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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Misnomer on wealth + 3 more


Misnomer on wealth


The prevailing notion around the globe is that everyone can become a billionaire. That is a central myth of capitalism. Indeed, the proposition that all can become billionaires is a short-sighted and narrow idea because this earth is limited and the material resources are also limited. Even the number of dollar bills is limited. Each bill has its own unique serial number and those codes are finite in number. And that is the case with every other physical resource on this earth. Since the earth itself is limited, there is not an infinite amount of resources for everyone to accumulate more and more.

Myth: all can have sprawling mansion with miles of property

It is just like if there are ten people in a room and only twelve bananas. In that situation, everyone cannot gather twelve bananas. Someone might foolishly lay claim that everyone can grab twelve bananas, but the fact is that only one person can grab twelve bananas. And the other nine people will get nothing. But if they distribute the fruit rationally among themselves then everyone will get at least one banana, and those in need may get two. Then there will be peace in the room. Whereas if one person grabs all 12 bananas there will be fight, chaos, starvation, and stomach pain. 

Same is the case with the material wealth of this world. Some may say that everyone can accumulate and hoard a maximum amount and become a billionaire etc. But that is a physical impossibility. After a few persons hoard an excessive amount, everyone else will be in shortage. Prout philosophy guides us that as physical wealth is limited there should be an upper bar (ceiling) above which people cannot accumulate material wealth. That ceiling will be adjusted according to the country or socio-economic conditions of the age.

To arouse the public consciousness, there must be a wealth ceiling by law. Already there are many countries where one cannot accumulate enormous amounts of land, i.e. land ceiling / land holding laws. Similarly, there should be a wealth ceiling also. 

Already we have worn our resources thin. Not everyone can have a sprawling mansion with miles and miles of property. The resources are limited: property, money, land, gold etc. These are all finite. We have to educate people to realise this fact. The sooner people become aware about the myths of capitalism and realise it is not possible for all to become billionaires, the faster we can bring peace.

Capitalism preaches the false notion that everyone can continue accumulating more and more, as if the world is infinite. That is the myth. And many people dream that this is how their life will proceed. When in fact, gross, unending material hoarding is in fact a fallacy. People need money for their basic needs, but the over-accumulation of limited material wealth by all is impossible because this earth is limited. In the general society, these myths are misguiding billions of people. Most suffer from an extreme misunderstanding about capitalistic economic policy and its related effects. 

Prout: not to allowed to accumulate massive wealth

Ananda Sutram states: “Samájádeshena viná dhanasaiṋcayah akartavyah.”

[No individual should be allowed to accumulate any physical wealth without the clear permission or approval of the collective body.]

Ananda Sutram states, “Purport: The universe is the collective property of all. All people have usufructuary rights but no one has the right to misuse this collective property. If a person acquires and accumulates excessive wealth, he or she directly curtails the happiness and convenience of others in society. Such behaviour is flagrantly antisocial. Therefore, no one should be allowed to accumulate wealth without the permission of society. (1)

In Him,
Prakash Deva

Dishonest people misappropriate these resources

Prout philosophy states, “Nature has been kind enough to provide abundant natural resources to every region of this earth, but she has not given guidelines on how to distribute these resources among the members of society. This duty has been left to the discretion and intelligence of human beings. Those who are guided by dishonesty, selfishness and mean-mindedness misappropriate these resources and utilize them for their individual or group interests rather than for the welfare of the whole society. Mundane resources are limited but human longings are limitless. Hence, for all the members of society to live in peace and prosperity, human beings have to adopt a system which ensures the maximum utilization and rational distribution of all resources. To achieve this, human beings will have to establish themselves in morality and then create a congenial environment for morality to flourish.” (2)

Yet those capitalists never want to curtail or compromise their avaricious tendency. So the ultra-rich go on exploiting the common people and the material resources. But this is unsustainable and impractical.

