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Thursday, May 16, 2024

How to get kiirtana siddhi + 2 more


How to get kiirtana siddhi 


(a) In kiirtana, it is very important to frequently change the tune of the kiirtana. If one does not frequently change the kiirtana tune every two or three minutes, the mind will run away from the kiirtana mantra. So the tune should be changed at regular, short intervals to keep the mind engaged.

Robot kiirtana stifles spiritual growth

(b) In robotic kiirtana, there is much less opportunity for creating new kiirtana tunes. Bound by that limitation, kiirtana singers use the same one or two tunes for 30 minutes of kiirtana, and the mind loses its focus. (Note: For more about robotic kiirtana, please click on the link appended below.)

(c) To make the mind fully engaged in kiirtana, one should change the tune every two or three minutes, otherwise the mind will drift towards mundane thinking. And that defeats the main purpose - i.e. to engage the mind in kiirtana.

What Baba wants

(d) Before 1990, sadhakas sang kiirtana in a variety of sequences which Baba openly appreciated at DMC venues and on other occasions. That enabled sadhakas to create and utilize a maximum number of kiirtana tunes. And we should follow that same style today. (Note: For more about pre-1990 kiirtana, please click on the video links in Note 2 appended below.) 

(e) We should not use the robotic kiirtana which was imposed in 1993 as that severely limits the overall number of tunes and thus inhibits the frequent changing of the tunes. The end result is that the mind becomes less engaged in the kiirtana.


(f) When the mind is not fully ensconced in the recitation of Baba Nam Kevalam, one will not achieve that highest attainment in kiirtana, i.e. kiirtana siddhi. 

(g) Robotic kiirtana was imposed on sadhakas in 1993 and still robotic kiirtana is going on to this very day. That is sad. 

In Him,
Kalyan Sundar

Note: Read more about robot kiirtana ==>

Note 1: Original teaching from Baba

Below is Baba’s direct teaching on this important point about kiirtana. 

कीर्तन में अजपा-सिद्धि कैसे :- “तो अभी मैंने कहा क्या ? धुन बदलते रहोगे । होते-होते होते-होते एक तरङ्ग के अनुसार मन चल रहा है । सुनते-सुनते मन चल रहा है । चलते-चलते हठात्‌ मन में जो loopholes है उसके भीतर से और-कोई बात आ गई । ताकि वैसा नहीं आ सके, दुबारा मन को engage कर दो, और-एक ‘धुन’ दे दो, और-एक धुन दे दो—देते-देते मन परेशान, तब मन तो थक जाएगा । तब मन क्या करेगा ? Surrender करेगा, मन्त्र के सामने वह surrender कर देगा । It will surrender at the altar of the mantra. और तुम लोगों का जो कीर्तन का मन्त्र, वह तो हम recognize कर दिए as a तारकमन्त्र, त्राण-मन्त्र, सिद्ध-मन्त्र । अर्थात्‌ इस मन्त्र को सुनते-सुनते, सुनते-सुनते, मन जब इस मन्त्र के सामने surrender कर जाएगा, तब उधर भीतर में भी अजपा-गायत्त्री की सिद्धि हो जाएगी ।” (Ananda Vacanamrtam (Pure) part 40, chapter 8)

Note 2: Video examples: Baba approves of this kiirtana

In each of the following three youtube videos, bhaktas are singing kiirtana to Sadguru Baba in all kinds of creative and rhythmic ways, and He is clearly approving of this style of kiirtana. 

(I) In this video, listen from 15:55 => 16:47 to hear that type of kiirtana that is non-robotic: 
(II) In this video, listen from 10:15 => 10:37 to hear that type of kiirtana that is non-robotic: 
(III) In this video, listen from 1:51 => 3:26 to hear that type of kiirtana that is non-robotic: 

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

TB & leprosy: dietary causes

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "If any person is long habituated to eating badly-combined foods, such as meat, fish, eggs and similar támasika foods immediately before or after milk, kśiira [a kind of rice pudding] and similar sáttvika foods, then those foods create a favourable condition in the body for tuberculosis.” (1)

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, “Constipating foods should be strictly avoided. Foods which increase the amount of pitta should also be rejected. Fish, meat, eggs, ghee and large quantities of spices usually weaken the liver and bring about constipation, which is one of the causes of leucoderma. In this disease fish and other non-vegetarian foods are very harmful, hence they are to be avoided like poison. No matter how great is the desire for non-vegetarian dishes, patients shall have to control that desire. Leafy vegetables such as heleiṋcá, gimá, ámarula, bráhmii, etc., are most beneficial for leucoderma patients." (2) 

1. Yogic Treatments, Tuberculosis
2. Yogic Treatments, Leucoderma (White Leprosy)

== Section 3: Links ==