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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Role of emotion + 3 more

Role of emotion


Commonly people know about sentiment. Mental pull towards any object is sentiment. Yet, sentiment is not stable; a mind dominated by sentiment rushes from A to B, and then to C. Those who are more emotional cry meaninglessly. Or they say something which later they themselves feel was inappropriate or irrational.
Let's take a look at the difference between emotional decisions and ones based in bhakti in the practical sphere. As we know, many get caught up in the allurement of emotional desires. For instance, in the heat of the moment some rush into getting married only to find themselves later running to divorce court. Because that marriage was done out of emotional attachment. The proof is the short-lived nature of the event. Emotional or sentimental decisions do not last long.

Emotional choices

Here's another one. How often are people in a hurry to buy an alluring product only to throw it out or give it away a few months later. All because the appeal of that item drastically diminished in their eyes. Yet when they bought it they "had to have it." In all such cases their desires are little more than impulsive, emotional ties based on self-interest. They cry for those objects beforehand only to soon change their mind and wish for something else. This is all pure emotional attachment.

It is no different from a child that sheds many a tear in order to have a particular toy, only to then drop that very toy out of disinterest and cry for something else. Here the key point is that when one's longing or desire does not have rational support, then that longing is based on emotion.

By this basic formula, each and every sadhaka can look back and see how their own lives have progressed. The things that have come and gone from their lives were based on emotional attachment and those things that have stood the test of time are rooted in the firm foundation of rationality. However, at that point in time, nobody thinks that their emotional decision was a frivolous choice. It is only later that they understand that their choice was poor and that they were merely running after sentiment.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When the mind moves along a particular track or follows a particular discipline in a methodical way, this is called “devotion” or bhakti; but when it does not follow a particular method, when it moves haphazardly, swept away by whim, it is called “emotion”. This is the fundamental difference between devotion [supreme love] and emotion. You must know this clear-cut silver line of demarcation between devotion and emotion.” (1)

Heartfelt feeling moves one into action

At the same time, we have to remember that nobody does anything in this world due to logic and reasoning alone. For example, if someone reads about an earthquake in the newspaper, based on that information alone they will not do anything. They have the knowledge but that logic is not enough to move them into action. Whereas if they have a loved one in that earthquake zone then quickly based on that heartfelt feeling they will jump into action.

It is only when a person feels an internal, heart-felt urge that they choose to take action. So most every decision in life is fueled by the heartfelt feelings of either emotion (whim) or bhakti (divine love). We should clearly understand and recognise the difference between the two. Consider a mother rushing her child to the hospital in the middle of the night, or a young boy running to get sweets with his friends, or margiis running to attend kiirtana. In all such cases, people only act and achieve something when they have an inner feeling or propulsion toward their object of ideation (goal). That is when things get done - otherwise not.

So all have some kind of heartfelt feeling; everyone gets moved in one way or another. The key point of the equation is the nature of one's aspiration. Is one moved by emotion or is one guided by bhakti (supreme love). One of these two heartfelt feelings is at work. And it is this grand differentiation that determines greatness.

Bound in emotion the brain does not work properly

Sometimes people act impulsively and abuse another person verbally only to reflect on their poorly chosen words later and regret what they said. This type of circumstance is also a product of emotion or whim. The point being that when bound in emotion then one's brain is not working properly and one cannot recognise what they've really done until later when the mind has calmed down.

So everyone should briefly look at their past - and learn from it. One should examine the things they emphatically longed for, and evaluate where life is at present. 

When one's heart flow is grounded in bhakti (supreme love) that is permanent. It will stick with them their entire life and beyond and lead one up to the Goal. Then one's commitment for that ideal is rooted in a deep spiritual longing that will fuel the journey onward. Frustration and sadness never enter the mind of the sadhaka because their longing - their divine attachment - is for the Supreme.

Emotion for Supreme Entity is bhakti (supreme love) 

Commonly people know about sentiment. Mental pull towards any object is sentiment. In this letter many examples have been given. Sentiment is not stable - it rushes from A to B and then to C. Those who are more emotional cry meaninglessly. Or they say something which later they themselves feel was inappropriate or irrational.

When people direct their emotion to mundane things then they get dejected after some time because those things are very temporary. Their existence is not long-lasting and cannot bring eternal peace; so people get frustrated. The case with Parama Purusa is just the opposite. As much as your emotions flow towards Parama Purusa, that degree of enjoyment, or more, you will get. And when you are completely involved emotionally with Him then that is the state of bliss.

By this way one can understand that a strong mental flow to any worldly object is just emotion. But that very emotion is key to spirituality. If that emotion is goaded towards the Supreme Entity that is gold - the most precious thing. That is why Baba says that if people would run towards Parama Purusa with the same vigour that they run for name, fame, power, post, and money, then they will get everything.
Emotional feeling for Parama Purusa is bhakti. Bhakti (supreme love) is not some utopian idea. It is very practical. Intellectually, it is easy to understand and if one does sadhana then it becomes real in their life. So when one has an emotional pull towards Parama Purusa, then that life has become successful. The mind will be filled with bliss as Parama Purusa is bliss-personified.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Both emotion and bhakti (supreme love) are based on one's inner-heart desire - both bring a person to tears; but, the result of these two flows are dramatically different. What moves a person and makes them cry: Emotional upheaval or spiritual bliss. As Baba guides us, tears come for different reasons.

