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Sunday, January 7, 2024

His way of doing + 4 more

His way of doing 


Here we examine how and why Baba has introduced so many plans and programmes. Those days many margiis and Wts could not understand why Baba was doing this. Here we take a deeper look into why Baba has given so many plans and programs.

Throughout the jail period and during other times, there was so much opposition towards Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Yet without that opposition, our organisation would not have grown so quickly. By this way, the cadres got trained in how to deal with the exploiters and manage when times were tough. So it was the need of the day to struggle with the unjust Indian government.

Side by side, Baba had to purge the organisation of unwanted persons. Many worthless people came in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha for their own self-interest and ulterior motives. They were not up to the mark of following 16 Points and becoming sadvipras. So when the clash started these lower grade people left. Such clash was needed to purge AMPS and make it strong. By this way, those who remained become more dharmic.

Baba has given the practical precedent to fight when in a difficult situation and not surrender to the exploiters. Of great importance, He has (a) given a blueprint of all the plans and programs, (b) created cadres, and (c) nurtured a closeness with His disciples. It was a busy time, and, ultimately, Baba completed all that He sought to accomplish.

Baba’s aim: create a blueprint & make cadres

Now it is our duty to implement His vast array of plans and programs – one by one. For instance, Baba’s guideline is not to create big colleges and universities everywhere. Establishing any project like a college and university demands huge time, resources (money and people), and ongoing involvement etc. Those days Sadguru Baba was very pressed for time and the resources of the Marga were quite limited. He gave the philosophy and trained His disciples on all levels. In that pre-1990 era, the aim was never to establish those projects on a grand level. Rather, the aim was to create a blueprint for what should be done and make maximum cadres. Then, in due course, every plan and program would become established and ultimately flourish.

With His cosmic mind, this is the way He developed Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha from 1955 – 1990. In that short, 35-year period He practically demonstrated all the projects (in seed form, i.e. gave a blueprint) that were needed for humanity for the next thousand(s) of years and into eternity. Only Parama Purusa could direct such a pointed method.

Baba was creating projects in order to show us His grand plan for humanity. Had this not occurred, no one would really have understood what Baba wanted for the all round progress of humanity. Simply taking written notes in a meeting would not have gotten the job done. People would have misunderstood, forgotten, and / or lost their notes. By Baba’s practical method, all the projects got injected into everyone’s bloodstream through practical experience. Whether the project came to fruition or not, all understood that, “Yes, this is what must be done.” That was Baba’s special approach. Without that it would have been impossible to put forth His grand plan.

Contrast: pre-1990 and today

Baba was working at lightning speed in order to present all the needed plans and programs that would guide and serve the humanity for thousands of years. Schools gave our Wts the opportunity to develop a small financial base. But even then a healthy school in Ananda Marga was 50 children, whereas Christian schools had 500 or 1000 children or more. One reason for such low enrollment was that reporting was every month and the Wt school principal would spend half the month traveling to and from Kolkata because of the need for Wts to come and have Guru’s darshan. Baba wanted His disciples to come in His close proximity to get practical training and His blessing. In those monthly reporting sessions, Baba took the time to bless and shower His grace.

The post-1990 years are completely different. Immediately after ’90, those in charge began posting and reposting workers in a haphazard manner in a failed attempt to emulate Baba’s seemingly whirlwind style. But remember Baba did all that to create a blueprint and already we have a blueprint for all the needed projects. Today there is a real need to bring those blueprint designs into concrete form in a meaningful manner in this world. That means those wts who are qualified and interested in education should be posted to a school and make that school top-notch so the whole town and city can see how great our Ananda Marga system of education system really is. Those are the types of high-quality institutions we have to create.

Similarly, those Wts keen to do emergency relief work in earthquake regions or other disaster areas should be posted in that department to execute the task. Likewise is the case with GP and VSS etc, everyone should be posted according to their interests and strengths. Sadguru Baba verily did this approach when creating Gurukul. Because in 1990 when the blueprint was created in full, He put interested and qualified people in charge of Gurukul to show us that this is how all the projects should advance. And it became our job to emulate this approach in all our social service projects.

