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Saturday, January 6, 2024

Laungota: key & unknown points + 3 more


Laungota: key & unknown points


When the laungota was first introduced thousands of years ago then surely the proper system was given. But now nearly all non-margii youths are using the laungota incorrectly. Or we can say that 99.99% of Indian youths use underwear, and the few who do use a laungota do not know the proper system. Even a few new margiis are not aware of the proper way of using a laungota. Not only that, it has been noted that many insincere margiis do not even use a laungota. So only very strict margiis follow this point of wearing a laungota according to the proper system.

In the general society, so many aspects of the ancient traditions have gotten completely lost. As materialism spreads across India, people are drifting further away. In this regard, Ananda Marga philosophy really is unique. All Baba's teachings are completely dharmic, yet outside Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) so many false practices are in vogue. That is the sad reality.

Prior, I was thinking that wearing the laungota properly was common knowledge. I just assumed that all Indian citizens wore laungotas. I even saw a picture of the great mythological monkey bhakta, Hanuman, and he was depicted in a photo wearing a laungota. So I thought that its use was proper and pervasive. But now I see that in the general Indian society, either people are not using a laungota or they are wearing it incorrectly.

The Indian public is losing or has completely lost the dharmic way. Instead they are involved in dogma. Baba has blessed us with one completely new outlook and all the proper practices.

Benefits of using a laungota

(a) The scientific system of wearing a laungota / langota has many distinct advantages such as all around protection, hygiene, balancing the glands, and sexual control etc.

(b) Boys should start wearing a laungota upon entering adolescence when the glands develop and the pubic hair starts forming.

(c) It is the duty of parents to educate their children on these matters.

Copying females will not suffice

(d) Some people like to emulate certain things females do. But one should know that the biological and anatomical needs of males and females are different. Adopting underwear or hosiery in place of a laungota will not do. At least on this point males should not copy females.

Fake margiis use hosiery type of underwear

(e) Wearing a laungota is a basic quality of all male margiis. Some fake types of margiis like to use hosiery type of underwear. But by wearing hosiery etc there is no benefit of the laungota system. No doubt for females it is okay but for males it is not proper.

(f) In Ananda Nagar DMC / DMS, when people bathe in the river then one can easily calculate who is a non-margii, a new margii, or a strong margii by seeing whether that person is using a laungota or hosiery underwear etc. Wearing a laungota is one of the defining factors for dharmic margii life.

(g) A similar thing happens at retreats also. If someone is not using a laungota then everyone just concludes that he is a new, confused, or insincere margii.

Proper way to tie laungota

Baba has instructed us on the safest, healthiest, and most effective way to wear a laungota. These following points lead us in that direction.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Keep the genital organ pointed upward, pressing its base with the middle finger of the left hand and pressing the scrotum with the rest of the fingers. This is as good as using a kaopiina [laungota]." (1)

(h) In India, there is an ongoing dogma that the genital should remain downward when wearing a laungota. But this is entirely incorrect. Because Baba has clearly directed us that the genital organ should always be lifted in an upward position when wearing a laungota. Then only will it give proper support, protection, & sexual control.

(i) The laungota should always fit snugly; it should be adequately tight, yet not uncomfortably so. But it certainly should not be loose. Because only when the laungota is sufficiently tight is it then safe for doing tandava, kaoshikii, asanas etc. Whereas if it is just loosely attached then various health concerns and / or diseases may arise such as hydrocele. Because a loose fitting laungota gives scope for the nerves of the testes to be stretched or ruptured.

More dos & don'ts of laungota wearing

(j) A fresh, clean laungota should be put on after our daily bath. And in the warm season when we take two baths then after each bath we should change into a new, clean laungota.

(k) Laungotas should be washed daily.

(l) Each laungota should be air-dried fully before being worn. It should not still be moist or damp when putting it on otherwise that will only cause problems such as skin rashes etc.

(m) One important point: Baba is very strict that one's laungota(s) should not be used by others. Rather they are only for our own personal use. So at big retreats and DMS where it is quite possible that laungotas can easily get mixed up and mistakenly swapped around etc - especially during the cleaning and hanging process - then one should be very careful otherwise that is only inviting disease.

If by chance your laungota does get mixed-up then strict measures should be taken. So if you forgot where you hung your laungota or if a gust of wind blew everyone's laugotas into a big pile, then you should be cent-per-cent careful. Either do not wear any of those laungotas or take the laungota you think is yours and soak it in boiling water to kill all the germs and bacteria.

(n) Remember, the fundamental point for proper wearing of a laungota is that Baba has clearly directed us that the genital organ should always be guided in an upward position when wearing a laungota [kaopina].

