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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Misunderstanding of oneself + 2 more

Misunderstanding of oneself


By nature humans are psychic beings, dominated by mind - not physicality. If the mind is light and happy, then one's whole existence is joyous. In contrast, if one is physically fit and surrounded by comforts and conveniences, yet mentally disturbed and unhappy, then they themselves will feel dejected and sorrowful. Life will lose its lustre and seem meaningless. So the mind is the controlling and determining point of one’s human existence.

If you insult a dog…

To get back onto the path, one must first recognize that humans are essentially psychic beings. Here is one clear-cut proof.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "If you insult a dog, and the next moment call the dog to take food, it will accept that food from your hands. But if you insult a person and ask that person to take food, even a very delicious food, he or she…will not accept." (1)

This shows humans are mind-dominated. Since the dawn of civilisation, people have been trying to satisfy their mental longing. Everything, big or small, starts in the mind; and, humans act accordingly. The present humanity longs to find psychic comfort and satisfaction, but due to the strong pull of materialism landed in a different direction. Today, matter and money are everything. So people give tremendous value to the physical body, not the mental body. The physical body is king.

The faulty ways of materialism have limited and degraded the human mind where people unfortunately believe and think, "I am this human body." Of all the social complexes and psychic diseases that materialism has brought, this lowly concept of self - "I am this physical body" - is perhaps the most detrimental. When anyone thinks that this body is everything, then there is no scope for the development of mind; instead, people indulge in sensual pleasures and enjoyments, thinking that bodily satisfaction is the be-all and end-all of life. Tragically, this is what we see happening in so many places, and it is only spreading more.

Why for crude people sex becomes everything

Nowadays, in materialistic societies, people think sex is the greatest thing in life. This degraded outlook is born out of the notion that: "I am this physical body." That is why in materialistic nations like the US, Brasil, European countries, and any place harboring extreme capitalism, sexually alluring images are prevalent throughout the community: billboards, internet ads, fashion designs etc. Everything has become sexually suggestive; to sell it must be "sexy." In the west, some have become so engrossed in this that the best thing in any field of life is called sexy. The best designed car is termed as a sexy automobile etc. The term "sexy" is used as a superlative. Even then, one cannot say it is limited to the west. This mentality is in vogue wherever materialism has taken root.,The end result: Females have become objectified for their sexual appeal.

This societal trend leads men to mentally and physically lust after females, and makes women do anything and everything to make themselves alluring. The mass of people have been bound in this way. It is a sad and tragic tale. Where materialism abounds, many commonly leave their wife for a young lady half their age. Rarely do marriages last long. Once the sexual appeal is gone, the relationship is over - in many cases. This is rampant with movie stars and sports heroes, and very prevalent in the general society. At the same time, there are many moral, upstanding citizens in those regions. But that number is shrinking as the older generations age. Now - more than ever - youths are hooked into materialism all around the globe - east and west. However, this way of life does not bode well for human beings.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Sensual objects are naturally crude and mean; and those who take these as their goals in life, naturally become crude and mean as well – they gradually turn into brutes." (2)

Lowly understanding of self

This concept - "I am this physical body" - manifests in so many ways. People work, live, eat, drink, sleep, shop, think, and plan everything in life based on this unfortunate understanding. Their everything has been painted in the color of materialism.

Even the intelligentsia like lawyers, doctors, writers and university professors live a life guided by materialistic enjoyment and security. So through all sectors of society, physical expression becomes everything. In turn, people spend billions on cosmetic surgery, clothing, cosmetics, perfume, jewelry, tattoos, etc. All because they think their physical existence is the epitome of who they are.

In that case their entire human personality is standing on shaky ground. If their boyfriend leaves them then they may commit suicide; if they gain a few pounds they become depressed; if someone calls them "fat" even when they are not fat, they became enraged or even break down and cry. Plus men become consumed by desire and take formulas to heighten their potency while women get augmentations to increase their value. It is a sad and superficial approach to life. Yet it is rampant and spreading to wherever materialism is in vogue.

Indeed on so many levels and so many ways people define themselves by their own physical body. People think that is who they are and that is all they have. They do not realise that the body is a tool or temporary house for the mind. For this reason they fall victim to so many complexes from fear of death to so many personal insecurities. This happens even to people of high regard - governors, businessmen, judges etc. All because their approach to life is defective - defined by materialistic principles.

Why materialists have no plan

Nowadays, generally people are oblivious of their true self and remain meaninglessly busy in countless materialistic ventures. They have neither the time nor the mental space to think: "Who am I", "From where have I come", and "What happens when I die." Rather, if they do think about this they become terrified. They do not want to think about it. But if you ask for a business strategy or travel plans etc, they have an immediate answer. Yet they have not thought about the goal of their life. That is their unfortunate state. Whereas, spiritual life starts when one formulates a true plan of life: "I have come from Parama Purusa, and I am journeying back to Him." Empowered and inspired by this ideal, one moves ahead on the spiritual path.


