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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Special story of Alaksmii

Special story of Alaksmii


In this story, Baba recounts what happens to a king when a serious crisis enters his life, and he is surrounded in all directions by trial and difficulty. Basically, the pious king keeps his promise and follows his dharma by welcoming the goddess Alaksmii into his palace; but, in reaction, all the other gods and goddesses opted to leave his company. So the king is in serious danger of losing everything he has-- all his wealth etc. In this manner the story develops.

Parallel with AMPS

Similarly, since the beginning when Baba started this Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, so many dramatic incidents have occurred in the life of Ananda Margiis. Sometimes, in their personal life and other times in their organisational life, so many events have transpired. By strictly adhering to the high ideals of AM, sadhakas have had to face so many reactions.

For example, during Emergency, countless Ananda Margiis were harshly condemned and tortured because they were sticking to our ideology-- Atmamok's'a'rtham' jagaddhita'ya ca-- and following Ista. For this reason our brothers and sisters were victimised and forced to undergo all sorts of public humiliation and injustices. They lost their government service posts, went to jail, and were ridiculed by their community. Indeed, one after another problem happened. Those courageous margiis got a bad name with their relations and friends. And in the society they were treated very poorly. There was seemingly no end to the abuse they received; it came from all sides.

Hence, like the dharmic king in the story, margiis lost nearly everything they had. All because they were following their principles.

How the king regains his regal status

But, as the story about the king unfolds, Baba shows how step by step the king deservedly regains his high status and more. All the gods and goddesses sneak back into his palace in order to enjoy their cherished life with dharma. So all those who had turned their back on the king because he was following his dharma ultimately returned in full force and with great appreciation and regard for the king.

Similarly in our AMPS, when the situation cleared and the truth was heard, then margiis were released from jail, and, step by step, everything became fine-- and even better than before. Because the common public understood that Ananda Marga teachings are good by seeing our ideological discipline, refined conduct, and social service projects. Quickly then, in the due course, the government financially compensated margiis and gave them back their posts also. And, thereafter, our margii brothers and sisters enjoyed a very good status in the society. Indeed in all the realms justice was served. Everything turned out fine-- socially, economically, and in all respects. Whatever Margiis' situation was earlier became vastly improved.

So by following dharma initially it looks like something is lost. But over time, so long as one continues to follow dharma, the tables turn entirely and the one following dharma regains everything, and more. In all the cases it is like this.

Symbolism & reality in AMPS

In the story, keeping the goddess Alaksmii means following ideology, i.e. strictness with adarsha and Ista. That is the symbolic meaning. And that is why when the king willingly sacrifices everything for Alaksmii, his position is saved. Dharma remains by his side, and all the glamour and splendour of his palace is restored.

And that is what happened in the case of all Ananda Margiis who followed the ideological path and remained close to Ista during the emergency. People lost their posts, jobs, occupations, money, colleagues etc, the whole scene was difficult-- surrounded by problems. But later on the whole scenario was resolved in a brighter and greater manner. What those margiis had earlier, their stature improved multi-fold.

That is one famous example from the past. And in spirit, this same exact scenario happens day in and day out in the life of each and every sadhaka. Whereby a problem arises but then gets resolved in a better and better way. Because, just see, when anyone adopts the path of Ananda Marga then in one way or another their friends, relatives, and all the people around them -- such as people from their old religion, caste, workplace and community-- make jokes, give them a bad name, and create all sorts of problems. In this way, struggle starts.

And eventually those people leave the company of Ananda Margiis. Earlier, many negative persons were surrounding them but then leave. We margiis are strict in dharma and do not like to partake in their negative food habits, cinema films, dance parties etc. So those old relations leave, and by that way everything becomes more blissful. And eventually those persons who were criticizing and creating problems for us come to appreciate that what we Ananda Margiis are doing is very great and dharmic. So earlier they were mocking us, and now they are seeing us from a distance with respect. Top of all, whatever problems they created were solved in a better way. Just like how all the gods and goddesses return to the palace with new found respect and compliance towards the dharmic king.


The overall idea is that by sticking to ideology and Ista, then one’s life becomes brilliant and blissful-- crowned with success and victory. And all the perceived losses which happen during a time of struggle turn into permanent gains. And that is the very essence and message of Baba's story about the King and Alaksmii.

Hence what Baba is describing in indirect language in the story of Alaksmii and the king, to some or more degree each and every Ananda Margii has undergone and experienced that first-hand in their own life. So in the life of each and every Ananda Margii, this great, dharmic event is going on. It happened in the past, is happening at present, and will continue to happen in future.