About the colour of the laungota

(o) Here it should be made clear that there is no set rule regarding the colour of the laungota. Anyone can select a color of their own personal choice: white, orange, purple, green, blue etc. All margiis have complete freedom to use any color they like. Some think that only sannyasis can wear orange laungotas, but that is a dogma.

Design of laungota

(p) Having a laungota with a square back is better than one with an angled or diagonal cut as this gives more coverage and gives an overall better fit.

(q) Best is for a laungota to be of single cloth thickness all-around. No portion of the laungota should be 2 layers or double cloth as this makes it bulky, uncomfortable, and it takes longer to dry.

(r) The overall stitching or fit of the laungota should be moderate. If it is too big or it is too long then it creates problems as the extra material gets bunched up etc. The design should be moderate: Properly proportioned and not too wide in the back etc. We should not blindly depend on tailors to do as they please, rather we should present them with explicit instructions / measurements for how the laungotas should be sewn. Otherwise the laungota will be uncomfortable.

(s) If the laungota is very big and there is too much material then the skin of the inner thighs will get scratched or rub. So the length and width of the various aspects of the laungota should be appropriately cut, not too big and not too small.

(t) Some people use synthetic cloth for making their laungotas but that is unhygienic and unhealthy. That can cause itching, harmful rashes, and skin disease. Best is that laungotas be made from 100% soft cotton - unpolished soft cotton. That is most hygienic as cotton can absorb sweat very easily, saving the area from skin irritation etc.

Bear in mind that wearing a synthetic laungota may cause rashes, skin disease, itching & other problems.

Incorrect use of laungota is harmful

(u) In the past most of the Indian population wore laungotas but gradually that dwindled as a dogma arose. People thought by using a laungota they will lose their power of procreation. That is why they thought that laungotas are only for monks. This was the paranoia that spread amongst the common people. So they stopped using a laungota. And those who continued using a laungota wore it in the wrong way, i.e. keeping the genital downward. This wrong and harmful method was the cause of their paranoia in the first place.

In Ananda Marga social code, all the proper guidelines have been given; but the teachings on laungota are scattered in various places. There are some rules in some chapters like "General Health Rules" and other rules in other chapters like "Different Yoga Practices". Plus there is more information in Baba's chapter on "Asanas" as well as other discourses. Strict margiis are well aware about this.

But some new margiis are not aware and they became confused; they started following the wrong Indian dogmatic way of using a laungota where the genital is downward. But this is very harmful. This is the unfortunate circumstance.

Easy, step-by-step process for tying a laungota

(v) Everyone must be aware that the western underwear is not good for males. Only the laungota is good for manliness. Other types of underwear are not good for the male pubic region. But must know the right way to put on a laungota - i.e. keeping the genital upward.

Here are some easy steps:
1. Tie around the waist in a comfortable yet snug manner.
2. Bring the back flap between the legs and up the front side.
3. At this point the genital should be pointing upward.
4. Fold flap over the waist string and draw it back down through the legs.
5. Tie flap around the string in the back.
6. It should be snug fit all the way around.

This keeps the organ facing in an upward direction. No other type of undergarment does this.

Cause of permanent damage to genital organ

(w) The question is why should the genital not be pointed downward. What harm does that cause? The problem arises when any unforeseen thought comes in the mind then the lower propensities dominate. That causes a change in the genital. If it is pointed in the downward position the negative effect will be multiplied, whereas if it is upward it will be controlled. That is the key point.

We should keep in mind that the normal anatomy of the human body is for the genital to be up, not down. If it is constantly pressed down that will cause permanent damage to the organ. That is why when Indians lost the proper system and started using the laungota in the wrong way, then they became paranoid that the laungota was causing infertility etc. But the laungota was not causing infertility. Rather the misuse of the laungota was causing infertility.

Misconception on laungotas

(x) Nowadays, wrestlers and bodybuilders in India only use the laungota / kaopina during their exercise time and not after that. And the general public hardly uses a laungota at all. And those few who do use it in the wrong, harmful manner by keeping the genital downward.

Baba has given the system in 1955 and now 60 years have passed and we could not widely propagate this point of wearing a laungota and keeping the genital upward. Those in India and in the general society use it in the wrong way by keeping the genital down. And fake Indian yogis are teaching people in the wrong way as well; they tell them to keep the genital downward. All this is evidenced by the fact that laungotas sold these days in India are poorly designed and cannot work in the proper manner. So from top to bottom the whole matter is misunderstood and people are not getting the benefits. Rather they are thinking that wearing a laungota is not helpful or even against good health.

When dogma is implemented then even good things can be harmful. We should educate the people and correct this at the earliest.