Human beings are trifarious in nature: physical, psychic, and spiritual. And we are to use the mind to goad all our longing towards the Supreme Entity. This will bring about our elevation and emancipation. Yet nowadays, when many think that “I am this physical body” - and wholly ignore the more subtle realms of life - then they are sure to degrade themselves as they become dominated by baser propensities. That is the great tragedy that is unfolding nowadays in materialism.

This type of limited concept of self is similar to animal life, and the irony is that it will degrade one into the depths of animal life or worse.

Animals do not know they are animals; whereas humans know they are human. But when a human being merely thinks, "I am this physical body" and "my life is a quest to satisfy mundane desires", then upon losing their physical human framework, they will unfortunately undergo negative pratisaincara. When one leads a life prone to carnal pleasure, forgetting the existence of mind, we cannot call that human life. When one lives for sensual gratification, then that is not a life befitting of a human being.

The point here is that human life needs a proper base and Brahma is that base.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Everything requires a base; if life does not have a strong base, it is disrupted by an ordinary storm. Brahma is the strongest base." (3)

When Brahma is not the base of life, rather one's body is everything. In that case, their whole personality is standing on shaky ground and can thusly be uprooted by a single worldly disturbance or calamity.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Life does not start in the womb

This entire discussion begs the question: "When does life start."

Our present life is but a part life, chained together with so many past lives as the mind gets one body after another in order to one day merge back into Parama Purusa. But materialists believe their life began when they emerged from the womb. In turn, they think their life will end when their physical body is no more. Such is the material perspective. They do not acknowledge the existence of the mind.

Followers of the dogmatic religions often fall into this same pattern. They equate life with this physical body and unknowingly follow the principle, "I am this physical body." In that way, there is little or no concept of mind, and people lead a life of materialism, devoid of any spiritual value.

Human body is a vehicle to do great

Suppose you have a bicycle, then you will never think that "I am this bicycle", rather one will think, "This is my bicycle". And you will be ready to throw the bicycle away when it is no good anymore. We should view our bodies in a similar manner. Our bodies are mere tools or vehicles. They are not the essence of who we are.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When the clothes become old and tattered, they are replaced with newer ones. This is the law. Nobody wants to wear old, tattered, and dirty clothes. Similarly, when the body becomes old and worthless, it is changed for a newer one." (4)

Anyone who sincerely practices sadhana clearly understands the existence of mind and will be mind oriented. In contrast, victims of materialism are unable to learn this point and fall prey to the belief, "I am this physical body."

How every child can become a great sadhaka

Baba has given us many ways to properly grow in this world. When we do sadhana then we always think, "I am Brahma, I am Brahma." That is the essential idea behind our ista mantra.

To make life proper from the very beginning and to teach our children in the right way, we should pay heed to Baba's below story about the great sadhaka Madalasa. She was a very honorable and spiritual lady who married one king under the condition that she and only she would be in charge of raising the children.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Madalasa started imparting spiritual education to [her son] Vikranta. She would put him in the cradle and sing lullabies in very sweet and rhythmic tunes which were full of the highest spiritual truths. One of her lullabies was:

    Shuddho'si buddho’si nirainjano'si sam'sa'rama'ya' parivarjito'si;
    Sam'sa'rasvapnam' tyajamohanidra'm Mada'lasolla'pamuva'ca putram.

"This means, 'O my son! You are that [pure] Entity; you are that all-knowing Entity; you are that spotless Entity. This world is a passing show, is ever-changing. It is all like a dream. O my son, awaken from your sleep of ignorance and realize the Reality'." (5)

Having grown up in this deeply spiritual environment, Vikrant had a strong vision and did not fall prey to the mundane and lustful allurements of this world. He did not think that, "I am this physical body", but instead understood the existence of mind and the real value of human life. He grew up to become a great sadhaka, as did the other sons.