Let people work in their field of specialisation

For instance, if the education workers are transferred, then they should be transferred from one school to another, not to an unrelated field. Then only one can achieve real success in the societal sphere. In result, the public will appreciate our work and greater service could then be done. It is just like if you recruit cowards in the military then you can imagine what would happen. Or if you put business-minded people in schools when they have no interest in teaching. Instead they should be assigned to the commerce department.

Human beings have a limited capacity; one cannot become perfect in all subjects. Workers should have a basic idea of all the projects but may only possess a special quality in one type of work or endeavor. That is the point we should take seriously nowadays. The era is different. Baba has laid down all the plans and programs and we are to match up the right person with the right project. All should be engaged in a project that meshes with their own personal strengths and interests.

So if any worker is interested in education then they should fully commit themselves to a school. And if another wt is interested in pracara then they should wholly engage in dharma pracara. To do anything concrete and meaningful in this world demands full dedication. We should emulate Baba’s way of posting workers in various departments of Gurukul. Now is the time to begin the establishment of said projects by committing oneself fully in a specific field of interest.

All the animals or fish might escape

At a university, a student does not study all the subjects offered by the school, but rather selects one as their area of specialization. Likewise, if one has deep interest in teaching in a college then do not force them to do agricultural and animal husbandry work or manage fisheries etc. In that situation you cannot hope that they will do excellent work, rather they may be remiss in their duties and all the animals or fish might escape from those projects.

So it is the duty of in-charges to see the psychology of the worker and put appropriate Wts in the right post. By this way, all of the projects in Baba’s blueprint will be established in due course. Everyone is aware that if you are running 500 schools and none of them are of a sufficient standard – i.e. below the standard of non-margii schools – then it means you are lagging behind. But if you have one A-grade institution then the wind will be in your favour and you can create many new schools. So many people will join in and support that school.

Our working style should represent a great commitment to a particular aspect of Ananda Marga life. And we should pay proper mind to all of 16 Points and organisational rules. With this type of commitment the world will begin to take notice. They will no longer think that our projects are second rate etc; they will see our commitment. And because Baba’s teachings are unsurpassed, naturally our projects will be the best ones on the planet.


Supervisory workers are to ensure that all Wts are deeply committed to a particular project and they are to enforce this idea on a regular basis. Each Wt should fully concentrate on one work. By this way that project will get established. One should not change the nature of their work or projects.

At the same time, Baba’s rule is that no worker should stay in one place for more than three years. After that time period if they have been working in a school they should get transferred to another school. That is the way. If Wts are kept in the same place then they will degenerate. It is inevitable.

Taken altogether, if we understand Baba’s manner and working style, as well as our allotted duties, then by His grace we can make our AMPS into a veritable dharmic force on this earth and bring peace and well-being to all. Now is the time to make real, concrete progress. Attending to projects in a half-baked manner for the sake of reporting is a useless endeavour. I am very hopeful that people will understand Baba’s working style and follow accordingly.

in Him,
When to impart AM teachings

The best time of imparting Ananda Marga philosophy is when a child is in primary school, or even earlier. That time their mind is ever-ready to accept whatever is taught. And what the child learns at that age they retain for their whole life. It becomes their ingrained habit. This very unique quality is exploited by many devious religions in their own favour. They indoctrinate children into their harmful, outdated, and dogmatic beliefs at a very young age. By this process, the organised religions like Christianity, Judaism, and especially Islam create their terrorists, past and present. As Ananda Margiis, we should utilise the potentiality of children for the right cause of neo-humanism and teach them the Ananda Marga universal philosophy starting in their infancy. By this way we can serve the society and bring harmony to the entire world. That is why Baba wants that every village should have an Ananda Marga primary school. Until this is fulfilled we should not start any high schools or colleges. Because most of our Ananda Marga lifestyle and education can be taught during the ages of zero to the onset of puberty. Beyond that children do not learn; rather they follow the prevailing social trends. Imparting Ananda Marga teachings during their infancy is the only way.

Primary schools everywhere

Here is Baba's key guideline about the importance of early childhood education, i.e. inculcating the ideals of Ananda Marga to children at an early age. In particular, the aim is to arouse the spiritual urge. If this is not done early on, the opportunity is lost as it is almost impossible to awaken that urge in the teenager years.