To arouse the public consciousness, a grand PROUT rally was organised in Delhi and the main demand was that there must be a wealth ceiling by law. Already there are many countries where one cannot accumulate enormous amounts of land, i.e. land ceiling / land holding laws. Similarly, there should be a wealth ceiling also. See this below photo from the PROUT rally that was organised in Delhi for this purpose.

Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at 11.57.09 AM.png

See this above photo from the PROUT rally organised for the purpose of demanding a wealth ceiling.

Prout rally in Delhi demanding wealth ceiling

1. Ananda Sutram 5 - 12
2. Proutist Economics, Economic Democracy

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Importance of surrender

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Suppose you meet a great karmi and ask him if he is successful in everything he undertakes. He will certainly say, “No.” If you ask him if he ever gets tired of working, he will say that he definitely gets tired on different occasions. And when he gets tired does he not ask Parama Puruśa to give him more strength? No matter how great a karmii one might be, one will have to eventually take shelter in Parama Puruśa, one will have to eventually surrender to Him." (1)

Note: In the life of a sadhaka on the spiritual journey, the first and foremost ingredient is surrender. In so many ways it is used. In the above quote, surrender is explained in a very simple way. 

1. Ananda Vacanartam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 2

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा! इस धरती पर तुम्हारे आने से पहले यह पूरी धरती भौतिकवाद

प्रभात सङ्गीत 4863  विषादे वसुधा छिलो एका तोमार अभावे....


हे परमपुरुष बाबा ! इस धरती पर तुम्हारे आने से पहले यह पूरी धरती भौतिकवाद, भावजड़ता, और कष्टों में डूबी हुई थी। इस धरती पर सब कुछ था परन्तु तुम्हारा दिखया रास्ता  नहीं था। इसलिए जो भी थोड़ी बहुत आध्यात्म की चमक थी वह भौतिकवाद की घनी अन्धेरी रात से काली पड़ गई  थी। स्वार्थ, जड़ता और अन्धविश्वासों की तेजी इतनी थी कि धर्म का प्रकाश भी प्रकाशित नहीं हो पाता था। हे परमपुरुष ! इस दशा में तुम्हारा इस धरती पर आना बहुत ही आवश्यक हो गया था।

हे बाबा ! तुम्हारे आने के पहले लोगों के हृदय के आकाश में चंद्रमा था, परन्तु  वह भावजड़ता के बादलों में छिपा था | अर्थात् उनके हृदय में अज्ञानता से भरी भौतिकवाद पर आधारित बेकार की विचारधाराऐं थीं। वनों में फूल थे पर सभी लोगों के मन इतने अशान्त और तनाव में डूबे रहते थे कि उन्हें सुगन्धित फूलों की महक ही नहीं मिल पाती थी।

वे पक्षियों की चहचहाहट और कोयल की सङ्गीत ध्वनि का आनन्द नहीं ले पाते थे। उन्हें इस सुन्दरता का पता ही नहीं चल पाता था। वे अकेले बैठे कष्टों में रोते रहते थे। मेरे मन के कोने में भी अकेलापन और तुम्हारी चाह थी परन्तु बिना आध्यात्म के मन में शान्ति  बिलकुल नहीं थी।

इतना ही नहीं, प्रभु शिव की शिक्षाओं को भी तोड़ मोड़ कर भावजड़ता में बदल दिया गया था। आनन्द देने वाले सबेरे की लालिमा भी धुएँ से छिपी रहती थी । हे परमपुरुष ! इस घने अँधेरे को दूर हटाकर तुम आए और अलौकिक मधुर झोंके से सभी के हृदयों को झकझोर दिया।

बाबा ! यह तुम्हारी कृपा है, केवल तुम्हारी ही कृपा..... ! (1)

1. Guru says that simple words should be used in a purport so all readers may understand (GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984). And that rule is being followed here.

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Crowning glory of one’s victory

“A sádhaka is verily a soldier. The pricks of thorns on the difficult path signify one’s progress. The collective welfare of the universe is the crowning glory of one’s victory.” (Ananda Vanii #2)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Links ==