The Propounder of Ananda Marga ideology says, "I have already said that Mada'lasa's sons were the first sannya'sis to embrace missionary life and serve the common people." (6)

Way to view oneself

By Baba's grace, we should view ourselves as children of Parama Purusa who will one day become one with Him. Never should we fall prey to the lowly concept that, "I am this physical body". That will only invite our destruction.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "A rational person should always think in this way...'I have also been born into the glorious human family. I am also a blessed child of Parama Purus'a.' One who has been born a human being will certainly remain a human being if they do glorious deeds and will ultimately become an ideal follower of the Supreme Benevolence. Their life is sure to meet with glorious success." (7)

Ananda Vanii states, "Those entities in whom psychic and intellectual powers are looked upon as more gorgeous than the physical ones are called humans – predominantly mental beings. Hence, to bring about the real well-being of humanity, greater attention has to be paid to the psychic and intellectual expressions of human beings, for that will lead to perfect spiritual composure and all-round fulfilment in human life..." (8)

Key questions to ask oneself

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Human beings develop a desire to know more about those external objects. They question what they are, where, when and how they originated, and so on. Likewise they seek to discover more about themselves and pose the same fundamental questions. Kasya tvam vá kuta áyatah. “Who am I?” they ask. “Where have I come from? And why? Where shall I go from here?”" (9)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The subject of today's discourse is, “To Whom Do You Belong? Where Do You Come From?” These are eternal questions of the human mind. When human beings first came onto this earth, the first questions that confronted them were “To whom do I belong? Where do I come from? Where shall I go?” People have been researching the answers to these questions since time immemorial, but they have not always found the answers. When people ask questions just for the sake of asking, they usually do not find the proper answer. In order to get the correct answer, they have to realize the inner import of the questions – otherwise the questions will remain forever unanswered." (10)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "I shall return to the source from where I came, in whom I exist, and who is that entity? Unless human beings discover the answer to the question, “To whom do you belong?” they cannot answer the question. “From where do you come?” The answer is that they belong to that supreme indestructible Entity. When He was unmanifest, he was in His eternal stance – His nityabháva. When He becomes manifest, He remains in His liilábháva, His playful stance. And when He is in the latter state, the microcosms come into the world." (11)

Find out from where have you come

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Those who have fallen today may become evolved people, great personalities in the future – mahápuruśas. This is why no one should ever be disappointed in life. Parama Puruśa is calling everyone and He will continue to call everyone: all shall find a safe shelter on His loving lap. He does not hate or neglect anyone. Hence the only answer to the question, “kasya tvam” – “Whom do you belong to?” – is: “I belong to Parama Puruśa, to Him and Him alone, because I have come from Him and I am in Him, and finally I will return to Him.” And the only answer to the question, “Kuta áyátah” – “From where have you come?” – is: “I have come from Parama Puruśa and I will go back to Him. He is my permanent abode.”" (12)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Very often people become victims of disappointment for the sole reason that they forget their goal of life. If they look towards their goal, then their disappointments and frustrations will cease. Whenever a human being is created, he or she comes within the Cosmic mind. So when the microcosms move towards Macrocosmic Consciousness, Parama Puruśa is watching: Parama Puruśa is with them holding their hands. It is the humans who do not look towards Him – this is their misfortune, not His. They may sometimes request Him to hold their hands and lead them towards the goal but even this is not necessary, because He is always holding them. The tragedy is that in their foolish effort to walk alone, people often stumble and fall down. This is not the fault of Parama Puruśa, for He is with everyone. This movement of Parama Puruśa with each individual is called His ota yoga: and when he looks upon the entire universe at a time collectively, it is called His prota yoga. Thus He is with the microcosms both in individual and collective association. So the answer to the question, “Whom do you belong to?” is “I belong to Parama Puruśa.” And the answer to the question “From where have you come?” is “I have come from Parama Puruśa, from the nucleus of the universe, and finally I will return to Him, my permanent abode.”" (13)

How jiiva becomes Shiva

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "All entities, living or non-living, are rotating around Parama Puruśa – some consciously, some unconsciously, – with so many thoughts and idiosyncrasies, so many bodies and structures. When will their movement come to an end? It will end only when they realize that Parama Puruśa and they themselves are one and inseparable; then will they become one with Parama Puruśa. The more sincerely people will follow the spiritual cult, the more their distance from Parama Puruśa will decrease; and when that distance becomes nil, the microcosms will merge in Macrocosmic Consciousness – jiiva will become Shiva. This is the parágati, the supreme culminating point of all microcosmic movement." (14)

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, "O human beings, you are fortunate. The clarion call of the Universal has reached you. Not only has the call come, but you are hearing it and it is vibrating in every cell of your body. Will you now lie in the corner of your house as an inert being and waste your time by clinging to old skeletons and bemoaning them? The Supreme Being is calling you in the roar of the ocean, in the thunder of the clouds, in the speed of lightning, in the meteor's flaming fires. Nothing good will come from idleness. Get up and awake the clouded chivalry of your dormant youth. It may be that the path is not strewn with flowers and that inferiority complex will be attempting to hold fast your each advancing step, but even then you have to proceed onwards tearing the shroud of darkness. You will tear the thick darkness of despair as you advance in the racing chariot radiant with the Sun's brilliance towards the attainment of the Supreme state." (15)

They will be reborn as a worm

Neo-humanism says, “O human beings, the path is ready for you, you just come!” Whoever is endowed with a human mind and a human body is entitled to follow this path, and at the end of the journey, one day, one is destined to attain Parama Puruśa. When Parama Puruśa, the Cosmic Cognition, is your goal, success is a must, success will be with you." (16)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Human beings came onto this earth about a million years ago. In this universe, our earth is not only the only planet, nor is the sun the only star. There are numerous stars and luminous bodies and planets. Wherever there is a proper balance amongst the five fundamental factors, there life has evolved. Various species of animals have evolved on various planets, are living today, will remain for some time, and in the future will disappear. History shows that so many animals roamed this earth with great prowess, but their strength gradually waned and they have become totally extinct. One day human beings will also be extinct on this planet. But this does not mean that they will become extinct on all other planets also. Before this earth becomes unfit for human habitation or faces a complete thermal death the developed human beings will travel to other planets. Thus they will never become completely extinct in this universe." (17)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "A human being who behaves like a goat or a dog may be born as a goat or a dog in the next life, because such an animal body is the proper base for the congenial expression of the latent sam'ska'ras. Hence it is not at all impossible for a human being to be reborn as a hog, a worm, a tree, or even a piece of stone. One’s destiny will be decided according to the nature of one’s karma – this is an infallible law." (18)

Overall idea

Human life is trifarious: spiritual, psychic, and physical. Yet when the mass of people only think of themselves as physical beings, then they disregard the other two realms of life - psychic and spiritual. In that case their personality has been reduced to one-third.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Human Expressions and Human Movements
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure (Shreya and Preya)
3. Caryacarya-2, 'Sadhana', point #5
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Accomplish Your Work with This Body Only
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Best Character
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The Place of Women in the Spiritual World
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, “Caraeveti Caraeveti” – “Move On, Move On”
8. Ananda Vanii #73
9. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 6, Ekendriya - 2
10. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, To Whom Do You Belong? Where Do You Come From?
11. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, To Whom Do You Belong? Where Do You Come From?
12. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, To Whom Do You Belong? Where Do You Come From?
13. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, To Whom Do You Belong? Where Do You Come From?
14. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, To Whom Do You Belong? Where Do You Come From?
15. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme
16. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell - 12, Existential Flow and Its Culminating Point
17. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, To Whom Do You Belong? Where Do You Come From?
18. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I was chasing mirages

“Asár e saḿsáre báre báre ghure, stháyii kono kichui páini…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3864)


O’ my Parama Purusa, wandering through this ephemeral world again and again, life after life, I could never find anything permanent. I went on chasing the mirages, even after knowing their transitory nature. Yet due to my greediness, I could never really grasp or embrace this truth. 

O’ my Parama Purusa, Baba, when my mind becomes disturbed and is burning in misery, I think that this time I shall hold Your feet and ask for Your grace. But, again and again, my vanity consumes me and removes that sentient feeling from my heart. For this reason I could not come close to You.

O’ my Parama Purusa, Baba, in this ever-changing world no one has come to stay forever; one day everyone has to die and leave this world. Those who keep this fact in their mind - and remain busy in their sadhana, service, and sacrifice - never experience misery in their life...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Outlandish: my group is a samaj

Prout philosophy states, "While there may be diverse cultural expressions and socio-economic potentialities in different units, the points of difference should not be allowed to divide humanity. If the common sentiments of human beings are given prominence and the points of unity are made the basis of collective development, diversity will enrich humanity rather than tear it asunder. If each socio-economic unit is inspired by a comprehensive ideology and a universal outlook, human society will move ahead with accelerating speed towards a sublime ideal.” (1)

Prout philosophy states, “A sound ideological base is a prerequisite for socio-economic groupifications. Such a foundation is provided by universal humanism, which has the potential to unite all humanity. Universal humanism will not be established on the hard crust of the earth overnight, but will come to fruition gradually, stage by stage. It will include each and every person in the world, as well as animals, plants and inanimate objects. If a single person remains outside the influence of universalism and becomes a victim of exploitation, then the foundation of universal humanism will be undermined. Hence, PROUT has adopted a rational method to solve socio-economic problems which may be characterized as universal in spirit but regional in approach" (2)

Note: Nowadays some are singing the song of samaj as they try to forge ahead with their narrow-minded agendas. They justify their groupism by claiming it as a samaj movement. But margiis understand Baba's teachings and recognise the truth. Our samaj system is based on universal principles not factional allegiances. Thus the groupism carried out by certain leaders and the ideal of our samaj movements are worlds apart, i.e. polar opposites.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications

== Section 3: Links ==