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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Spirituality & mental health + 6 more

Spirituality & mental health


In this ultra-modern era, where life has become so complex, if we want to save ourselves from mental tension or stress, as well as the more serious psychic ailments like depression, melancholia, personality disorders, and madness etc, we have to proceed very carefully. We are living in the midst of an extremely difficult and complex era – and the problems are only multiplying.

Because of the advancement of science, life is faster than ever before. Certainly, many of the physical problems have been addressed, making life easier in that realm, but the sheer speed of life and extreme materialism have brought so much psychic tension. That is why mental issues are on the rise. Under such circumstances, maintaining psychic ease and balance is very challenging.

Modernity creates more tension

Due to rapid scientific progress, even the common person has been adversely affected. The present-day world has become increasingly intricate. People struggle to keep their mental balance as they have so many different aspects of life to manage. The advancement of science and the age of modernity has created problems which normal people cannot solve. In comparison to hundreds of years ago, the citizens of today feel much more mental tension. Here’s why.

In the past, people had problems, but they were primarily physical in nature, not psychic. They were struggling much more physically than people of today, but ultimately those difficulties were manageable. Now, however, due to scientific development, the physical problems have been alleviated to some degree, but in the psychic sphere the problems have multiplied. Because people have to handle so many more intricacies of life.

Science and technology have advanced so far that people are at a loss for solving the problems of modern living. For example, when humans were traveling by bullock carts, then if there was an accident the situation was not so severe. It was within their knowledge base and capacity to solve the problem. But now if you are traveling by airplane, or even by automobile or car, then if there is an accident, the situation is quite grave. The matter is not easily resolved; it is far beyond the knowledge base and capacity of the common person to solve the problem.

No means to solve own problem

Here the point is that everyday tasks like commuting to work, meeting materialistic standards, and raising a family can and do create tremendous stress in life. All are touched by this. People have no means to solve the problem on their own; life is too complicated; there are too many interdependent factors. This creates huge tension in the mind. And people experience this daily. The pressure mounts from one incident to the next.

With all this comes a growing array of mental problems: From a “simple case” of frustration to heated anger outbursts, from mental stress disorder to thoughts of suicide and madness. Millions upon millions of citizens are affected – the malaise is commonplace.

Ultimately that high-level of tension strains the nerves. Nerve diseases, unheard of long ago, are rising at an unprecedented rate: heart attacks, strokes, high-blood pressure and more. So much sickness today is related with the psychic stress of modern life. Including the growing array of mental problems as well such as stress, depression, and melancholia etc. Here below Ananda Marga philosophy warns about the growing prevalence of mental tension and psychic instability.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “People have lost their tranquility…peace is lost. What is the overall consequence of this phenomenon? Mental disorders have become rampant – more and more people are becoming insane.” (1)

Why people lose their mental adjustment

Present-day humanity has, no doubt, made considerable intellectual progress. But in the external world, there is a lack of adjustment. This is the reason that among the educated people of today the number of lunatics – people suffering from psychic disorders – is on the increase: because there is no adjustment in the speeds of the inner and outer worlds. Not only is there maladjustment in speed but also in rhythm; that is, the pattern of internal psychic rhythm is altogether different from the external rhythm of the objective world. Obviously clash is inevitable, and the impact of this clash is felt much more in the psychic realm than in the physical sphere. As a result, human beings lose their mental adjustment.

Worse in materialistic countries

This entire package of exponentially increasing worldly difficulties and the rampant spread of mental problems is especially true in so-called developed countries – i.e. those materialistic lands where money is king. Surely, these issues are becoming more prevalent around the globe, but in those places where materialism has been tops for decades and decades like the USA and Europe, these problems have become systemic. If we are not careful, soon they will be chronic everywhere. That is the very real fear.

Many are aware of all these problems, but psychiatric doctors do not have the solution, they just give sedatives and or other pills. These prescriptions become lifelong; this is not treating the problem, just masquerading it. Whereas, Baba has beautifully given the proper solution which can in fact cure the disease: Strengthen and balance the mind so it is able to handle stressful situations in a calm manner. So only Baba has addressed the root cause: The mind is not developing at the same rate as modern technological advancements.

Baba guides us that the solution to this epidemic is singular. The speed of science is progressing fast, yet the mind is not developing at the same rate. So there is a serious maladjustment. The result is psychic tension. We have to do something to enhance the quality of the mind: To make it stronger. That solution is sadhana, i.e. psycho-spiritual practice.

When one does sincere sadhana, the mind gets stronger and stronger. Then one is ready to face all kinds of problems and difficulties. And not only that, those very same challenges are no longer problematic. That is why sadhana is the key for relieving the daily tension and stress of modern living. All because one has a base in life – the base of spirituality. This brings mental strength and balance.