Story of king & Alaksmii

Here following is Baba's highly significant and symbolic story about the dharmic king and the goddess Alaksmii.

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Once there was a king. He was a strong spiritualist, a strong dha'rmik. Whatever he said he did and whatever he did he said. One day the king made a declaration that he would buy whatever remained unsold in the village market. People started coming to the market. One day, a sculptor brought an idol of the goddess `Alaks'mii', which negates wealth. Who would want to keep the idol Alaks'mii in their house? Nobody bought it. Finally in the evening the seller of that idol came to the king and said, `Ra'ja' Sa'hib, please take this idol and be true to your words.' The king bought it. The goddess Alaks'mii entered the palace. At about midnight the king heard a lady weeping. He approached her, asking `Mother, why are you weeping? What is the matter'. `I am the goddess of wealth, Ra'jya Laks'mii', she replied. `Now that Alaks'mii has entered the palace, how can I live here?' The king said, `Very well, for the protection of dharma I have to keep Alaks'mii here. If you do not want to live here, you may go'. Thereupon the goddess of wealth went away. After some time the Raja heard the sound of shoes; `thak, thak, thak'."
   "The king, on hearing the sound, went to see what the matter was. He saw a gentleman and asked, `Who are you?' The reply was, `I am Na'ra'yan'a.' `What is the matter Na'ra'yan'a?' asked the king, `where are you going?' Na'ra'yan'a replied, `Laks'mii has left the palace, what shall I do? I shall not live here.' The king said, `To protect dharma, I have to keep Alaks'mii, and so if you want to leave the palace, you may go, what can I do?' Na'ra'yan'a left. After that all the high-class, middle-class and lower-class gods and goddesses left the palace. The king said, 'If you all so desire you may go'. In the end a very glorious personality appeared. `Who are you?' asked the king. The reply was, `I am dharma ra'ja', the king of dharma. As all the other gods and goddesses have left the palace, I am also leaving.' The king replied, `It cannot be. To protect dharma I kept Alaks'mii. Oh dharma ra'ja, how can you leave me?' Dharma Ra'ja said `You are right. I will not leave.' As Dharma had remained there, Na'ra'yan'a slowly entered through the back door, since he did not dare to enter through the front door. The king said to him, `If you wish you may come.' Thus Na'ra'yan'a came. Laks'mii followed him, covering her face, because she did not dare to show her face to the king. There was a small gate within the main gate through which the other small and big gods and goddesses started entering. Some entered through the skylights and some of them entered through the drain. They found one or other way to enter the room. They said `Where there is dharma, where there is Narayana and Laks'mii, we shall also go and remain.' In the end the king was victorious." (1)

Note: In the above story, the god of dharma also threatens to leave the king’s company. The question arises, “What does this mean? Why would the mythological god of dharma become fed up with the righteous king.” The answer is that this is a metaphor for the quandary that may arise in the mind of some sadhakas. Those who follow the path of dharma often face an internal battle of whether to persevere or not. Some are shaken by this and become hesitant, doubtful, and affected by all the criticism. Due to a lack of proper resolve and sadhana, they consider leaving, just like the god of dharma in the above story. Those who do leave are most unfortunate souls. Their lives are never the same. In contrast, true sadhakas always stand tall in the face of any crisis and remain linked with dharma every step of the way. They are truly blessed.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam-5, Bandhu, Suhrd, Mitram and Sakhá

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Pop stars: removed or rectified

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "Strict vigilance should be kept over the purity of their individual conduct. They should not become the cause of a disease which invades the whole social body like a cancer. If actors and actresses fail to acquire a basic level of personal purity or are reluctant to acquire it, it will be the duty of society and the state to compel them to lead good lives by creating circumstantial pressure. No matter how talented they may be, immoral actors and actresses will have to be deprived of their right to exhibit their artistic talents, and sent to reform schools." (1)

Here Baba is guiding us that those leading debauched lives must not be allowed to work in the art and entertainment industry - whether they be actors, actresses, singers or performers etc. This applies to all those artists leading promiscuous lives. Naturally, this also includes the gay and lesbian community that is well-known for engaging in the arts and leading sensually depraved lives. Such persons must be forced to lead a sentient life or be removed from the stage. 

The real danger is that if they fail to reform themselves, then with their degrading habits and high-profile life they will adversely affect and harm others, especially impressionable youths. That is why Guru's definitive statement is that only those artists who are strict in Sixteen Points may perform. All others must be forced to rectify their conduct. Until then, they are not allowed to appear on the public stage etc.

In Him,

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations