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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

What to recite + 3 more

What to recite


Here following are points about the important and dharmic practice of Guru sakash.

The instructions how to do Guru Sakash

Here below is that special section of the discourse where Baba speaks about Guru Sakash and how to ideate upon Sadguru.

    '"Pra'tah shirasi shuukle'abje dvinetram' dvibhujam' gurum'..."

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Early in the morning one should meditate on the Guru in Vara'bhaya Mudra with two hands and two eyes seated on a white lotus in Guru cakra, and address Sadguru with your most loving and affectionate epithet..."
   "In what state does the Guru, endowed with two eyes and two hands exist? In the Vara'bhaya Mudra (in the posture of holding out the boon of fearlessness) He is your well-wisher, and as a matter of fact, the doer of your good."
   "The epithet with which you address the Guru or silently speak during your dhya'na or Gurudhya'na should also be used by you at the time of this Gurudhya'na. Always address the Guru at a stretch. This is Gurusaka'sha." (1)

Only Sadguru's name should be repeated

So, in this shloka, 'pratah...', Baba has given us instructions on how to do Guru Sakash. By reading the purport of the shloka, it is understood that this is an outline of how to practice Guru Sakash. These are the guidelines explaining what to do. The shloka itself is akin to an instruction manual.

At the time of practicing Guru sakash, we should not repeat the instruction manual, i.e. we should not recite the shloka. During Guru sakash, Sadguru's name should be repeated - that is what is so blissful and meaningful. That is our practice: To lovingly call Sadguru and see Him and feel His Presence in the mind on Guru cakra. This is the special occasion early in the morning to call Sadguru. If you can’t see Him then take help by looking at the varabhaya mudra photo. Thereafter, close your eyes and try to see Him in Guru cakra. Then address Him by name, as you can always call him when you are in trouble.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Early in the morning one should meditate on the Guru in Vara'bhaya Mudra with two hands and two eyes seated on a white lotus in Guru cakra, and address Sadguru with your most loving and affectionate epithet..."

That is our spiritual approach in Ananda Marga tantra.

During Guru Sakash we are to repeat His name, not these directions in the form of this shloka. Repeating this shloka during Guru sakash is the wrong thing to do. It is a misuse and abuse of the time - a waste of energy. And it goes against the entire spirit of Guru sakash; because during Guru sakash the mind should be fully focused on the form of Ista, exclusively repeating His name only - not the shloka or poem or song.

Mind is one so mantra not shloka

As sadhakas we should remember that the mind is one. If, during Guru sakash, a bhakta is repeating the shloka then they are not calling Sadguru. Because the mind can only do one thing at one time. And the operative factor in Guru sakash is calling Sadguru - repeating His name. Without that, it is not Guru sakash.

So one should call Sadguru while doing Guru sakash. Merely repeating the shloka diverts the mind from the actual practice of Guru sakash. In that case, time is lost and one is delayed in their early morning practice. Those precious few moments upon awakening are the key time to link with Sadguru . Yet that special time will be wasted if one is just sitting there repeating the shloka and not calling Sadguru. That is the loss involved.

Best is to plan ahead and be focused on calling Sadguru in Guru sakash, as soon as one awakens. One should chant His name and visualise Sadguru in Guru cakra. That is the proper way of practicing Guru sakash. Doing anything else is a sheer and utter waste of time.

"Before having any other thought"

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “[One] should remember the Guru in the Guru cakra. This they should do sitting in siddhásana [perfect posture] or any other convenient ásana [posture], on the same blanket, skin, seat or bed as they had used for sleeping, immediately after waking up and before doing any other work or before having any other thought – even before performing their morning duties or any other task. This will be a high category of Gurusakásha. If it cannot always be done immediately after sleep, it is essential to remember the Guru early in the morning after overcoming sleepiness. If this is done, they will meet with success or illumination in each and every subtle and spiritual task that they perform in the course of the whole day." (2)

There is no need to repeat those instructions while doing Guru Sakash - rather it is a waste of time - one should repeat His name. Verily that is what He guides us to do. So we should abide by and follow what the shloka guides us to do - i.e. call and ideate on Sadguru in Guru Cakra - and not recite the shloka per se.


The Ananda Marga guideline is for His name to be repeated during Guru Sakash - not the shloka itself.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Address Him with your most loving and affectionate epithet...The epithet with which you address the Guru or silently speak during your dhya'na or Gurudhya'na should also be used by you at the time of this Gurudhya'na...This is Gurusaka'sha." (3)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Gurusakásha: gur + un + sa + kash + ghain."

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Gurusakásha means “near the Guru”, “under the Guru's umbrella”, “under the Guru's wings”, “under the Guru's shelter”. The word Gurusakásha has two other yoga-related meanings: one of them is Guru dhyána [meditation on the Guru] in Guru cakra, the other is a particular kind of Gurusmarańa [Guru's remembrance] or Gurusharańa [Guru's shelter] after sleep." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The recognized cakras for japa [repetition of mantra] are the anáhata cakra, vishuddha cakra and ájiṋá cakra and a few other cakras and upacakras of the upper region. The Guru cakra is the highest cakra. The Guru cakra is used as the place of dhyána." (5)

Guru cakra: the aspirant meditates

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Now, there is a regulating point or práńakendra for each of the innumerable nerve cells in the brain. Over and above these many práńakendras or regulating points of the brain, there is one regulating point which controls the many práńakendras. This point resembles, to some extent, the tip of a blade of kusha [a type of grass]. In this point is the Guru cakra. From this point human beings receive a thousand and one kinds of inspiration and propulsion. The humanity of human beings and the animality of lesser creatures all depend on this point. In this point is ensconced the Guru, Parama Guru, Parápara Guru, Paramesti Guru. It is the loftiest point for the purposes of meditation and contemplation. It is at this point that the meditation on Guru has to be undertaken. That which I call the sahasrára cakra is an ideational point – without any realistic existence based on the nerve cells – but this is not the case with the Guru cakra. So human beings must take recourse to the Guru Cakra – they must take shelter under it: Nányapanthá vidyate-ayanáyá [“There is no other way than this”]."
   "In this Guru cakra, the aspirant meditates on the Guru – on that ennobling Entity – channelizing his or her mundane bondages into the non-mundane realm, and elevating his or her non-mundane psychic bondages to the realm of the supramental entity, the source of supra-cognitive power. Hence, dhyána yoga [meditational Yoga] is the best yoga for sádhaná. Dhyána yoga is acknowledged by hat́ha yoga, Rája Yoga and Rájádhirája Yoga; it is also acknowledged by Buddhist Tantra and Jain Tantra, and by Bhágavata dharma. Well, Guru dhyána in the Guru cakra is called Gurusakásha." (6)

Auto-suggestion during the time of sleep

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "If a person constantly chants his or her japa mantra or meditates ceaselessly, then the rhythm of this japa, the rhythm that adores the Guru during dhyána, will act as auto-suggestion during the time of sleep, although the person will not remember it. After waking up, the person may wonder what the state of his or her mind was while he or she was asleep. He or she will feel that the state of sleep is the lack of any idea or thing – a sense of vacuum." (7)

Dhyána & japa even in sleep

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The pulsation that is caused by the action of japa or dhyána links the jiiva [unit being] with the higher realms, and establishes it in the cognitive properties for the time being. The pulsation that is caused by some physical condition is an unreal dream and connected with the mundane realm, and has no value. So when, through the symphony of meditation and japa, the rhythm of life persists, it is called dharmamegha samádhi. Moreover, if the symphony of meditation or japa persists for some time, and if in the natural course of events the jiiva does not forsake the meditation or japa, then loss of memory does not occur. This state is called dhruvásmrti, or “infallible, eternal memory”. A sádhaka with this capacity continues his or her dhyána and japa even in sleep. This kind of japa is called ajapá japa – which is to say, without one actually performing japa, japa is going on – or adhyáná dhyána – which is to say, without one actually meditating, meditation is going on." (8)

"Before having any other thought"

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "[One] should remember the Guru in the Guru cakra. This they should do sitting in siddhásana [perfect posture] or any other convenient ásana [posture], on the same blanket, skin, seat or bed as they had used for sleeping, immediately after waking up and before doing any other work or before having any other thought – even before performing their morning duties or any other task. This will be a high category of Gurusakásha. If it cannot always be done immediately after sleep, it is essential to remember the Guru early in the morning after overcoming sleepiness. If this is done, they will meet with success or illumination in each and every subtle and spiritual task that they perform in the course of the whole day. It is said:

Prátah shirasi shukle'bje dvinetraḿ dvibhujaḿ gurum;
Varábhayakrtahastaḿ smarettaḿ námapúrvakam.

[Early in the morning one should meditate on the Guru in varábhaya mudrá with two hands and two eyes seated on a white lotus in Guru cakra, and remember Sadguru by chanting His holy name (through a mantra).]

"Prátah means “in the morning”. Understand that prátah is indeclinable. So the first, second, fourth, fifth and all other case endings are not needed – there is no inflection or declension. Prátah, prátam, prátena, prátáya, prátát, prátasya and similar forms of declension will be out of place, since with an indeclinable word no suffix is added. Shirasi means “at the topmost point” – that is to say, in the Guru cakra. Shukle means “in a white”; abje means “in the lotus”; shuklébje means “in or on a white lotus”. And you have to meditate on the Guru who is dvinetra [endowed with two eyes] and dvibhuja [endowed with two hands]. In what posture is this Guru endowed with two eyes and two hands? In varábhaya mudrá [the gesture imparting fearlessness and bestowing grace]. He is your well-wisher and your benefactor."

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Whatever words you use mentally to address the Guru at the time of dhyána or Guru dhyána, should also be used at the time of this Guru dhyána. You should always address the Guru for an extended period. This is Gurusakásha." (9)

Ideate upon awakening

My acarya further presented and elaborated about teaching of Guru Sakash.

When you awaken, immediately sit on your bed in an upright position. Then place your finger on top of your head. And then you will have some touching sensation there on the crown / top of your head. And then try to visualize Sadguru there. Although Guru cakra is a little below. But when the mind will start going from the lower cakras to the upper cakras, then at least the mind will reach a little closer to Guru cakra or at the Guru cakra itself.

Otherwise it is not easy. And if for a few seconds your mind reaches to the Guru cakra and there you will visualize Sadguru, then you will feel tremendous bliss. And if the same Sadguru's image you are seeing somewhere else in another lower cakra, i.e. not in Guru cakra, then you will not realize such bliss. So by that way you can feel that if you felt extreme bliss on a certain point then you should consider that was Guru cakra.

1. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
2. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
3. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
4. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
5. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
6. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
7. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
8. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
9. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Two horrors rampant today

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “False philosophies have taught, “Well, if we exploit the people with our intellect, what’s the harm? It is also a labour to apply the intellect, and we have the right to do so!” On the basis of this argument a handful of parasites have gorged themselves on the blood of millions of people, while countless people have been reduced to living skeletons. Such fraudulent philosophies have diverted many people from the path of morality and left them devoid of dharma, addicted to carnal pleasures – infernal creatures.” (1)

Here Baba is talking about capitalism. Capitalists think if you use your brain to drain the wealth from others pockets and exploit them then that is ok. However, in the society, every person is not of the same intellectual standard. People are not of the same level of intelligence. That is why exploiting others with one’s intellect is sinful. And the second point is that capitalism that materialism is everything. By preaching this faulty idea, capitalism has turned human beings into animals. 

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

The secret behind gender selection

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Jiivátmá is neither a male nor a female, nor a hermaphrodite. For the proper expression of one's latent samskáras [reactive momenta] one gets reborn into the body of a woman or a man or sometimes a hermaphrodite. There is no question of high or low, superior or inferior, noble or ignoble because whatever might be the sex of the body, the jiivátmá is just the witnessing faculty of the mind it is attached to. It is unassailed by the sexual differences of the quinquelemental bodies. The unexpressed psychic reactions (samskáras) of the disembodied soul are guided by the Cosmic Mind and adjusted with a proper structure, at a proper time and a proper place, providing a congenial environment for the expression of the unrequited samskáras. Depending upon the nature of the samskáras there is either the predominance of the tendency to attract (samyojanii shakti) or the predominance of the tendency to be attracted (vibhájanii shakti). The nature of the force of attraction is to draw the object of enjoyment towards itself, and the nature of the force which is attracted is to move towards the object of enjoyment. When there is dominance of samyojanii shakti in one's latent saḿskáras, the disembodied soul attains a female body for its outward expression, and conversely where there is a dominance of vibhájanii shakti, it attains a male body. Where there is an approximate balance between the two, the disembodied soul attains the body of a hermaphrodite. Of course, even in the hermaphrodite the balance between saḿyojanii and vibhájanii shaktis is not perfect; there is a slight tilt in favour of one or the other. That's why some hermaphrodites are more inclined towards masculinity, and some, femininity." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Quiz: which country is Baba talking about

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Any society which accepts inequality, which wants to perpetuate that inequality by spreading false logic, is not a society worthy of the name. The standard-bearers of such false logic masquerade in the garb of righteousness and try to convince the downtrodden members of society that their economic deprivations – their humiliations, their scarcity of food, clothing and medicine, their exposure to the extremes of heat and cold – are decreed by fate, as inevitable reactions to their past actions.”
   “Some time ago I heard a millionaire speak at a meeting. He was arguing that in modern society the karmaváda [doctrine of action and reaction of the Giitá] should be more widely propagated, because he thought that if people could understand this doctrine of action properly, the countless shrivelled-up human beings languishing in the dustbins of society would no longer blame the capitalists for their miserable condition. They would accept their misfortune with equanimity. Just imagine what a dangerous idea this is! What a wonderful capitalistic argument! Perhaps some academic stooge on the payroll of these self-seeking capitalists may even try to concoct a philosophy to support this proposition. God save humanity from such perverted philosophies!”
   “People's physical longings are not satisfied until they come in contact with a truly great ideology. Till then, people's wolf-like hunger is insatiable, as if they are incessantly repeating, “I am hungry, I am hungry.” Their jaws are always open, and the foolish people of this world resign themselves to their own fatalistic beliefs and fall into them. The ferocious wolf-pack devours their flesh and blood and casts away the unpalatable bones. Should we support this wolfish philosophy? The day-labourers, porters and gate-keepers around us who wear dirty rags and have fatigue etched on their faces are not considered human by those who are rolling in luxury.” (1)

Answer: In the above teachings Sadguru Baba is referring to India and the misuse of Lord Krsna’s teachings.

1. Human Society -1, Social Justice

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