“This is not my work. This is the work of my Lord.” 

The central idea of the Hindi (Subhasita Samgraha, 17-08 (H), DMC 8 April 1984 Tatanagar) teaching is twofold: The human cranium is small while the world has become very complex due to the advancement of science. In result, the typical human cranium cannot manage the vast array of complexities of day to day life. With the advancement of science, insanity and psychic maladies are increasing. People are suffering from nervous system diseases like high blood pressure, brain hemorrhages, paralysis, depression, heart disease, and various chronic physical and psychic diseases etc. To resolve this Baba has given the solution that while doing work one should think that. “This is not my work. This is the work of my Lord.” If one thinks like this there will not be any mental tension. This can only occur when one does sadhana. That is the main idea.


Baba tells us again and again that the way to combat and ultimately defeat this crisis is sadhana. Meditation will enable the mind to deal with the complexities of modernity wherein one will maintain proper mental balance. So only by intuitional practice – sadhana – can one escape the ghastly grip of mental problems that go hand in hand with a money-dominated, materialistic way of life.

Within sincerity in spiritual practices, one invariably becomes linked with Parama Purusa. Here Baba reveals to us the great inner secret for how spirituality dispels all psychic ailments.

The following is an English summary of the original Hindi teaching. 

While doing work one should ideate, ‘It is the work of Parama Purusa; it is not mine. I am doing His work to please Him’. By following this approach mental tension, nervousness, and psychic diseases will never arise. And also samskaras will not be formed. (English Summary, Subhasita Samgraha, 17-08 (H), DMC 8 April 1984 Tatanagar)

In Him,

Everyday examples

Here are daily affairs that create tension in people’s lives. 

Losing internet connection, electricity off / blackout, job insecurity, computer or phone meltdowns, divorce, bribes, workforce or job or business issues etc. Verily, there are an ever-increasing array of issues that ordinary people have to manage in their day-to-day lives.

For instance, nowadays motorcycles and cars have engines that are more computerized than before. So even if one is mechanically inclined, they cannot fix the car / phone / bicycle. The issue is too technical and requires specialized machines. And there are countless other examples as well. The key point is that the solution to such problems is beyond the means of the common person. That is the source of the mental tension.
Indeed there are so many, regular day-to-day activities that create stress or psychic tension:
(a) Commuting across town for an important appointment but due to crowds and traffic jams you are not able to reach your destination on time;
(b) Having to meet extremely high challenges and goals in today’s materialistic, corporate culture;
(c) Having both mother and father work extended hours 5 or 6 days a week due to financial pressures and not having any time to spend with the children;
(d) Feeling pressure to show your wealth or status through your style of dress; or, feeling pressure to live up to certain beauty standards;
(e) And there are so many other common examples wherein today’s people feel tense and stressed out.

The wave of mental tension even touches even the youngest of our kids:
(a) Primary school students sit for high-pressure examinations;
(b) Children often must “fit-in” or be bullied, i.e. harassed and pushed around by other kids;
(c) Children are regularly warned about “talking to strangers” – even local streets are not safe.

1. A Few Problems Solved – 4, The Ever-Expanding Domain of the Microcosm

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Please give me strength

"Ei anurodh prabhu tava caran'e, manake a'ma'r shubh pathe calio..." (P.S. 2098)


Baba, I place this request at Your lotus feet: Please guide me and goad my mind towards the path of welfare and divinity. If ever I am surrounded by hopelessness, then please light the lamp of hope in front of me and lead me unto the path of effulgence.

If ever my mind gets negatively affected by fear, shyness, hatred, and all these pashas (bondages), ripus (enemies), and indulges in crude worldly enjoyments block the path of my forward movement towards You, then at that time please awaken the samvit shakti with a thundering voice in my mind so I can mend my ways. Whenever my mind degenerates and I get attached towards those mundane things I become intoxicated and infatuated by worldly allurements, sensuous pleasures, and guided by animal instinct, then awaken that sleeping, neo-humanistic feeling within me. 

I shall move along Your path. Please give me strength so I can march ahead. On this path, You Yourself please be my guide so that I never get trapped by avidya and follow the wrong path. Baba, please remain along with me.

Baba, at Your lotus feet, this much of a request I have: Please lead me from the darkness to the effulgence…

Note for PS #2098

Samvit: "Samvit means spiritual consciousness, spiritual awakening. A man engaged in bad things all of a sudden feels that “No, I shouldn’t do all these things. No, I should be a good man henceforward.” Such an idea all of a sudden comes in his mind. And this thing, this change of mental tendency, is brought about by samvit shakti of Vidyámáyá. Do you follow? This is what is called samvit shakti. “No, henceforward I must be a good man. No, henceforward I must be a spiritualist. I must not encourage any depraving idea.” Samvit shakti." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Brahma Cakra

== Section: News of 2020 ==

Madhuvratananda's approach is anti-Prout


1. Why did Madhuvratananda appeal only to unemployed youths? Why didn't he appeal to spiritually-inclined and all youths?