Sadguru Baba says, “We must start primary schools throughout the entire world to create a spiritual urge amongst the little pupils. I am not in favour of starting colleges; I am in favour of starting primary schools. In the entire world we have got one degree college at Ananda Nagar and thousands of kindergarten schools. That is why it is desirable in the first phase to start many primary schools instead of colleges. Merely opening high schools and colleges without a proper system of education will not serve the purpose. Rather, thousands of kindergarten and primary schools must be started with this new system of education, to create a spiritual urge amongst children throughout the entire world.” (1)

~ In-depth study ~

Sadguru Baba says, “I am always an optimist. And I want all my sons and daughters to be optimists. And I want them to struggle against this death signal of humanity, and come out successful. And I am sure that you boys and you girls must be optimists; and it is your duty to save humanity. And I hope you will be able to save humanity, because, just like me, you are also optimistic. You should know that great, or good, people are few in number, they are not many. They do not come within the scope of millions or billions. They are always few in number. And these few, they are the torchbearers of human society, they are the pioneers, they are the vanguards of human society. So it is your duty to save humanity. And those who are unable to shoulder their own bags and baggages – their responsibilities are to be shouldered by you. You should remember that the life of a spiritual aspirant is a mission. One’s entire life is a mission, one’s entire existence is a mission. And your mission is – what? To save humanity from this crisis. I hope you will be successful. And I not only hope, I am sure that you will be successful.” (2)

Important notes

1) Baba suggested that Didis should take over all the nursery schools (i.e. pre-kindergarten) as females are better at teaching kids than males.

2a) Through our schools and relief projects, our Ananda Marga ideology will become established. The common public becomes sentimentally linked with those who do social service projects. This is the way to win over their heart – by doing true social service, either of a temporary or more permanent manner. Those who come in contact with our high-quality projects will develop trust and confidence in us and they will emulate our way of life. They will come close. So doing social service projects is a great way to bring people onto the path of Ananda Marga.

2b) Usually people do not like to change their way of life after they reach the age of 16, 18, 20 and above etc. At that point, it is very difficult to adopt new life practices. And since our Ananda Marga is a disciplined way of life, older persons have a hard time adapting. It is not like a political organisation which is based on membership. Those kids who study in Ananda Marga schools and follow Ananda Marga curriculum will gradually become Ananda Margiis or at least sympathizers. By this way the number of margiis will increase rapidly.

By following this methodology the religious missionaries propagated their disease all around the world.

2c) Children will always adapt to what you teach. They will accept and follow everything without argument or questioning. By running Ananda Marga schools we will be able to impart our AM way of life to living, breathing human beings. What we must avoid is opening a school that does not adhere to our AM way of life. That would be counterproductive and harmful. Students may read and study general subjects, but certain AM related practices that are provided by AMBE (Ananda Marga Board of Education) or Gurukul must be included in the curriculum.

3) Plus when people see our social service projects then they will donate money in order to sustain those projects.

4) The key point in all of this is that those in AMPS rendering social service must keep strict conduct. If the public sees any hypocrisy then that will undermine everything.
So long as our projects are maintained and our conduct is proper, things will progress quickly and our Marga will grow.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 9, Pramá – 4
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 34, To Save Humanity

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

With Your pure love

"Diip jvelecho álo d́helecho, tumi mukta tumi shuddha..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2673)


Parama Purusa, You have lit the lamp of bhakti, filled everything with Your exquisite refulgence, and illumined every iota of this cosmos. You are not bound, rather beyond the gunas - Gunatiita. You are ever-pure and have pulled me close to You and removed all my attachments. Rudra, You are apápaviddha - unaffected by action and reaction and beyond samskara.  

My Supreme Entity Baba, You cannot be realised by worldly knowledge nor by memorising or studying scriptures. With the strength of mundane intellect no person can get You. You can't be held on the basis of terrestrial power and prestige, or name and fame etc. Rather those who have social status are dry in spirituality. You can only be pulled near with the depths of bhakti. When bhaktas call You, You come running. With material gains - money, reputation etc - nobody can get You. My Lord, to whom You wish, You grace and come within their grasp. Then only do they realise You. Without Your krpa, nobody becomes emancipated. Mayatiita, You are Mayadhiisha - beyond the binding principle of maya. 

Cosmic Entity, You are indescribable; it is not possible to express Your glory in words. And the unit being cannot reach You. When the mind comes to You, it loses its existence. Lokottara, You are beyond the bondage of the three gunas and various lokas. Time to time by taking advent, You come on this earth to shower Your unfathomable kindness and affection. With Your pure love You spread Your karuna everywhere. All-Pervading Entity, You have lit the lamp of bhakti in my heart.

Baba, Your liila is unfathomable. I surrender at Your lotus feet...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2673:

[1] Rudra: Ananda Marga ideology states, "Why call the Supreme Being “Rudra”? The word Rudra in Sanskrit means “weeping.” But the Supreme Being not only makes all weep, He also makes them laugh! In both the circumstances, that is, of extreme pain and pleasure, there are tears in the eyes. In pain the tears come from the middle of the eyes, in pleasure they come from the corners of the eyes. A mother weeps when her daughter goes to her in-laws' house. She also weeps when her daughter returns from the house of her in-laws. In one case she weeps for pain, in another she weeps for joy."
   "If living beings were to live in one state always, there would be extreme monotony and no one would want to continue life. If in a drama we know the end in the very beginning, there would be no interest in the play. We need suspense, ups-and-downs and eleventh-hour surprises to keep life interesting. God, that is, Rudra, is a first-class dramatist. He keeps life floating within the two extremes of joy and pain; hence His liilá, His play, goes on." (1)

[2] Apápaviddha: Parama Purusa is beyond action and reaction. He is unassailed by action and reaction etc.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 25, Rudra

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How to conduct táńd́ava competition

Sadguru Baba says, “Competition in táńd́ava and kaośikii is very good and encouraging. I strongly support it. There should be competitions wherever there are Ananda Margis. There should be competitions even where there are no Ananda Margis. There is no harm in it; rather it is beneficial in all respects.” (1)

(A) Suppose there was a margii who was very skilled at dancing tandava and won the competition two times in a row.

(B) Then, to counteract this, suppose one senior margii in-charge of overseeing the competition forbid that margii from participating anymore in order to give others a chance to win. Then, in that case, we have to consider whether such a course of action is proper or not. 

(C) According to the purview of AM teachings, if that happened then the senior margii did injustice with that tandava dancer by forbidding him from entering the tandava contest. Verily, It would have been wrong to forbid that tandava dancer. And here below is the reason why. 

(D) In our Ananda Marga, we adhere to the code of friendly competition; that helps increase the standard of society. It should have been that others practiced their tandava more and more in hopes of gaining the opportunity to rise to your level etc. That would have been best for all involved. 

(E) When that in-charge removed the skilled tandava dancer from the competition in order to give someone else the chance to win, then he lowered the standard of the competition and that goes against our AM values; it is against Baba's system. 

(F) Here the point is that everyone should be aware that all are allowed to participate in competitions regardless of how many times they won in the past. And at present and going forward we should adhere to this policy. That is our AM system. 

1. 5 March 1984, Jammu

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to bring revolution

Prout philosophy states, “A leader of the Maethilii community in Bihar wanted to start a movement against the exploitation of the Maethilii language, so he organized a massive rally and started to lecture the people about the suppression of Maethilii. Initially, everyone listened to him attentively and supported his ideas. At the end of his address he told the masses: “We will live for Maethilii, we will die for Maethilii.” But one person amongst the crowd shouted out: “Yes, we will live for Maethilii, but why should we die for Maethilii? Rather, I choose to die in Kashi.” According to mythology, if one dies in Kashi one goes to heaven. Immediately all the people started supporting this view, and as a result the meeting was disturbed. This happened because the people were not conscious of the suppression of their mother tongue, and they followed the path of religious dogma instead. So, you should ensure that these three cardinal socio-political principles are not violated. By doing this you will safeguard the welfare of society.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Wrong way of forgiveness saps one of courage

Prout philosophy states, “"Mahaviira's philosophy of nirgrantha vada never gained mass support. Secondly, he placed too much emphasis on forgiveness and mercy. He taught people to forgive their worst enemies, even if they were as deadly as scorpions and snakes. As a result of this teaching, people lost the will to fight against the enemies of society. So, although the teachings of Buddha and Mahaviira Jain were not based on dogma and did not deliberately mislead people, they failed in the course of time because they were not sufficiently comprehensive and well-balanced." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell, Part 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B

== Section 4: Links ==