Baba says, "When you are in joy, tears will move like this [indicates a tear curving from the outer corner of the eye down the cheek]. In Saḿskrta it is called “Ánandáshru.” And when you are in pain, tears will move like this [indicates a tear falling straight downward] – in Saḿskrta it is called “Shokáshru”." (2)

Look back on your decisions: emotion or bhakti (supreme love)

Tears of bhakti will always reflect joy and lasting happiness whereas tears based on emotion often stem from sadness and loss. Here is an opportunity to reflect back on life to see what kind of choices were made. By viewing the past, one can understand if their life choices were motivated by emotion or bhakti (supreme love).

(A) Those decisions based on emotion or sentiment do not give long-lasting, positive results. And there are so many other examples of the whimsical nature of decisions based on emotion.

(B) In contrast, those life choices based on bhakti or divine love result in long-lasting benefit and gain. The glory and permanence of those decisions never diminishes; it remains for the entire life and beyond. The decision to take initiation into Ananda Marga sadhana is one such example. This spiritual choice is lasting and permanent. After reflecting on the past and learning from those situations, one should take the firm determination that from today onwards all decisions will be based on bhakti (supreme love) - by His grace. Then their one’s will be sterling and sweet, and their future will be bright and joyful.

Haphazardly, swept away by whim, is called “emotion” 

A yogic monk sheds tears in dhyana sadhana. Are those tears based on emotion or bhakti (supreme love). Some may think that the sannyasi is just being emotional, but in truth his attachment is for something permanent. It is not a fleeting desire but rather a deep link with Ista and adarsha. The sannyasin’s flow of heart is aimed toward the divine - his tears are out of bhakti (supreme love).

This crystal-clear distinction often gets muddied in the eyes of the casual observer when actually the difference is quite stark. Here is how Baba describes it in His historic June 1990 DMC discourse, "The Cult of Spirituality."

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When the mind moves along a particular track or follows a particular discipline in a methodical way, this is called “devotion” or bhakti; but when it does not follow a particular method, when it moves haphazardly, swept away by whim, it is called “emotion”. This is the fundamental difference between devotion and emotion. You must know this clear-cut silver line of demarcation between devotion and emotion." (3)

Sadguru Baba guides us that there is a heaven and hell difference between emotion (whim) and bhakti (divine love). Even then, when people see another's tears, they often get confused and misunderstand the reason behind those tears. As a sadhaka, one should clearly understand the difference between emotion and bhakti and be able to apply it to daily living. One should understand to what degree their life was shaped by emotion in the past as well as ensure that in the future one wholeheartedly sticks to the path of bhakti (divine love).

A person is quick to toss aside mundane allurements and various gadgets due to the emotional nature of the attraction. Whereas when one is involved in spiritual pursuits, with the sole motive to please Parama Purusa like sadhana, social service, and ideological work, then the sadhaka will continue in those endeavours their entire life and beyond. Those projects will go on and on and never lose their appeal because the motivation behind them is bhakti (supreme love) - to please Parama Purusa and Parama Purusa is eternal.

Thus there is a world of difference between emotion and bhakti (supreme love). The first is fleeting and invites misery and the second is lasting and will lead one to greatness, i.e. a life of service for the Supreme.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, One Should Know Everything
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

He is in this world

"Ábár kii? re álo elo, dhulor e dhará te..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0615)


O' human being, look what a liila? See the great refulgence. Behold! Parama Purusa has come again onto this dusty earth. The flood of the Divine Entity has appeared. Open your eyes. Look, gaze, with heartfelt longing, the Lord of Radiance, the Supreme Entity has manifested. The One you have been waiting for since ages has taken advent.

The trees and creepers throughout this wilderness are filled with colours. Now everywhere - on land, in water, and in the sky - in this heavenly intoxicating night the dance of panorama has created a divine vibration. He has ascended on this mortal earth again.

Because of His supreme presence, everything has changed. The minds and hearts, which were crying in sorrow and pain, are now dancing in joy with rhythm and melody. The sweet breeze is blowing full of fragrance. With flashes of smiling brilliance, the fountain is dancing. He is in this world to remove all suffering and establish dharma. On this dusty earth, Parama Purusa Baba is here....

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Ignorance of religious dogmas: burning ghee & clouds

Ananda Marga ideology states, "When the ancient people were faced with immense obstacles, they would perform sacrificial ceremonies for the propitiation of the gods, for they were not acquainted with the scientific methods to surmount those obstacles. They thought that there was no difference between the smoke produced by burning ghee in fire and the clouds in the sky. They were unaware that the former is composed of unburnt carbon-particles of ghee and the latter are basically a combination of hydrogen and oxygen which appears to be blackish under certain circumstances. Even today if people misuse ghee by burning it in a sacrificial fire, they certainly do it out of total ignorance." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Struggle and Progress

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Sadguru’s proclamation: Dharma belongs to all

Ananda Marga ideology says, "I dedicate A'nanda Ma'rga in this DMC to all sections of society...from this DMC onwards I have become a man of the people because I believe that dharma is the property of the masses, not the exclusive monopoly of a handful of so-called educated middle class elite. Dharma belongs to one and all. From this DMC, I recognise it as the property of the common people." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Spiritual Truth Surpasses Everything