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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Sustainability in community + 2 more

Sustainability in community

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


The various religions preach that one should not point out another’s misdeeds or poor conduct. This includes the Semitic religions as they feel that it is beyond their scope to point out any wrongdoing. But Ananda Marga ideology is dharma, and our approach is radically different from the various religions. Sadguru Baba guides us that all should get the opportunity to progress, yet that can only occur when one’s wrongs are pointed out and rectified. So we do not close our eyes to injustice the way followers of Gandhi do.

Gandhi’s three monkeys

Gandhi ji used to keep 3 monkey idols with him at all times. One of those monkey idols had both hands covering its eyes; another monkey idol had both hands covering its mouth; and the other monkey idol had two hands covering its ears. Gandhiji kept these three idols in front of him wherever he went to serve as a reminder to overlook others’ sinful actions.

Gandhi ji was a stooge of capitalists, and by these three monkey idols he was giving the silent message:
  • (a) do not look towards the injustices of those capitalists;
  • (b) do not point out or speak against those capitalist exploiters;
  • (c) do not pay heed to those who oppose those capitalists.

So the various religions refrain from pointing out others as they know in their heart of hearts that their own rules are dogmatic and nonsensical. Plus as there was no clear-cut code of what to follow and what not, and hence they did not feel empowered to evaluate anyone else.

Root cause of diminishing number of margiis, Wts

Ananda Margiis are not the stooges of wrongdoers and we know that our own teachings are rational, logical, and grounded in benevolence. In our Ananda Marga way of life, we aim to make society better by pointing out the ills and following dharma. Sadguru Baba has given all the required conduct rules and guidelines for leading a dharmic life. So if anyone veers off the path then it is our duty to point them out. And by this everyone is benefited, individually and collectively.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly. Thus they will have to make the society strong.” (1)

Everyone is well aware that under Sadguru Baba's loving and watchful guardianship our esteemed Wt cadre grew into a force of hundreds upon hundreds of workers - into the thousands. Unfortunately, since 1990, that number has been diminishing - at first slowly and then quite rapidly. From time to time, new cases come to the fore where another worker decides to leave their WT-ship. So with full vigour let us analyse this situation to understand the nature of the problem and by Baba's grace implement a solution.

Lazy margiis, Wts not following Sixteen Points

The common theme is that there is a tendency for some workers to become "relaxed" in following their conduct rules and Sixteen Points. In a nutshell, some margiis and Wts begin thinking that (a) Baba is now gone, and (b) the organisation is weak. With that outlook and in that situation, some margiis and Wts become less vigilant in following their various codes of conduct. And that leads to big problems.

Every margii knows that Baba has given so many sets of conduct rules: Sixteen Points, Yama & Niyama, Fifteen Shiilas, Social Norms etc. Everyone in our Ananda Marga must follow these. Plus for workers there are many more codes of conduct like:  (a) '32 Rules for Avadhutas', (b) '37 Workers Rules', (c) 'Fourteen Points', (d) 'Six Additional Rules', (e) 'The One Point', etc. All these rules are to be followed by each and every worker.

And in result, by following Baba's allotted conduct rules, margiis and workers alike, step by step, become established in dharmic life. First it becomes a habit, and then it becomes one’s nature. So all these rules are Baba's great blessing on us: Whereby we can advance along the path and become assets of the society. Following His prescribed conduct rules protects us from falling and getting degenerated.

Why impossible to continue their wt life

Certainly we have many strong workers in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. At the same time, a few become dissatisfied or disillusioned and ultimately leave. One reason is that they became "relaxed", i.e. negligent, in following their daily conduct rules. This problem does not happen overnight, but is a gradual process. For example, first shortening sadhana, then stopping dances and asanas, then doing less svadhyaya, and then filling that void with pseudo-culture food and movies etc. It can happen any number of ways.

The point being that little by little some workers get caught in the grip of avidya maya - until finally they feel it impossible to continue their Wt life and they become allured toward general societal trends. By this way over the last 24 years, we have lost many wts. And the root cause behind it all is not following our Ananda Marga conduct rules.

God-given duty of margiis

Baba has given the duty to Wts to look after the psycho spiritual progress of family persons. Plus Baba has given the responsibility to family persons to look after and watch over the well-being of Wts. However, generally speaking, margiis are shy to point out Wts. So even if a margii sees that a particular wt is not properly following a certain point then 99% of the time that margii will just ignore the matter. They will not say anything to that worker - even if they know something is wrong.

In such a situation, because of their religious background or due to an overall lack of confidence, some margiis feel shy and intimidated to say anything to that Wt and are fearful of backlash from that Wt. It is a type of psychic complex. Unfortunately the end result is drastic: Some Wts end up leaving their acaryaship. That is the sad outcome. So with renewed vigour and energy we should all take up the task of helping one and all be strict in moral and spiritual conduct.

How to prevent the loss of workers

Our duty is to watch and ensure that our esteemed workers are abiding by our Ananda Marga conduct rules. That is, we should see that all are (a) getting proper scope and time for sadhana, (b) doing their fasting, and (c) reading Baba's books, not pseudo-culture magazines etc. Plus, things like pop-culture movies, television, and junk food are to be avoided. Using common sense, margiis should look around to make sure everyone, all margiis and Wts, are ok and moving in the right direction, not getting caught in the net of avidya maya.


By this process, margiis can prevent the loss of workers and help bring about their welfare. This system of checking one another is Baba's prescribed program. So margiis should know and be aware about the various conduct rules and by that way margiis can politely raise the matter to margiis and Wts - if and when needed. This is a point of prevention and one's moral responsibility - geared entirely toward the welfare of our Ananda Marga society.

Sadguru Baba says, "I direct every Ananda Margi to keep strict vigilance on other Ananda Margi to make them practise the principles of Yama and Niyama." (1)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Why strict vigilance on all

Here is Baba's guideline that states margiis should ensure that everyone - family margiis & wholetimers - is properly adhering to our Ananda Marga conduct rules.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The establishment of an ideal society depends on the mutual help of the members and their cooperative behaviour. This cooperative behaviour depends on the practice of the principles of Yama and Niyama; so, spiritual practices, especially the practice of Yama and Niyama, are the sound foundation of an ideal society...All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly. Thus they will have to make the society strong. Henceforth I direct every Ananda Margi to keep strict vigilance on other Ananda Margi to make them practise the principles of Yama and Niyama." (2)

In Baba’s above guideline, He uses the term “Ananda Margii.” There should not be any confusion about this. According to the Supreme Command, all are margiis; Wts including PP Dada are also Ananda Margiis, not just family people. That means every initiated person - every Ananda Margii - is responsible for ensuring that all (i.e. family margiis, Lfts, Wts, purodhas and PP Dada) are properly adhering to Guru’s given rules of conduct.

Remember, the Supreme Command given by Sadguru Baba includes everyone from the newly initiated margii up to Purodha Pramukha Dada. Every initiated person - family margiis and Wts - must do their sadhana twice daily. No one - regardless of their post or social standing - is exempt from Baba's order: "Therefore every Ananda Margii will have to perform sadhana twice a day invariably." Hence, everyone in Ananda Marga comes within the category of "Ananda Margii", including all Wts and purodhas etc.

Baba says: keep watch on one another on 16 Points

Sadguru Baba says, "Regarding the Sixteen Points, it was said that ácárya/ás or senior persons would see if you were observing them properly or not. Similarly, I gave a directive to all that they should keep watch on one another. No one will exempt anyone else regarding the Sixteen Points." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If you find that the conduct of an individual is antisocial, you should try to reform his or her nature by resorting to whatever severe measures may be necessary. Remember, he or she is not your enemy, but his/her conduct is the enemy of your society." (4)

Pointing out others is birthright

Sadguru Baba guides us, "From the social or human viewpoint, everybody has the right to correct the behaviour of everyone else. This is the birthright of every human being. No scholar can dispute the right of people to correct the shortcomings of those with whom they come in contact. The recognition of this right is indispensable for the health of society." (5)

By following Baba's above guidelines we will be able to correct any problems and bring everyone onto the right path. Indeed this is one unique aspect of our Ananda Marga society, and the best way to help each other advance. In result, Baba will be pleased and our organisation and Ananda Marga society will be stronger and stronger.

Here it should be added that pointing out can be done in all kinds of ways. Being gentle and encouraging is a very good way to start. Only if the problem is severe and recurring, and the concerned worker is not paying any mind to your reminders, should more forceful measures be employed. Let us remember that the goal is to rectify that person for their well-being and growth, not anything else.

1. Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in Society
2. Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in Society
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
4. Caryacarya - 2, Society, pt #19
5. Human Society - 1, Justice

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Fateful tale of Kalachand

Prout philosophy states, “The second inviolable principle is that people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. People will not leave a religion if it is able to guide them properly on the path of Dharma….”

Prout philosophy states, “There is a well-known story about a Zamindar from Bengal called Kalachand Roy, later Kalapahar, who was a follower of Kálii. He worshipped a stone image of Kálii with great devotion. At that time some invaders, belonging to another religion, started a campaign to destroy all Hindu temples and deities. When Kalachand’s temple was about to be destroyed, he prayed to Kálii saying, “Mother, I do not have the power to protect you, so please protect yourself.” But how can a stone idol protect itself? In due course his temple and idol were destroyed, and Kalachand lost faith in Kálii. He was converted to the religion of the invaders, and became known as Sheik Kaluddin Khan. He launched his own campaign of terror throughout Bengal and Orissa and forcibly converted people to his new religion. He disfigured deities, destroyed temples and threatened people with physical violence to convert them. Once he travelled to Kashi and set about converting a widow who also happened to be his elder sister. She refused to succumb to his threats, and scolded him mercilessly for his bad behaviour.”

Prout philosophy states, “This made him realize the error of his ways, and he abandoned his campaign. If Hinduism had not practiced idol worship, Kalachand would not have been converted. Because of his forcible conversion, Kalachand became extremely hostile towards Hinduism and launched his own campaign of terror against it. A religion [in real sense dharma] should be so strong that no one can be converted from it.” (1)

Note: In the last paragraph the term religion was used but the real sense is dharma. Baba is talking about dharma, because as we know all religions have defects. 

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Were there aryan apes or brahmin apes

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Another excellent example of vested interest is the caste system! Once a section of people established its supremacy over others through the power of superior knowledge and intellect. Even today the descendants of that section of people want their social supremacy and opportunities for exploitation to continue unchallenged.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #6

Note: Around the globe by one way or another people exploit their fellow human beings. Racists think that those with a different skin colour are inferior. So-called higher caste Hindus think that the lower caste is inferior. By this way they inject an inferiority complex and exploit others. Remember: when all humans have come from apes then were there Aryan apes or brahmin apes? The conclusion is that these distinctions of casteism and racism are man-made to exploit others. Verily, racism and casteism are preposterous. Those who believe and propagate these rotten dogmas and unjust notions are human-shaped animals. They are a burden to the peace and tranquility of society.

== Section 2: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest