the four golden aspects (God, modesty, self-restraint, conduct) of the bha-vi-sa-ca sutra, one is sure to invite greatness and victory in life. There are so many who keep very strict and dharmic conduct. And indeed, those who do this - those whose conduct is blemishless - will be looked upon as heroes and vanguards for generations & generations to come. That much is sure.

As we all know, Baba has always given us all the needed tools and teachings to gain success. No matter what the circumstance, no matter what the challenge, He has graciously provided the pathway for victory.

For example, just prior to the Emergency and enforcement of martial law in India, Baba graciously bestowed upon us His system of 16 Points. By this way, by following 16 Points, margiis and acaryas had the stamina, faith, and strength to persevere during the grueling Emergency period.

Earlier on, another recipe for success was given: Bha-vi-sa-ca. This was given by Baba 1 Oct 1971 - just a few months prior to His arrest on 29 Dec 1971. And it is through His teaching of Bha-vi-sa-ca, in part, that Baba readied members of the Marga for the tumultuous period of His incarceration which was about to begin. And by that way our Marga not only survived, but thrived - by Baba's grace. So His seed teaching, Bha-vi-sa-ca, has great import and significance and we should all be aware of & practice its meaning and application.


Here are the four key pillars:
(a) When starting or continuing any work one should always think that, "God is before me and that He is the Doer."
(b) One should always be humble and have modesty; That should reflect in every dealing. One should not quarrel with anyone unnecessarily.
(c) One should exercise restraint. For example if you are eating then do not eat too much and if talking with someone then have patience to listen as well.
(d) One's overall conduct should be proper.

By following these four points one's all-round progress is sure. With that mighty force one can defeat all kinds of odds and get final victory. That is the central idea of this letter.

in Him,
Gopii Deva

More key points on bhavisaca

The special seed teaching, Bha-vi-sa-ca, which has been given by Baba bears great significance. Veritably, this unique point stands as the seed of 'Jiivan Veda', or 'A Guide to Human Conduct'. That is why we can say that bha-vi-sa-ca is intimately linked with human dharma. Bha-vi-sa-ca, always sheds new light on this human journey toward life divine.

The meaning of Bhavisaca was initially given in discourse form by Baba on 1 Oct 1971 in Kolkata. And this may be one of the only times this was reviewed in a discourse.

Baba has given this as a formula for success since it goads aspirants along the path of dharma. Hence, it has long-term and universal benefits & application.

~ In-depth study ~

Now and again some Dadas stand up and talk about the practice of Guru Sakash and how it should be done by repeating the shloka - Pra'tah shirasi shukle'bje - over and over in the mind. But we all know that this is not correct. When doing Guru Sakash, one should use the other mantra to call Baba - and not repeat the Guru Sakash shloka. In a similar manner, someone might make the same mistake with bhavisaca. So we should examine this further lest this mistake get repeated.

Just like with Guru sakash

Same can be said of the Guru Sakash shloka:

"Pra'tah shirasi shukle'bje".

Repeating that shloka or those specific words during the time of Guru Sakash will not yield any fruit. Rather one is to follow what the shloka says to do: 'Meditate on the Guru in Varabhaya Mudra and chant His Name'.

Unfortunately some in Ananda Marga Pracarka Samgha think they are supposed to repeat the shloka. But that is nothing but their mistaken idea and will not bring any yield, i.e. no bliss. Rather, repeating the mantra - not the shloka - will bring bliss in the practice of Guru Sakash. That dhyana mantra will bring one close to Baba's lotus feet, by His grace.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, 'Incantation and Human Progress'

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Special mudras to combat disease

These two mudras - uddayan mudra and utksepa mudra - are very important for all-round health as they serve as prevention and treatment for numerous diseases. In the Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments book, these two mudras are pervasively used. So all should know how to practice these mudras - i.e. when to inhale and when to exhale etc. Actually they are so basic there is no need to ask any acarya etc. The instructions are printed in Caryacarya part 3 for all to see. Everyone has access to this knowledge. People should therefore take it upon themselves to acquire the foundational knowledge of basic Ananda Marga practices, like these two important mudras.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Ud́d́ayana mudrá: Standing, place the hands above the knees and bend forward a little. Gradually breathe out, to a state of complete exhalation. Keeping the breath out, draw the abdomen and lower abdomen inward as hard as possible, to touch the spine. Maintain this position for eight seconds. Then gradually inhale fully. Practise eight times.” (1)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Utkśepa Mudrá: This mudrá should be practised in bed immediately upon waking. While lying on the back, one should flex both the arms and legs, bringing them over the chest, and then return them immediately to the extended position. After doing this three or four times, sit up in bed and drink a glass of cold water without allowing the water to touch the teeth. After this you should expose the navel area to the air, and walk up and down in this way for some time in the open air.” (2)

1. Caryacarya - 3, Mudrás and Bandhas
2. Caryacarya - 3, Different Yoga Practices

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Tragic tale of extinction

Shabda Cayanika states, “In India some rhinos still exist; they are found in the Duars region of North Bengal and upper Assam, the temperate plains of Bhutan and central Nepal. Everywhere they are counting the days until their final extinction. Human beings of ancient times believed that the medicine made from the rhino's horn could rejuvenate them. So the cruel practice of poaching rhinos prevailed in every age and continues to prevail even today. The situation has come to such a pass that the few one-horned or two-horned rhinos that still remain may disappear any time from the face of the earth. Although there is a slight increase in their population in the Kaziranga Sanctuary of Assam, one rarely comes across them in ordinary forests. The medicinal properties of the rhino horn are neither a verified truth nor has it any scientific basis. Is it not extremely abominable to exterminate an innocent creature due to some wrong notion?” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Disc: 26

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Vedas: almost erased from history

Ananda Marga teachings state, “Even though the preservation of the Vedas through memorization was made somewhat easier by this tripartite division, it was still a difficult matter. Thereafter the song-predominant portions were collected together and arranged according to their relative antiquity. In many cases, in addition to this time-wise division, an attempt was made to classify the songs according to their metres. Despite making it easier in this way to preserve the Vedas by memorization, they were still on the verge of being erased from the canvas of memory. At one point, after close examination, it was found that many important portions had disappeared – permanently disappeared, never to return again. At that time, a group of pandits from Kashmir disregarded their age-old inhibitions in order to save the Vedas from destruction and set them down in writing for the first time in the old Sáradá script of that region.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 3, Disc: 15

== Section 3: Links ==