Miscellaneous points about laungotas

(y) Actually around the globe the laungota is the speciality of Ananda Marga teachings. By seeing all the laungotas on the laundry line then anyone can recognise our Ananda Marga jagrtis and ashrams quite easily. The laungota - flying on the line outside - is a trademark symbol of Ananda Marga jagrtis in India. So when travelling around Delhi sector if you are in a new place and you cannot find the Ananda Marga jagrti then just ask any local where is the building that always has so many laungotas hanging on the roof. And then certainly they will be able to point you in the right direction & show you where the jagrti is.


This concludes this piece presenting thoughts and reflections gathered from all around regarding point #4 of Sixteen Points.

1. The laungota is very scientific.
2. It is a dogma that laungotas cause one to lose their power of procreation.
3. Using a laungota in the wrong way is very harmful; must use it in the right method.
4. Use only laungotas made of 100% cotton.
5. Bring an x-tra laungota when travelling as back-up supply.
6. Bring more extra laungotas to teach and give to others. That is part of our Supreme Command.

M. Katz

This below laungota / langota has been designed in the wrong way. The strings are too short; the tail is too short; and the back is triangular. These are the flaws. 

~ Flawed Design of Laungota ~

The above laungota / langota has been designed in the wrong way. The strings are too short; the tail is too short; and the back is triangular. These are the flaws.

~ In-depth study ~

Baba's teachings about laungota

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states,"Vasti Mudrá: While defecating, keep the genital organ pointed upward, pressing its base with the middle finger of the left hand and pressing the scrotum with the rest of the fingers. This is as good as using a kaopiina. Remove the hand while urinating." (2)

Sixteen Points says, "Males should always use kaopiina (laungot́á)." (3)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Immediately upon reaching adolescence (in India, one reaches adolescence in between the ages of twelve and fourteen), males should start using Kaopiina (laungot́á)." (4)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya guides us, "Males must wear a Kaopiina (laungot́á), and there should be no other clothing on the body." (5)

So we Ananda Margiis are fortunate as Baba has lovingly given us all the perfect guidelines for living a healthy and pure life. We should educate others - that is our duty. By following His every system of life, engaging in deep sadhana, and applying our vision of neo-humanism, then no problem is too huge and no solution is beyond our reach. In that way what better way to begin than to sharpen our understanding of 16 Points.

Story: travels to India & wrong way laungota wearing

One time when I visited India I went with the impression that each and every person there wears a laungota. Now, after that trip, it seems that most or all non-margiis are not wearing them as I saw countless places to buy hosiery type of underwear and not a single place to purchase a proper laungota. And when I passed through the capital city and visited a gymnasium I met one male youth who was practicing various exercises. And I came to know that he does in fact wear a laungota. Though by his talk I understood that he wears it quite differently from our dharmic Ananda Marga dharmic system. So the practices and customs the rishis taught long back in India have been changed and become diluted. Now is the time to educate one and all, inside and outside of India, about the right and proper use of a laungota.

~ Wrong Way to Wear Laungota ~

1. Caryacarya - 3, Different Yoga Practices, point #2
2. Caryacarya - 3, Different Yoga Practices, point #2
3. Sixteen Points, Point #4
4. Caryacarya - 3, General Health Rules
5. Caryacarya - 3, Asanas, point #4

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

All will be blessed

"Prabháter ravi bole, ghumáye, ghumáye theko ná ár..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4703)


O’ human beings, the sun of the new dawn is giving the message: Don't remain asleep in slumber anymore. You have a huge amount of work to do. A whole mountain's worth of commitment is in front of you; remove your lethargy. Don't remain drowsy any longer; do something for suffering humanity.

O’ sadhakas, since ages and ages you have been dozing in darkness. The whole night you were dreaming. Now do not snooze anymore; this is not the time for sluggishness. Get up. Serve and help those who are shedding tears and being tortured by removing the heavy load of their pain and suffering.

O' living beings, look, the crimson panorama is spreading refulgence; everything is shining. That bright and glorious day is not far any longer. The time has come when people will be liberated from all bondages; there will not be any exploitation. All will enjoy a blissful life. On the peak of the mountain, on the forest trees, birds are chirping and spreading this divine message that all will be blessed. 

O' brothers and sisters, the crimson daylight is knocking at your door; the era of neohumanism has come....

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How ritualistic worship is bogus

Ananda Marga ideology says, “People’s life becomes mechanical, if they are overwhelmed with the sentiment that they must do such acts, must perform such yajiṋa, must rise in this manner and sit in this manner and get up in this manner and so on. Such a person is not happy and this type of ritualism cannot be called real Karma. To serve others at one’s sacrifice is called penance. In the absence of love any service or penance is for show and is therefore fruitless. All ritualistic devotion, sham penance, counting beads etc. are meant only for public show and true love and the Supreme goal are lost from sight. Brahma cannot be attained through actions, since the sweetness of joy is lacking in such ritualism. On the other hand the divine bliss is easily attainable to those who base their Sádhaná on love.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala

== Section 3: Links ==