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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Getting unshackled from religion + 4 more


Getting unshackled from religion


When Taraka Brahma comes on this earth in the form of Mahasambhuti, He establishes bhagavad dharma and brings the whole society along the path of rationality and sublime spirituality.

Yet, at the time of His arrival, there are many groups of orthodox religious followers whose minds are completely submerged in dogma. Those orthodox Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Hindus etc were raised in the cradle of dogma. Irrational thoughts, fears, and beliefs have seeped deep into their psyche. In result, it is absolutely impossible to guide them; their minds are not open to rational discussion, logic, and reasoning. They have been wholly polluted and stymied by all kinds of extreme religious rhetoric and impositions from their very birth. So they are neither ready nor willing to listen to anything contrary to their religious upbringing. They cannot be guided onto the path of dharma. They are unwilling to listen to the tenets of Ananda Marga.

Religious fanatic -> pseudo culture -> neohumanist

Yet Mahasambuti has come exclusively for this purpose: to establish all on the path of dharma. How then to reconcile the situation. What technique does Mahasambhuti employ to pull those religious extremists away from their dogmatic position. How does He bring the whole humanity onto the path of rationality.

To help Mahasambhuti, prakrti unleashes herself and places all under the degrading bondage of materialism and pseudo-culture. Because all humans - regardless of their religious background - have the four basic animal propensities: sleep, food, procreation, and fear. By activating these baser vrttis, those religious communities cannot keep their followers under their religious tutelage. Those older generations may remain staunchly tied to their religions, but the younger generations, allured by the temptations of materialism, have one foot in their religious upbringing and the other foot in pseudo-culture. And within another generation or so, those kids are wholly freed of the shackles of that religious dogma. And their minds are open to hearing the rational teachings of bhagavad dharma.

Younger generations are open-minded

And verily this is the narrative unfolding at this very moment. The younger generation - the millennials - have nearly separated themselves completely from their parent’s religion(s). As a group, their participation in religious activities is a small fraction of that of their parents and grandparents. And the children of those millennials will have no religious ties whatsoever. That is the overall trend. It may vary from country to country. But, on the whole, prakrti has drawn everyone into materialism and snapped the noose of religion.

So those younger generations are much more open-minded than their religious forefathers. These younger generations are keen to learn about all kinds of rational ideas. And this is the perfect breeding ground for Ananda Marga ideology. Ours is the only 100% rational, dogma-free philosophy and way of life. Those with an open-mind will surely be drawn in our direction. And verily Taraka Brahma has created the vibration. So with each successive generation more and more will be coming onto the path of bliss, i.e. Ananda Marga.

And that is the special way by which Mahasambhuti graciously takes the society from the nadir point of orthodox, religious dogma onto the path of bhagavata dharma.


The advent of Parama Purusa happens in the transitional period. Before our eyes in the last 60 to 70 years, there has been a tremendous change in human psychology. Across the vast landscape of Ananda Marga ideology which Baba has bestowed upon us, slowly those teachings are getting established in the general society. Every succeeding generation is more open minded, and they are wholeheartedly accepting spirituality. It is just like how a flood comes and everything gets submerged and destroyed. Then with whatever materials are available people make new homes. Similarly, with the flood of materialism, all dogmatic, bogus, religious values are getting destroyed. The new generation is open to learning rational and ideological teachings, which was impossible just a short while back as those religious fundamentalists had a very dogmatic and closed mind. So there has been a dramatic turnaround. The era of spiritual dominance is coming fast, by the grace of Baba.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “About seven thousand years ago Sadáshiva came onto the earth, and about 3500 years after that Lord Krśńa appeared as another Mahásambhúti. When the Supreme Entity appears as Mahásambhúti, He is not regarded as an avatára, rather He is called Táraka Brahma. The Entity who brings freedom from all sorts of bondages is given the special name of Táraka Brahma. All the superstitions, inequities and defective social customs that have arisen in the last 3500 years, and which are impeding human progress, will be dispelled with His coming.” (1)

In Him,
Dharmaraunga Deva

Religious discussion

Here below Baba guides us that it is having an open, respectful, and philosophical dialogue on the efficacy and loopholes of the various religions is quite appropriate,

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Read any so-called religious book: one will seldom find anything resembling tolerance of the religious beliefs of others...If necessary, different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (2)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, Sambhúti and Mahásambhúti
2. Human Society - 1, Moralism

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Work of negative vipras

Note: In Prout philosophy, the terms shudra, ksatriya, vipra, and vaeshya are common. But some readers find it difficult to understand in a substantive way who these people are, and how to recognise them in the present day society. The following section is a very good description for understanding who is a vipra. 

After reading Baba’s below guideline it will be clear that Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, bin laden, Hitler, and thousands more around the globe are negative vipras, i.e. recent and present day intellectual satans who created wars. 

Prout philosophy states, “At the slightest sign from the vipras [ministers], major wars break out in different countries and states. The vipras  [intellectual demons] themselves do not fight. By whispering of war in the ears of the king, they send kśatriya generals into battle. Kśatriya soldiers, running the risks for the vipras  [intellectual satans], wage war on land, on sea and in the air, and the vipras [intellectual demons], understanding their physical and mental weaknesses, entice them with food or money, or inspire them with hollow, idealistic-sounding slogans, and land them in a holocaust.”

“Thus in the Vipra Age kśatriyas [military personnel] fight and die while shrewd vipra ministers receive triumphant ovations. This happens in every country where vipras [intellectual satans] play a dominant role. The names of vipra ministers are blazoned across the pages of history, but history does not record the numbers of soldiers who died on the battlefield or how many of them saw their golden dreams fade into darkness under cannon fire.”

Prout philosophy states, “When a vipra minister dies, the newspapers write it up elaborately. Condolence meetings are held; condolence messages come in by the thousands; flags are flown at half mast; and marble statues are erected at intersections in public parks. But the press will never acknowledge the kśatriyas [soldiers] whose blood enriched the ground for the harvest of victory. And actually, why should they? How can so many names be published in a newspaper anyway!”

“All the great warmongers, the great politicians of the world, belong to this vipra gang of satanic intellect. At their command, or due to their fiery lectures or diplomatic intrigues, millions of foolish shúdras have lost their lives and thousands of hot-blooded kśatriyas [soldiers] have served as instruments in the slaughter.”

“The pages of world history reveal that all the crusades and jihads of the Middle Ages were plotted by these satanic vipras [religious priests]. Caught in their intrigues, the shúdras [common mass] took the beatings; and the kśatriyas [soldiers] fought as religious warriors, but never thought deeply about whom they were fighting for.”

Prout philosophy states, “Was it only in the Middle Ages that this happened? In today’s world also, satanic vipras [war-mongering intellectuals], the protected agents of the capitalist vaeshyas [wealthy exploiters], have led and are continuing to lead millions of people along the path of death and destruction. Evil vipras [demonic intellectuals] are fanning the flames of the vaeshyas’ [wealthy exploiters] insatiable, demonic hunger. Neither the shúdra masses [common citizens] nor the warlike kśatriyas [soldiers] are responsible for the problem of the millions of refugees in different countries, for the heart-rending cries of the mothers, wives, sons and daughters of the soldiers who died on the battlefields, for the blazing flames of communal riots, for communalism itself, provincialism, nationalism and casteism. The responsibility lies with a small group of shrewd vipras [intellectual satans and religious priests] who, out of petty self-interest, have instigated the shúdras [common people] and kśatriyas [soldiers] to commit heinous acts.”

“The meanness and brutality of such vipras [intellectual demons] put on a ghoulish graveyard dance, seeming to make a mockery of the vipras’ intellect. In the Vipra Age the vipras [religious priests] drew power from this type of brutality, and through a staged display of black magic, vipras bestrode society. In the Vaeshya Age the vipras [intellectual demons] commit similar sins in order to shine like fancy shoes on the feet of the vaeshyas [wealthy exploiters].” (1)

1. Human Society part 2 - The Vipra Age

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Naming of famous mountain

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Mt. Everest, of the Himalayan range, is the highest mountain in the world. This fact was established by Ra'dha'nath Sikadar. Most probably he named the peak after his supervising officer, the Surveyor General of that time, Mr. Everest." (1)

Note 1: Baba is revealing the reality that Ra'dha'nath Sikadar of India first established the truth that Everest is the highest peak in the world. Hence credit should be given to Ra'dha'nath Sikadar, not Mr. Everest. But Mr. Everest took the credit and kept it in his own name. Otherwise the name would be Mt. Ra'dha'nath.

Note 2: Generally speaking, people are not aware how this illustrious mountain of the Himalayan range was named. In particular, why was a European name given for this peak when other Himalayan peaks are named in Sanskrit - like Mt. Kaela'sh.

Note 3: During the British rule of India, the 'Surveyor General' post was occupied by Mr. Everest.

1. Varn'a Vicitra, Sanskrit Grammar Book, last discourse part 1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to dispel coronavirus 

Baba says, "In case of any epidemic, natural calamities like drought, excessive rainfall, and so many manmade calamities, bringing so many afflictions, miseries and tortures to human beings, are also dispelled by kiirtana. If kiirtana is chanted, if kiirtana is done with maximum sincerity, it will bring the effect in no time." (1)

1. 16 May 1982 MGD Calcutta

== Section : Important Teaching ==

Strange thing in AMPS

WT Conduct Rules state: “Obedience is discipline and discipline is obedience.” (1)

One time thieves wearing military uniforms infiltrated a military campus. And the commander of the thieves ordered all to attention. Those original military soldiers stood at attention while the thieves emptied their arsenal and cash etc. After the incident was reported, the real military leader arrived on the scene and found that all the troops were still standing in attention. Those military chiefs asked the troops about this. They said, “Look, our whole life we got training that we have to follow the order to maintain discipline. And that we should follow whatever our bosses say. We do not care which boss it is, but until we get next order how can we break our stance.”

Conclusion: In this story the commander thief is Rudrananda, and the military troops following the order are regular Wts. The thieves are looting everything and Wts do not know if the commander is the saviour or destroyer of the military. This happens only in a blind kingdom. In ideal scenarios, this is laughable. In any civilised nation if the commander goes against the constitution then the military revolts - or even shoots their commander. In that case they are protected by the constitution. But in AMPS, anti-social elements are controlling and obedient Wts are following mindlessly. They lost all their common sense. In following their so-called discipline, they are destroying the constitution of Ananda Marga. What nonsense is going on in the name of discipline.


1. Wt Conduct Rules, Fourteen Points, Point #1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Food affects spiritual, psychic, and physical bodies

Baba says, "Pramitáhárah: to maintain the physical body, you require physical food, air, water, light. But physical food is not simply for the physical body. It has got its effect on the spiritual body. The cells of your physical body are created from the cells that you receive from your physical food, and your psychic body is also influenced by these cells. So while taking food, you should be very careful. You should always try to take sentient food, and on rare occasions you may take mutative food. You should never take static food. Not only that, but your diet should be balanced. You must not take too much or too little. The food should be substantial. When it is balanced or measured, and, at the same time, substantial, that type of food is called Pramitáhára in Sanskrit. The sixth factor is Pramitáhárah. The sixth requisite factor is balanced and substantial, sentient food." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets

== Section 3: Links ==

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