2. Whether Madhuvratananda will pay salaries to unemployed youth as those youths are looking for a job to pay for the basic needs of their parents etc.

3. Is it so easy to become a WT? Whether bhakti and dedication are not required to become WT?

4. Whether AMPS is a business company which targets only unemployed youths, i.e. those youths in search of a paying job in order to cover the basic needs of their parents.

in Him,

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Initial name of Hindu religion

Before Shankaracarya the name of the Hindu religion was Árśa Dharma. For support please see this below teaching from Baba.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "About 2500 years ago, when the sun of Árśa Dharma was about to set, when it was limited to a series of cruel sacrifices and ritualistic ostentations, without any devotion or idealism, a simmering discontent brewed in the hearts of honest, intelligent and rational people. They could not express their suppressed agony – that this lifeless, substanceless dharma was like a fruit without any pulp, unable to satisfy the deep hunger of the human heart. In fact, in most cases it was only a handful of people, motivated by the instinct of greed, who were beating the drums of dogma and ruthlessly exploiting innocent people." (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 18

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How hypocritical a person can be

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika states “One night a certain inveterate drunkard who had finished off an enormous kutú [bottle] fell in the gutter and was rolling around until he became senseless, exactly when no one knows. This memorable event of that night is not today a part of recorded history. Then dawn broke. The touch of the cold morning breeze and the cold water of the gutter sobered him. He opened his eyes and saw a large gathering of people around him. Someone was saying, “Oh, the fellow is dead!” Someone else was saying, “He drank so heavily that he passed out.” Yet another person was saying, “The fellow may not be drunk at all; it might be some other malady.” The drunkard was listening to everything, but out of shame he kept his eyes closed. Still, how long can one remain like that? One has to shake it off and get up. And so he had to open his eyes. As chance would have it, the moment he opened his eyes and looked at the crowd, he saw his son’s father-in-law standing directly in front of him. Then without any embarrassment at all, he said [to son’s father-in-law]: “Brother, it is not that what you think. It is my epilepsy.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 5, Disc: 30

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Rampant forgiveness makes people indolent in the fight against injustice

Prout philosophy states, “"Mahaviira's philosophy of nirgrantha vada never gained mass support. Secondly, he placed too much emphasis on forgiveness and mercy. He taught people to forgive their worst enemies, even if they were as deadly as scorpions and snakes. As a result of this teaching, people lost the will to fight against the enemies of society. So, although the teachings of Buddha and Mahaviira Jain were not based on dogma and did not deliberately mislead people, they failed in the course of time because they were not sufficiently comprehensive and well-balanced." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell, Part 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

मैं हर परिस्थिति में सदैव तुम्हारी उपस्थिति का ही अनुभव करता हॅूं।

प्रभात संगीत 1279 तोमारे सतत नन्दित करि...

हे  परमपुरुष बाबा!  मैं अपने जीवन में साधना, सेवा और त्याग के कार्यों से हमेशा तुम्हें प्रसन्न करने  का प्रयास करता हूँ।  मैं आनन्द  देने वाले तुम्हारे रास्ते  पर आगे की ओर, तुम्हारी ओर बढ़ रहा हॅूं। यह तुम्हारी  कृपा है।  इस रास्ते  पर आगे की यात्रा करने  के लिये मेरे पास तुम्हारा चिंतन करने,  सदा तुम्हारी समीपता का अनुभव करने और तुम्हारे निर्देशों के पालन करने  के अलावा मेरी  और कोई अपनी शक्ति नहीं है।

 हे प्रभु! तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं हमेशा  तुम्हारे नाम और गीतों  में भक्ति भाव से लीन  रहता हॅूं। मैं तुम्हारा ध्यान करते समय तुमसे  थोड़ी सी कृपा मांगता रहता  हॅूं। तुम्हारा श्रवण, मनन और निदिध्यासन करते समय मुझे यह स्पष्ट हो गया है कि तुम्हारे अलावा और कुछ है ही नहीं। यह तुम्हारी ही दया है।

नाच, गाने और प्रसन्नता में , दुःख, सुख  और आनन्द में, , रेगिस्तान की गर्मी  या पहाड़ों की ठंडक में, तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं हर परिस्थिति में सदैव तुम्हारी निकटता और उपस्थिति का ही अनुभव करता हॅूं। हे  परमपुरुष बाबा! तुम बडे़ ही दयालु हो।

== Section 3: Links ==